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6. 7. 8. 9. 'Did you have any time off?' 'Are you feeling tired?' 'Did you have any problems?' 'Do you feel confident about your studies?'

A. Report these sentences:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 'When will the new product be ready?' 'How much time are you planning to spend in London?' 'Where do you intend to go next summer?' 'Did you have a good trip?' 'Was the hotel OK?'

B. Report this text:

Mrs Watson and Mrs Potter are good friends. They speak warmly of one another. "What a wonderful cook you are, Mrs Potter! Your cakes are much better than mine. Can you tell me your secret?" "Certainly, Mrs Watson! Use a little more water and much less flour. You need to make a wetter mixture. I always add a little sea salt and a few spices. I promise you that they will improve the flavour!" "Oh, thank you, Mrs Potter! By the way, can I use your oven? It is hotter than mine. I asked my husband to buy me a new cooker, but he said that I was too extravagant..... more extravagant than his first wife. Are men all the same or is your husband kinder than mine?" "Well, every person is different and every man is a different problem! Of course, you can use my cooker, Mrs Watson! There is never any problem between intelligent women, is there?"

C. You are a new person. You have a new country, a new nationality and a new name. You are not in the classroom. You are not a student of English.
1. Where are you? [For example: in a cinema, on a mountain, at home] 2. Where have you just come from? [For example: from home, from work, from the shops] 3. What were you doing there? [For example: I was washing, I was typing] 4. How are you feeling? [If "happy" or "sad", ask: "Why?"] 5. Where are you going to next? 6. What are you going to do? 7. What's your nationality? [Give your new nationality] 8. What's your name? [Give your new name] 9. What's your marital status? [single, married, separated, divorced, widowed] 10. Have you any children? [If so, what are their names and ages?] 11. Who do you live with, if anybody? 12. What's your job? 13. What are your plans for the future? 14. What are the biggest problems in your life? 15. What do you do in your free time? 16. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? religious or agnostic? hard-working or lazy? healthy or unhealthy?

D. Join the two sentences using and, so, because, but or or.
1. I could not go out last night. I was too busy. 2. I could not go with my friend. My friend went without me. 3. My friend went to the cinema to see a film. The film wasn't very good. 4. The cinema was full of people. They were all smoking. 5. I like people. I don't like smoke. 6. Do you want an orange juice? Would you like a beer? 7. It was my birthday. He didn't send me a card. 8. I didn't write to him. He didn't write to me.

E. Your Title

Mary could not go out with me ________ I invited Anne instead. Anne was very happy to accept my invitation __________ the film was very popular. Anne and I had a good time ________ next day Mary was very angry. "Do you love me _______ do you love Anne?" she asked me. "I like both you _______ Anne," I answered. "Look!" said Mary. "Either you go out with me ______ you go out with Anne. You can't love both me ________ Anne at the same time." "Why not?" I answered. "___________ it's not fair." I asked Mary if she would go out with me tonight ________ she said that she had a new boyfriend __________ didn't want to see me again ________ I didn't really love her. I phoned Anne ___________ she said she was busy ________ now I'm alone.

F. Report:

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