Their Plan A, Involving Thousands of Terra-Forming Aircraft Flying Secret Missions Every Day of

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Re: the current swine flu pandemic

Please discuss this message with as many of your family and friends as you are able.

Please do not accept Tamiflu or Relenza or any other anti viral drug recommended by our own
government, the world health organization (WHO) or any of their agencies.

Please this is urgent.

Ninety per cent of these drugs contain receptors and triggers designed to receive and activate
within the host a second swine flu virus to be released at the end of this summer throughout the
northern hemisphere and the rest of the world.

The second swine flu virus will have a mortality rate of 100% for those who have previously
consumed these so called anti viral drugs containing these receptors and triggers.

The world's governments are struggling to prevent the ice caps from melting because of global

Their plan A, involving thousands of terra-forming aircraft flying secret missions every day of
the week all around the world cannot keep the world cool enough at the current green house
gas emission rate. (see "chem trails" on the internet, turning blue sky's silvery white to reflect
some of our suns heat back into space).

Their plan B, the world's governments have secretly agreed amongst themselves to cull over
6 billion people to achieve their "sustainable" human population of 500million.

Their justification, the existing world's population would all be dead had the terra forming planes
not done their work over the last 10years. In other words, we have been living on borrowed time
and in their minds the cull is more a sacrifice than genocide.

After the cull, the remaining world's population have survived either because they had not
consumed these anti viral drugs, or they had consumed the specially batched anti viral drugs
which do not contain the receptors and triggers and are produced under the same name Tamiflu
or Relenza, or because they received the cure.
These special batches are being sent to areas around the world selected by post codes/zip
codes and where it has been deemed by their governments for people to survive and live.

If you have any doubts about this message please ask this one question.

How was it possible the World Health Organization, prior to the Mexican outbreak, to have
known to recommend countries standardize throughout the world and stock pile Tamiflu and
Relenza, anti viral drugs containing swine, bird and human DNA ?

Fact, until this year’s outbreak in Mexico, this mix of DNA has never previously existed in human
influenza history!

Existing stock piles of these so called anti viral drugs for example include, over 50 million doses
in the USA, 30million doses in the UK and over 30million doses in France.

The previous SAR's and Bird flu outbreaks were test trials on humans and the recent anthrax
outbreaks were test trials to cull animal livestock.

The current credit crunch is due to the deliberate cessation of credit by the central banks to
ensure the global economy is collapsed, to make way for a new green global economy built by
the survivors, using access to new credit/money made available by these same central banks.

To hasten the death of billions of people, the world will soon experience weather conditions
without the terra forming aircraft after they are deliberately grounded.

Mass starvation follows global food production failure after droughts, horrifying weather
conditions and loss of animal livestock though anthrax.

Draft legislation for future weather control is submitted to the world's governments.

Another war in the Middle East, designed to provide the excuse needed to prevent the flow of
natural gas and oil supplies will ensure the further demise of billions of peoples as energy for
industry, heating, transport and fertilizers for food production are no longer available.

The central banks include the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve, the European Bank
and Deutch Bank. These are all modern day examples of the most powerful positions/office held
within kingdoms of old.

Known then and now as the Chancellor of the Exchequer or the Treasury Secretary or the
Finance Minister, these positions provided the monopoly to manufacture the
only permitted currency/money within the kingdom. In partnership with the king, the citizens
were compelled to use their currency.
The countless wars over the countless years of human history were never about protecting a
country and its citizens, they were fought to protect the kings and his finance ministers control
over the right to manufacture money in their kingdom.

Today the average high street retail bank borrows from the wholesale bank, who borrows from
the central bank of that country who manufactures the money.

These central banks are all regulated and licensed by the IMF the ultimate central bank.

The central banks have stopped creating the credit/money under the instructions iof the IMF.

Again under the instructions of the IMF, the central banks created the so called American
mortgage crisis to draw the attention away from themselves.

Secretly financing and operating a massive effort with 1000's of terra forming aircraft is an
example of the enormous positive ability to get things done by writing up credit.

After the excesses of the European Monarchs and responding to the 18th century civil unrest
and calls for liberty from the growing masses, the holders of the treasury office organized
themselves across Europe and decided it was time to evolve.

They financed and created the Napoleonic movement to take over and regain control of the
Republic of France. They financed the creation of his army and used this power to throw Europe
into turmoil to destroy the fledgling movement for liberty.

The financed and encouraged multi party democracies to emerge across Europe and kept their
ultimate control by selecting and grooming unwittingly their leaders.

In the Americas, they financed the movement by the colonist against the British, leading
eventually to the Declaration of Independence and the establishment of the United States of

From George Washington, to George Bush (2), to Barrack Obama, they have ensured
Presidents if they knew it or not were always their groomed Presidents.

They arranged for two Presidents to be shot. Both dying and not knowing they were sacrificed
for the cause of their evolutionary path for mankind.

Abraham Lincoln shot dead, a sacrifice to heal a nation after achieving his shared passion with
the bankers for the movement towards racial harmony in the new world.

John F Kennedy shot dead, deemed to dangerous after threatening the destruction of their
beloved world through nuclear annihilation.

They planned and financed fascism, Hitler and the Third Reich. They financed and supported
communism and Stalin's merciless style to foster a growing hatred of dictatorships within the

They financed both the development of nuclear weapons and espionage, to ensure the
balanced proliferation of these weapons and the growing unwillingness by the world's masses to
venture into world war ever again.

All this for their evolutionary path for mankind.

Money or credit, like the miracle fertilizers and weed killers bought in the garden centers is used
by them at will for population growth or decline.

They created the welfare state to take the steam out of the militant movements and to keep and
reinforce their control.

In the latter half of the 20th century, they were convinced by their scientists that global warming
left unchecked was a major threat to all life on our planet.

By the mid 1970's they had their preliminary plan to combat this threat.

During the 1980's their leaders, President Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, staged the
detente period to make way for future cooperation between the super powers and leading
ultimately towards their secret agreement to fly terra forming aircraft over each others territory.

Increasingly American, Russian, European and Chinese terra forming planes fly 1000's
missions daily all over the world turning blue skies silvery white.

At high altitude where clouds cannot form and where the air is to dry for condensation, they fly
day and night mostly unnoticed by the world's population. Their positions are only revealed
when high atmospheric pressure exists and they can be seen during the day light hours redoing
what nature has undone. Against a back ground of natural blue sky their tell tell " chem trails"
can be seen gradually widening and merging with other chem trails re-establishing the silvery
white illusion of full cloud cover above the lower lying clouds floating below.

These secret "Terra Former Superhero's" provide a shield to protect our world and allow us to
continue our daily existence below totally unaware.

Abuse by the central banks is common in this age. The deliberate cessation of credit to modern
economies is one such abuse causing economic recessions and depressions at will.

Secretly financing a massive operation to cull over 6 billion people world wide is another
example of the abuse this unique position is capable of when allowed to grow into a global
network of likewise empowered individuals.

The growing worldwide awareness movement, believe there is no limit to the sustainable
population level and that we can now enter a new age of enlightenment where the secret control
is replaced by a responsible hardworking population taking full and proper active participation.

We believe people need to shoulder their own responsibilities and urgently work towards
reducing their own carbon footprint and we believe that mankind can survive and evolve much
further for the benefit of our children and our children's children.

Please if you develop flu symptoms consult your doctor, ask him or her to prescribe alternative
medicines and do not be tempted to consume these so called anti virals Tamiflu or Relenza.

If you have already consumed these drugs, be prepared to isolate yourself from the second
swine flu virus to be released at the end of this summer. Eventually they will release the cure
and hopefully you can survive until then.

Finally, the media recently reported the formation of an artificial nebular (quantity of debris
orbiting the earth). It was reported this nebular is the result of two satellites colliding.

The world can expect very soon the entire communication system for ordinary peoples to be
simply switched off as the world is told the cascading effect from this initial collision causes
more satellites to be damaged and more debris and the nebular increasing in size eventually
destroying all the communication satellites.

Time is running out people, please, wake up!

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