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Tweets from Tuesday 15th October 2013 Topic: Early Years Manifesto written by the sector for the

e sector @EYTalking: Right are we ready Early Years folks? What should go into OUR #EYmanifesto #EYTalking @BAPN: @EYTalking Clear, consistent rules and standards governing all EY and childcare provision #EYmanifesto #EYTalking @signoramac: @EYTalking Play to stay at the heart of our practice for healthy #braindevelopment in children #EYtalking @EYTalking: Play to stay at the heart of our practice for healthy #braindevelopment in children #EYtalking @00sixpointfive: @signoramac @EYTalking Everything starts with the child is such an important principle and one which seems to overlooked by so many @BAPN: @signoramac @EYTalking Play 2 b covered in all EY qualifications too! Without an understanding of play practioners can't be effective. @EYTalking: @staffseypn Yes, we can include. #EYTalking @courteneyccs: @EYTalking Clear consideration and consultation with all EY stakeholders #EYTalking @BAPN: That would be a great start! A commitment to listening to the sector and taking views on board #EYTalking @signoramac: @BAPN1 @EYTalking A minister for children and families #EYtalking @00sixpointfive: @BAPN1 @EYTalking Recognition that each unique child is part of an unique family 1/2 @signoramac @BAPN1 @EYTalking and that by engaging & working with each family we will achieve the best for each child 2/2 @earlyyearscpd: @signoramac: @EYTalking Play to stay at the heart of our practice for healthy #braindevelopment in children #EYtalking @EYTalking: @staffseypn Also, linked to this petition, which discusses 1001 days #EYTalking @BAPN: @courteneyccs @EYTalking That would be a great start! A commitment to listening to the sector and taking views on board #EYTalking @EYFS_lancs: @EYTalking ..from previous setting as a baseline. Does other LAs do this? #EYTalking @JamesJMatthews: @EYFS_lancs @EYTalking In Jersey we stopped baseline about 5 yrs ago. Just use learning journeys / FSP to end of FS Collated by Laura Henry & Virtual Support

@earlyyearscpd: Policy informed by evidenced based research #eytalking #eymanifesto @LauraChildcare: Rights of the child central to an #EYManifesto #EYTalking @signoramac @LauraChildcare #UNCRC Articles #3 #12 #29 #31 in particular #EYTalking @LPerrins: Laura Perrins @LauraChildcare Art 5, 16 and 31 very important here. Governments must respect parents rights and responsibilities. @LPerrins: @LauraChildcare Children have right to family and home life. #EYmanifesto #EYTalking @supportscn: #EYTalking Prioritising & protecting children's well-being above political or commercial agenda as per TooMuchTooSoon Campaign SS @staffseypn: #eytalking recognition for EYPs / EYT's in the maintained sector and not just preschools and nurseries! #equality @EYTalking: The child is the priority, NOT getting parents into work! #EYmanifesto #EYTalking @BAPN1: @Sue_Cowley @EYTalking And support for them to provide a nurturing home environment #EYTalking @earlyyearscpd: Recognition of the economic importance of childcare #eymanifesto #eytalking @staffseypn: Continued support and guidance for EY practitioners, post qualification! #eytalking #eyfs #cpd @LPerrins: Right of parents to care for children at home must be in manifesto #EYmanifesto #EYTalking @mumsdadsmatter @signoramac: @LauraChildcare #UNCRC Articles #3 #12 #29 #31 in particular #EYTalking @LincsMont: #EYtalking #EYmanifesto Can we use Nutbrown's 'Respectful Educators, Capable Learners' as a principle - children's rights as starting point. @EYTalking: Remembering the main principle of the 1989 Children Act: 'The welfare of the child is paramount at all times' #EYmanifesto #EYTalking @supportscn: @EYTalking Precisely. Policy needs to engage with real world families with a range of social, domestic & professional profiles #EYTalking @jacquiburkefp: Stop rhetoric about importance of EY. Give it the same status/value as rest of educational system #EYTalking @signoramac: @LPerrins @mumsdadsmatter Also choice in delaying entry to school at 5 if parents feel it is in the best interest of the child #EYtalking @courteneyccs: @signoramac @EYTalking @LPerrins @mumsdadsmatter or even 6.

Collated by Laura Henry & Virtual Support

@mumsdadsmatter:@signoramac @LPerrins Readiness for education should be child-led rather than prescribed #EYTalking @signoramac @mumsdadsmatter @LPerrins Agreed #EYTalking @dtchildcareplus: Policies and decisions should be in the best interest of the child. #eymanifesto #eytalking @EYFS_lancs: @staffseypn & clear progress pathways for EYP/EYTs #EYTalking @smastles: #EYmanifesto #EYTalking Detecting additional needs in EY is crucial, should be supported by local professionals, trust us! @EYTalking: @BAPN1 Indeed, that is why we still need to have a debate about agencies! Regulation for every provider. Child first not cost! #EYTalking @BAPN1: @EYTalking Over 110,000 nannies in the UK, approx 10% are registered and the vOCR does not provide effective regulation @regulation_mc @signoramac: @EYTalking @BAPN1 Deregulation of CMs via #agencies is the least effective way to keep children safe and lower costs #EYtalking @EYTalking: if you have been on my training, you know the story of me & the 1989 children act-will need to do a blog! #EYTalking @EYTalking: @BAPN1 Indeed, after all a child Deserves the best, regardless of the setting their attend. #EYTalking #EYManifesto @BAPN1: @EYTalking We feel this will only be achieved when nannies are regulated - big EY black hole at the moment #EYmanifesto @LPerrins: @LauraChildcare Children have right to family and home life. #EYmanifesto #EYTalking @EYTalking: @JuneOSullivan will collate both #EYTalking & #EYmanifesto tweets to share. @andymitchell73: #EYTalking Let's recognise that EY children are beings, not becomings. Allow them play, learn and to develop like children @EYTalking: @Sue_Cowley @fatherhoodinst is working on a national campaign on men in childcare #EYTalking #EYManifesto @signoramac: @EYTalking @BAPN1 Deregulation of CMs via #agencies is the least effective way to keep children safe and lower costs #EYtalking @courteneyccs: #EYtalking Policy based on evidenced based foundations which can evolve in coherently & sustainable manner. Quality must be the cornerstone @signoramac: @JuneOSullivan @EYTalking Clear distinction between subsidised #freeearlyeducation and 25 hrs of #freechildcare Who pays for it? #EYTalking @BAPN1:@signoramac @JuneOSullivan @EYTalking And who can deliver it?!

Collated by Laura Henry & Virtual Support

@earlyyearscpd: RT @LincsMont: #EYtalking #EYmanifesto Can we use Nutbrown's 'Respectful Educators, Capable Learners' as a principle - children's rights... @dtchildcareplus: To identify effective ways of engaging with parents, including those with children with SEN. #EYtalking #eymanifesto @EYFS_lancs: #EYTalking #EYmanifesto flexible entry for reception class at different stage during year @ LPerrins: #EYmanifesto #EYTalking When talking about under 5s children's right are best protected by parents (either caring at home or using childcare @LPerrins: #EYmanifesto #EYTalking Nonsense to talk about under 5s exercising their rights. It will be state that does this in the face of parents. @signoramac: @JuneOSullivan Is it in childrens interest for schools to open 8-6pm? do parents agree to #holdingpens as Laura calls them? #EYtalking @LPerrins: @signoramac @JuneOSullivan #EYmanifesto #EYTalking Remember there is not extra money for this - so private providers or frm school budget. @LPerrins: @signoramac @JuneOSullivan #EYmanifesto #EYTalking I don't think it is right a 5 year old does 8 - 6 in primary school. May like it at first @JuneOSullivan: @LPerrins @signoramac agree but for lots of children its safest place much depends what happens there.sadly not every child goes home to tea @signoramac: @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan Totally agree Where care is needed by parents CMs are best to offer a home environment #EYTalking @LPerrins: @signoramac @JuneOSullivan #EYmanifesto #EYTalking agree on this, Children need down time after school - cannot do this when STILL in school @signoramac: @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan We wait to hear from Tories and Labour where the money will come from if any @LPerrins: @signoramac @JuneOSullivan NO money from wrap around care. the 25 hrs of childcare (frm 15 hrs early years learning) is 'bank levy' dream @signoramac: @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan Play unwinding and a nutritious hot meal and #homework if time #EYTalking @EYFS_lancs: @LPerrins @signoramac @JuneOSullivan all focuses on getting parents into work & working longer hours. Children need family time #EYTalking @LPerrins: @EYFS_lancs @signoramac @JuneOSullivan I don't think the providers do this - they just provide the service. Govt is forcing Mums into work @signoramac: @EYFS_lancs @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan Employers must offer Parents more #flexibility if they wish to return to work #EYtalking @LPerrins: @JuneOSullivan @EYTalking @signoramac Yes, but surely these are the minority - and if so I think work with family and not separate our child Collated by Laura Henry & Virtual Support

@looloobyloo: @EYFS_lancs @EYTalking @LPerrins @signoramac @JuneOSullivan totally agree children need down time and time at home. Too much pressure early @EYFS_lancs: @signoramac @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan employers should work closely to provide childcare partnerships nearby #EYTalking @signoramac: @EYFS_lancs @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan As should schools directing parents to CMs for #afterschool care #EYtalking @signoramac: @looloobyloo @EYFS_lancs @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan If #truss has her way schools will take children from CMs to do #wraparound care Very sad @looloobyloo: @signoramac @EYFS_lancs @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan that way the govt can have total control, why not give the children over as soon as born :) @DJTom3: @LPerrins @signoramac @JuneOSullivan would that be all most all teaching time or after 3pm after school day care type thing? @signoramac: @looloobyloo @EYFS_lancs @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan We need parents on our side to stop govt They #might listen to them #votes counts at GE @looloobyloo: @signoramac @EYFS_lancs @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan all they want is popular votes not the interests of children at heart. @LPerrins: @DJTom3 @signoramac @JuneOSullivan No teaching after three. It will be just 'care' or really #holdingpens for children. @signoramac: @JuneOSullivan Is it in childrens interest for schools to open 8-6pm? do parents agree to #holdingpens as Laura calls them? #EYtalking @LPerrins: @signoramac @JuneOSullivan #EYmanifesto #EYTalking Remember there is not extra money for this - so private providers or frm school budget. @LPerrins: @signoramac @JuneOSullivan #EYmanifesto #EYTalking I don't think it is right a 5 year old does 8 - 6 in primary school. May like it at first @JuneOSullivan: @LPerrins @signoramac agree but for lots of children its safest place much depends what happens there.sadly not every child goes home to tea @signoramac: @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan Totally agree Where care is needed by parents CMs are best to offer a home environment #EYTalking @LPerrins: @signoramac @JuneOSullivan #EYmanifesto #EYTalking agree on this, Children need down time after school - cannot do this when STILL in school @signoramac: @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan We wait to hear from Tories and Labour where the money will come from if any #EYtalking @LPerrins: @signoramac @JuneOSullivan NO money from wrap around care. the 25 hrs of childcare (frm 15 hrs early years learning) is 'bank levy' dream @signoramac: @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan Play unwinding and a nutritious hot meal and #homework if time #EYTalking Collated by Laura Henry & Virtual Support

@EYFS_lancs: @LPerrins @signoramac @JuneOSullivan all focuses on getting parents into work & working longer hours. Children need family time #EYTalking @LPerrins: @EYFS_lancs @signoramac @JuneOSullivan I don't think the providers do this - they just provide the service. Govt is forcing Mums into work @signoramac: @EYFS_lancs @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan Employers must offer Parents more #flexibility if they wish to return to work #EYtalking @LPerrins: @JuneOSullivan @EYTalking @signoramac Yes, but surely these are the minority - and if so I think work with family and not separate our child @looloobyloo: @EYFS_lancs @EYTalking @LPerrins @signoramac @JuneOSullivan totally agree children need down time and time at home. Too much pressure early @EYFS_lancs: @signoramac @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan employers should work closely to provide childcare partnerships nearby #EYTalking @signoramac: @EYFS_lancs @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan As should schools directing parents to CMs for #afterschool care #EYtalking @signoramac: @looloobyloo @EYFS_lancs @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan If #truss has her way schools will take children from CMs to do #wraparound care Very sad @looloobyloo: @signoramac @EYFS_lancs @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan that way the govt can have total control, why not give the children over as soon as born :) @DJTom3: @LPerrins @signoramac @JuneOSullivan would that be all most all teaching time or after 3pm after school day care type thing? @signoramac: @looloobyloo @EYFS_lancs @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan We need parents on our side to stop govt They #might listen to them #votes counts at GE @looloobyloo: @signoramac @EYFS_lancs @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan all they want is popular votes not the interests of children at heart. @LPerrins: @DJTom3 @signoramac @JuneOSullivan No teaching after three. It will be just 'care' or really #holdingpens for children. @LPerrins: #EYmanifesto #EYTalking Clearly there are child protection issue for minority of cases - State asserts rights of child in this case (poorly) @dtchildcareplus: 2/2 as real progress will depend on the co-operation and collaboration of all involved in the care of the children. #EYTalking @LPerrins: @signoramac @JuneOSullivan #EYmanifesto #EYTalking Remember there is not extra money for this - so private providers or frm school budget. @signoramac: @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan We wait to hear from Tories and Labour where the money will come from if any #EYtalking @LPerrins: @signoramac @JuneOSullivan NO money from wrap around care. the 25 hrs of childcare (frm 15 hrs early years learning) is 'bank levy' dream Collated by Laura Henry & Virtual Support

@LPerrins: @signoramac @JuneOSullivan #EYmanifesto #EYTalking I don't think it is right a 5 year old does 8 - 6 in primary school. May like it at first @JuneOSullivan: @LPerrins @signoramac agree but for lots of children its safest place much depends what happens there.sadly not every child goes home to tea @signoramac: @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan Totally agree Where care is needed by parents CMs are best to offer a home environment #EYTalking @LPerrins: @signoramac @JuneOSullivan #EYmanifesto #EYTalking agree on this, Children need down time after school - cannot do this when STILL in school @signoramac: @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan Play unwinding and a nutritious hot meal and #homework if time #EYTalking @EYFS_lancs: @LPerrins @signoramac @JuneOSullivan all focuses on getting parents into work & working longer hours. Children need family time #EYTalking @LPerrins: @EYFS_lancs @signoramac @JuneOSullivan I don't think the providers do this - they just provide the service. Govt is forcing Mums into work @signoramac: @EYFS_lancs Starting #formalschool at 6 in line with rest of the world #EYtalking @DeborahFielden: @EYTalking parents/carers providing EY experiences at home 2/2 #EYTalking @earlyyearscpd: RT @jacquiburkefp: Stop rhetoric about importance of EY. Give it the same status/value as rest of educational system #EYTalking @earlyyearscpd: RT @signoramac: @EYFS_lancs Starting #formalschool at 6 in line with rest of the world #EYtalking @EYTalking: @DeborahFielden Good point! Inclusive for every child. All about starting with the child. #EYTalking #EYmanifesto @LPerrins: I thought practitioners did not like nappy cir as too restrictive? Am I wrong, has this changed? #EYmanifesto #EYTalking @EYTalking: @DeborahFielden Early learning within a home environment, have done training on this for parents. #EYTalking #EYManifesto @EYTalking: @DeborahFielden Mmm not a big fan of 'training parents'. We have been fine so far. But for those who want it fair enough @LPerrins: @EYTalking @DeborahFielden Mmm not a big fan of 'training parents'. We have been fine so far. But for those who want it fair enough. @tate48: @EYTalking @DeborahFielden practitioners working with parents and parents working with practitioners = more understanding of children @EYTalking: @LPerrins @DeborahFielden Good point, more workshops & welcomed by parents. More sharing. #EYTalking Collated by Laura Henry & Virtual Support

@EYFS_lancs:@LPerrins @EYTalking 'training' parents is used a lot in disadvantaged area in the form of family support/outreach services. #EYTalking @EYFS_lancs: @LPerrins @EYTalking depends on cohort of families & need #EYTalking @DeborahFielden: @LPerrins @EYTalking Agree to both points. Need to recognise parental choice to take full responsibility for their child's early years 1/2 @DeborahFielden:@LPerrins @EYTalking experiences without engaging with EY settings and professionals - my Mum did it! All about including all choices 2/2 @LPerrins:@EYFS_lancs @EYTalking #EYmanifesto I support this. It cna be tough in early years and all help and support is needed - esp for mums @ home @LPerrins: @EYFS_lancs @EYTalking #EYTalking Even the company can lift your day! (not that I am saying you are not skilled). @LPerrins: @EYFS_lancs @EYTalking I do try to keep abreast of EY developments myself so I guess this is the same thing. Supporting parents esp great. @DeborahFielden: @LPerrins @EYFS_lancs @EYTalking The work of organisations such as @homestartuk is invaluable in supporting families. @signoramac:@LPerrins @EYFS_lancs Can @Laurachildcare @JuneOSullivan organize training and @LPerrins attend? We can learn from each other #EYTalking @LPerrins: @signoramac @EYFS_lancs @LauraChildcare @JuneOSullivan God. as long as you don't tell me I have been doing it all wrong! Would love to. @00sixpointfive: @DeborahFielden @LPerrins @EYFS_lancs @EYTalking @homestartuk Homestart is fantastic. Its work is not given enough recognition. @DeborahFielden: @00sixpointfive @LPerrins @EYFS_lancs @EYTalking @homestartuk Or enough funding! Reliant on volunteers! @GeoffBilling:@EYTalking @DeborahFielden went to @blamehound s school today. They have an actual house for on site for such and other things! @00sixpointfive: @DeborahFielden @LPerrins @EYFS_lancs @EYTalking @homestartuk Absolutely. Local branch closed, partly due to loss of grants. @EYFS_lancs: @DeborahFielden @LPerrins @EYTalking @homestartuk many services #childrenscentres @aslongasittakes @ContactAFamily etc. #EYTalking @signoramac: @LPerrins Which makes a mockery of their consistent message #listentochildren #EYTalking LPerrins: @signoramac Sorry - lost you there? Is this 'rights of child' lingo. @courteneyccs: RT "@dtchildcareplus: To identify effective ways of engaging with parents, including those with children with SEN. #EYtalking #eymanifesto"

Collated by Laura Henry & Virtual Support

@signoramac: @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan Totally agree Where care is needed by parents CMs are best to offer a home environment #EYTalking @MSE_learning: 2nd Workshop 4 Parents BLOG Maths lots of practical/real life ideas for parents. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3! #EYTalking @EYFS_lancs: @00sixpointfive @EYTalking agree-baseline is already there from partnerships with parents,previous settings &children themselves #EYTalking @EYTalking: We recgonise that every child has the right to an education. But, it must mirror their developmental norms. #EYTalking #eymanifesto @LPerrins: @signoramac @JuneOSullivan #EYmanifesto #EYTalking agree on this, Children need down time after school - cannot do this when STILL in school @signoramac: @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan We wait to hear from Tories and Labour where the money will come from if any #EYtalking @LPerrins: @signoramac @JuneOSullivan NO money from wrap around care. the 25 hrs of childcare (frm 15 hrs early years learning) is 'bank levy' dream @EYTalking: @LPerrins @DeborahFielden Good point, more workshops & welcomed by parents. More sharing. #EYTalking @signoramac: @JuneOSullivan @EYTalking Rethinking the funding formula for #freeeducation It has to be #indexlinked in future #EYTalking @EYFS_lancs: @LPerrins @EYTalking 'training' parents is used a lot in disadvantaged area in the form of family support/outreach services. #EYTalking @EYFS_lancs: @LPerrins @EYTalking 'training' parents is used a lot in disadvantaged area in the form of family support/outreach services. #EYTalking @EYFS_lancs: @LPerrins @EYTalking depends on cohort of families & need #EYTalking @EYTalking: Closely analyse the funding that goes to Organisations, does it really have an impact on children's outcomes? #EYTalking #EYManifesto @signoramac: @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan Play unwinding and a nutritious hot meal and #homework if time #EYTalking @EYTalking15: There has been some excellent initiatives over the years. But, a lot of waste, as well! #EYTalking #EYManifesto @LPerrins: Re ourtcomes are we talking cognitive, emotional, attachment, security? #EYmanifesto #EYTalking All very different. @signoramac: @JuneOSullivan @EYTalking Is the Minister reading and listening ? #EYtalking @signoramac: @LPerrins The former will be stronger if #attachment is secure trusted and reliable #EYtalking Collated by Laura Henry & Virtual Support

@EYTalking15: Look at all the funding that goes into EY. More joined up thinking. #EYTalking #EYManifesto @courteneyccs: Agreed! RT "@EYTalking: There has been some excellent initiatives over the years. But, a lot of waste, as well! #EYTalking #EYManifesto" @supportscn: All necessary RT @LPerrins:Re ourtcomes r we talking cognitive, emotional, attachment, security? #EYmanifesto #EYTalking All v different. @signoramac: @EYTalking Only if it reaches the providers #directly That is what #truss wants but no sign of it #EYtalking @EYFS_lancs: @signoramac @EYTalking LAs can fund settings NOT good/outstanding currently- surely has an impact..only a negative one though! #EYTalking @signoramac: @EYFS_lancs @EYTalking Lets not go that way CMs still unable to access funding in some #LAs #truss has done nothing about it #EYtalking @mumsdadsmatter: @signoramac @LPerrins Readiness for education should be child-led rather than prescribed #EYTalking @signoramac: @mumsdadsmatter @LPerrins Agreed #EYTalking @LPerrins: @EYFS_lancs @EYTalking #EYTalking Even the company can lift your day! (not that I am saying you are not skilled). @signoramac: @LPerrins @EYFS_lancs Can @Laurachildcare @JuneOSullivan organize training and @LPerrins attend? We can learn from each other #EYTalking @LPerrins: @signoramac @EYFS_lancs @LauraChildcare @JuneOSullivan God. as long as you don't tell me I have been doing it all wrong! Would love to. @signoramac: @LPerrins @EYFS_lancs @LauraChildcare @JuneOSullivan Shared learning I believe! very valuable for all #EYtalking @EYBusiness: #EYtalking operate our own inspection framework. Include business sustainability as aspect of quality. @mumsdadsmatter: @supportscn completely agree #EYTalking #putchildrenfirst #mahm #sahm @signoramac: @mumsdadsmatter @LPerrins Agreed #EYTalking @mumsdadsmatter: @signoramac @LPerrins Readiness for education should be childled rather than prescribed #EYTalking @earlyyearscpd: RT @signoramac: @EYTalking Only if it reaches the providers #directly That is what #truss wants but no sign of it #EYtalking @dtchildcareplus: @EYTalking yes. Seems we are forever being introduced to new initiatives, some before we've fully acclimatised to the last one! #EYTalking

Collated by Laura Henry & Virtual Support

@signoramac: @dtchildcareplus @EYTalking #Consistency and #accountability from #ofsted and #DfE #EYTalking @EYFS_lancs: @LPerrins @signoramac @JuneOSullivan all focuses on getting parents into work & working longer hours. Children need family time #EYTalking @EYTalking: Focus on the needs/rights of the child, parents & providers. Separate debates & solutions #EYTalking #EYManifesto @courteneyccs: RT "@EYTalking: Focus on the needs/rights of the child, parents & providers. Separate debates & solutions #EYTalking #EYManifesto" @EYTalking: More funding for CPD, for all providers & individuals. #EYTalking #EYmanifesto @signoramac: @LPerrins @EYFS_lancs Can @Laurachildcare @JuneOSullivan organize training and @LPerrins attend? We can learn from each other #EYTalking @LPerrins: @signoramac @EYFS_lancs @LauraChildcare @JuneOSullivan God. as long as you don't tell me I have been doing it all wrong! Would love to. @signoramac: @LPerrins @EYFS_lancs @LauraChildcare @JuneOSullivan Shared learning I believe! very valuable for all #EYtalking @signoramac: @EYFS_lancs @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan Employers must offer Parents more #flexibility if they wish to return to work #EYtalking @EYFS_lancs: @signoramac @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan employers should work closely to provide childcare partnerships nearby #EYTalking @signoramac: @EYFS_lancs @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan As should schools directing parents to CMs for #afterschool care #EYtalking @signoramac: @dtchildcareplus @EYTalking #Consistency and #accountability from #ofsted and #DfE #EYTalking @EYTalking: There has been some excellent initiatives over the years. But, a lot of waste, as well! #EYTalking #EYManifesto @dtchildcareplus: @EYTalking yes. Seems we are forever being introduced to new initiatives, some before we've fully acclimatised to the last one! #EYTalking @EYFS_lancs: @signoramac @EYTalking LAs can fund settings NOT good/outstanding currently- surely has an impact..only a negative one though! #EYTalking @EYTalking: Closely analyse the funding that goes to Organisations, does it really have an impact on children's outcomes? #EYTalking #EYManifesto @signoramac: @EYTalking Only if it reaches the providers #directly That is what #truss wants but no sign of it #EYtalkin @NCrNE: #EYTalking Proforma for writing to your MP re #TooMuchTooSoon Cut and paste from here... Collated by Laura Henry & Virtual Support

@signoramac: @EYFS_lancs @EYTalking Lets not go that way CMs still unable to access funding in some #LAs #truss has done nothing about it #EYtalking @EYFS_lancs: @signoramac @EYTalking LAs can fund settings NOT good/outstanding currently- surely has an impact..only a negative one though! #EYTalking @EYTalking: @JuneOSullivan @LPerrins I see a lot of poverty on my travels and getting worse for families. #EYManifesto #EYTalking @ed2inspire: @EYTalking @JuneOSullivan @LPerrins I see a lot of poverty in my travels too, many families struggling financially & children are sufferin @NCrNE: #EYTalking we urge all our members to support the Too Much Too Soon Campaign day of action on Wednesday 30th March... @supportscn: #EYTalking Separate focussed analyses/debates but connected solutions 2 join up the dots & balance the needs of all. Adults must compromise. @EYFS_lancs: @DeborahFielden @LPerrins @EYTalking @homestartuk many services #childrenscentres @aslongasittakes @ContactAFamily etc. #EYTalking @EYTalking: Thank you all for sharing and connecting #EYmanifesto a very important & emotive issue for us all! #EYTalking @courteneyccs: RT "@EYTalking: Thank you all for sharing and connecting #EYmanifesto a very important & emotive issue for us all! #EYTalking" @EYFS_lancs: @signoramac @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan employers should work closely to provide childcare partnerships nearby #EYTalking @signoramac: @EYFS_lancs @LPerrins @JuneOSullivan As should schools directing parents to CMs for #afterschool care #EYtalking @stbirwin: Help are there ofsted teaching and learning grade descriptors for the EYFS? #eyfstwitterpals #EYTalking @signoramac: @LPerrins @EYFS_lancs @LauraChildcare @JuneOSullivan Shared learning I believe! very valuable for all #EYtalking @JamesJMatthews: Let the children play #eytalking #ece

Collated by Laura Henry & Virtual Support

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