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Syarat Lantikan: Calon bagi lantikan hendaklah memiliki kelayakan seperti berikut : LANTIKAN KE GRED U29 (a)(i)Diploma Pembantu

Perubatan daripada Kolej Pembantu Perubatan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia yang diiktiraf oleh kerajaan atau kelayakan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya serta telah berdaftar dengan Lembaga Pembantu Perubatan Malaysia. GRED U29 [ Gaji Permulaan P1 : RM1,687.59 ] LANTIKAN KE GRED U41 (a)(i)ijazah sarjana muda kepujian dalam bidang berkaitan yang diiktiraf oleh kerajaan daripada institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi tempatan atau kelayakan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya serta telah berdaftar dengan Lembaga Pembantu Perubatan Malaysia. GRED U41 [ Gaji Permulaan P1 : RM2,259.08 ] Deskripsi Tugas : Penolong Pegawai Perubatan Gred U29 1.Peranan Primer 1.1Penjagaan Perubatan Primer i. Memeriksa, mendiagnosis dan merawat penyakit yang ringan. Memberikan pendidikan kesihatan berkaitan kepada individu, kumpulan ii. dan masyarakat. iii.Mendispens, memesan dan menyimpan ubat-ubatan. Membantu dalam program latihan paramedikal dan auksiliari kakitangan di iv. bawah seliaannya. Menyimpan semua rekod yang berkaitan dengan pendaftaran, penjagaan v. pesakit dan kematian. 1.2Penjagaan Kemalangan dan Kecemasan Memberi rawatan awal dan segera serta sokongan bagi semua kes i. kecemasan dan merujukkan kes-kes berkenaan untuk pengendalian selanjutnya kepada Pegawai Perubatan. Sebagai Ketua Pasukan Ambulan dan memberi rawatan kecemasan ii. mengikut protokol yang telah ditetapkan. 1.3Pentadbiran Tugas-tugas penyeliaan kakitangan di bawah jagaannya serta memeriksa i. dan menyimpan alat pemulihan dan bekalan perubatan di Jabatan Pesakit Luar, Jabatan Kemalangan dan Kecemasan serta Ambulan. ii. Menguruskan bilik mayat dan pemeriksaan bedah siasat mayat di hospital. 2.Peranan Khusus 2.1Penjagaan khusus di Unit-unit Khas dan wad-wad seperti Unit Ortopedik,

Psikiatrik, Kardiologi dan lain-lain. Menjalankan tugas-tugas pentadbiran dan mengendalikan latihan di jabatan 2.2 atau program tertentu. Penolong Pegawai Perubatan Gred U41 Memberi perkhidmatan kesihatan kepada masyarakat dari aspek kuratif, pencegahan, promosi dan pemulihan dalam sistem perkhidmatan kesihatan di Malaysia. Memberi rawatan kuratif, pencegahan serta perkhidmatan bantuan kecemasan di Pusat-pusat Kesihatan termasuk Dispensari Statik dan Bergerak, Jabatan Pesakit Luar dan Jabatan Kemalangan dan Kecemasan. Memberi rawatan awal dan segera serta sokongan bagi semua kes kecemasan dan merujukkan kes-kes berkenaan untuk pengendalian selanjutnya kepada pegawai perubatan. Kadar Gaji Gaji Kenaikan Peringkat Minimum Maksimum Gaji Tahunan P1 RM1,311.58 RM3,599.85 P2 RM1,391.91 RM3,851.11 RM145.00 P3 RM1,475.66 RM4,073.20 P1 RM2,214.00 RM4,286.71 RM155.00 P2 RM2,378.07 RM4,713.91


U29 U32

FUNCTIONS OF MEDICAL ASSISTANTS (REGISTRATION) BOARD Medical Assistants Board is the only national organization that represents Medical Assistants in Malaysia in terms of training, credentialing, accreditation and discipline of Medical Assistants. Some of the functions of the Board are as follows: Registration of person entitled to be registered as medical assistants and matters connected therewith Training of persons intending to be registered as medical assistants and matters connected therewith Prescription and nature of duties and responsibilities to be performed by Medical Assistants Training and Accreditation of Medical Assistant To upgrade the standard of professionalism, code of etiquette and enforcement To appoint members of the Board, committee or body formed for any purpose affecting the Medical Assistants profession To determine or approve and set the syllabus, the contents of the courses of instructions and examination of the basic of Medical Assistants To investigate into complaints relating to the practice and conduct of Medical Assistants. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS The Board will answer to questions asked with authorative information about Medical Assistants Profession Q What is a Medical Assistants? A Medical Assistants are health care professionals licensed to practice medicine with the supervision of a Medical Officer or Specialist in the public sector and Registered Medical Practitioner in the case of private sector. Medical Assistants mostly employed by the federal government are credentialed to practice. As part of their comprehensive responsibilities, their nature of work is promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects. Wherever there are no doctors especially in rural areas, the MA conduct physical exams, diagnose and treat illnesses, order and interpret certain tests, counsel on preventive health care, and write prescriptions. Q How did Medical Assistants trained? A Medical Assistants are trained by four colleges in the country which is approved by the Board. The Training Center for Medical Assistants Colleges are:

* College of Medical Assistants Alor Setar Hospital, Kedah * College of Medical Assistants, Bahagia Hospital, Ulu Kinta Perak * College of Medical Assistants, Seremban Hospital, Negeri Sembilan * College of Medical Assistants, Kuching Hospital, Sarawak The basic training of MA is 3 years which is divided into 2 phases, Pre-clinical Phase for one-half year (3 semester) and Clinical Phase one-half year (3 semester). The training is focused on body system with emphasis on treatment in primary, secondary and tertiary care which consists of promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects. On graduation from the above colleges they will apply to be registered with The Board. After registration with The Board, they were appointed by The Public Service Commission Malaysia before they are deployed by Ministry of Health all over the country. Those qualified Medical Assistants will be able to functions at all disciplines in the hospital or health setup. Q How did the Medical Assistants profession begin? A Far as in 1950 Medical Assistants was at one time known as dressers. Then it was changed to Hospital Assistants (1970) and Medical Assistants since (1985). Before 1971 the training of Medical Assistants were done together with nurses which then the curriculum was changed to certificate level. Due to the needs and fast growing development towards professional health care personnel the training of Medical Assistants was upgraded to Diploma Level in 1992. Q What areas of medicine can Medical Assistants work in? A Medical Assistants are found in all areas of medicine. Until 30 November 1999 there are 6136 Medical Assistants registered with the Board (running registration). Only about 4500 MAs are actively practicing both in public and private sector. From the actively practicing only 10% MAs are practicing in the private sector. Today, about 30% MAs from public sector are practicing in over 300 Health Clinics all over the country, involve in primary health care services. At the hospital base, they are deployed at all specialized units, training as well clinical management base. Q Where do Medical Assistants "draw the line" as far as what they can treat and what a Medical Officer can treat?

A What a Medical Assistant does varies with training, experience, and the existing Act and Regulations imposed. In addition, the scope of the MAs practice corresponds to the supervising Medical Officers and Specialist practice. In general, a Medical Assistant will see many of the same types of patients as a doctor did, especially in rural health services. The cases handled by a doctor are generally the more complicated medical cases or those cases which require care that is not routine part of the MAs scope of work. Referral to the Medical Officer, or close consultation between the patient-MA-M.O, is done for unusual or hard to manage cases. Medical Assistants are taught to "know our limits" and refer to the Medical Officer appropriately. It is an important part of MAs training.

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