Final Ethics Paper

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Project Part 4 My Personal Code of Ethics

My personal code of ethics revolves around many values that my family has taught me from the very beginning. A few of these values include: treat others the way you want to be treat, respect others opinions and property, act in a manner that is fair and just for all concerned, and keep your promises and honor your commitments. These values have been passed down from my great grandparents who had 7 children. Since my family is very large, it is essential to practice these virtues throughout my life. I want to pass these same virtues down to my children and show my children why these virtues are worth practicing. I have been teaching my daughter these ethical principles that I have learned from my parents. Beliefs and Obligations to Individuals My family practices virtues that are a mixture of many different types of ethical values that we have gone over in class. Virtue ethics may be first and foremost in my ethical values. This states that The virtuous person is not simply one who does the right act; rather, the virtuous person is one who consistently does right acts for the right motives.(Waller, pg.98) Virtue ethics judges an act by examining the character and motives of the person performing an act. For example: If a person that is known for lying, cheating, and stealing suddenly helps an old woman with her grocery bags; Does that act have a motive behind it

or does that person want to suddenly change and practice good virtues? Perhaps they thought they would get some kind of reward for it or they want to become a better person. Being kind to someone is not only ethical, but it is a virtue that must be practiced. I have practiced, what I think, are good ethics for as long as I can remember. Playing nice with others and sharing are two things I can remember from my childhood and I teach my daughter the same. Virtue ethics also states that practicing these virtues becomes habit; if you practice to be a liar, it will become habit and you will be known as a liar. These types of ethical principals are often for people who set high standards for themselves, people that dont want to be average or conforming to others. I find myself to be a person that always wants to better myself and wants to be known as a helpful and reliable person. Along with virtue ethics, care ethics is another large part of my ethical code. This also entails the care for others and respect of others feelings, opinions, and property. Care ethics values the fostering of relationships and recognizes the ethical importance of affection and care for others. Even though feelings are the cornerstone of care ethics, we cannot follow our feelings blindly. Our feelings must be developed and schooled before we can make ethical decisions based on our feelings. Nel Noddings has stated that This scope of caring is strongest towards others who are capable of reciprocal relationship. (Staudt) This states that caring for distant others may not be possible. Care Ethics focuses on the people that we are closest with and care for the most rather than trying to care for everybody. But I do not believe that this is the real

reason why I believe in this ethical principal.

As Virginia Held has noted The

small societies of family and friendship embedded in larger societies are formed by caring relations A globalization of caring relations would help enable people of different states and cultures to live in peace, to respect each others rights, to care together for their environments, and to improve the lives of their children (Staudt). This proves that care for everyone may be possible. I believe that caring can extend outward from your closest friends and family to their friends and family. If the people that you care for are willing to except this type of relationship they may in turn extend the same principals to the people that they care for. Beliefs and Obligations to Society This brings us to a code of ethics for society. Society requires everyone to be decent and caring for one another. As we know this is not the case. Egoists in the world believe that everybody ought to do what benefits them and they aim exclusively at his / her own benefit. This is not what makes the world go round. For my personal code of ethics, I believe that social contract theory mixed with the previous two ethical values would make this world a much better place. From behind the vail of ignorance by John Rawls is a perfect example of this. Imagine you were coming into the world and didnt know your race, gender, or religion. What rules would you make if you were in these circumstances? (Waller, pg.67) I believe that people would adopt ethical rules that did not discriminate against anyone. Everybody would act fairly against everyone because they could be one of the people these rules are placed against. Society is filled with many people

of all shapes and sizes. Just because you may not agree with somebody elses decision to change their appearance or they were born with some sort of disability does not mean they are not good people. My beliefs and obligations towards society surround a few values that I have learned throughout my life. Treat others the way you want to be treated, never lie, cheat, or steal, be dependable, and respect others opinions. Never lie, cheat, or steal is a virtue that must be practiced on a daily basis. Most people have to fight these urges of personal gain which is a basic human instinct. The ethical belief of egoism is in all of us and we must fight that urge. Of course people need to have some sort of self respect, but that self respect needs to be tamed by the feelings of others. "Social values are right only if the individual values are right. The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there."(Pirsig, Robert) Individual and social responsibilities often run together. I believe that society is made up of individuals that collectively create a society. Society cannot be punished for the wrong doings of individuals. Most individuals want to create a better society so most people try to do the right things for this reason. Dependability means that other people can rely on you and that you will always be there to help someone in need. These two traits that I have talked about help create a better society for all. I believe these traits will get you far in the world as long as you find people that are willing to practice and apply the same traits as you.

Beliefs and Obligations to Myself During my time at ITT Tech I have learned the value of hard work and self improvement. I have learned that it is possible to learn something new every day by applying yourself to things that you work hard at. Over the past few years, I have learned about myself and what my limits are. I have learned that I will not change who I am for others, and I will stand up for my beliefs even if they are unpopular. As the saying goes actions speak louder than words, all of us can say that we can apply ourselves to living ethical lives; but can we act upon it? I have tried my hardest to apply my personal code of ethics to my everyday life and I have found that I, like many others, have weaknesses. I have found that I can get discouraged quite easily and focus on the negative in life rather than the positive. If I apply myself to practicing my values that I have learned from my family I can always find a positive in everything. School has been very tough on me from the very beginning, which can be overwhelming when trying to raise a family and do all of the other responsibilities that come along with it. All of my life, I have never been a quitter and I dont plan on quitting now. This is another lesson I have learned from my family. My grandmother was a private traveling nurse who often had to find her own clientele. She did this for close to twenty years and never gave up no matter how tough it got. She accepted her responsibilities of a nurse and applied virtue and care ethics to everything she has done. I believe that ethics is the study of right and wrong and how living things learn right from wrong. This extends down to non human life forms which do not

have the reasoning capabilities of humans but can decide a right action from a wrong action. The study of ethics, in this class, has opened my mind to many different types of ethical principals from Kantian ethics to the eastern views of ethics which are polar opposites. I have discovered that my caring personality is sometimes much too giving to people who cannot appreciate the virtues I am willing to give them. I must pick and choose who will receive my caring personality and hope that others will extend the same type of personality. I find it a little easier to figure out which type of personality somebody is expressing and I can judge how they will receive certain comments. Even though I may not agree with something they are saying I will always respect others feelings and thoughts. In conclusion, my ethical principals will be passed down to my children and I will continue my familys virtues. I believe that ethical values are started at home and passed down from people that love you and care for you. The people that are close to you will never send you down the wrong road. If you are brought into an unloving household, then you will be taught values that got them where they are. I also believe that egoism is not an ethical system that should be followed if you really have a choice. Of course you should have some kind of self respect, but it is also nice to care for other people the way you would like to be treated.

Staudt, Maureen. "Care ethics." Internet Encyclopedia of philosophy. N.p., 19 Mar. 2011. Web. 30 May 2013. <>. Waller, Bruce. Consider Ethics. Pg. 67 & 98.New York, New York: Longman, 2005. Print.

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