Nguphap Anhvan 12

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ong t c dung e lam hanh ong cho chu t. e phan biet cac loai ong
t (kinds of verbs), chung ta hay quan sat s o di ay:

Special verb :

Auxiliary verb : (do, have, be)

Modal verb : (must, can, may, might, could, should )

Verb :

Regular verb : (open, close, clean, remember)

Ordinary verb :
Irregular verb : (run, write, speak, drive)
ong t tieng Anh co hai loai: ong t ac biet (special verb) va ong t
thng (ordinary verb).
(1) ong t ac biet gom co:
* ong t tr (auxiliary verb) : be (dung e chia cac th tiep dien, the thu ong),
have (dung e chia cac th hoan thanh), do (dung e chia cac the phu nh va nghi
- He is working hard this month. (th hien tai tiep dien)
- The house was built five years ago. (the thu ong)
- He has learned English for two years. (th hien tai hoan thanh)
- Do you like tea ? (the nghi van)
- She does not like coffee. (the phu nh)
* ong t khiem khuyet (modal verb) : can phai co ong theo sau.
- We must study hard.
- He can play the piano.
ac iem chung cua cac ong t ac biet la khi oi sang the phu nh ta ch can
them NOT vao sau cac ong t o va khi oi sang the nghi van ta a cac ong t o
ra au cau.
- He is not working hard this month.
- Is he working hard this month ?
- He has not found his book.
- Have you seen her yet ?
- She cannot swim.
- Should we go there ?
(2) ong t thng gom co :

* ong t co qui tac (regular verb) : la ong t khi thanh lap th qua kh n
(simple past) hay qua kh phan t (past paticiple) ta ch can them ED vao sau ong
t o.
- I opened the door this morning. (simple past )
- I have opened the door. (past participle)
* ong t bat qui tac (irregular verb) : la ong t co hnh thc qua kh (xem cot
2 cua bang ong t bat qui tac) va qua kh phan t (xem cot 3) rieng.
to go
to write
to run
to hit
- He went to the cinema last night. (simple past )
- He has gone out. (past participle)
ong t thng co chung ac iem la khi oi sang the phu nh va nghi van ta phai
dung ong t tr to do. Ta them NOT vao sau cac ong t tr the phu nh va a
ong t tr ra au cau neu the nghi van.
- He did not go to the pub last night.
- Did he go to the cinema last night ?
- I do not like tea.
- Do you enjoy classical music ?
- She does not know the answer.
- Does he understand the lesson ?
* ong t to do va la ong t thng va la ong t tr.
- He does his homework. (ong t thng)
- He does not understand the lesson. (ong t tr)

Bai 1:



Th bieu th thi gian va trang thai cua hanh ong c dien at bang ong t.
Co 12 th dang chu ong cua ong t tieng Anh. e hieu c hnh thai cua cac th,
ta co the nghien cu cach chia ong t TO WORK trong bang di ay :





- I (You / We /
They) work
- He (She
/ It)

- I am working
- He (She / It) is
- You (We
/ They)
are working
- I (He / She / It)
was working
- You (We / They)
were working
- I (We) shall be
- You (He / She / It
/ They) will be

- I (You / We /
They) have worked
- He (She / It) has


- I (You / He /
She / It / We /
They) worked


- I (We) shall
- You (He /
She / it / They)
will work

* 1.

Perfect continuous

- I (You / We /
They) have been
- He ( She / It) has
been working
- I (You / He / She / - I (You / He / She /
It / We / They) had It / We / They) had
been working

- I (We) shall have

- You (He / She / it /
will have

- I (We) shall have

been working
- You (He / She / It /
will have
been working



Tieng Anh co hai th hien tai ma a so cac em hoc sinh hay lan lon cach s dung.
o la th hien tai n (Simple
Simple Present)
Present Continuous).
Present va th hien tai tiep dien (Present
* Th Simple Present c dung e ch mot hanh ong dien ra trong thi gian noi
chung, khong nhat thiet phai la thi gian hien tai. Thi gian noi chung la thi gian
ma s viec dien ra moi ngay (every
every day),
every week),
day moi tuan (every
week moi thang (every
every year),
every spring / summer / autumn
month moi nam (every
year moi mua (every
autumn / winter)

- He goes to school every day.

- Mrs Brown travels every summer.
* Th Present Continuous c dung e ch mot hanh ong ang xay ra (a
a current
now/ at present/ at this moment
activity hay mot s viec chung ta ang lam bay gi (now/
hom nay (today
this week),
this year)
today tuan nay (this
week nam nay (this
- We are learning English now.
- Mary is playing the piano at the moment.
Hay so sanh :

- I work in a bakery every day.

- Im working in a bakery this week.

* CHU Y :
(1) + Th Simple Present thng c dung vi cac ong t ch tri giac (verbs of
perception) nh : feel, see, hear
hear va cac ong t ch trang thai nh : know, understand,
mean, like, prefer, love, hate, need, want, remember, recognize, believe
+ Ngoai ra chung ta con dung th Simple Present vi ong t : be, appear,
belong, have to
+ Th Simple Present con c dung vi cac trang t ch tan suat lap i lap lai
(adverbs of frequency) nh : always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, generally,
rarely, never
- That child needs care.
- This book belongs to me.
- He never comes late.
+ Chung ta cung dung th Simple Present e ch mot chan ly hay mot s that hien
nhien (a general truth).
- The sun rises in the east.
- Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom.
(2) Th Present Continuous con c dung e ch hanh ong mot tng lai gan (a
near future action) va thng i vi cac trang t ch tng lai nh : tomorrow, next
week, next month, next year, next summer
Exercise I : Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or the present continuous
1/ I (have) __________ coffee for breakfast every day.
2/ My brother (work) __________ in a shoe store this summer.
3/ The student (look) ___________ up that new word now.
4/ She (go) __________ to school every day.
5/ We (do) __________ this exercise at the moment.

6/ Miss Helen (read) ___________ a newspaper now.

7/ It (rain) __________ very much in the summer. It (rain) _________ now.
8/ Bad students never (work) __________ hard.
9/ He generally (sing) __________ in English, but today he (sing) __________
in Spanish.
10/ We seldom (eat) __________ before 6.30.
11/ She sometimes (buy) ___________ vegetables at his market.
12/ Be quiet. The baby (sleep) ____________.
13/ We always (do) ___________ our exercises carefully.
14/ Look. A man (run) ___________ after the train. He (want) ___________ to
catch it.
15/ It (be) __________ very cold now.
16/ John (travel) __________ to England tomorrow.
17/ I (need) ____________ some money for my textbooks.
18/ Tom (like) __________ to go to the museums.
19/ Mary (love) __________ ice-cream.
20/ My mother (cook) ___________ some food in the kitchen at present. She
always (cook) __________ in the mornings.
21/ I often (leave) __________ the city at weekends.
22/ The guests (watch) __________ the TV programmes now.
23/ I (see) ___________ you (wear) ___________ your best clothes.
24/ The sun (set)___________ in the west.
25/ My friend (study) __________ English for an hour every night.
26/ Listen. I (hear)___________ someone knocking at the front door.
27/ I (do) __________ an exercise on the present tense at the moment and I
(think) __________ that I (know) __________ how to use it now.
28/ Honesty (be) __________ the best policy.
29/ The earth (goes) __________ round the sun.
30/ Two and two (make) __________ four.




* Th Present perfect (Hien Tai Hoan Thanh) c dung e ch mot qua kh khong
ro thi iem con lien lac vi hien tai.
* Th Simple Past (Qua Kh n) c dung e ch mot qua kh co thi iem ro ret
cat t vi hien tai.
+ CHU Y :
(1) Th Present Perfect thng i vi nhng t nh : up to now,
now up to the present,
so far (cho ti nay), not yet (van cha), for, since, ever (a tng), never, several
times (nhieu lan), just (va), recently (va mi), lately (mi ay) ...
- Have you ever seen a tiger ?
- The train has not arrived yet.
- We have lived here for 6 years.
- The bell has just rung.
(2) * Th Simple Past thng i vi nhng tieng ch thi gian qua kh xac nh
nh : yesterday,
yesterday the day before yesterday
erday last week,
week last month, last year,
year last
summer ago.
- We came here a month ago.
- He went to the cinema yesterday.
* Th Simple Past con c dung e ch mot chuoi cac hanh ong ke tiep xay
ra trong qua kh.
- He closed all the windows, locked the doors and then went out.
Exercise II : Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or the simple past tense.
1/ We (never watch) __________ that TV programme.
2/ We (wacth) __________ a good programme on TV last night.
3/ He (read) __________ that novel many times before.
4/ He (read) __________ that novel again during my last vacation.
5/ I (have) __________ a little trouble with my car last week.
6/ However, I (have) __________ no trouble with my car since then.
7/ I (not see) __________ John for a long time. I (see) __________ him 3
weeks ago.
8/ The school bell (ring) __________. We must go now.
9/ I (meet) __________ Mary last night. She (become) __________ a very big
10/ He is very thirsty. He (not drink) __________ since this morning.
11/ It is very hot. Summer (come) __________.
12/ They (study) __________ at this school for 7 years now.

13/ They (begin) __________ to study at this school 7 years ago.

14/ Since when (you know) ___________ her ?
15/ How long ago (he start) __________ to learn French ?
16/ She (lose) __________ her handbag on the train yesterday morning.
17/ My mother (be) ________ in hospital for a long time and she cannot go
home yet.
18/ His dog (just run) __________ out of the garden.
19/ Mr Brown (travel) __________ by air several times in the past.
20/ He (travel) ___________ to Mexico by air last summer.

* 3.



+ Th Present perfect (Hien Tai Hoan Thanh) c dung e ch ket qua cua mot
tnh trang hien tai (the result of the present state), mot viec xay ra trong qua kh
khong ro thi iem, lap i lap lai nhieu lan va keo dai en hien tai.
+ Th Present Perfect Continuous (Hien Tai Hoan Thanh Tiep Dien) c dung e
ch s tiep dien cua mot hanh ong (the continuity of an action) cho ti hien tai.
- I have been waiting for two hours, but she has not come yet.
- He has been living here since 1975.
- We have been working in the garden all morning.
+ Th Present Perfect Continuous con c dung vi cac ong t nh : lie, wait, sit,
stand, study, learn, live, rest, stay
- They have been learning English since 1995.
- The chair has been lying in the store window for ages.
Exercise III : Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or the present perfect
continuous tense.
1/ I (try) __________ to learn French for years, but I (not succeed) __________
2/ She (read) _________ all the works of Dickens.How many (you read)
_________ ?
3/ I (wait) __________ here nearly half an hour for my girlfriend; do you think
she (forget) __________ to come ?
4/ Mary (rest) __________ in the garden all day because she (be) __________

5/ Although John (study) __________ at the University for 5 years, he (not get)
__________ his degree yet.
6/ Jack (go) __________ to Switzerland for a holiday. He (never, be)
__________ there.
7/ We (live) __________ here for the last six months, and (just, decide)
__________ to move.
8/ That book ( lie) __________ on the table for weeks. You (not read)
_________ it yet ?
9/ He (not be) ___________ here since Christmas; I wonder where he (live)
__________ since then.
10/ He (lose) ___________ his books. He (look) ____________ for them all
afternoon, but they (not turn up) ___________ yet.
11/ She (work) ___________ so hard this week that she (not have)
___________ time to go to the cinema.
12/ Your hair is wet. (You swim) __________ for a long time ?
13/ Bill is still a bad driver although he (drive)__________ cars for six years.
14/ You look very tired. (You work) __________very hard ?
15/ The phone (ring) __________ for 2 minutes, but I (not answer) __________
it yet.
Exercise IV : Put the verbs in brackets in the present tenses.
1/ I (be) __________ sorry. I (forget) __________ that fellows name already.
2/ Jack (look) __________ forward to his vacation next June.
3/ I (have) __________ no trouble with my english lessons up to now.
4/ Mr and Mrs Brown (be) ___________ in New York for 2 months.
5/ Michael (work) __________ 38 hours a week.
6/ At present, that author (write) ___________ a novel.
7/ George (do) __________ good work in this class so far.
8/ The weather( generally, get) __________ hot in July .
9/ You must wake her up. She (sleep) __________soundly for 10 hours.
10/ Listen! I (think) __________ someone (knock) __________ at the front
11/ How long (you learn) __________ English?
12/ That student (know) __________ all the new words very well now.
13/ Alice (lose) __________ her Vienamese-English dictionary.

14/ Fred (just, graduate) __________ from Oxford University.

15/ The earth (circle) __________ the sun once every 365 days.
16/ That grandfather clock (stand) __________ there for as long as I can
17/ That brown briefcase (belong) __________ to Dr.Rice.
18/ Jim (work) __________ on his report this year.
19/ Robert (wait) __________ for you since noon.
20/ That museum (stand) ___________ here for ceturies.
21/ The sun (get) __________ very hot during the afternoon.
22/ Tom (buy) ___________ a new car next week.
23/ The boys and girls (go) ___________ home after this lesson.
24/ Davis (play) __________ football every afternoon.
25/ Up to the present, we (write) __________ almost every lesson in this book.

* 4.



+ Th Simple Past (Qua Kh n) c dung e ch mot hanh ong ngan (thnh

lnh) xay ra trong qua kh.
- I met him in the street yesterday.
+ Th Past Continuous (Qua Kh Tiep Dien) c dung e ch mot hanh ong keo
dai trong qua kh tng ng vi mot hanh ong khac cung trong qua kh.
- I met him while he was crossing the street.
- She was going home when she saw an accident.
+ Th Past Continuous con dien ta mot hanh ong keo dai tai iem thi gian xac
nh qua kh hoac hai hanh ong lien tiep song song vi nhau.
- My father was watching TV at 8 oclock last night.
- I was doing my homework while my father was watching TV.
Exercise V : Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past continuous tense.
1/ He (sit) __________ in a bar when I (see) __________ him.
2/ When I (go) __________ out, the sun (shine) __________.
3/ The light (go) __________ out while I (have) __________ tea.
4/ When it (rain) __________ , she(carry) __________ an umbrella.
5/ We (walk) __________ to the station when it (begin) __________ to rain.

6/ He (teach) __________ English for 2 months when he (live) in Germany and

(work) __________ as a journalist.
7/ The house (burn) __________ fast, so we (break) __________ the window to
get out.
8/ He (eat) __________ three sandwiches while you (talk) __________ to him.
9/ The servant (drop) __________ two cups while she (wash up) __________
last night; neither of them (break) __________.
10/ While I (write) __________ a letter, the telephone (ring) __________; as
he (go) __________ to answer it, he (hear) __________ a knock on the door; the
telephone (still, ring) __________ while he (walk) __________ to the door, but just as
he (open) __________ it, it (stop) __________.

* 5.



+ Th Past Perfect (Qua

Kh Hoan Thanh) dung e ch mot hanh ong xay ra trc
mot hanh ong khac cung trong qua kh (past action).
- When he had finished his work, he went home.
- By the time I arrived at the station, the train had gone.
+ Th Past Perfect con dien ta mot hanh ong xay ra trc mot iem thi gian xac
nh qua kh.
- By 10 oclock last night, I had gone to bed.
Exercise VI : Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past perfect tense
1/ They (go) __________ home after they (finish) __________ their work.
2/ He (do) _________ nothing before he (see) ___________ me.
3/ He (thank) __________ me for what I (do) __________ for him.
4/ I (be) __________ sorry that I (hurt) __________ him.
5/ After they (go) __________ , I (sit) __________ down and (rest)
6/ When I (arrive), the dinner (already, begin) ______________.
7/ My friend (not see) __________ me for many years when I (meet)
__________ last week.
8/ He (learn) __________ English before he (leave) __________ for England.
9/ In England, he soon (remember) __________ all he (learn) __________.
10/ They (tell) __________ him they (not meet) __________ him before.


11/ He (ask) __________ why we (come) __________ so early.

12/ She (say) __________ that she (already, see) ___________ Dr. Rice.
13/ By the time Bill (get) __________ there, the meeting (start) __________.
14/ When we (arrive) __________ at our place, we (find) __________ that a
burglar (break) ____________ in.
15/ Almost everybody (leave) _________ for home by the time we (arrive)

* 6.



+ Th Past Perfect Continuous (Qua Kh Hoan Thanh Tiep Dien) dung e nhan
manh tnh lien tuc cua hanh ong trc khi mot hanh ong qua kh khac xay ra. Hay
so sanh :
- She had been studying English before she came here for classes.
(Hanh ong had been studying xay ra lien tuc cho ti khi hanh ong came for
classes xay ra).
- She had studied English before she came for classes.
(Hanh ong had studied cham dt trc hanh ong came for classes)
Va hay so sanh :
- It had been raining when I got up this morning. (Ma a dt khi toi thc
- It was raining when I got up this morning. (Ma van con khi toi thc day.)
Exercise VII : Put the verbs
continuous tense.

in brackets in the past simple or the past perfect

1/ I (ask) _________ him what he (do) __________.

2/ Tom (be) _________ tired. He (run) __________ for an hour.
3/ Although he (go) __________ to the doctor for 6 months, he (not, feel)
__________ any better.
4/ The telephone (ring) __________ for 5 minutes before it (be) __________
5/ They (tell) __________ me you (live) __________ in London before the
6/ The poor man (wait) __________ for 6 hours before he (be) __________
brought into the room.


7/ By noon that day, we (drive) __________ for 5 hours.

8/ The robber who (watch) __________ him running to the tree (sit)
__________ down under its branches and (begin) __________ to attack him.
9/ I (ask) _________ her what she (do) _______ since she (arrive) ________ in
10/ She (tell) __________ me that she (study) __________ English literature.
* 7.
+ Th Simple Future (Tng Lai n) dien ta mot hanh ong se xay ra (co hoac
khong co thi gian xac nh tng lai); con th Future Continuous (Tng Lai Tiep
Dien) dien ta mot hanh ong lien tien tai iem thi gian xac nh tng lai.
- He will go to the stadium next Sunday.
- We will / shall have the final test.
Hay so sanh :
- I will eat breakfast at 6 oclock tomorrow. (Vao luc 6 gi sang mai, toi se
bat au dung ba iem tam.)
- I will be eating breakfast at 6 oclock tomorrow. (Vao luc 6 gi sang mai,
toi se ang dung ba iem tam.)
+ Trong cac menh e trang t ch thi gian (adverb clause of time) hay menh e
ieu kien (adverb clause of condition), th Simple Present c dung e thay the cho
th Simple Future.
- I shall not go until I see him.
- If he comes tomorrow, he will do it.
+ Chu y : WILL con c dung cho tat ca cac ngoi.
Exercise VIII : Put the verbs in brackets in the simple present or the simple future
1/ We (go) __________ out when the rain (stop) __________.
2/ I (stay) _________ here until he (answer) __________ me.
3/ Wait until I (catch) __________ you.
4/ I (be) _________ ready before you (count) _________ ten.
5/ John must eat his breakfast before he (go) __________ out.
6/ Miss Helen (help) ___________ you as soon as she (finish) _________ that
7/ He (tell) _________ you when you (get) __________ there.
8/ She (not come) __________ until you (be) _________ ready.
9/ He (tell) __________ you when you (ask) __________ him.

10/ I (come) ________ and (see) _________ you before I (leave) ________ for

* 8.



+ Th Future Perfect (Tng Lai Hoan Thanh) c dung e ch mot hanh ong se
hoan thanh trc mot hanh ong khac trong tng lai hay mot iem thi gian tng
- The taxi will have arrived
arrived by the time you finish dressing.
- By next Christmas, he will have lived in Dalat for 5 years.
+ e nhan manh tnh lien tuc cua hanh ong, chung ta dung th Future Perfect
Continuous (Tng Lai Hoan Thanh Tiep Dien).
- By the time you receive this letter, we shall have been travelling through
- By next June, they will have been working in this factory for 12 years.
Exercise IX : Put the verbs in brackets in the simple present, simple future, present
perfect or future perfect tense.
1/ Ill wait until he (write) __________ his next novel.
2/ When you (come) _________ back, he (already buy) __________ a new
3/ Dont come until I (finish) _________ lunch.
4/ I (hope) _________ it (stop) __________ raining by 5 oclock this afternoon.
5/ The river (not begin)_________ to rise until some rain (fall)__________.
6/ I (stay) __________ here until you (finish) _________ your work.
7/ By next month, I (leave) _________ for India.
8/ He (finish) _________ his work before you (leave) __________.
9/ Before you (go) __________, they (leave) __________ the country.
10/ The meeting (finish) _________ by the time we (get) _________ there.
Exercise X : Put the verbs in brackets in the simple present, simple future, future
continuous or future perfect tense.
1/ We (send) __________ you a telegram as soon as we (arrive) _________ in
2/ When George (come) __________ this afternoon, he (bring) __________ his

3/ I (speak) _________ to you about that matter after the meeting tonight.
4/ By the time you (receive) __________ this letter, we (cross) __________ the
Atlantic Ocean.
5/ By this time next week, you (meet) __________ my boyfriend, Ali.
6/ I (wait) __________ for you right here when you (come) __________ out of
the building.
7/ She (wait) __________ for you at 5 oclock this afternoon.
8/ I (give) __________ it back as soon as he (want) __________ it.
9/ I (not move) __________ from here until you (get) __________ back.
10/ They (not come) __________ home until they (see) __________
Exercise XI : Supply the correct tense.
1/ They (just decide) __________ that they (undertake) ___________ the job.
2/ We (go) ___________ to the theatre last night.
3/ He usually (write) __________ in green ink.
4/ She (play) __________ the piano when our guests (arrive) __________ last
5/ We (do) __________ an English exercise at the moment.
6/ She (just come) __________ in and (see) __________ you in 5 minutes.
7/ I (come) __________ as soon as my work is finished. (You be) __________
ready ?
8/ Where (you go) __________ for your holiday last year ?
9/ I (not leave) _________ Paris since we (go) _________ to Dieppe three
years ago.
10/ My mother (come) __________ to stay with us next weekend.
11/ We (meet) __________ only yesterday and (already decide) __________
to get married.
12/ I (never see) __________ snow.
13/ Violets (bloom) __________ in spring.
14/ We (not live) ___________ in England for the last two months.
15/ I (lose) _________ my keys; I cannot remember where I last (see)
_________ them.
16/ He (not arrive) __________ when I (write) __________ my last letter to

17/ Whenever you (go) _________ to town nowadays, you (spend) _________
a lot of money.
18/ I (never forget) __________ what you (just tell) __________ me.
19/ They (prepare) __________ the Christmas dinner today.
20/ When I last (stay) ___________ in Cairo, I (ride) __________ to the
Pyramids on a camel that my friend (borrow) ____________ the day before.
21/ I (finish) ___________ the book before my next birthday.
22/ Hello! (You make) __________ a cake ?
23/ He (walk) __________ very quickly when I (meet) __________ him
24/ We (meet) __________ you tomorrow after you (finish) __________ your
25/ Yesterday I (buy) __________ a new watch as my old one (be)
__________ stolen.
Exercise XII : Supply the correct tense.
1/ He said he (be) __________ sorry he (give) __________ me so much
2/ I am sorry that I (not know) _________ you (leave) __________ your pipe
when you (come) __________ to see me last Thursday.
3/ He (be) __________ so good to me when I was a boy that to this day I (not
forget) __________ his kindness, and I hope that I (never forget) __________.
4/ He (sleep) __________ and (not understand) ___________ what you (say)
__________ to him. He (wake) __________ if you (speak) __________ louder.
5/ Some animals (not eat) ___________ during the winter and only (come)
__________ out in spring.
6/ After leaving school he (study) __________ French in Paris for two years
and then (move) __________ to America, where he now (live) _________. He (visit)
__________ England once or twice and (know) __________ English well; but (not
have) __________ yet the opportunity of visiting European countries.
7/ I (know) __________ him for a very long time.
8/ When my friend Tom grows a beard, even his closest friends (not recognize)
__________ him.
9/ When I (meet) __________ him in the street, he (go) __________ to the
10/ I (study) _________ English for six years now.


11/ I expect he (leave) __________ for France as soon as he (get) __________

a visa.
12/ He (visit) ______ his friend yesterday and (find) _______ that he (be)
________ out.
13/ They (sell) _________ all the dresses before we (get) __________ there.
14/ After she (work) __________ at the hospital for two years, she (decide)
__________ to give up the job.
15/ He will come at once because I (tell) __________ him by phone that you
(need) __________ him urgently. Im sure he (find) __________ his way easily
although he (never visit) __________ this house before.
16/ By the time you get back, I (finish) __________ all my correspondence and
then I (can help) ______________ you with yours.
17/ In a few minutes time, when the clock (strike) __________ six, I (wait)
__________ here for an hour.
18/ He (know) ________ her a long time before he finally (get) _______
married to her.
19/ I hope it (not rain) __________ when the bride (leave) __________ the
20/ I (tell) a lie if I said that I (like) __________ you.
21/ They (intend) __________ to go there next week; but now they (find)
__________ they (not have) __________ enough money.
22/ When he grew old he often (think) __________ of all the things he (do)
___________ when he (be) __________ young.
23/ When we (go) __________ to see them last night, they (play) __________
cards; they (say) __________ they (play) __________ since six oclock.
24/ This is the second time you (break) __________ a cup; you (break)
__________ one yesterday. My last servant (never break)____________ anything,
and you (break) ___________ nearly half the things in the house.
25/ I always (tell) ___________ you to comb your hair, but you never (do)
___________ what I (say) ___________ .
EXERCISE XIII : Use the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.
1/ Mrs Reed (turn) _________ on the radio in her car while she (drive) _________
home yesterday. She (listen) ___________ to some music when she suddenly (hear)
___________ a siren. She (look) ____________ in her mirror and (see) _________ an
ambulance behind her. She immediately (pull) ________ her car to the side of the
road and (wait) _________ for the ambulance (pass) _________.

2/ My mother (call) ___________ me around 5 oclock. My husband (come)

_________ home a little after that. When he (come) __________ home, I (talk)
___________ to my mother on the phone.
3/ Next month I (have) _________ a weeks vacation. I (plan) _________ to take a
trip. First I (go) _________ to Madison, Wisconsin to visit my brother. After I (leave)
________ Madion, I (go) _________ Chicago to see a friend who (study) _________
at a university there. She (live) _________ in Chicago for three years, so she (know)
_________ her way around the city. She (promise) _________ to take me to many
interesting places. I (never, be) _________ in Chicago, so I (look) _________ forward
to going there.
4/ Yesterday John (eat) _____________ breakfast at 8:00. He (already, eat)
_________ breakfast when he (leave) ____________ for class at 8:45. He (always,
eat) _________ breakfast before he (go) _____________ to class. I (usually, not eat)
_________ breakfast before I (go) _________ to class. But I (usually, get) _________
hungry about midmorning. Tomorrow before I (go) _____________ to class, I (eat)
_________ breakfast.
5/ Last year, I (go) __________ mountain climbing for the first time. It was exciting
and terrifying at the same time. We (move) ___________slowly and carefully, and it
(take) ___________ three days to get to the top. When we climbed onto the summit,
we (find) ___________ another group of climbers. They (arrive) ___________ several
hours ahead of us. They (have) ___________ dinner and listening to Beethoven. We
(laugh) __________ and they (invite) ___________ us to join them. The climb (be)
___________, to say the least, an unforgettable experience.
6/ The weather (be) ___________ terrible lately. It (rain) ___________ off and on
for two days, and the temperature (drop) ___________ at least twenty degrees. It (be)
___________ in the low 40s right now. Just three days ago, the sun (shine)
___________ and the weather was pleasant. The weather certainly (change)
___________ quickly here. I never know what to expect. Who knows ? When I (wake)
___________ up tomorrow morning, maybe it (snow) ___________.
7/ A taxi driver (drive) ____________ along a street when he suddenly (black out)
___________ and lost control of his vehicle. The taxi (plunge) _________ into a
nearby river. A hawker, who (see) ______________ the accident, rushed from his
coffee stall and (dive) ___________ into the water. He (have) ___________ to swim
twenty five metres before he could get to the taxi. The taxi driver (try)
______________ to wind down the window. The hawker reached into the taxi for the
safety-belt. After he (release) __________ the safety-belt, he pulled the driver out
through the partially open window. At the hospital, the driver (say) ____________
that the black out might (cause) ______________ by his high blood pressure condition.


8/ Marie Curie, the Polish-born chemist, was a courageous and determined woman.
She (leave) ___________ her home for Paris to pursue her interest in science. Living
in poverty, she still (manage) ___________ to graduate at the top of her class. She
(meet) ___________ Pierre Curie shortly after graduation and (marry) ___________
him a year later.
Together, Pierre and Marie (form) ___________ the most famous husband-andwife partnership in science history. They (discover) ___________ the radioactive
elements, Polonium and Radium. They (award) ___________ the Nobel Prize for
Physics in 1903.


Bai 2 :


(Conditional Sentence)

Mot cau ieu kien co hai menh e : menh e ch ieu kien (tc menh e phu) con
c goi la menh e co if (If
clause va menh e ch ket qua con c goi la menh e
chnh (main
main clause).
- If he works harder, he will succeed in his examination.
(main clause)
Chung ta cung co the at menh e chnh au cau :
- He will succeed in his examination if he works harder.
Trong tieng Anh co 3 loai cau ieu kien chnh :
* Type
probable condition)
Type I : IEU KIEN CO THE XAY RA C (probable
1/ Y ngha : Loai ieu kien nay dung e dien ta mot s viec co the xay ra hoac
khong the xay ra hien tai hoac tng lai; nhng chung ta co nhieu hy vong no xay ra.
2/ Th cua ong t :
If- clause
Simple present

Main clause
Simple future
(shall / will + verb)

- If the rain stops, we shall go for a walk.

- He will come if you call him.
* Ngoai ra chung ta con co the dung cac khiem khuyet ong t nh : CAN, MUST,
MAY e thay cho shall hoac will menh e chnh.
- If you ask me, I can help you.
- You must study harder if you want to pass the coming exam.
* Menh e chnh co the la mot menh lenh hoac thnh cau :
- Come to me if you need help.
- If you have time, perfect your English.
* Type II : IEU KIEN KHONG CO THAT HIEN TAI. (Present(Present- unreal Con)
1/ Y ngha : Loai ieu kien nay dien ta mot ieu kien kho co the xay ra hay
mot s viec khong thc hien c hien tai hoac tng lai.
2/ Th cua ong t :
Past Subjunctive

Main clause
Present Conditional

(Qua kh gia nh)

( Should / would + verb)

- If I had a lot of free time, I would go swimming.

(= I havent got free time, so I wont go swimming)
- If Tom were here, he would know the answer.
(= Tom isnt here, so he doesnt know the answer.)
- I would call him if I knew his number.
(= I dont know his number, so I wont call him)
* Qua kh gia nh la hnh thc qua kh n cua cac ong t ngoai tr ong t to
be ch co mot hnh thc WERE cho tat ca cac ngoi.
MIGHT co the c dung e thay the cho should hay would.
- If John worked hard, he could pass his exam.
Past-unreal Condition)
1/ Y ngha : Loai ieu kien nay dung e dien ta mot ieu kien hoan toan khong thc
hien c hoac khong xay ra trong qua kh.
2/ Th cua ong t :
Past perfect

Main clause
Perfect Conditional
(Should/ would have + past participle)

- If he had had a lot of money, he would have bought a bigger house.

- I would have taken you to the movie if you had come to see me yesterday.
* If
If co the c lc bo i neu co s ao ng (thng c dung trong hnh thc
nhan manh).
- Were I rich, I would help you.
(= If I were rich, I would help you.)
- Had he known the truth, he would have been very angry.
(= If he had known the truth, he would have been very angry)
* Ngoai lien t if ra, cau ieu kien con c bat au bang cac lien t khac nh :
suppose supposing that (gia s nh), on the condition that (vi ieu kien la), as long
as, so long as, provided that (mien la), in case (trong trng hp) , even if ( ngay cho
- As long as you return the book by Saturday, I will lend it to you with
* Hai tieng co ngha phu nh : unless (tr phi), but for (neu khong)
- He wont come unless you call him.
(= He wont come if you dont call him.)

- But for the storm, he would have arrived much earlier.

EXERCISE I : Rewrite the sentences , using conditional clauses.
1/ I (do) if I (have) time.
- I will do it if I have time.
time. (type 1)
- I would do it if I had time.
time. (type 2)
- I would have done it if I had had time.
time. (type 3)
2/ If she (not try), she (not succeed).
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
3/ If I (see) her, I (tell) her.
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
4/ (You do) it if I (ask) you ?
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
5/ If I (be) ill, I (stay) at home.
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
6/ What (you do) if the bus (not come).
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
7/ I (be) sorry if she (leave).
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
8/ I (not stay) in this job if I (can find) another one.
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________

- ____________________________________________________
9/ They (get) wet if it (rain).
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
10/ It (not bite) you unless you (move)
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
11/ We (go) out unless it (stop) snowing.
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
EXERCISE II: Put the verbs in brackets in correct tenses.
1/ If I (have) ________ a typewriter, I could type it myself.
2/ If I had known that you were in hospital , I (visit) ________ you.
3/ You could make much progress if you (attend) ________ class regularly.
4/ If I (know) ________ his telephone number, I would give it to you.
5/ If you (arrive) ________ ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.
6/ If he (study) ________ harder, he can pass an exam.
7/ She may be late if she (not hurry) ________.
8/ Tell him to ring me if you (see) ________ him.
9/ If you (speak) ________ more slowly,he might have understood you.
10/ What (you do) ________ if you got fat ?
Exercise III : Supply the correct verb tense.
1/ If you are kind to me, I (be) _______ good to you.
2/ He (come) _______ if you waited.
3/ If you (ring) _______ the bell, the servant would come.
4/ If I had known that the baby was hungry, I (feed) _______ him.
5/ If it (not, rain) _______ a lot, the rice crop woulnt grow.
6/ If today (be) _______ Sunday, we wouldnt have to work.
7/ If she had had your address, she (write) _______ to you.

8/ We lost the match. If you (play) _______ for us, we (win) _______.
9/ So long as you return the book by Saturday, I (lend) _______ it to you with
10/ They would not be paid unless they (do) _______ their work well.
11/ Provided he (not, be) _______ interrupted, he can finish the work on time.
12/ If it (be) _______ convenient, lets meet at three oclock.
13/ If I became very rich, I (build ) _______ a hospital for the poor.
14/ If he (give) _______ up smoking, as his doctor orders, he will be soon well
15/ He (not, have) _______ an accident if he had not been driving so fast.
16/ If she (write) _______ more carefully, she might not have made too many
17/ You would have to stay in bed unless your health (improve) _______.
18/ Did she have more practice, she (speak) _______ English better.
19/ Had I known that she was sick, I (visit) _______ her.
20/ Supposing World War III (happen) ________, human civilization (be)
_______ destroyed.
EXERCISE IV : Put if or unless into these spaces.
1/ ________ we hurry, well miss the bus.
2/ Will you phone me ________ you come to England ?
3/ ________ you see Jane, ask her to contact me.
4/ Youll never pass your exam ________ you dont work harder.
5/ Liverpool wont win ________ they begin playing better.
6/ ________ you forget our address, you can find it in the phone book.
7/ You wont pass your driving test ________ you drive more carefully.
8/ Hell be ill ________ he doesnt stop worrying so much.
9/ Well go to the beach tomorrow ________ its raining.
10/ Well never get there on time ________ the train leaves soon.
EXERCISE V : Use if in place of unless
1/ We wont go out unless it stops raining.
2/ I will call the police unless you give back my bicycle.

3/ You wouldnt be able to do this exercise unless your English were good.
4/ Unless we had enough rain, we couldnt grow rice.
5/ The fishermen couldnt have caught a lot of fish unless they had had good
6/ I wouldnt buy it unless I could afford it.
7/ I would refuse to go unless they paid my expenses.
8/ I dont agree with his economic policy. I wouldnt vote for him unless he
changed it.
9/ He wouldnt have written unless he had heard news.
10/ You might not have a terrible toothache unless you went to the dentist
EXERCISE VI : The following sentences are first, second or third conditional. Put the
verbs in brackets into the appropriate form.
1/ We wanted to go out yesterday but the weather was terrible. If it (be) had
been a nice day, we (go) would have gone for a picnic.
2/ Why dont you explain everything to him ? If you (not tell) _______ him the
truth, Im sure you (regret) _______ it one day.
3/ Mary was here not long ago. If you (come round) _______ earlier, you (see)
______ her.
4/ Apparently, the ferry company are planning to close the port in this town. If
that (happen) _______, the town (lose) _______ a great deal of money.
5/ I (help) _______ you with it if I (have) _______ more time but Im afraid I
havent got any spare time at all at the moment.
6/ The government is expecting to win the next election, but if it (lose)
_______, the Prime Minister (resign) _______ from politics.
7/ I am so glad that you took me to your friends party. If we (not go) _______
there, I (never meet) _______ Kate Winset.


8/ Its ridiculous that trains are so expensive. If fares (be) _______ cheaper,
Im sure more people (use) _______ the train and leave their cars at home.
9/ If she (get) _______ that job shes applied for, she (be) _______ delighted.
And I think shes got a good chance of getting it.
10/ Fortunately the explosion took place at night when the streets were empty.
It (be) _______ a disaster if it (happen) _______ in the middle of the day.
11/ The talks between the two leaders keep breaking down. If they (break
down) _______ again, it is possible that there (be) _______ a war between the two
12/ If Alison (know) _______ anything about car mechanics, Im sure she
(help) _______ us fix the car, but I think she knows even less than we do.
13/ Theyve been married for twenty years now but I dont think she (marry)
_______ him if she (know) _______ what a selfish man he was.
14/ Children spend too much time watching television and playing computer
games. Im sure they (be) _______ happier if they (spend) _______ more time playing
15/ James has everything he wants but hes always moaning. Im sure that if I
(have) _______ so much money, I (not moan) _______ all the time.
EXERCISE VII : Rewrite the following sentences using If clauses.
Model :
a/ My brother will have enough money. He will buy a bicycle.
If my brother has enough money, he will buy a bicycle.
b/ She cant speak English. She wont apply for the job.
If she could speak English she would apply for the job.
c/ He wasnt here. He didnt have a lot of fun.
If he had been here, he would have had a lot of fun.
1/ She cant be employed because she doesnt have a college degree.
2/ I dont have enough money. I cant go on a long holiday this year.
3/ He is very slow, so we wont give his such an important task.
4/ Ill have to work this Sunday, so I shant join your picnic.
5/ He works overtime to get more money because he has to pay fathers debt.
6/ City life isnt enjoyable because everything is very expensive.

7/ There are industrial factories inside the city, thats why pollution cant be
8/ Everything on the earth grows well because the sun always shines.
9/ There is a grammar error in this English composition, thats why it cant get
a full mark.
10/ I dont have a typewriter. I cant type it myself.
11/ Ill buy a new hat. Ill give it to you.
12/ Youll ask the teacher. Hell explain the lesson to you.
13/ Mary doesnt see the sight. She cant tell you about that.
14/ I dont know his address. I cant give it to you.
15/ He didnt look a lot better because he didnt shave more often.
16/ She was ill. She didnt go to work.
17/ It was raining all morning. We didnt go out.
18/ He was tired. He made a mistake.
19/ Peter didnt write to me. I didnt write to him.
20/ You didnt ask Alice. She didnt tell you the truth.
Bai 3 :
* The chu ong (active voice) la cach at cau ma chu t ong vai tro chu ong.
- Mr. Brown wrote the report yesterday.
- He has already finished his homework.


* The thu ong (passive voice) la cach at cau ma chu t ong vai tro b ong.
- That house was built 100 years ago.
- Those windows are painted blue.
 Passive sentence :

S + be + past participle

1/ Hay quan sat v du sau :

* Active : Tom broke the chair yesterday.
* Passive : The chair was broken by Tom yesterday.
be + P.P
by doer
2/ Ghi nh: Cach oi mot cau t active sang passive :
* Lay tuc t (O) trong cau chu ong xuong lam chu t (S) trong cau thu ong.
* Nhan xet xem ong t chia trong cau chu ong th nao, ta chia TO BE th
o roi viet ong t chnh dang qua kh phan t (p.p).
* Lay chu t (S) trong cau chu ong xuong lam doer trong cau thu ong, nh
viet BY ngay ang trc.
* Trang t gi nguyen khong oi va thng at cuoi cau (neu la trang t ch
thi gian).
3/ Mot vai v du khac :
+ (a
a) simple present : [Subject+
Subject+ am / is / are + P.P ]
- Mr.Green teaches history.
 History is taught by Mr.Green.
+ (b
b) present perfect : [ S + has / have + been + p.p ]
- He has just done his homework.
 His homework has just been done by him.
+ (cc) present continuous : [ S + am / is / are / + being + p.p]
- She is cleaning the windows.
 The windows are being cleaned by her.
+ (d
d) simple past : [ S + was / were + p.p]
- The boss sacked ten workers.
 Ten workers were sacked by the boss.
+ (e
e) past perfect : [ S + had been + p.p]
- Mary had written the letter.

 The letter had been written by Mary.

+ (ff) Past continuous : [ S + was / were + being + p.p]
- The police were questioning Tom.
 Tom was being questioned by the police.
+ (g
g) simple future: [ S + will / shall + be + p.p]
- John will deliver the letter.
 The letter will be delivered by John.
+ (h
h) Modal verbs : [ S + must / can / may + be + p.p]
- He must do it right now.
 It must be done by him right now.
+ (ii) special structures : [ S + is / are going to + be + p.p]
- The engineers are going to build the bridge.
 The bridge is going to be built by the engineers.
( con ap dung vi cac cau truc khac nh : have to, had to, used to, ought to )

+ (jj) 2 objects :
- They gave me a present yesterday.
 I was given a present yesterday(by them).
 A present was given to me yesterday(by them).
(Neu sau BY la them / people / someone / somebodyta co the bo i)
+ (k
k) perception verb with bare infinitive
infinitive : [ S + be p.p + to inf ]
- I never hear him shout at his children.
 He is never heard to shout at his children.
+ (ll) perception verb with present partciple : [ S + be p.p + VV-ing ]
- I saw the boy coming into the room.
 The boy was seen coming
coming into the room.
+ (m
m) With make : [ S + be made + to inf ]
- They made me do it.
 I was made to do it.
+ (n
n) With let : [ S + be let + bare inf ]
- They let him do it.
 He was let do it.


+ (o
o) With begin or start: [ S + begin / start + to be + p.p ]
- They began to build the house in 1980.
 The house began to be built in 1980.
+ (p
p) With say, report, rumour:
- People say that prevention is better than cure.
 It is said that prevention is better than cure.
 Prevention is said to be better than cure. (cach oi nay c ap dung
cho cac ong t nh: SAY, REPORT, THINK, BELIEVE, RUMOUR)
+ (q
q) cau menh lenh : [ Let + O + be p.p ]
- Open the door, please.
 Let the door be opened,
opened please.
EXERCISE I : Supply the correct tense
tense and voice.
1/ Everyone (shock) was shocked by the news yesterday.
2/ Almost everyone (enjoy) enjoyed the lecture last night.
3/ English (speak) _________ all over the world.
4/ A terrible accident (happen) _________ right here at 6 oclock last night.
5/ Mr. Smith (teach) _________ at this university since 1985.
6/ Not much (say) _________ about the matter since last week.
7/ He (borrow) _________ the money from her two weeks ago.
8/ A new textbook (publish) _________ by that company next year.
9/ Everything (go) _________ well so far. There (be) _________ no trouble
10/ Who the book (write) _________ by ?
11/ Think carefully. Im sure you (remember) _________ his name.
12/ The report (examine) _________ now.
EXERCISE II : Turn into the passive voice.

1/ He is running his own restaurant.

- ______________________________________________________
2/ The secretary opens the mails every morning.
- ______________________________________________________
3/ The teacher doesnt allow me to take the seat by the window.
- ______________________________________________________
4/ Toms absence worried his mother.
- ______________________________________________________
5/ They are building a new school in this town.
- ______________________________________________________
6/ You should finish the report right now.
- ______________________________________________________
7/ We shall discuss the matter in the afternoon.
- ______________________________________________________
8/ Are you going to post this letter ?
- ______________________________________________________
9/ He has to pay the bills before the fifth of the month.
- ______________________________________________________
10/ No one has opened that box for the past hundred years.
- ______________________________________________________
11/ The boy screamed while the dentist was pulling out one of his teeth.
- ______________________________________________________
12/ The enemy used to attack the bay.
- ______________________________________________________
13/ The fire has destroyed many houses.
- ______________________________________________________
14/ The children are carrying the chairs into the house.


- ______________________________________________________
15/ They awarded him the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1946.
- ______________________________________________________
16/ We saw him leave the office at 6 oclock this morning.
- ______________________________________________________
17/ My parents didnt let me go to school this morning because I was ill.
- ______________________________________________________
18/ You ought to water these plants once a week.
- ______________________________________________________
19/ People saw her driving a car near the bridge.
- ______________________________________________________
20/ They said that he was the richest man in the town.
- ______________________________________________________
21/ Scientists began to carry out researches on AIDS in 1981.
- ______________________________________________________
22/ The boy knew that they were praising him.
- ______________________________________________________
23/ Everybody believed that he had died of lung cancer.
- ______________________________________________________
24/ They hadnt built the bridge when we first came here.
- ______________________________________________________
25/ I can assure you that I will arrange everything in time.
- ______________________________________________________
EXERCISE III : Change to the active voice.
1/ Progress in science is being made day after day.
- ______________________________________________________
2/ The palace was designed by a French architect.


- ______________________________________________________
3/ The road in front of my house has been paved.
- ______________________________________________________
4/ You can see that the dishes havent been washed.
- ______________________________________________________
5/ Our salaries will not be increased this year.
- ______________________________________________________
6/ Wasnt that theatre built two years ago ?
- ______________________________________________________
7/ The problem may be discussed again.
- ______________________________________________________
8/ My brother has been offered a well-paid job.
- ______________________________________________________
9/ It is reported that the war started again in South America.
- ______________________________________________________
10/ I was told that I was going to be appointed manager of this company.
- ______________________________________________________
EXERCISE IV : Rewrite the following sentences.
1/ People dont learn a foreign language in a short time.
- ______________________________________________________
2/ Did anyone ask any questions about me ?
- ______________________________________________________
3/ Henry wrote that book years ago, didnt he ?
- ______________________________________________________
4/ I wasnt introduced to any of the guests.
- ______________________________________________________
5/ What sort of research are they doing in the laborotary ?
- ______________________________________________________

6/ You should place matches out of reach of children.

- ______________________________________________________
7/ People say that inflation is getting out of control.
- ______________________________________________________
8/ Well have finished all the work by the weekend.
- ______________________________________________________
9/ I heard her singing very beautifully.
- ______________________________________________________
10/ Scientists started discovering the universe thousands of years ago.
- ______________________________________________________
11/ Nothing can be gained without effort.
- ______________________________________________________
12/ The robbers forced the bank manager to hand over the money.
- ______________________________________________________
13/ They let us go.
- ______________________________________________________
14/ The police stopped Tom on the highway and made him show his I.D card.
- ______________________________________________________
15/ Write your address on the back of the cheque.
- ______________________________________________________
16/ Where did your child find the keys ?
- ______________________________________________________
17/ Some people think he is a dangerous criminal.
- ______________________________________________________
18/ They will have to sign these documents.
- ______________________________________________________
19/ The workers are going to pull down that old building.
- ______________________________________________________

20/ No one told me the truth.

- ______________________________________________________
EXERCISE V : More exercises on Passive voice.
1. Yes - No questions :
a. Do they teach English here ?
- ___________________________________________________
b. Will you invite her to your wedding party ?
- ___________________________________________________
c. Did the teacher give some exercises ?
- ___________________________________________________
d. Is she going to write poem ?
- ___________________________________________________
e. Have they changed the window of the laboratory ?
- ___________________________________________________
f. Is she making big cakes for the party ?
- ___________________________________________________
g. Has Tom finished the work ?
- ___________________________________________________
h. Are the police making inquires about the thief.
- ___________________________________________________
i. Must we finish the test before ten ?
- ___________________________________________________
j. Will buses bring the children home ?
- ___________________________________________________
2. Wh - questions :
a. Why didnt they help him ?


- ___________________________________________________
b. How many games has the team played ?
- ___________________________________________________
c. Where do people speak English ?
- ___________________________________________________
d. Who are they keeping in the kitchen ?
- ___________________________________________________
e. How can they open this safe ?
- ___________________________________________________
f. What books are people reading this year ?
- ___________________________________________________
g. How did the police find the lost man ?
- ___________________________________________________
h. Who looked after the children for you ?
- ___________________________________________________
i. How long have they waited for the doctor ?
- ___________________________________________________
j. What time can the boys hand in their papers ?
- ___________________________________________________
3. Sentences with two Objects :
a. The teacher gave each of us two exercise books.
- ___________________________________________________
b. Someone will tell him that news.
- ___________________________________________________
c. They had sent enough money to these poor boys.
- ___________________________________________________
d. They have given the women in most countries in the world the right to vote.
- ___________________________________________________

e. They paid me a lot of money to do the job.

- ___________________________________________________
4. Sentences with verb of reporting :
a. People believe that 13 is an unlucky number.
- ___________________________________________________
b. They rumoured that man was still living.
- ___________________________________________________
c. They declared that she won the competition.
- ___________________________________________________
d. They know that English is an international language.
- ___________________________________________________
e. People think that Jack Londons life and writings represent the American love
of adventure.
- ___________________________________________________
f. They say that John is the brightest student in class.
- ___________________________________________________
g. They reported that the President had suffered a heart attack.
- ___________________________________________________
h. They think that he has died a natural death.
- ___________________________________________________
i. They reported that the troops were coming.
- ___________________________________________________
j. People believed that the earth stood still.
- ___________________________________________________
5. Sentences with verbs Continue and Begin :
a. Well continue to use this computer.
- ___________________________________________________

b. They began to plant rubber trees in big plantations.

- ___________________________________________________
c. People can continue to enjoy natural resources.
- ___________________________________________________
d. People will continue to drink Coca - Cola in the 21st century.
- ___________________________________________________
e. American people begin to love football.
- ___________________________________________________
6. Sentences with Phrasal verbs :
a. They gave up the research after three hours.
- ___________________________________________________
b. Someone should look into the matter.
- ___________________________________________________
c. Dont speak until someone speaks to you.
- ___________________________________________________
d. A neighbour is looking after the children.
- ___________________________________________________
e. Your story brings back pleasant memories.
- ___________________________________________________
7. Sentences with verbs of Perception :
a. I have heard her sing this song several times.
- ___________________________________________________
b. People saw him steal your car.
- ___________________________________________________
c. The teacher is watching them work.
- ___________________________________________________
d. He wont let you do that silly thing again.

- ___________________________________________________
e. People dont make the children work hard.
- ___________________________________________________
f. They made him work all day.
- ___________________________________________________
g. The detective saw the woman putting the jewelry in her bag.
- ___________________________________________________
h. The terrorists made the hostages lie down.
- ___________________________________________________
i. Police advise drivers to use an alternative route.
- ___________________________________________________
j. She helps me to do all these difficult exercises.
- ___________________________________________________
8. Sentences of order :
a. Open your book.
- ___________________________________________________
b. Take off your hat.
- ___________________________________________________
c. Dont do that silly thing again.
- ___________________________________________________
d. Lets tell them about it.
- ___________________________________________________
e. Dont let the other see you.
- ___________________________________________________
9. Sentences with Advise, Beg, Order, Urge, Agree, Decide,... :
a. She advised me to sell that house.


- ___________________________________________________
b. They begged us to help them.
- ___________________________________________________
c. He orders us to clean the floor.
- ___________________________________________________
d. He recommends me to do the job.
- ___________________________________________________
e. She urges him to visit her parents as soon as possible.
- ___________________________________________________
10. Some special sentences :
a. It is dangerous for us to take the short cut.
- ___________________________________________________
b. You need to have your hair cut.
- ___________________________________________________
c. Smoke filled the room.
- ___________________________________________________
d. You must see it to believe it.
- ___________________________________________________
e. He wants someone to take some photographs.
- ___________________________________________________
f. He likes people to call him Sir.
- ___________________________________________________
g. Its your duty to do this work.
- ___________________________________________________
h. We enjoy writing letters.
- ___________________________________________________
i. Nobody has slept in this room for long time.
- ___________________________________________________

j. You ordered me about and I was tired of it.

- ___________________________________________________

Bai 4 :


Menh e quan he la menh e c bat au bang cac ai t quan he (relative

pronouns) nh : who, whom, which, whose, that.
- The man who met me at the airport gave me the money.
Trong cau tren, menh e who met me at the airport la menh e quan he trong o
who la ai t quan he c dung e thay the tien v t (antecedent) the man va
menh e con lai The man gave me the money la menh e chnh.
1/ Hay xem cac v du :


- The man gave me the money. He met me at the airport.

 The man who met me at the airport gave me the money.
- This is the man. We saw him at the party yesreday.
 This is the man whom we saw at the party yesterday.
- The pencil belongs to me. It is in your pocket.
 The pencil which is in your pocket belongs to me.
- The car is very expensive. He bought it.
 The car which he bought is very expensive.
- There is the man. His wallet was stolen.
 There is the man whose wallet was stolen.
- The tree should be cut down. The branches of the tree are dead.
 The tree whose branches are dead should be cut down.
2/ Cach dung ai t quan he:
Chu t (subject)
For people
(Ch ngi)
For things, animals
(ch vat, thu vat)

Tuc t (object)

S hu (possessive)

Who / that

whom / who / that


Which / that

which / that


Thong thng ta co the dung that e thay the cho who,

who whom hoac which.
- The man that met me at the airport gave me the money.
- This is the man that we saw at the party yesterday.
- The pencil that is in your pocket belongs to me.
- The car that he bought is very expensive.
3/ Phan loai : Ta can phan biet menh e quan he lam hai loai : menh e xac nh
(defining relative clause) va menh e khong
ng xac nh (non-defining relative clause) :
(*) Defining clause:(hoa
c Restrictive clause)
- The man who met me at the airport gave me the money.
Ta goi menh e who met me at the airport la menh e quan he xac nh v no rat
can thiet e nh ngha hoac giai thch cho tien v t the man.
man Neu khong co no, t the
man se rat m ho va ta khong biet ngi an ong o la ai.
- The book (which / that) you lent me is very interesting.
- The man (whom / that) you met yesterday is coming to my house for
(*) NonNon-defining clause : (hoac Non-restrictive clause)
- Shakespeare, who wrote Romeo and Juliet, died in 1616.
Ta goi menh e who wrote Romeo and Juliet la menh e quan he khong xac nh
v no ch bo tuc them ngha cho tien v t Shakespeare nen du co bo i menh e nay

th ngha cua cau van van ro rang. Menh e quan he khong xac nh thng c ngan
cach bi dau phay (trc va sau menh e) va khong c dung that e thay the cho
who whom hay which.
- My brother Jack, who came here last night, is an engineer.
- That house, which was built a few months ago, doesnt look modern.
- Vietnam, which lies in Southeast Asia, is rich in coal.
Menh e quan he khong xac nh c dung khi tien v t la tieng c xac nh :
thng la danh t rieng ch ngi hay a danh (Mr. Brown, Vietnam), hoac danh t
i vi cac tnh t ch nh (this, that) hay tnh t s hu (my, his, her, their) hoac do
ta t qui nh lay.
- A man, who said he knew my father, asked me for money.
4/ where, when va why trong menh e quan he :
- That is the village in which I used to live.
 That is the village where I used to live.
- Sunday is the day on which most people rest.
 Sunday is the day when most people rest.
- There must be a reason for which you said that.
 There must be a reason why you said that.
In (on / at) which --- (place)--  where
On (in / at) which ---(time )--  when
For which
--(reason)--  why
Where va when co the c dung e gii thieu menh e xac nh va menh e
khong xac nh.
- We visited the town where I was born.(defining)
- I bought them at the supermarket, where I met Mrs.Brown.(non-defining)
- I saw the film last year, when I was in Paris.(non-defining)
- I think that was the time when I lost all my money.(defining)
Why thng c dung trong menh e xac nh va thng theo sau a reason hay the
- That is the reason why I didnt come to the party yesterday.
Where when va why c goi la trang t quan he (relative adverbs)
EXERCISE I : Write who, that, which, or nothing to complete these sentences :
1/ Have you got the money ___________ I lent you yesterday ?
2/ Peter, ___________ I had seen earlier, wasnt at the party.

3/ This is the machine ___________ cost half a million pounds.

4/ Mary, ___________ had been listening to the conversation, looked angry.
5/ Have you read the book ___________ I gave you ?
6/ The house, ___________ they bought three months ago, looks lovely.
7/ Mrs.Jackson, ___________ had been very ill, died yesterday.
8/ Is this the person ___________ stole your handbag ?
9/ The dog, ___________ had been very quiet, suddenly started barking.
10/ I didnt receive the letters ___________ she sent me.
11/ My mother, ___________ hadnt been expecting visitors, looked surprised.
12/ The old man, ___________ had been talking to them earlier, knew that
they were in the building.
13/ The horse, ___________ had been injured by the flying stones, was very
14/ We didnt like the secetary ___________ the agency sent.
15/ I didnt find the money ___________ you said youd left.
EXERCISE II : Join each pair of sentences using relative pronouns
pronouns :
1/ This is the man. I met him in Paris.
- ________________________________________________
2/ I wanted the painting. You bought it.
- ________________________________________________
3/ This is the chair. My parents gave it to me.
- ________________________________________________
4/ Shes the woman. She telephoned the police.
- ________________________________________________

5/ Hes the person. He wanted to buy your house.

- ________________________________________________
6/ We threw out the computer. It never worked properly.
- ________________________________________________
7/ This is the lion. Its been ill recently.
- ________________________________________________
8/ The man was badly injured. He was driving the car.
- ________________________________________________
9/ The children broke the window. They live in the next street.
- ________________________________________________
10/ Thats the woman. I was telling you about her.
- ________________________________________________
EXERCISE III : Combine these pairs of sentences using relative pronouns:
1/ Theres the lady. Her dog was killed.
- ________________________________________________
2/ Thats the man. Hes going to buy the company.
- ________________________________________________
3/ Hes the person. His car was stolen.
- ________________________________________________
4/ Shes the new doctor.The doctors coming to the hospital next week.
- ________________________________________________
5/ Shes the journalist. Her article was on the front page of The Times.
- ________________________________________________
6/ Theyre the people. Their shop burned down last week.
- ________________________________________________
7/ Thats the sales director. Hes leaving in March.


- ________________________________________________
8/ Im the person. You stayed in my flat.
- ________________________________________________
9/ Thats the boy. Hes just got a place at university.
- ________________________________________________
10/ Im the one. My flat was broken into.
- ________________________________________________
EXERCISE IV : Join each pair of sentences using relative pronouns :
1/ The man didnt come back again. I shouted at him.
- ________________________________________________
2/ The television never worked again. I dropped it.
- ________________________________________________
3/ The machine was broken. I hired it.
- ________________________________________________
4/ The clothes were beautiful. She bought some clothes.
- ________________________________________________
5/ The wall fell down after three weeks. They built the wall.
- ________________________________________________
6/ The policeman wasnt very helpful. I asked him.
- ________________________________________________
7/ I didnt really like the car. We bought it.
- ________________________________________________
8/ I lost the money. I borrowed it from John.
- ________________________________________________
9/ I really liked the new teacher. They sent the new teacher.
- ________________________________________________
10/ I sacked a sales assistant. I had a terrible argument with him.

- ________________________________________________
EXERCISE V : Write where, when,
when, or why to complete these sentences.
1/ We visited the school ___________ my father taught.
2/ I met her last month, ___________ she came to our house.
3/ We all looked at the place ___________ the fire had started.
4/ Did they tell you the reason ___________ they were late?
5/ The cat sat on the wall ___________ it had a good view of the birds.
6/ They arrived in the evening, at a time ___________ we were all out.
7/ I couldnt understand the reason ___________ they were so rude.
8/ I met him in the cafe ___________ he was working as a waiter.
9/ I listen to music late at night, ___________ the children have gone to bed.
10/ I bought them in August, ___________ I was in France.
EXERCISE VI : Join each pair of sentences using relative pronouns or adverbs.
1/ We need a room. We can study in that room.
- ________________________________________________
2/ Swimming makes people strong. It is a good sport.
- ________________________________________________
3/ This is Mrs.Jones. Her son won the championship last year.
- ________________________________________________
4/ The Smiths were given rooms in the hotel. Their house had been destroyed
in the explosion.
- ________________________________________________
5/ He invited her to eat out on a day. It rained heavily on that day.


- ________________________________________________
6/ The house was built in 1945. They are living in that house.
- ________________________________________________
7/ The reason was that he didnt want to make her worried. He didnt tell the
truth for that reason.
- ________________________________________________
8/ The day was sunny. She arrived on that day.
- ________________________________________________
9/ I know the woman. You bought the car from her son.
- ________________________________________________
10/ Are you the man ? The man won the first prize.
- ________________________________________________
Bai 5 :



Co hai cach thuat lai li mot ngi khac noi: cach trc tiep va cach gian tiep.
Trong cau trc tiep (direct speech), ta nhac lai nguyen van li ngi a noi.
- He said : I have lost my pen.
Trong cau gian tie
tiep (indrect speech) hay cau tng thuat (reported speech), ta dien
ta t tng trong cau ngi khac noi ma khong can lap lai nguyen van cau noi cua ho.
- He said that he had lost his pen.
A. Cau phat bieu. (statements in reported speech)
1/ V du :
- He said : I have lost my pen this morning.
 He said that he had lost his pen that morning.
- She said to him: I will go with you tomorrow.
 She told him that she would go with him the next day.
2/ Ghi nh : muon oi mot cau trc tiep sang cau gian tiep, ta phai :
+ Gi nguyen ong t gii thieu said hoac oi said to thanh told neu co tuc t.
+ Bo dau hai cham (:) va ngoac kep () roi them lien t that.

+ Thay oi ai t nhan xng, tnh t s hu theo qui tac sau : Ngoi th 1 oi

thanh ngoi th nh chu t menh e chnh. Ngoi th 2 oi thanh ngoi th cua tuc t.
Ngoi th 3 gi nguyen khong oi.
+ Thay oi th cua ong t trong cau trc tiep bang cach cho lui ve qua kh mot
bac. Cu the nh sau :
Reported speech
Direct speech
- simple present

- simple past
- past continuous
- present continuous 

- past perfect
- present perfect
- simple past

- past perfect

- past perfect continuous
- past continuous
- past perfect continuous
- present perfect cont 
- simple future

- present conditional (should/would)

- unchanged (khong oi)
- past perfect
- unchanged
- perfect conditional 
+ Thay oi mot so t ch thi gian va ni chon.
- now
 - then
- today / tonight
 - that day / that night
 - the following day / the next day
- tomorrow
 - the previous day / the day before
- yesterday
- next week / month
 - the following week / month
 - the week before /the month before
- last week /month
- the day before yesterday  - two days before
- the day after tomorrow
 - in two days time
 - before
- ago
 - the following morning
- tomorrow morning
- last Tuesday
 - the Tuesday before
 - at once
- right now
 - there
- here
 - that / those
- this / these
- He said : Ill come here to take this book.
 He said that he would come there to take that book.
- They said to us : You must do this work right now.
 They told us that we had to do that work at once.
Chu y :
* Khi cau trc tiep bieu th mot tap quan, mot s that hay mot chan ly th khi oi
sang cau gian tiep th cua ong t khong thay oi.
- The lecturer said : The earth moves round the sun.
 The lecturer said that the earth moves round the sun.
- The teacher said to them : The Second World War ended in 1945.
 The teacher told them that the Second World War ended in 1945.


* Khi cau ong t gii thieu hien tai n, th cua ong t trong cau gian tiep
khong oi va cac t ch thi gian hoac ni chon van gi nguyen.
- The doctor says to her : You will have to stay here until tomorrow.
 The doctor tells her that she will have to stay here until tomorrow.
B. CAU HOI. (Questions in reported speech)
1/ V du :
- She said to me : Do you like swimming ?
 She asked me if I liked swimming.
- Tom said : Has she finished her home work ?
 Tom wanted to know if she had finished her homework.
- He asked me : Why did you come home so late last night?
 He asked me why I had come home so late the night before.
- Mary said : Whats he doing now?
 Mary wondered what he was doing then.
2/ Ghi nh :
+ oi said thanh asked (co hoac khong tuc t theo sau), wondered hay wanted to
know (khong co tuc t).
+ Bo dau hai cham (:), dau ngoac kep () va dau cham hoi (?) va gi lai questionquestionword (nh what, where, how)
how neu la cau hoi noi dung (Wh-questions) hoac them if
(hay whether)
whether neu cau hoi co hay khong (Yes-no questions).
H (Commands in reported speech)
1/ V du :
- The teacher said : Go to the blackboard, John.
 The teacher told John to go to the blackboard.
- He said to them : Dont be late tomorrow.
 He told them not to be late the next day.
2/ Ghi nh :
+ oi said hay said to thanh told hay asked va buoc phai co tuc t theo sau.
+ Dung to e thay the cho dau hai cham va ngoac kep khi la cau menh lenh xac
nh va dung not to khi la cau menh lenh phu nh.


Tom tat
(Cau phat bieu)
(Cau menh lenh)
(Cau hoi noi dung)
YesYes-no questions
(Cau hoi co khong)


Cau gian tiep (reported speech)

S + said + (that) + clause
S + told + O + (that) + clause
S + told + O + to infinitive
S + told + O + not + to infinitive
S + asked + (O) + whwh- + clause
S + wondered + whwh- + clause
S + wanted to know + whwh- + clause
S + asked + (O) + if / whether + clause
S + wondered + if /whether + clause
S + wanted to know + if / whether + clause

EXERCISE I : Put into the reported speech :

1/ Tom said : I want to buy a pocket calculator for my father.
- _________________________________________________________
2/ She said : I once spent a summer in this village.
- _________________________________________________________
3/ The nurse said : The patient in this room didnt obey your orders, Doctor.
- _________________________________________________________
4/ They said to me : You taught us English last year.
- _________________________________________________________
5/ Mr.Brown said : Our trip cost us two thousand dollars.
- _________________________________________________________
6/ He said to her : I cant find my hat anywhere in this room.
- _________________________________________________________
7/ My father said to them : My secretary is going to finish this job.
- _________________________________________________________
8/ They said : We cant meet you here either today or tomorrow.
- _________________________________________________________
9/ My mother said : I think it wont rain tomorrow.
- _________________________________________________________

10/ He said : Your car has been stolen, John.

- _________________________________________________________
11/ They said : The river is rising early this year.
- _________________________________________________________
12/ He said : Ill expect her to come soon.
- _________________________________________________________
13/ Our teacher said : World War II broke out in 1939.
- _________________________________________________________
14/ The students said : Well be sitting for our next exam next Monday.
- _________________________________________________________
15/ He said : Im going to finish this work.
- _________________________________________________________
EXERCISE II : Change to the reported speech:
1/ Mr. Smith said : Where are you going on your vacation this year ?
- _________________________________________________________
2/ She said : Did the mechanis finish repairing your car ?
- _________________________________________________________
3/ She said : Why has David been looking so miserable lately ?
- _________________________________________________________
4/ I asked my friend : Was anyone hurt in the car accident last month ?
- _________________________________________________________
5/ She asked me : How old are you now ?
- _________________________________________________________
6/ He said to her : Have you been to town today ?
- _________________________________________________________
7/ John said : How long does it take you to get to London, Mary ?


- _________________________________________________________
8/ The policeman asked the little girl : Whats your name ?
- _________________________________________________________
9/ Mr. Green said to his secretary : Who did you talk to a few minutes ago ?
- _________________________________________________________
10/ Paul said : Can you swim, Mary ?
- _________________________________________________________
11/ He said : Where can I find her in this town ?
- _________________________________________________________
12/ She asked her son : Do you know which is the cup you used ?
- _________________________________________________________
13/ Helen said : What did you say, Jack ?
- _________________________________________________________
14/ She said to him : Why didnt you get up early this morning ?
- _________________________________________________________
15/ He said : Will it rain tonight ?
- _________________________________________________________
EXERCISE III : Turn into the reported speech:
1/ The manager said : Come into my office, please.
- _________________________________________________________
2/ The teacher said ro us : Dont make so much noise.
- _________________________________________________________
3/ Mr.Green said : Please come to our dinner tonight, Bill.
- _________________________________________________________
4/ Susan said to Tom : Dont call me again at this late hour.
- _________________________________________________________
5/ She said to the boy : Show me what you have in your hand.


- _________________________________________________________
6/ The policeman ordered : Stay where you are and dont touch anything.
- _________________________________________________________
7/ The old lady said : Will you please water these flowers for me.
- _________________________________________________________
8/ She said : Dont leave your coat on this chair.
- _________________________________________________________
9/ She said to him : Dont speak to me like that and behave yourself.
- _________________________________________________________
10/ Peter said : Would you mind lending me your dictionary till next
- _________________________________________________________
EXERCISE IV : Rewrite the following sentences:
1/ The flight attendant said : Dont forget to fasten your seat belts.
 The flight attendant reminded _________________________________
2/ The policeman said to her : Show me your driving licence.
 The policeman ordered ____________________________________
3/ He said : Did you see Mary yesterday ?
 He wanted to know ______________________________________
4/ He said : Would you mind telling me the time ?
 He told _______________________________________________
5/ I said to my friend : When did you buy your new car ?
 I asked ________________________________________________
6/ My friend said to me : We have known everything about that.
 My friend told ___________________________________________
7/ I wondered why there were so many people at the station that day.
 I said : __________________________________________________

8/ The teacher asked whether we had found the solution to the problem yet.
 The teacher asked us: _______________________________________
9/ He ordered us not to touch anything in that room.
 He said : _________________________________________________
Bai 6 :



A. DANH ONG T : (Gerund)

Danh ong t co cau truc giong nh hien tai phan t ( tc la ong t them ING) :
talking, learning, cutting, lying
Danh ong t, nh ten goi, la ong t dung nh danh t. Danh ong t chu yeu ng
v tr, va thc hien chc nang, cua mot danh t trong cau. No thng c :
1/ Dung lam chu t : (subject)
- Swimming is good for our health.
- Being friendly will bring you friends.
2/ Dung lam tuc t cho ong t : (object of a verb)
- These boys like swimming.
- My brother practises speaking English every day.
3/ Dung lam bo ng cho chu t : (subject complement)
- My hobby is swimming.
- Seeing is believing.
4/ Dung lam tuc t cho gii t : (object of a preposition)
- He is fond of swimming.
- She is interested in learning English.
5/ Dung trong cau ngan cam ngan (short prohibition) hoac e thanh lap danh t kep
(compound noun)
- No smoking.
- No talking, please.
- a swimming pool.
- a dining room.
- a washing machine.
6/ Dung sau tnh t s hu :
- Please forgive my coming late.

- His driving carelessly often causes accidents.

7/ Dung sau mot so ong t va mot so cach dien at nhat nh nh : admit, advise,
avoid, consider,
consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, finish, hate, keep, like, mind, practise,
postpone, quit, risk, suggest, cant help, cant bear, cant stand, be worth, be busy,
its no use, theres no
- We enjoy listening to music.
- I cant help laughing when she makes jokes.
B. ONG T NGUYEN MAU : (Infinitive)
ong t nguyen mau thng co gii t to ng trc (to do, to learn, to help, to
advise) va c dung trong nhng trng hp sau :
1/ Lam chu t (subject), tuc t (object) hoac bo
bo ng (complement) trong cau :
- To conceal the truth from her was foolish.
- He wanted to become a spaceman.
- What he asked for is to be left alone.
2/ Lam tnh t bo ngha cho danh t :
- He was the first man to leave the room.
- English is an important language to master.
3/ Lam trang t dien ta cac noi dung sau :
* Muc ch cua hanh ong.
- He went to the station to meet her.
- He bought a dictionary to study English.
* Ket qua, hau qua. (sau TOO +Adj / Adv)
- She is too tired to go for a walk.
- The box was too heavy for her to carry.
* Hieu qua. (sau Adj / Adv + ENOUGH)
- Im strong enough to carry that heavy box.
- He isnt rich enough to travel everywhere by taxi.
4/ Dung sau mot so ong t nhat nh nh : afford, agree,
agree, arrange, decide, demand,
expect, fail, hope, intend, learn, manage, need, offer, plan, pretend,
promise,refuse, threaten, want, wish, would like
- They promised to come back soon.
- He cant afford to take a taxi.
va dung sau mot so ong t co
co tuc t (verb + obj + to inf) nh : advise, allow, ask,
beg, encourage, expect, forbid, force, help, invite, order, permit, persuade, prefer,
remind, teach, tell, want, warn

- They dont allow us to smoke in the office.

- I taught myself to play the guitar.
+ Chu y : Mot so ong t co the theo sau bi danh ong t hoac ong t nguyen
mau nhng co s khac biet ve ngha trong cau.
(*) Remember + gerund : nh lai viec a thc hien.
- I remember posting the letter.
Remember + to infinitive : nh e thc hien.
- I remember to post the letter.
(*) Stop + gerund : ngng thc hien viec ang lam.
- She stopped mending the dress.
Stop + to infinitive : ngng lam mot viec g khac e lam viec nay.
- He stopped to have a drink.
(*) Try + gerund : th lam viec g .
- I try writing in blue ink to see if my handwriting is better.
Try + to infinitive : co gang lam viec g.
- They tried to work as hard as they could.
(*) Mean + gerund : mang y ngha.
- Failure in the exam means having to learn one more year.
Mean + to infinitive : d nh lam viec g.
- He means to take the coming exam.
(*) Forget + gerund : quen ieu g a xay ra.
- I forgot telling her this story.
Forget + to infinitive : quen lam ieu g.
- I forgot to tell her about this.
(*) Regret + gerund : hoi tiec viec a xay ra.
- She regrets going to a village school.
Regret + to infinitive : hoi tiec se lam viec g.
- The party was great. He regretted not to go there.
MAU KHONG TO. (Bare Infinitive)
ay la ong t nguyen the khong i kem vi to (infinitive without to) va c s
dung trong cac trng hp sau :
1/ Dung sau cac ong t khiem khuyet (Modal verbs) nh : can, could, may, might,
must, ought to
- You may go now.
- They must finish the work by now.
2/ Dung sau cac ong t : HAVE, LET, MAKE, HELP
- I helped the child tidy his desk.

- He had a painter paint the gate.

- They let him enter the room without a ticket.
- My parents make me go to bed early.
3/ Dung sau BUT, EXCEPT vi ngha ngoai tr
- Why dont you do anything but complain?
- She agreed to do everything but help him with the homework.
ve, spot
4/ Dung sau cac ong t ch giac quan nh : see, watch, hear, notice, obser
- We heard them sing all morning.
- He saw the thief enter the hall.
Chu y : nh ta a biet hien tai phan t (present participle) co the c dung cho cac
ong t tren e dien ta hanh ong ang tiep dien. Con ong t nguyen the dung trong
trng hp nay ch hanh ong a hoan tat.
- I watched them playing football for a while. (tran au van ang tiep dien)
- I watched them play football yesterday afternoon. (xem toan bo tran au)
EXERCISE I : Supply the correct form of the verbs :
1/ Could I (see) _________ Mr. Brown, please ?
2/ He told me (try) _________ (come) _________ early.
3/ I wanted her (learn) _________ English.
4/ Will you (help) _________ me (move) _________ this desk ?
5/ Please (let) _________ me (know) _________ your opinion.
6/ Would you like (paint) _________ your bike or should I (have) _________ a
(do) _________ it for you ?
7/ He warned me (not come) _________ late.
8/ Theres no (tell) _________ what might (happen) _________.
9/ Did you (see) _________ Tom (try) _________ (reach) _________ the top of
the dresser ?
- Hes too short (reach) _________ it.

10/ We had to (ask) _________ the students (stop) _________ (make)

_________ so much noise.
11/ I cant understand his (want) _________ (buy) _________ such an
expensive car.
12/ I couldnt stand (be) _________ alone in the dark room.
13/ They dont want us (mention) _________ their (come) _________ late.
14/ You must remember (lock) _________ the door before (leave) _________
the house.
15/ After (get) _________ (know) _________ her at school, he finished by
(ask) _________ her address.
EXERCISE II : Use the correct verb form :
1/ The children are busy (collect) _________ shells on the beach.
2/ The teacher promised (help) _________ us (prepare) _________ for the
3/ We regret (say) _________ that the lecture was dull and wasnt worth
(listen) _________ to.
4/ Theres no (deny) _________ that he enjoys (listen) _________ to his own
5/ Is (boil) _________ or (fry) _________ the best way of (cook) _________
this fish ?
6/ Its no use your (ask) _________ him (lend) _________ you any money.
7/ Can you manage(finish) _________ (write) _________ these reports by
yourself ?
8/ He advised me( consider) _________ all the facts before (decide)
_________ (accept) _________ the job.


9/ They refused (allow) _______ us (go) _______ in without (sign) _______ the
10/ My uncle used to (show) _________ me where (go) _________ and what
(buy) ________.
11/ Theres nothing like (walk) _________ as a means of (keep) _________ fit.
12/ Your doctor advised (go) _________ to bed early, so I really cant
understand your (want) _________ (stay) _________ up late.
13/ We considered (give) _________ her a dress for her birthday, but couldnt
help (buy) _________ her some flowers, too.
14/ Theres nothing (be) _________ done about it now except (tell) _________
the police the truth.
15/ I remember (hear) ________ him (say) ________ the grass needed (cut)
16/ Would you mind (keep) _________ quiet for a moment ? Im trying (fill)
_________ in a form.
- Its no use (ask) _________ children (keep) _________ quiet. They cant help
(make) _________ noise.
17/ The miser spent all his time (count) _________ his money and (think)
_________ up new hiding places. He kept (move) _________ it about because he was
terrified of (be) _________ robbed. He used to (get) _________ up at night (make)
_________ sure it was still there.
18/ They dont allow (smoke) _________ in the auditorium; they dont want
(risk) _________ (set) _________ it on fire.
19/ Would you like me (turn) _________ down the radio a bit ?
- No, its all right. Im used to (work) _________ with the radio on.
20/ We couldnt help (laugh) ________ when he was making fun of himself.
EXERCISE III : Rewrite the following sentences.
1/ Would you close the door, please ?

- Would you mind _______________________________________ ?

2/ They didnt allow us to smoke in here.
- They didnt let _____________________________________________.
3/ My teacher advised buying that book.
- My teacher advised us _______________________________________.
4/ The thief forced the bank manager to lie on the ground.
- The thief made _____________________________________________.
5/ He has studied English for six years.
- He began __________________________________________________.
6/ It is necessary to master English.
- Mastering __________________________________________________.
7/ He spent two hours writing the essay.
- It took _____________________________________________________.
8/ He is too young to ride a motorbike.
- He isnt ____________________________________________________.
9/ The bag was so heavy that she couldnt carry it upstairs.
- The bag was too _____________________________________________.
10/ He expects to hear from her as soon as possible.
- He is looking forward _________________________________________.

Bai 7 :




e nhan manh ong t trong cau xac nh, ta at DO hoac DOES (neu th hien tai
n) va DID (neu qua kh n) trc cac ong t dang nguyen mau khong co TO.

- I did see him at the airport yesterday.

- I know that you dont expect me to go; but I do go.
- He does wish he could speak English fluently.
e cho cau menh lenh tr nen lch s hn hoac thuyet phuc hn, ta dung DO trc
cac cau menh lenh.
- Do help me, please.
- Do be careful when you cross the road.
Trong cau phu nh, ta at NOT sau ong t hoac dung NEVER trc DO, DOES,
- I know not anything about that.
- They succeeded not in their scheme although they tried very hard.
- She never does help her friends.
- I never did hear anything like that before.
Trong cau menh lenh phu nh, ta at YOU gia DONT va ong t.
- Dont you forget it.
- Dont you speak to me like that.
Ta dung cau truc It + is / was + + that e nhan manh mot t (word), mot
cum t (phrase) hay mot menh e (clause). Neu menh e chnh hien tai, ta dung It
is . that; con neu menh e chnh qua kh, ta dung It wasthat .
- It was Mr.Brown that I met at the theatre yesterday. (nhan manh mot t)
- It was at the theatre that I met Mr.Brown yesterday. (nhan manh 1 cum
- It was because it rained heavily that we couldnt go to the lecture. (1
menh e)
- It is the smoke from that factory chimney that pollutes the air.
C. NHAN MANH BANG CACH AO NG. (Inversion of subject and verb)
Hnh thc ao ng thng c dung e nhan manh khi :
1/ a trang t phu nh (negative
(negative adverbs) hay cum t tng ng (equivalents)
ra au cau. Thng la nhng t nh : hardly, scarcely, no longer, never, never before,
seldom, rarely, nowhere, in no circumstances, on no account, not until, not only but
also, no sooner than.
- Never have I seen such a wonderful thing.
- Seldom does she help her friends.
- Nowhere else can he find so many happy people.
- Rarely did he smile at me.


2/ a ONLY, SO, MANY A TIME, SUCH ra au cau.

- Only then did she realize her mistakes.
- So big was the liner that it couldnt enter the harbour.
3/ Xoa lien t IF trong cau ieu kien.
- Had I met you before, we could have been friends.
- Were I rich, I would travel around the world.
- Did I know him better, I would give him some advice.
4/ a trang t ch ni chon (adverb of place) ra au cau ket hp vi cac ong t
ch s chuyen ong nh : lie, stay, stand, sit, come, move, go (Trong trng hp nay
khi ao ng ta khong dung cac tr ong t.)
- On the top of the hill stands a village school.
- By his side sat his faithful dog.
- Near the church lies an old ruined cottage.
- There comes the train.
EXERCISE I : Emphasize the underlined verbs :
1/ Everyone says I work hard; I work hard.
- ________________________________________________
2/ He promised to write to me, and he sent me a letter.
- ________________________________________________
3/ Tom doesnt like getting up early.
- ________________________________________________
4/ Ask me if you want anything.
- ________________________________________________
5/ We dont like English grammar, but we want to learn English.
- ________________________________________________
6/ Bring John with you the next time you come.
- ________________________________________________
7/ I saw a tall man, but I didnt see his face.
- ________________________________________________
8/ He tries to learn although you think he doesnt.
- ________________________________________________


9/ Dont do that again or Ill call the police.

- ________________________________________________
10/ He didnt say much, but what he said was important.
- ________________________________________________
EXERCISE II : Give emphasis to the underlined words, phrsaes or clauses :
1/ I paid a visit to Ha Long Bay in 1966.
- ________________________________________________
2/ The Socialist Republic of Vietnam came into being on July 2, 1976.
- ________________________________________________
3/ Mr. Green went to work in spite of his bad cold.
- ________________________________________________
4/ When I left for work this morning, it was raining hard.
- ________________________________________________
5/ I want to see the manager; I dont want to see his assistant.
- ________________________________________________
6/ The flight was put off because the weather was too bad.
- ________________________________________________
7/ I met Mary at the party last night.
- ________________________________________________
8/ The words do not matter so much as the way you say them.
- ________________________________________________
9/ They couldnt solve this serious problem.
- ________________________________________________
10/ Did you start the flight or was it someone else ?
- ________________________________________________
EXERCISE III : Put the underlined words or phrases at the front position :
1/ He has never in his life been so happy.
- ________________________________________________
2/ He managed to pass the examination only by hard work.
- ________________________________________________
3/ I had hardly got into the bathroom when the telephone rang.


- ________________________________________________
4/ The ball went over the fence and into our neighbours garden.
- ________________________________________________
5/ The doctor was so angry that none of the nurses dared to say a word.
- ________________________________________________
6/ I cant explain the situation in another way.
- ________________________________________________
7/ He had no sooner arrived than he began to make trouble.
- ________________________________________________
8/ We have made real progress only within the last fifty years.
- ________________________________________________
9/ If the union were to call a strike, the situation would become very difficult.
- ________________________________________________
10/ This instrument is not only expensive but also useless.
- ________________________________________________
following sentences :
EXERCISE IV : Rewrite the following
1/ We have never seen such a clean and tidy house before.
 Never before __________________________________________
2/ Rarely does she come to see me now.
 She _________________________________________________
3/ He didnt realize he had lost his wallet until he got home.

 Not until ____________________________________________

4/ My father no longer works for this company.
 No longer ____________________________________________
5/ So suspicious did he become that he didnt believe whatever she had said.
 He __________________________________________________
6/ Not only did he refuse to help me but he also made fun of me.
 He __________________________________________________
7/ This switch mustnt be touched on any account.
 On no account __________________________________________
8/ They know little about it.


 Little _________________________________________________
9/ A great castle stood directly in front of them.
- In front of them __________________________________________
10/ Were I in your place, I would refuse his invitation.
 If ____________________________________________________
11/ We met him just a moment ago.
 It was just ______________________________________________
12/ Many a time did he tell her that he loved her.
 He ____________________________________________________
13/ An enormous frog sat on the grass.
 On ____________________________________________________
14/ Please turn down the radio.
 Do ____________________________________________________
15/ She wanted to buy a blue hat.
 She did ________________________________________________

Bai 8 :



ong t WISH thng c dung e dien ta li ao c khong the nao xay ra c qua
kh, hien tai hoac tng lai.
A. Present wish :

S1 + wish + (that) + S2 + past simple

* y ngha : Dien ta li ao c trai vi hien tai.

- I wish that I had enough time to finish my homework.
(= I dont have enough time)
- They wish they didnt have to go to class today. (= They have to go to class)
- He wishes he was rich. (= He is not rich.)


B. Past wish :

S1 + wish + (that) + S2 + past perfect

* y ngha : Dien ta li ao c trai vi qua kh.

- I wish that I had gone to the cinema last night. (= I didnt go to the cinema.)
- She wishes she had been here yesterday. (= She wasnt here yesterday.)
C. Future wish :

S1 + wish + (that) + S2 + could / would + verb

* y ngha : Dien ta li ao c khong the nao xay ra tng lai.

- We wish you could come to the party tonight. (= You cant come.)
- Mary wishes that she would come with us. (= She wont come with us.)
EXERCISE I : Supply the correct tense of the verbs :
1/ I wish I (be) _______ here yesterday. You all seem to have had such a good time.
2/ Tom wasnt able to come to the party.I wish he (come) _______ to my party.
3/ He wishes he (not tell) _______ her the whole story yesterday.
4/ I wish tomorrow (be) _______ a holiday.
5/ I wish I (learn) _______ to play a musical instrument when I was young.
6/ Its cold and I hate the cold weather. I wish it (not be) _______ so cold.
7/ I wish he (be) _______ with us now.
8/ He didnt know anything. He wishes I (let) _______ him know earlier.
9/ I didnt understand. I wish he (speak) _______ more slowly.
10/ Im sorry I cant help you. I wish I (help) _______ you.
EXERCISE II : Rewrite the following sentences :
1/ He wants to make a great fortune.
- He wishes _________________________________
2/ She wont visit me again.
- I wish ____________________________________
3/ It was silly of me not to buy that dress.
- I wish ____________________________________


4/ Im sorry I told him about it.

- I wish ____________________________________
5/ John didnt take your advice.
- He wishes __________________________________
6/ She isnt a millionairess.
- She wishes __________________________________
7/ I regret going to the party last night. It was very boring.
- I wish ____________________________________
8/ He cant swim.
- He wishes __________________________________
9/ Youre making a lot of noise.
- I wish ____________________________________
10/ The washing machine broke down and I didnt know how to repair it.
- I wish ____________________________________
EXERCISE III : Rewrite the following sentences using WISH :
1/ Hes sorry that he isnt strong enough.
- ______________________________________________
2/ She was disappointed that the thief had stolen the picture.
- ______________________________________________
3/ Im sorry that I dont live near my factory.
- ______________________________________________
4/ Theyre sorry they didnt book their seats.
- ______________________________________________
5/ Its pity he didnt work hard.
- ______________________________________________
6/ Id like Tom to drive more slowly.
- ______________________________________________
7/ Im sorry I dont know his address.
- ______________________________________________
8/ He spent much money on his expensive holidays and he regretted it.


- ______________________________________________
9/ She is bored with doing the same things day after day.
- ______________________________________________
10/ Tom didnt see the game last night. He was vey sorry.
- ______________________________________________

Bai 9 :

[A] :



USED TO + Infinitive

 (a tng) ch mot thoi quen qua kh

- My father used to smoke a lot; but now he doesnt any more.

- When I was a little boy, I used to swim in the river.
BE USED TO + VV-ing / Noun  (quen vi) tng vi Be accustomed to
- My mother is used to getting up early.
- I have been used
used to the hot weather here.
[B] :

BECAUSE + Clause

 (bi v) gii thieu menh e trang t ch nguyen do

(adverb clause of reason)

- I couldnt come to class yesterday because I was ill.

- Because the weather was bad,
bad the flight was put off.

 (bi v) dung cum t hoac danh t sau because of


- I couldnt come to class yesterday because of his illness.

- Because of the bad weather,
weather the flight was put off.
[C] :

ALTHOUGH + Clause  (mac du) gii thieu menh e trang t ch s

nhng bo (adverb clause of concession)
- They came to the concert though it was raining heavily.
- Although it is a very hot day,
day I shall go for a walk.
IN SPITE OF + Phrase

 (mac du)dung cum t hoac danh t sau in spite of

(prep) hay despite


- They came to the concert in spite of the heavy rain.

- In spite of a hot day,
day I shall go for a walk.
[D] :

SO + Adj / Adv + THAT + Clause  (quaen noi) gii thieu menh e ch

ch ket qua (adverb clause of result)
- He is so famous that everyone knows his name.
- They discussed so hotly that they forgot to come to the conclusion.
SUCH + (A / An + Adj + Noun) + THAT + Clause

 (qua en noi)

- He is such a famous man that everyone knows his name.

- It was such a hot discussion that they forgot to come to the conclusion.
TOO + Adj / Adv + (For someone) + TO + Infinitive

 (quaen noi khong..)

- It is too late to go to the movies.

- The lecture was too boring for us to listen to.
- He spoke too fast for me to understand him.
[E] :

SO THAT + Clause

 (e) gii thieu menh e trang t ch muc ch

(adverb clause of purpose)

- Im studying hard so that I can keep pace with my classmates.

- The man spoke loudly so that everyone would hear him clearly.
TO }

+ Infinitive

 (e) gii thieu cum ong t nguyen mau

ch muc ch (Inf phrase of purpose)

- Im studying hard in order to keep pace with my classmates.

- So as not to be late for class,
class John must get up early.
- We learn English to have better communication with other people.
[F] :

Adj / Adv + ENOUGH + (for someone) + TO + Inf  (u e)

- The questions were easy enough for her to answer.
- The teacher spoke clearly enough for us to understand him.

[G] :

IT + Takes / Took + SOMEONE + TIME + TO + Inf  (ai o mat bao lau

e lam viec g)
- It took me five minutes to walk to the post office.
- It takes us two hours to fly from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City.


[H] :

HAVE + Object + Past Participle

 (nh ai lam ) la hnh thc sai khien

(causative form)

- Mary is going to have her hair done.

- He had his car washed yesterday.
[I] :

IT + BE + Adj + (for someone) + TO + Inf

- It is difficult for us to master a foreign language.
- It is dangerous to drive too fast.

[J] : AS + Adj / Adv + AS

 (cung nh) so sanh bang

(comparison of equality)
- My book is as interesting as yours.
(Quyen sach cua toi cung hay nh quyen sach cua ban.)
- He is not as (so) tall as his father. (No khong cao bang ba no.)
- His car runs as fast as a race car. (Xe hi cua no chay nhanh nh xe ua.)
Nhng :
- My house is the same height as his. (= My house is as high as his.)
short AdjAdj-ER + THAN  (hn) ay la dang so sanh hn (comparative) cua
tnh ngan. Tnh t ngan la tnh t co mot van nh :
hot, cold, sad va tnh t co hai van tan cung bang
ow, -et, -y, er, -le nh: narrow, quiet, happy,
clever, gentle
- Today is hotter than yesterday. (Hom nay nong hn hom qua.)
- This street is narrower than that one.
MORE + long Adj + THAN  (hn) ay la dang so sanh hn cua tnh t dai,
thng co t hai van tr len nh : careful,
beautiful, dangerous
- This chair is more comfortable than that one.
- She is more careful than him.
Ta co the dung far, much, a little, a bittr
c so sanh hn.
- A water melon is much sweeter than a lemon.
- His watch is far more expensive than mine.
the short AdjAdj-EST

 (nhat) la dang so sanh cc cap (superlative) cua tnh t

- He is the oldest in his class. (No la ngi ln tuoi nhat lp)
-Tom is the happiest man on earth. (Tom la ngi hanh phuc nhat tren i)
the MOST + long Adj.  (nhat) la dang so sanh cc cap cua tnh t dai.

- His car is the most expensive.


- Air pollution is one of the most serious problems in the city.

Mot so tnh t co hnh th so sanh rieng nh :
Many/ much
farthest/ furthest

 ( la dang so sanh hn cua trang t, tr cac

trang t co mot van nh :hard,
hard, fast, early, late
- He speaks English more fluently than she does.
- She drives more carefully than he does.
- He works harder than I do.

the MOST + Adv

 (nhat) la dang so sanh cc cap cua trang t.

- Among his friends, he drives the most carefully.

- His car runs fastest.
Nhng so sanh cua :
The MORE, the MORE  (cang cang) la dang so sanh kep
(double Comparative)
- The more you study, the smarter you will become.
- The sooner you take medicine, the better you will feel.
- The earth is getting hotter and hotter.
EXERCISE A : Translate into English using Used To or Be Used To
1/ Trc ay ngi ta van thng ngh rang mat tri di chuyen quanh trai at.
- _____________________________________________________________________
2/ Nhng cong nhan mi nay ang quen dan vi cong viec nang nhoc cua nha may.
- _____________________________________________________________________
3/ Trc ay tren ng i hoc toi van thng i qua mot hieu sach.
- _____________________________________________________________________
4/ Ba ay biet rang ba ay khong con ep nh xa.
- _____________________________________________________________________
5/ Chung toi van thng song ong que khi con be.


- _____________________________________________________________________
6/ Cac ban se quen dan vi phng phap hoc tieng Anh mi nay.
- _____________________________________________________________________
7/ Trc kia khong co nhieu ca hang tren con ng nay.
- _____________________________________________________________________
8/ Chung no khong quen thc khuya.
- _____________________________________________________________________
9/ Trc ay anh toi thng i tam bien trong ky ngh he.
- _____________________________________________________________________
10/ o la ni ma trc ay gia nh toi sinh song.
- _____________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE B : Change because to because of and vice versa :
1/ He was not allowed to come in because he was late.
- _____________________________________________________________________
2/ I chose Mike for the job because you recommended him.
- _____________________________________________________________________
3/ Our train was late because of the thick fog.
- _____________________________________________________________________
4/ She couldnt sleep because of the noise.
- _____________________________________________________________________
5/ Because of his deep love for her, he cant live without her.
- _____________________________________________________________________
6/ Everyone loves her because of her good behaviour.
- _____________________________________________________________________
7/ He was given that position because his English was good.
- _____________________________________________________________________
8/ He answered those questions perfectly because he was intelligent.
- _____________________________________________________________________
9/ They stopped working because of the hot weather.
- _____________________________________________________________________


10/ We admired him because of his great ability.

- _____________________________________________________________________
11/ She didnt go to class this morning because she had a bad cold.
- _____________________________________________________________________
12/ I couldnt see anything because of the dark.
- _____________________________________________________________________
13/ The mechanic managed to repair the engine because he had experience.
- _____________________________________________________________________
14/ His health gets better and better because he does gymnastics regularaly.
- _____________________________________________________________________
15/ He said nothing about it because of his wifes being there.
- _____________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE C : Use In spite of in place of Although and vice versa :
1/ In spite of all the noise outside, the students kept on studying.
- _____________________________________________________________________
2/ Though they are poor, they are always neatly dressed.
- _____________________________________________________________________
3/ We dont feel tired although we have walked three miles.
- _____________________________________________________________________
4/ She ate very little in spite of the delicious food.
- _____________________________________________________________________
5/ Though I am fond of music, I cant play any musical instruments.
- _____________________________________________________________________
6/ In spite of being warned, he still got an electric shock.
- _____________________________________________________________________
7/ My grandfather is till an active man despite his age.
- _____________________________________________________________________
8/ Despite the narrow streets in that city, they drive cars.
- _____________________________________________________________________
9/ Although she is wealthy, she is not happy.


- _____________________________________________________________________
10/ Nobody liked it though the price was low.
- _____________________________________________________________________
11/ He didnt eat much in spite of being hungry.
- _____________________________________________________________________
12/ Although he was talented, nobody admired him.
- _____________________________________________________________________
13/ He didnt get a promotion though his work was very good.
- _____________________________________________________________________
14/ He bought that car despite our advice.
- _____________________________________________________________________
15/ Our country will certainly become prosperous in spite of all the difficulties.
- _____________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE D1 : Conmbine these pairs of sentences using sothat :
1/ That woman was very tall. She could almost touch the ceiling.
- That woman was so tall that she could almost touch the ceiling.
2/ This coat is very big. I cant wear it.
- _____________________________________________________________________
3/ The coffee was so strong. She couldnt go to sleep.
- _____________________________________________________________________
4/ That bag was very heavy. None of us could carry it.
- _____________________________________________________________________
5/ The stadium is very large. It can hold 60,000 people.
- _____________________________________________________________________
6/ Those lessons are very difficult. He cant understand them.
- _____________________________________________________________________
7/ She was very busy. She couldnt do the housework.
- _____________________________________________________________________
8/ The clmate was very bad. All the plants couldnt grow well.
- _____________________________________________________________________


9/ Im very tired. I couldnt keep my eyes open.

- _____________________________________________________________________
10/ That boy is very lazy. He never does his homework.
- _____________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE D2 : Combine these pairs of sentences using tooto :
1/ The bag was very heavy. She couldnt carry it.
- The bag was too heavy for her to carry .
2/ He is very old. He cant run.
- He is too old to run.
3/ She is very young. She cant go to school.
- _____________________________________________________________________
4/ Tom is very short. He cant play volleyball.
- _____________________________________________________________________
5/ Its very late. We cant go to the movies.
- _____________________________________________________________________
6/ The question was very hard. We couldnt answer it.
- _____________________________________________________________________
7/ The TV programme is very exciting. The children wont miss it.
- _____________________________________________________________________
8/ Youre very young. You cant drive that car.
- _____________________________________________________________________
9/ She was tired. She didnt go anywhere.
- _____________________________________________________________________
10/ These shoes are very small. I cant wear them.
- _____________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE D3 : Combine these pairs of sentences using such.that :
1/ Tom was a tall man. He could almost touch the ceiling.
- Tom was such a tall man that he could almost touch the ceiling.
2/ Mary is a good swimmer. She has won two gold medals.
- _____________________________________________________________________


3/ He drank strong coffee. He couldnt go to sleep.

- _____________________________________________________________________
4/ It was a long walk. The children got tired.
- _____________________________________________________________________
5/ He told interesting stories. They all like him.
- _____________________________________________________________________
6/ The boy made rapid progress. It surprised everybody.
- _____________________________________________________________________
7/ He had a difficult exercise. He couldnt do it.
- _____________________________________________________________________
8/ The speaker gave a long talk. Most of the audience felt sleepy.
- _____________________________________________________________________
9/ We watched an exciting competition. We didnt want to go home.
- _____________________________________________________________________
10/ It was an excellent show. We all enjoyed it.
- _____________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE E : Combine into a sentence using so that :
1/ The boys stood on the beach. They wanted to get a better view.
- The boys stood on the beach so that they could get a better view.
2/ We lowered the volume of the radio. We didnt want to bother our neighbours.
- _____________________________________________________________________
3/ I will write to you. I want you to know my decision soon.
- _____________________________________________________________________
4/ These men were whispering. They didnt want anyboby to hear their conversation.
- _____________________________________________________________________
5/ The lecturer spoke loudly. He wanted eveyone to hear him clearly.
- _____________________________________________________________________
6/ John gets up early. He doesnt want to be late for class.
- _____________________________________________________________________
7/ Mary hid the novel under the pillow. She didnt want her father to see it.


- _____________________________________________________________________
8/ They did their jobs well. They hoped the boss would increase their salary.
- _____________________________________________________________________
9/ You should walk slowly. Your sister can follow you.
- _____________________________________________________________________
10/ He hurried to the station. He didnt want to miss the train.
- _____________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE F : Rewrite the sentences using enough instead of tooto :
1/ He is too old to wear this coloured shirt.
- He is not young enough to wear this coloured shirt.
2/ She is too weak to carry this box.
- _____________________________________________________________________
3/ This pen is too expensive for me to buy.
- _____________________________________________________________________
4/ Bill was too stupid to understand what I had said.
- _____________________________________________________________________
5/ This bag is too heavy for her to carry.
- _____________________________________________________________________
6/ The test was too difficult for them to do.
- _____________________________________________________________________
7/ Im too poor to help you with the money.
- _____________________________________________________________________
8/ This book is too dull to read.
- _____________________________________________________________________
9/ The room is too dark for us to study.
- _____________________________________________________________________
10/ The shelf is too high for her to reach.
- _____________________________________________________________________


EXERCISE G : Rewrite the sentences using It takes / took :

1/ I go to school by bicycle in ten minutes.
- It takes me ten minutes to go to school by bicycle.
2/ He did that exercise in an hour.
- _____________________________________________________________________
3/ I need fifteen minutes to get to the post office.
- _____________________________________________________________________
4/ He spent the whole morning writing the composition.
- _____________________________________________________________________
5/ We needed two days to paint the house.
- _____________________________________________________________________
6/ He will need three hours to do this work.
- _____________________________________________________________________
7/ He spends one hour reading newspapers.
- _____________________________________________________________________
8/ They finished their work in three days.
- _____________________________________________________________________
9/ Jane will need a lot of time to complete this report.
- _____________________________________________________________________
10/ We spent a day cleaning the house.
- _____________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE H : Rewrite the sentences using the causative form :
1/ The Smiths are going to build a new house.
- The Smiths are going to have a new house built.
2/ Please tell someone to take my luggage to the station.
- _____________________________________________________________________
3/ We must find someone to add an extra room to the house.
- _____________________________________________________________________
4/ Order the porter to carry these boxes up to my room.
- _____________________________________________________________________
5/ She has just asked the dressmaker to make a new dress for her daughter.


- _____________________________________________________________________
6/ I paid a man to sharpen these knives and scissors yesterday.
- _____________________________________________________________________
7/ My mother is going to pay a doctor to test her eyesight.
- _____________________________________________________________________
8/ Did you order the boys to plant some trees in the garden?
- _____________________________________________________________________
9/ Bob doesnt pay anyone to cook his meals. He cooks them hinself.
- _____________________________________________________________________
10/ He will ask someone to mend his shoes.
- _____________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE I : Rewrite the sentences using It + be + adj + to inf :
1/ Learning English is not easy.
- It is not easy to learn English.
2/ Knowing a foreign language is necessary.
- _____________________________________________________________________
3/ Swimming in the river is dangerous.
- _____________________________________________________________________
4/ Doing that exercise is not hard for us.
- _____________________________________________________________________
5/ Seeing you again is very nice.
- _____________________________________________________________________
6/ Practising morning exercise is good.
- _____________________________________________________________________
7/ Finding out the answer to that question is not easy.
- _____________________________________________________________________
8/ Telling her the news now is unwise.
- _____________________________________________________________________
9/ Working in that room was pleasant.
- _____________________________________________________________________


10/ Thinking of what will happen is horrible.

- _____________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE J.1 : Use the proper form of adjectives
adjectives (or adverbs) in parenthese.
1. Mary is (pretty) _____________ as her sister.
2. A new house is (expensive) _____________than an old one.
3. His job is (important) _____________than mine.
4. Of the four ties, I like the red one (well) _____________.
5. Nobody is (happy) _____________ than Miss Snow.
6. Today English is the (international) _____________ of languages.
7. John is much (strong) _____________ than I thought.
8. Benches are (comfortable) _____________ than arm - chairs.
9. Bill is (good) _____________ than you thought.
10. Mr. Bush is the (delightful) _____________ person I have ever known.
11. Disk is the (careful) _____________ of the two workers.
12. Sams conduct is (bad) _____________ than Pauls.
13. Thanks to the progress of science, human life is (good) _____________ and (good)
_____________ .
14. Bill is (lazy) _____________ and (lazy) _____________ .
15. The teacher speaks English (fluently) _____________ than we.
16. These boys are (ill - prepared) _____________ for employment than my children.
17. The competition makes the price of goods (cheap) _____________ and (cheap)
18. Charles is (hard working) _____________ than Tom.
19. Is this book (interesting) _____________ than the one you read last week ?


20. Of the two boys, Harry is the (ill - bred) _____________ .

EXERCISE J.2. : Complete the sentences using a comparative form.
1. Its too noisy here. Can we go somewhere ________ ?
2. This coffee is very weak. I like it a bit ________ ?
3. The hotel was surprisingly big. I expected it to be ________
4. The weather is too cold in this country. I expected it to be ________
5. My job is a bit boring, sometimes Id like to do something ________
6. It was surprised how easy it was to use the computer. I though it would be ________
7. Your work isnt very good. Im sure you can do ________
8. Dont worry. The situation isnt so bad. It could be ________
9. Youre talking very loudly. Can you speak a bit ________ ?
10. You hardly ever phone me. Why dont you phone me ________ ?
EXERCISE J.3 : Complete the sentences. Each time use the comparative form of one of the
words in the list. Use than where necessary.
1. I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed ________ usual.
2. You look ________. Have you lost weight ?
3. I want a ________ flat. We dont have enough space here.
4. Health and happiness are ________ money.
5. There were a lot of people on the bus. It was ________ usual.
6. I like living in the countryside. Its ________ living in a town.
7. Youll find your way around the town ________ if you have a good map.
8. In some parts of the country, prices are ________ in others.


9. Id like to have a ________ car. The one Ive got keeps breaking down.
10. Unfortunately her illness was ________ we thought at first.
EXERCISE J.4. : Read the situation and complete the sentences. Use a comparative
1. Yesterday the temperature was nine degrees. Today its only six degrees.
Its -______________________________________________________
2. The journey takes four hours by car and five hours by train.
It takes ___________________________________________________
3. Chris and Joe both did badly in the exam. Chris got 20% but Joe only got 15%.
Joe did -______________________________________________________
4. I expected my friends to arrive at about 4 oclock. In fact they arrived at 2.30.
My friends -_________________________________________________
5. We were very busy at work today. Were not usually as busy as that.
We _________________________________________________________
EXERCISE J.5. : Complete the sentences using the structure er and er or more and more.
1. Its become ________ to find a job. (hard)
2. That hole your pullover is getting ________. (big)
3. As I waited for my interview, I became ________. (nervous)
4. As the day went on, the weather got ________. (bad)
5. As the conversation went on, he became ________. (talkative)
EXERCISE J.6. : Complete the sentences with than or as.
1. I cant reach as high as you. Youre taller ________.
2. He doesnt know much. I know more ________.
3. We were very surprised. Nobody was more ________.
4. Shes not a very good player. Im a better ________.


5. Theyve been very lucky. I wish we were ________.

Bai 10 :




Noun + suffix

(Formation of simple adjectives)

Harmful, useful, successful, hopeful, helpful, peaceful
Childless, odourless, careless, hopeless, harmless, useless
Manly, worldly, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly,friendly
Childlike, godlike, lifelike, ladylike, manlike
Healthy, dirty, dusty, snowy, windy, rainy, cloudy, sunny, sandy
Childish, boyish, girlish, mannish, selfish
Natural, national, industrial, agricultural, cultural, magical
Dangerous, courageous, poisonous, mountainous
Artistic, electric, electronic, alcoholic, economic
Respectable, knowledgeable, reasonable

[B] : CACH THANH LAP TNH T KEP. (formation of compound adjectives)

Formula Cong thc)
Adj + adj
Adj + present part
Adj + past part
Adj + nounnoun-ED
Noun + adj
Noun + present part
Noun + past part
Noun + nounnoun-ED
Adv + present part
Adv + past part

Red hot, dark blue, light green
Sweet-smelling, ill-dressing, good-looking
Ready-made, soft-spoken, long-lived, white-painted
Left-handed, kind-hearted, blue-eyed, mild-mannered
Homesick, seasick, lovesick, worldwide,nationwide,snow-white
House-keeping, heart-breaking, hair-raising, breath-taking.
Home-made, man-made, hand-made, sun-burnt
Lion-hearted, coffee-coloured, heart-shaped.
Hard-working, ever-lasting, well-being
Well-prepared, well-known, newly-married, dearly-loved

[C] : CACH THANH LAP DANH T. (Formation of simple nouns)


Verb+ER/ OR / ANT
Verb + ION / TION
Verb + MENT / AL
Verb + ING
Adj + NESS
Adj + TY
Adj + TH
Adj + DOM
Noun + IST / IAN
Noun + ISM
Noun + SHIP
Noun + HOOD

Teacher, manager, driver, actor, director, attendant, assistant
Action, invention, construction, direction, revolution, decision
Development, appointment, refusal, removal, approval.
Swimming, teaching, jogging, training, building
Kindness, goodness, happiness, sadness, darkness, ilness.
Safety, loyalty, cruelty, variety, ability, honesty.
Length, depth, width, truth, warmth, strength
Freedom, wisdom, boredom
Guitarist, novelist, violinist, musician, physician, historian
Patriotism, capitalism, socialism, heroism
Friendship, leadership, scholarship, comradeship
Childhood, brotherhood, neighbourhood, parenthood


(formation of compound nouns)
Noun + noun
Adj + noun
Adv / prep + noun
Gerund + noun
Noun + gerund
Noun + verbverb-ER / OR

Compound nouns
Alarm-clock, church bell, coffee cup, newspaper, post card
Grandfather, blackboard, high school, redhead, yellow fever
Overcoat, overtime, overman, undergrowth
Dining room, dressing table, swimming pool, driving licence
Weight-lifting, lorry driving, fruit picking...
Bus-driver, holiday maker, dressmaker, film director


DIS + verb
Mis + verb
Out + verb
Over + verb
Re + verb
Under + verb
Adj + EN
EN + Adj / Noun
Noun / Adj + ISE / IZE

Dislike, disagree,discharge, disinvest, dislocate
Misunderstand, misread, mislead
Outrun, outnumber, outweigh, outlive
Overact, overpay, overheat, overturn, overchange
Rewrite, reread, retell, recall
Undercharge, underdevelop, underdo, underline, undersign
Weaken, sharpen, tighten, loosen, shorten, foften
enrich, enable, enlarge, encourage, endanger
Sympathise, economise, socialize, memorize, industrialize

Fill in the blanks

blanks with correct form of the word provided.
1. Film makers always try to show viewers the different life styles and interesting
________ aspects of many countries in the world. (culture)


2. Women nowadays have more ________ to participate in social activities. (Free)

3. Hoang Le Nhat Thong Chi is a ________ novel. (history).
4. He has a ________ for English novels. (prefer)
5. SAI GON GIAI PHONG is published seven days a week. It is a ________ newspaper.
6. If you burn the garbage, it will give off ________ odour. (poison)
7. Some children have to suffer from life time ________ (abnormal)
8. He is ________ active in spite of his old age. (wonder)
9. The company is very efficient and gives a ________ service. (speed)
10. When did ________ come to the village ? (electric)
11. She has a very busy ________ life. (society)
12. The plane arrived ________ after a violent storm. (safe)
13. Their study is getting on ________ (satisfy)
14. This company offered a lot of ________ jobs. (attract)
15. These snakes will not cause you any serious harm even if they bite you. They are
________ (harm)
16. He was ________ right when he said that the man was guilty. (reason)
17. She looks ________ beautiful. (surpise)
18. They were ________ when they read the result. (disappoint)
19. He has no ________ of leaving the city. (intend)
20. I feel ________ in this book. (interest)
21. Johns ________ improved at his new school. (behave)
21. Ill give you further ________ (explain)
22. This is a ________ of a previous talk. (repeat)


23. Much ________ work requires a good knowledge of mathematics. (science)

24. Movies have ________ dress fashions. (broad)
25. Our grandmother didnt work outside the home when she was young. She only did her
______ task. (tradition)
26. His ________ to retire surprised us all. (decide)
27. You should be ________ to tell them exactly what you think. (decide)
28. Many people find it ________ to advertise. (waste)
29. The guests were ________ welcomed. (cordial)
30. He looks thin, but ________ he is very healthy, (actual)
31. This man led a ________ happy life. (complete)
32. He did some old jobs at home ________ (disappoint)
33. The new job ________ him. (disappoint)
34. Nitric oxide is ________ harmful. It acts as a poison, which may cause death or injury if
taken into the body. (high)
35. He was ________ in his job. (succeed)
36. The house was ________ with people. (crowd)
37. He is unhappy because of his ________ (deaf)
38. The government wants to ________ this training centre. (military)
39. We found out the ________ about him. (true)
40. I am ________ grateful to you for your help. (true)
41. I dont think the food is very good, but it is ________ (tolerate)
42. Theyve got a ________ result. (satisfy)
43. Carbon dioxide occurs in the air in ________ form. (nature)


44. Children are ________ to overcome problems. (determine)

45. They got the ________ of being successful in life. (satisfy)
46. He is young man with great ________ (expect)
47. I like your new ________ machine. (calculate)
48. May I borrow your ________ ? (calculate)
49. The industrial ________ will lead to the countrys prosperity. (develop)
50. We must make ________ for our old age saving money. (provide)
51. Im ________ sorry for the delay. (extreme)
52. Its ________ kind of you. (awful)
53. The doctor told me to ________ in slowly. (breath)
54. It is often useful make a ________ between two things. (compare)
55. She has been worn down by ________ and illness. (poor)
56. Our pupils are raising money for the ________ (poor)
57. This is the greatest scientific ________ of the decade. (achieve)
58. Mary was ________ with long and difficult exercises. (bore)
59. I enjoy the football match. It was quite ________ (excite)
60. He has great ________ in God. (believe)
61. Violence is not the best ________ to an argument. (solve)
62. Not long ago, I was introduced to famous ________ (art)
63. The ________ of his wife was a great blow to him. (lose)
64. Toys are necessary for the mental ________ of children. (grow)
65. It is ________ to have short hair nowadays. (fashion)


66. The planets of our ________ system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiters, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. (sun)
67. Your rice field is more ________ than ours. (produce)
68. An ________ man has stolen all our money. (know)
69. In some places, the weather changes so quickly that its very ________ (predict)
70. They all passed their exams without the slightest ________ (difficult)

Bai 11 :



Theo luat chung mot ong t bao gi cung hoa hp vi chu t cua no - tc la neu chu
t so t th ong t theo sau cung so t va ngc lai neu chu t so nhieu th theo sau la ong
so nhieu. Tuy mhien, ta hay chu y 10 luat ac biet sau:
[1] : Hai hay nhieu chu t so t c noi bi lien t AND th oi hoi mot ong so nhieu.
- The boy and the girl love their parents dearly.
- Tom and Mary were late yesterday.
Tuy nhien, neu hai ch t nay dien ta mot ngi, mot vat hay mot y tng chung th ong
t van so t.
- Bread and butter is my daily breakfast.
- To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness in life.
[2] : Hai chu t c noi vi nhau bang AND ma trc chu t au co EACH, EVERY, MANY
A, NO th ong t phai so t.


- Each boy and girl has a textbook.

- No teacher and student is present.
[3] : Khi hai chu t
c noi bi OR, EITHER OR, NEITHERNOR th ong t hoa hp
cung ngoi vi chu t gan no nhat.
- He or you are the best student in this class.
- Neither Jack nor I am willing to do that.
[4] : Khi hai chu t noi bi AS WELL AS, NO LESS THAN, WITH th ong t hoa hp
vi chu t th nhat.
- John, as well as you, is responsible for this act.
- Tom, with his friends, is in the car.
[5] : Mot danh t tap hp (collective noun) can mot ong t so nhieu khi ta ngu y noi ti tng
ca nhan tao nen tap hp ay; nhng ong t van so t khi ta ngu y noi chung, coi ca tap hp
nh mot n v.
- The family of this dead soldier is noble.
- The family go to the movies every Sunday morning.
[6] : Khi chu t
t la danh t co hnh thc la so nhieu nhng ngha lai la so t th ong t chia so
- No news is good news.
- Physics is more difficult than chemistry.
Cac danh t thng gap nh : news, physics, mathematics, politics, gymnastics,
phonetics, measles, mumps, rickets, the United States, the Philippines
[7] : Khi chu t la danh t ch trong lng, o lng, gia ca hay gia tien th c coi la so t,
ong t theo sau cung so t.
- Ten thousand dollars is a big sum of money.
- Five hundred miles is a long distance.
[8] : Khi chu t la ai t bat nh nh : everyone, something, nobodyth ong t theo sau phai
so t.
- Nobody has opened the door.
- Is everyone present ?
[9] : Trong cau bat au bang
ng THERE th ong t hoa hp vi chu t theo sau no.
- There stands a pagoda facing the little lake.


- There were a lot of people at the meeting.

[10] : ong t co chu t la ai t quan he th phai hoa hp cung ngoi va so vi tie
tien v t cua
ai t ay.
- He works for the factory which makes cars.
- The man who is living near my house teaches us English.
EXERCISE I : Choose the correct form of the verbs in parentheses in the following sentences.
1. John along with twenty friends, (is / are) ________ planning a party.
2. The picture of the soldiers (bring / brings) ________ back many memories.
3. The quality of these recordings (is / are) ________ not very good.
4. If the duties of these officers (isnt / arent) ________ reduced, there will not be enough
time to finish the project.
5. Neither Bill nor Mary (is / are) ________ going to the play tonight.
6. Anything (is / are) ________ better than going to another movie tonight.
7. A number of reporters (was / were) ________ at the conference yesterday.
8. There (was / were) ________ some people at the meeting last night.
9. Each student (has / have) ________ answered the first three questions.
10. Either John or his wife (make / makes) ________ breakfast each morning.
11. The army (has / have) ________ eliminated this section of the training test.
12. The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter (is / are) appalling.
13. Every elementary school teacher (has / have) ________ to take this examination.
14. The police (come / comes) ________ to the site of the accident.
15. These pictures, as well as photograph (brighten / brightens) ________ the room.
16. What he told you (seem / seems) ________ to be of on importance.
17. Tow years (is / are) ________ a long time to wait.
18. Bread and butter (is / are) ________ what she asks for.
19. Measles (is / are) ________ cured without much difficulty nowadays.
20. After a long days work (is / are) ________ not the right time to dancing.
EXERCISE II : Either .... or ....
.... Neither ... nor ...
Insert is, am, are, was, were, has, have, do or does
1. That clown shows that either snow or rain ________ about to fall.
2. Neither the cock nor the hens ________ in the ward.
3. By what time ________ either you or your father decided to go ?
4. Either one or tow apples ________ been picked up ripe.
5. Neither the moon nor stars ________ visible in this dark night.
6. To what place ________ either the man or his son wish to go ?
7. Neither the master nor his pupils ________ idle.
8. Neither he nor you ________ heard of this before.
9. No girl or boy ________ allowed to play in the school.
10. Neither the man nor his wife ________ much work.


EXERCISE III : As well as.

Insert is, am, are, was, were, has, have, do or does.
1. This house as well as that ________ for sale, which will you have ?
2. The horse as well as the rider ________ hurt by the fall.
3. James as well as Mary ________ won a prize this term.
4. Beauty as well as health ________ fallen to her lot in life.
5. I myself as well as James ________ gone to the party.
6. The cock as well as the hens ________ calling for food.
7. A garden as well as stables ________ attached to the house.
8. A garden as well as a stable ________ attached to the house.
9. The hens as well as the cock ________ calling for food.
10. Stables as well as a garden ________ attached to the house.

Bai 12 :

Gii T

Gii t (preposition) la t dung e noi mot danh t (noun) hoac ai t (pronoun) vi nhng
thanh phan khac trong cau.
- He goes to school every day.
- I usually get up at six oclock.
- Hes been waiting for her since early morning.
[A] : Mot so gii t ch thi gian thong dung. (Some common prepositions of time)
* AT : Ta dung at vi iem thi gian (times)
at 5 oclock
at 11.45
at midnight
- Tom usually leaves work at 5 oclock.

at noon

at lunchtime

Ta cung dung at trong nhng thanh ng sau:

- I dont like going out at night.
At night


At the weekend / at weekends

At Christmas / at Easter
At the moment / at present
At the same time
At the age of

- Will you be here at the weekend?

- We give each other presents at Christmas.
- Mr Benn is busy at the moment.
- Ann and I arrived at the same time.
- Tom left school at the age of 16 / at 16.

* ON : Ta dung on vi ngay trong tuan (days) va ngay trong thang (dates)

on Friday
on Christmas Day
on March 12th
- They got married on March 12th.
Ta cung co the noi :
on Friday morning(s) on Sunday afternoon(s) on Saturday night(s)
on the morning of the fifth
- I usually go out on Sunday evenings.
* IN : Ta dung in vi khoang thi gian dai hn nh : thang (months), nam (years), mua
in April
in 1968
in (the) winter
in the 1970s
in the Middle Ages
in the 18th century
Ta cung co the noi :
in the morning(s)
in the afternoon(s)
in the evening(s)
- Ill see you in the morning.(nhng Ill see you on Friday morning.)
Ta khong c dung at / on / in trc last va next:
- Ill see you next Friday.
- They got married last March.
Neu sau in la mot khoang thi gian th thi gian o tng lai:
- The train will leave in a few minutes. (= a few minutes from now)
- Jacks gone away. Hell be back in a week. (= a week from now.)
- They are getting married in six months.
[B]: Mot vai gii t ch v tr thong dung. (Some common prepositions of position)
* AT : Ta dung at khi ta muon noi ai o ang co mat tai mot s kien nao o ang xay
ra (someone is at an event) nh :
at a party
at a meeting
at a conference
at a concert
at a football match
at a cinema
- Were there many people at the party?
- I saw Jack at the football match on Saturday.
Chung ta noi :
at home
at university
at the seaside
on a farm
at work
at a station
in hospital
at school
at an airport

in bed
at sea (on a voyage)
in prison

- Julia is studying medicine at university.

- Toms father is in hospital.
- Have you ever worked on a farm?


* IN : Ta dung in vi thanh pho (cities) va lang mac (villages).

- His parents live in London.
- He was born in a small village near Manchester.
Ta thng noi :
in a room
in a building
in the water
in a row /in a line
in a garden
in a park
in the sea
in a queue
in a town
in a country
in a river
in an armchair
in a picture
in a photogragh
in a mirror
in the sky
in your hand
in a newspaper
in your hand
in the mountain
- Who is that woman in that photogragh ?
- It was a lovely day. There wasnt a cloud in the sky.
- Dont sit in that armchair. Its broken.(nhng Dont sit on that chair.)
at the top
at the bottom

at the end of the street

at the corner of the street

at the back
at the front

at the bus stop

at the door

- Who is that man standing at the door ?

- Write your name at the top of the page.
- Jacks house is a white one at the end of the street.
- Theres a telephone box at / on the corner of the street.
Nhng : - The television is in the corner of the room.
on the ceiling
on a board
on the left
on an island

on the wall
on a shelf
on the right
on the coast

on the floor
on a chair
on the ground
on a road

on a page
on your nose
on the beach
on the way

- In Britain we drive on the left.(on the left-hand side.)

- Our flat is on the second floor of the building.
- Tom spent his holiday on a small island off the coast of Scotland.
[C] : Gii t theo sau tnh t : (Prepositions following Adjectives.)
Co mot so tnh t ma theo sau chung buoc phai co nhng gii t nhat nh nao o (theo
cau truc Adjective + preposition).
preposition Hay hoc thuoc long cac nhom tnh t di ay :
* nice / kind / good / generous / mean / stupid / silly / intelligent / clever / (im)polite /
rude / unreasonable OF someone (to do something) :
- Thank you. It was very kind of you to help me.
- Its stupid of her to go out without a coat. Shell catch cold.
Nhng : (to be) nice / kind / good / generous / mean/ (im)polite / rude/ (un)pleasant /
(un)friendly / cruel TO someone :
- Shes always been very nice to me.
- Why were you so rude to Ann?


* angry / annoyed / furious ABOUT something

angry / annoyed / furious WITH someone FOR doing something
- What are you so angry about ?
- They were furious with me for not inviting them to the party.
* delighted / pleased / satisfied / disappointed WITH something
something :
- I was pleased with the present you gave me.
- Were you disappointed with your examination results?
* bored / fed up WITH something :
- You get bored with doing the same thing every day.
* surprised / shocked / amazed / astonished AT / BY something
- Everybody was very surprised at the news.
* excited / worried / upset ABOUT something :
- Are you excited about going on holiday next week ?
- Ann is upset about not being invited to the party.
* afraid / frightened / terrified / scared OF someone
someone / something :
- Are you afraid of dogs ? Yes, Im terrified of them.
* proud / ashamed OF someone / something :
- Im not ashamed of what I did. In fact Im quite proud of it.
* jealous / envious / suspicious OF someone / something :
- Why are you always jealous of other paople?
- He didnt trust me. He was suspicious of my intentions.
* aware / conscious OF something :
- Did you know they were married ? No, I wasnt aware of that.
* good / bad / excellent / brilliant / hopeless AT (doing) something :
- Im good at repairing things.
* married / engaged TO someone :
- Linda is married to an American.
* sorry ABOUT something :
- Im sorry about the noise last night. We were having a party.
Nhng : sorry FOR doing something :
- Im sorry for shouting at you yesterday.
Nhng cach noi nay th c dung thng hn : Im sorry I
- Im sorry I shouted at you yesterday.


* (feel / be) sorry FOR someone :

- I feel sorry for George. Hes got no friends and no money.
* impressed BY / WITH something :
- I wasnt very impressed by the film.
* famous FOR something :
- Florence is famous for its art treasures.
* responsible (TO someone) FOR something :
- Who was responsible for all that noise last night ?
- Ill be responsible to the principal for my teaching.
* different FROM (or TO) someone / something :
- The film was quite different from what I expected.
* interested IN something :
- Are you interested in art and architecture?
* capable / incapable OF something :
- Im sure you are capable of passing the examination.
* fond OF someone / something :
- Mary is very fond of animals. She has three cats and two dogs.
* full OF something :
- The letter I wrote was full of mistakes.
* short OF something :
- Im a bit short of money. Can you lend me some?
* tired OF something :
- Come on, lets go. Im tired of waiting.
* keen ON something :
- We stayed at home because Ann wasnt very keen on going out in the rain.
* similar TO something :
- Your handwriting is similar to mine.
* crowded WITH (people) :
- The city centre was crowded with tourists.


Tuy nhien, co mot vai tnh t ma theo sau chung la nhng gii t khac nhau va ngha
cua chung cung khac nhau:
- Swimming is good for health. (Bi loi co li cho sc khoe )
- Jack is good at Japanese. (Jack gioi tieng Nhat)
- Mary is very good with her hands. (Mary rat kheo tay)
- Mr Brown is good to all of us. (ong Brown t te vi tat ca chung toi)
EXERCISE I : Put in the correct prepositions:
prepositions: at, on or in.
1/ The course begins __________ 7 January and ends __________ 10 March.
2/ I went to bed __________ midnight and got up __________ 6.30 the next morning.
3/ Mozart was born __________ Salzburg __________ 1756.
4/ There are usually a lot of parties __________ New Years Eve.
5/ Mary and Henry always go out for a meal __________ their wedding anniversary.
6/ The price of electricity is going up __________ October.
7/ I might not be at home __________ the morning. Can you phone __________ the
afternoon ?
8/ Tom doesnt see his parents very often these days usually only __________
Christmas and sometimes __________ the summer for a few days.
9/ Toms grandfather died __________ 1977 __________ the age of 79.
10/ Im going out to do some shopping. Ill be back __________ half an hour.
11/ The doorbell and the telephone rang __________ the same time.
12/ Do you fancy going to the cinema __________ Friday night ?
13/ Hurry up. Weve got to go __________ five minutes.
14/ Are you doing anything special __________ the weekend ?
15/ Carol got married __________ 17, which is rather young to get married.
EXERCISE II : Complete these sentences with in, at or on.
1/ Turn left __________ the traffic lights.


2/ Youll find the cups __________the top shelf.

3/ It can be dangerous when children play football __________ the street.
4/ We got stuck in a traffic jam __________ the way to the airport.
5/ Anns brother lives __________ a small village _________ the south coast of
6/ Paris is __________ the river Seine.
7/ Do you take sugar __________ your coffee ?
8/ Mr Browns office is __________ the first floor. When you come out of the lift, its
the third door __________ your left.
9/ Look at those beautiful horses __________ that field.
10/ Ill meet you __________ the corner of the street __________ 10 oclock.
11/ I cant find Tom __________ this photogragh. Is he __________ it ?
12/ Youll find the sports results __________ the back page of the newspaper.
13/ I didnt see you __________ the party __________ Saturday. Where were you ?
14/ Toms
__________ bed.

ill. He wasnt __________ work today. He was __________ home

15/ I havent seen Ken for some time. I last saw him __________ Daves wedding.
16/ Paul is a student __________ London University.
17/ The exhibition __________ the art gallery finished __________ Saturday
18/ What time did you arrive __________ London ?
19/ When we arrived __________ London Station, there was a long queue outside.
20/ He speaks quite good French. He studied __________ Paris for a year.
EXERCISE III: Supply the correct prepositions.
1/ Its very nice __________ you to let me use your car. Thank you very much.


2/ Why are you always so rude __________ your parents ? Cant you be nice
__________ them ?
3/ It wasnt polite __________ him to leave without saying thank you.
4/ I dont understand people who are cruel __________ animals.
5/ Why do you always get so annoyed __________ little things ?
6/ The people next door are annoyed __________ us __________ making so much
noise last night.
7/ We enjoyed our holiday but we were rather disappointed __________ the hotel.
8/ I was surprised __________ the way he behaved. It was quite out of character.
9/ She doesnt often go out at night. Shes afraid __________ the dark.
10/ Ive been trying to learn Spanish but Im not satisfied __________ my progress.
11/ Jill starts her new job on Monday. Shes quite excited __________ it.
12/ I was shocked __________ what you said. You should be ashamed __________
13/ Did you know that Linda is engaged __________ a friend of mine ?
14/ I had never seen so many people before. I was astonished __________ the crowds.
15/ Bill has been doing the same job for too long. Hes bored __________ it.
16/ These days everybody is aware __________ the dangers of smoking.
17/ Are you still upset __________ what I said to you yesterday ?
18/ Shes quite nice but I wouldnt like to be married __________ her.
19/ Im hopeless __________ repairing things.
20/ Im not very good __________ tennis.
21/ Id rather not go to an Indian restaurant. Im not very keen __________ Indian


22/ Im sorry __________ the smell in this room. Its just been painted.
23/ The police are responsible __________ maintaining law and order.
24/ Ann is very fond __________ her younger brother.
25/ Britain certainly isnt famous __________ its food.
26/ This place is always very lively at night. Its usually crowded __________ people.
27/ That mans very honest. He isnt capable __________ telling a lie.
28/ Our house is similar __________ theirs I think ours is a bit larger.
29/ I felt sorry __________ the children when we went on holiday.It rained very hard
and we had to spend most of the time indoors.
30/ Bill and I come from the same town but my accent is different __________ his.
EXERCISE IV : Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions :
1. Mr. Smith is very kind ________ us.
2. He is different ________ his wife.
3. We are pleased ________ the result of our work.
4. We are confident ________ the success.
5. Most people are afraid ________ snakes.
6. Our country is rich ________ natural resources.
7. Hue city is famous ________ its historical vestiges.
8. My mother is always busy ________ her housework.
9. Dirty air is harmful ________ our health.
10. We are proud ________ our peoples heroic tradition.
11. The teachers advice is profitable ________ the students.
12. The streets are crowded ________ vehicles at the rush hour.


13. The climate of our city is favourable ________ agriculture.

14. The air at the seaside is good ________ health.
15. My friend is good ________ maths and physics.
16. John is skilful ________ dancing.
17. This opportunity is lucky ________ us.
18. Im not accquainted ________ those fellows.
19. Mr. Smith is not accustomed ________ hot weather.
20. Your words are contrary ________ your acts.
21. My home is far ________ school.
22. He is sad ________ his sons laziness.
23. Many young people want to be independent ________ their parents.
24. We are grateful ________ our teacher.
25. Im interested ________ current events.
26. Your profession is similar ________ mine.
27. This chemical is dangerous ________ humans.
28. This work is not suitable ________ him.
29. Her voice sounds familiar ________ me.
30. This student is eager ________ study.
31. My house is next ________ the post office.
32. This man is greedy ________ fame.
33. I was absent ________ class yesterday.
34. Children are fond ________ candies.
35. The beach is full ________. tourists in summer.


36. We are present ________ the lecture yesterday.

37. We must hurry, otherwise we should be late ________ school.
38. Air is necessary ________ life.
39. He is friendly ________ everybody.
40. This sweater will keep your safe ________ the cold.

Bai 13 :



Cach bien oi cau la cach ta viet lai cau theo mot cau truc mi (thng c cho trc) ma
khong thay oi ngha cua cau ban au.
* V du 1 : Hay viet lai cau sau ay :
- He didnt go to school yesterday because he was ill.
 Because of
Theo v du tren, ta viet lai cau bang Because of , co ngha la ta bien menh e he was
ill thanh mot cum t, v sau because of ta phai dung mot cum t. Nh vay, cau viet lai co
the la :



 Because of his illness, he didnt go to school yesterday.

 Because of being ill, he didnt go to school yesterday.
 Because of his being ill, he didnt go to school yesterday.

* V du 2 : Hay viet lai cau sau ay :

- They built that house a century ago.
 That house
Theo v du tren, cau viet lai bat au bang That house mot tuc t co ngha la ta viet
lai cau nay dang b ong (passive voice). Nh vay, cau viet lai nh sau :
 That house was built a century ago.
* V du 3 : Hay viet lai cau sau ay :
- He didnt go out because he didnt have time.
Theo v du tren, cau viet lai bat au bang If, co ngha la ta viet lai cau nay thanh cau
ieu kien khong co that qua kh (loai 3) v th cua ong t qua kh. Cau viet lai nh sau :
 If he had had time, he would have gone out.
* V du 4 : Hay viet lai cau sau ay :
- The last time I saw her was five years ago.
 I havent
Theo v du tren, cau viet lai se th hien tai hoan thanh v cau bat au bang I havent
 I havent seen her for five years.
ago khong c dung th hien tai hoan thanh, nen ta dung for e thay the.)
* V du 5 : Hay viet lai cau sau ay :
- His house is bigger than mine.
 My house isnt
Theo v du tren, cau viet lai se chuyen thanh dang so sanh bang the phu nh.
 My house isnt as big as his.
My house isnt so big as his (house).
EXERCISE I: Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings:
1/ His father is taller than his mother.
- His mother is not _______________________________________
2/ Tom didnt come to the party. Ann didnt come to the party, either.
- Neither Tom _______________________________________
3/ Although the traffic was bad, I arrived on time.
- In spite of _________________________________________
4/ If you have a car, you are able to travel around more easily.


- Having a car enables __________________________________

5/ The sudden noise caused me to jump.
- The sudden noise made _________________________________
6/ My father said I could use his car.
- My father allowed ______________________________________
7/ She wouldnt allow me to read the letter.
- She wouldnt let _______________________________________
8/ Tom is ill. He became ill three days ago.
- Tom has _____________________________________________
9/ I cant give up smoking, but Id like to.
- I wish________________________________________________
10/ She often writes to him and he often writes to her.
- They ________________________________________________
11/ If you dont hurry, youll be late.
- Unless _______________________________________________
12/ Jane is a better cook than Mary.
- Mary cant ____________________________________________
13/ Jack is too young to get married.
- Jack is not _____________________________________________
14/ I dont really want to go to the museum.
- Id rather ______________________________________________
15/ Despite taking a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert.
- Although ______________________________________________
16/ She made herself ill because she worked very hard.
- She worked so __________________________________________
17/ The book was so good that I couldnt put it down.
- It was such _____________________________________________
18/ Nobody can solve this problem.
- This problem ___________________________________________
19/ The man injured in the accident was taken to the hospital.


- The man who ___________________________________________

20/ That girl is very beautiful.
- What __________________________________________________
21/ Bill is not old enough to drive a car.
- Bill is too _______________________________________________
22/ His house is not as comfortable as hers.
- Her house is _____________________________________________
23/ It is said that he is 108 years old.
- He is said ________________________________________________
24/ Tom said : Im feeling ill.
- Tom said that _____________________________________________
25/ I got all the information I need from Tom.
- Tom provided _____________________________________________
26/ Ann said to Bill : Dont forget to have your appoinment with Mr.Brown.
- Ann reminded _____________________________________________
27/ They dont understand him because he doesnt speak clearly.
- If _______________________________________________________
28/ She didnt buy the coat because she didnt have enough money.
- If _______________________________________________________
29/ She was very stupid when she went out in the rain.
- It was ____________________________________________________
30/ I am always nervous when I travel by air.
- Travelling by air _____________________________________________
31/ The last time I saw her was in 1985.
- I havent ___________________________________________________
32/ That meal was excellent.
- How ______________________________________________________
33/ That factory is producing more and more pollution.
- More and more pollution ______________________________________
34/ We must leave now or well miss the train.


- If _________________________________________________________
35/ She is a faster and more careless driver than I am.
- She drives __________________________________________________
36/ How old do you think this building is ?
- When do you think ___________________________________________
37/ He is sorry now that he didnt invite Jane to his party.
- He wishes __________________________________________________
38/ This furniture is so old that it is not worth keeping.
- This is _____________________________________________________
39/ We spent five hours getting to London.
- It _________________________________________________________
40/ When I arrived in London, I wrote a letter home.
- On ________________________________________________________
41/ I hope to see you at Christmas.
- Im looking forward ___________________________________________
42/ Ive never seen such a mess in my life.
- Never in my life ______________________________________________
43/ Dont try to escape. Its no use.
- Its no use __________________________________________________
44/ It wont be difficult to get a ticket for the concert.
- You wont have any __________________________________________
45/ Whose is this handbag ?
- Who _______________________________________________________
EXERCISE II : Rewrite these sentences as directed :
1. The number of discontented young men is increasing considerably. The reason for
situation is that they havent been given vocational guidance at home or in the school.
(Combine these two sentences, using The reason why... )
2. He doesnt speak much English. Only _________ words.
(Use an adjective of quantity).
3. Adolescents havent been give vocational guidance at home or in the school.
(change to the Active voice).


4. Most school leavers are badly prepared for employment. They know very little about
their future work.
(Use so ..... that to combine them).
5. Seldom did people travel far from home years ago.
(Use the ordinary word order).
6. My brother is a factory worker. He talked with you yesterday.
(Combine into one sentence).
7. That scientific discovery was so important that it has affected every mans way of life
ever since.
(Use such instead of so).
8. She asked him, Do you like your job ?.
(Write in the Reported speech).
9. The students have suggested that they should be given more employment guidance.
(Use Gerund as Object).
10. He was given a gift. So were you.
(Join into one sentence, using as well as).
11. My sister has already got married. So has my brother.
(Join into one sentence, using both ... and).
12. I dont have any interesting book. I cant lend you any.
(Reduce into one sentence, using an infinitive instead of a clause).
13. They desire to have good jobs.
(Use a noun instead of verb desire).
14. What you (do) if you had attended the meeting ?
(Supply the correct verb form).
15. Mr. Nam is an experienced doctor. He saved my brother from death.
(Combine into one sentence, using Relative pronoun).
III: Rewrite these sentences as directed :
1. Because of his love for teaching, David would continue his teaching career.
(Use because instead of because of)
2. Upon completion of his apprenticeship at the construction company, he worked for a
small garage to get more experience.
(Use an Adverb clause instead of a prepositional phrase).
3. Only when they have chosen a right career can they devote themselves to their jobs.
(Use the ordinary order).
4. He was given a chance to stay on at this garage for six more months to see how he got
(Change to the Active voice).
5. It always requires of man best efforts to overcome every difficulty in life.
(Use a gerund as Subject).
6. This maths problem is too difficult. He cant solve it.
(Reduce into one sentence, using an infinitive instead of a clause).
7. She hasnt done her homework. I havent done my homework.
(Join into one sentence, using Neither ... nor).
8. She has little knowledge of English Grammar.
(Transform the sentence using a verb instead of the knowledge).


9. Do you want to play football ? (Use enjoy instead of want).

10. She worked hard so she got high wages.
(Make a conditional sentence contrary to this fact).
11. It doesnt rain enough. The plants dont grow properly.
(Combine into one sentence, using enough ... to).
12. How long will it take us to go to My Tho by car ?
I dont know it.
(Combine into one sentence, using an indirect question).
13. She said she didnt mind rode her bicycle to school.
(Use a gerund as Object of he verb).
14. Some people think that it would be hard work to conserve natural resources.
(Use a gerund as Subject).
15. He paid little attention to his teachers explanation. (Make a question of quantity).


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