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R12 TCA (TRADING COMMUNITY ARCHITECTURE) Posted by Suryakanth Gunti on June 1 , 2 01 2 11 Comments

R12 TCA (Trading Communit y Archit ect ure): What is TCA? Oracle Trading Com m unity Architecture (TCA) is a data m odel that allows y ou to m anage com plex inform ation about the parties, or custom ers. Trading Com m unity Architecture is the im plem entation of technology and applications to allow users to create and m aintain relationships am ong entities. It is a way to understand who y our custom er interacts with inside and outside the enterprise.

Not e: Custom er, Vendor, Supplier are the term s that we com e across v ery frequently . For inst ance: We buy goods from a Shop Vendor so we are the Custom er to that Vendor and the Vendor is our Supplier for that good. The Vendor gets goods from a m erchant who actually produces it (Manufacturer), so now the v endor in-turn becom es a custom er to the Manufacturer who is the Supplier. The com plete TCA can be related and runs around all these term s, these m ay be people we m eet generally who m ight be a Supplier or Custom er in our perspectiv e. Now m ov ing ahead lets go in details about TCA. How TCA Mat t ers? Before TCA: There are m ultiple custom er definitions across the enterprise. It was v ery difficult to track current and historical inform ation about the custom ers. There was a lack of support for m ixed business. It was quite tough to understand relationships between custom ers and others (suppliers, partners, com petitors) After TCA: Create a central repository for the entire E-Business Suite to store inform ation relating to all m em bers of a trading com m unity v ersus separate tables for each m em ber-Prospects, Custom ers, Contacts, Em ploy ees, Partners, Distributors, Suppliers, Banks, etc. Record com plex business relationships between Trading Com m unity entities (including 3 rd party relationships). Support all business m odels, industries, and geographies.

TCA Dat a Model Component s: Represents any entity that can enter into business relationships with y our Party organization Organization, Person, or Group A binary relationship between two parties such as a partnership. Exam ple: Party Relationship Location Adam is a specific person party and Ev e Inc. is an organization party . Adam at Ev e Inc. is also treated as a party with the ty pe relationship A Street Address Associates a party with a location, indicating that party s usage of the Party Site location A person related to an organization, this can be a relationship between an Contact organization and a person as well as between two people Your av enue of contacting a party i.e. a phone num ber ,e-m ail address or fax Contact Point Custom er Account Custom er Account Site Custom er Account Contacts A party contact that is used as a m eans of contacting the custom er regarding his/her account Represents a custom er relationship between y our organization and a party A party Site that y ou use in relation to a custom er account, i.e, a bill-to or ship-to address num ber

TCA in 11i 1 1 i TCA already equipped to handle the following entities > Custom er > Em ploy ee

> Student Here is Sum m arize inform ation of the tables Pre and Post 1 1 i:

TCA in R12 Includes: New trading entities > Suppliers > Banks & Bank Branches > Legal Entity TCA Dat a Model : Supplier & Cust omer

TCA in R12: Supplier Represent at ion Supplier organizations are in TCA

Term s of doing business with the supplier are in Purchasing / Pay ables Supplier organization, address, contact, phone, em ail etc. are all in TCA Em ploy ees are already in TCA, Pay ables using the sam e em ploy ee records in TCA TCA Suppliers: Technical details for R1 2 Supplier in TCA

TCA in R12: Supplier Dat a Mapping

TCA in R12: Bank Account Model

TCA in R12: Bank Model New Bank Account Model Central place to define internal bank accounts > Keep track of all bank accounts in one place > Explicitly grant account access to m ultiple operating units/functions and users Multi-Org Access > In the new m odel, bank accounts are owned by Legal Entities with the option to grant account use to Operating Unit (Pay ables, Receiv ables), Legal Entity (Treasury ), Business Group (Pay roll) . R12 Mult i-org access cont rol MOAC is new enhancem ent to Multiple Organization feature of Oracle Application Enables Users to access the data from one or m any Operating Units within a set of giv en responsibility Data Security is m aintained using Multiple Organization Security Profile, Define in Oracle HRMS. Three key CE t ables now as 1 . CE_BANK_ACCOUNTS > Stores bank account attributes 2 . CE_BANK_ACCT_USES_ALL > Stores the bank account use attributes specific to Operating Unit (AR, AP) and Legal Entity (Treasury ). 3 .CE_GL_ACCOUNTS_CCID > Accounting data pertaining to the bank account use All of the bank, branch and bank account related attributes in AP_BANK_BRANCHES and AP_BANK_ACCOUNTS_ALL tables will be upgraded to HZ_PARTIES and the new tables in Cash Managem ent. The Changing model for Bank in Global working model > Release 1 2 , whats New:

TCA Bank Model in 11i and R12:

TCA in R12: Legal Ent it ies Legal entity is created as a party of party ty pe ORGANIZATION or PERSON An establishm ent is created as a party of party ty pe ORGANIZATION. TCA creates a new classification category called Business Function. It is used m ainly to m odel what business functions a party can perform in E-Business Suite For m odeling legal entities and establishm ents in TCA, classification code Legal Entity and Establishm ent are created under the Business Function class category . An establishm ent is created as a party and alway s link to a party that is classified as a legal entity through the relationship m odel TCA & Enhancement : The Trading Com m unity Manager Responsibility , allows users to create a setup or update data sharing and security Custom er Standard form that has been existing till R1 1 i is finally gone. Oracle Introduced a brand new HTML UI built using OA Fram e works lev eraging TCA that can be used to m anage Custom ers, Accounts, etc.

TCA APIs List :

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