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Proven Techniques to
Properly Configure or Update
the Design of Personnel
Administration (PA) to
HR Operations


Cathryn Westgarth
Symphony Management Consulting


2012 Wellesley Information Services. All rights reserved.


In This Session ...


Learn methods to get the most out of your Personnel

Administration configuration and set up
Discover ways to boost your SAP ERP HCM master data
usefulness by following a few simple set up rules
Reduce or eliminate keying errors that plague your SAP ERP HCM



What Well Cover


Reviewing keying errors

Naming and numbering conventions what you should know
Automating PA processes through standard SAP tools
Defaulting in PA data via OM
Eliminating some issues using integration options
Configuring OM/PA tips and tricks
Auditing issues and cleaning up your data tips



Common Keying Errors


Incorrect basic pay

Wrong set of infotypes presented for an action due to wrong
User Group
l Area
A entered
t d iinto
t I0001 Organizational
i ti l D
Incorrect system User Name (I0105 Subtype-0001)
Incorrect Work Schedule (resulting in wrong hours)
Salary employee with hourly attributes



Keying Errors How They Occur


Fields that require human entry/decision making

Default value not presented
Too many choices or invalid entries in a drop down list
Fat fingers
Reduce human entry as much as possible



Ramifications of Keying Errors

Wrong pay/taxes (yikes!)

Wrong enterprise structure entered during an action, which
can impact:
V l
i an action
ti (from
f t
or dynamic
i actions)
ti )
How and which infotypes are presented
For example, an external contractor (employee group 9) is
mistakenly set up as an active employee (employee group 1)
Certain infotypes are presented that normally would not be
needed byy a contractor ((e.g.,
g , DOB,, marital status,, etc.))
If an inactive employee is identified as an active employee, this
impacts a valid FTE headcount
Non-eligible EE may show up as benefit eligible
Governmental requirements may then be requested but are not
needed (e.g., I9, SSN, SIN, NIN, etc.)



What Well Cover


Reviewing keying errors

Naming and numbering conventions what you should know
Automating PA processes through standard SAP tools
Defaulting in PA data via OM
Eliminating some issues using integration options
Configuring OM/PA tips and tricks
Auditing issues and cleaning up your data tips



Numbering in SAP


Often in SAP, data is downloaded into Excel

For that reason, try to avoid leading zeros in your numbers (e.g.,
personnel numbers, enterprise structure)
E l will
ill drop
th lleading
di zeros and
d your personnell number
b off
00000002 will show up as 2
This sometimes causes issues when reporting



Numbering OM and PA Objects


Consider naming your common OM objects and your PA data so

that there is no number overlap
OM objects and personnel number tables do not share the same
table but can be set up so that numbers are not in the same range
Do not try to set up every OM object with a specific number range
just a few, frequently used ones like Orgs, Jobs, and Positions



OM/PA Numbering Example


OM objects can be numbered as follows:

Positions (S)
40000000 49999999
Jobs (C)
50000000 59999999
Org Units (O)
60000000 69999999
Qualifications (Q)
70000000 79999999
Personnel number can be set up so as to not overlap the OM
Personnel number
10000000 29999999
Aligns nicely during OM/PA reporting
Allows easy identification of what type of object is being viewed



Personnel Number Range Setup


Configuration is via feature NUMKR and table entries via the IMG
It is not always beneficial to have separate number ranges for
external employees (e.g., contractors)
i ti may eventually
t ll hire
hi externals
l as
SAP will use the same personnel number throughout the
employees life cycle of different statuses



Contractor Numbering Example


John Smith, a contractor, has a contractor ID that starts in the

90000000 range (i.e., 98765432)
John Smith is now being hired as a full-time employee
Hi contractor
t t history
hi t
mustt remain
i with
ith his
hi full-time
f ll ti
employment records, rather than hiring him as a brand new
When he is changed to regular full-time employee status, his
personnel number remains 98765432, which was in the contractor
number range
So he is now a regular full-time employee, but his personnel
number indicates he is a contractor



Action Set Up To Use One Action Code or Many


Initial configuration of your actions (e.g., New Hire, Re-Hire,

Terminations) should be based on your specific organizational
and reporting requirements
Especially for global implementations!



Setting Up Your Actions Options


Option 1
One common action is used and is linked to one infogroup
Variation to the infotypes presented are handled via the user
group and/or
d/ info
i f group modifier
difi (IGMOD)
f Z1 New Hire (for all countries) linked to info group 10
Option 2
One hire action to be set up per country, all linked to one info
f U1 New Hire US
US linked to info group 10
f K1 New Hire Canada linked to info group 10
f G1 New Hire Germany linked to info group 10



Pros and Cons


Option 1 One action linked to one info group

f All settings (from table T529A) will be same for that one
f Reporting is simplified; only one action code to select for all
f Reason codes for all countries must all be the same as they
are linked to the one action code
f Only one reason code list is set up per action, so local
variations are either not set up or are set up and possibly
used in error by the wrong countries



Pros and Cons (cont.)


Option 2 Many actions to one info group

f Different settings for actions (table T529A) can be set up for
h action
ti (i.e.,
(i which
hi h Enterprise
E t
i St
fi ld will
ill be
open for entry)
f Separate set of reason codes allowed for every action
f Reporting becomes more complex as many codes are being
on ((i.e.,, for New Hires,, must select U1,, K1,, and G1))



Numbering Enterprise Structure

Personnel Area
This is where HCM is linked to the company code
Can have multiple personnel areas to a company code
Cannot have multiple company codes to a personnel area
With that in mind, company code most often be country specific
Therefore, if there is one company code per country, there must
be at least one personnel area set up for that country
This is also required for currency set up




Be Wary of Any Smarts with Numbering


Your Personnel Area code is set up to be the same as your

Company code
Company Code 1001 is attached to Personnel Area 1001
Thi will
ill workk if there
th will
ill never be
b another
th personnell area in
i that
th t
company code
However, if a merger or acquisition should occur and a new
personnel area is needed under the same company code, your
one-to-one numbering relationship will not be workable



Issues with Setting Ranges for Personnel Area


Issues also arise if you want to set a range for your Personnel
Areas for a specific country
For example, your setup for Britains Personnel Areas are to
be in the range of 1000-1020
1000 1020
You currently have only one Personnel Area at go-live, so a
range of 20 seems sufficient
However, your organization acquires a new subsidiary and
there is a requirement for 40 more personnel areas
Now the logic is not workable and you must select numbering
from another range



Implementing Smarts to Assist in Reporting


For global implementations, you can set up personnel areas with

the ISO abbreviations in the first two digits
For example, US01, US02, US03, US04, US05
ti on US personnell areas can then
th be
b done
i a
wildcard US*
f If you have more than 99 PAs for a country (it does happen),
then you need to continue on with a slightly different
numbering range
USA1, USA2, USA3, etc., then USB1, USB2
f You can still report off of the personnel area as US*



What Well Cover


Reviewing keying errors

Naming and numbering conventions what you should know
Automating PA processes through standard SAP tools
Defaulting in PA data via OM
Eliminating some issues using integration options
Configuring OM/PA tips and tricks
Auditing issues and cleaning up your data tips



Dynamic Actions


Still a powerful PA tool (although is being phased out with future

SAP functionality [i.e., Processes & Forms])
System delivered dynamic actions are very useful
off address
ti changes
Change of marital status triggers email notification to
However, many other dynamic action options can be used and
are not
We will review some p
powerful DAs that are not system
but very useful if you can set them up!



Dynamic Actions (cont.)

Dynamic actions are a set of activities that occur after a trigger

has been activated
Triggers can be the creating, changing, or deleting of an
Dynamic actions are in table T588Z via SM31, or through IMG
Each entry is a command that directs the system to perform a
function following a set of criteria




Example of Dynamic Action



Creation of I0105, Subtype 001 System User Name


When an employee is a new hire and an I0008 Basic Pay has

been created, Infotype 0105 will be inserted
The infotypes will contain the first character of the first name and
then the first 11 characters of the last name
As the infotype is presented, the user can review it for
correctness, save, and move on without ever having touched
the infotype



Creation of I0375 Highly Compensated Employees


Dynamic action based on increase to annual salary


Creation of I0375 Highly Compensated Employees (cont.)

Dynamic action based on decrease in salary




Dynamic Action Original Hire Date


When a rehire occurs, do not copy the previous I0041 because it

may contain data that is now not valid (e.g., termination date)
You do not want to have to manually update the record by either
deleting the invalid date (e
g termination date) or by creating the
new valid date (the original hire date)
Instead, insert a new record and have the new values populated



Population of I0041 with Original Hire Date

This uses the F command, which calls a routine

You can set up your dynamic action to call a routine in a custom
Thi requires
i some ABAP,
ABAP but
b t usually
ll nott elaborate
l b t
ABAPer would create a program with your specific logic
In the following example, program ZHR_DYN_ACTIONS contains
logic to look for the last valid Original Hire Date in a previous
I0041 record called Get_Original_Hire
This p
, coupled
p with the Dynamic
Action inserts this date
into a newly created I0041 triggered during a Rehire action
Custom program will house different logic to return values
according to your requirements and logic




How the Dynamic Action Would Be Written



Population of I0041 with Termination Date


Often, companies want the termination date in I0041 to be the last

day of employment rather than the first date of termination
You can default this date into I0041 using the same method as
Original Hire Date
The custom program is already created, you just need to have the
ABAPer to insert the specific logic to return the termination date
You can also use this approach for calculating other dates you
may need that require logic i.e., seniority date
This ensures that your dates are always populated with correct
entries because they are system generated



Sample Syntax


Termination date is inserted



Features in Personnel Administration

ABKRS defaults payroll area in I0001

DFINF sets the default values when copying infotypes
IGMOD directs the way the infosets are presented and is very
f l in
i setting
tti up actions
NUMKR defaults number ranges for personnel numbers
LGMST defaults in number of and types of wages types
allowable in I0008
M0001 defaults the parameters for mail notifications kicked off
via dynamic
SCHKZ defaults values for works schedule rules
TARIF indicates the defaults for payscale type and areas into
WRKHR controls which fields are available for input for
hours/weekly workdays



Features in Personnel Administration (cont.)


Most of these features would be used in the setup of your PA as

they will automatically default in the valid entries based on


If there are too many decision points in your feature,

you can utilize a sub-feature



Action Set Up with User Groups and Feature IGMOD


There are many different ways to set up actions

Common approach is to use an action (e.g., New Hire) which has
different infotypes presented based on the users User Group
E New
N Hi
Hire action
ti for
f Canada
C d uses U
User Group
07 but
b t the
New Hire action for Germany uses User Group 01
The users User Group is set up via the Parameter ID PID
Variations beyond the user group can be done via Feature IGMOD
IGMOD can be configured to further determine how and which
yp are p
presented during
g that action,, based on certain
For example, Canadian hourly workers do not get benefits, so
I0171 is not presented. Canadian salary workers do get
benefits, so I0171 is presented.



Issue with Actions and User Group


If there is only one administrator for many countries, issue can

arise when switching from one country to another
The administrator must either:
Si on to
t SAP using
i a different
t logon
id for
f eachh country
t for
which he/she is administering to ensure the proper PIDs for
that country, or
Remember to change his/her PIDs to reflect the proper settings
for that country


It is the PID that defaults the users User Group,

which must be set up correctly for actions to work



Action Set Up


User group 10 has been set up for this user in the Parameter IDs
Therefore, this user will only see User group 10 defaults when
running the action



Using IGMOD to Eliminate the Need for User Groups

IGMOD can be used to overcome the issue of ensuring the proper

user groups have been set up via the PID
Have one user group for all countries, and use feature IGMOD to
trigger the country-specific
country specific differences based on the country code
of the employee being hired, rather than the user who is running
the action
That way, if the employee is a US employee, the IGMOD defaults
the infotypes specific to that country, regardless of what user
group the user has been set up with
N user group required
i d
No having two different SAP log on IDs (two licenses)




What Well Cover


Reviewing keying errors

Naming and numbering conventions what you should know
Automating PA processes through standard SAP tools
Defaulting in PA data via OM
Eliminating some issues using integration options
Configuring OM/PA tips and tricks
Auditing issues and cleaning up your data tips



Defaulting in PA Data from OM

One of the best ways to ensure data accuracy

Not always implemented
Simple approach to ensuring PA entries are defaulted in during an
ti is
i to
t sett up the
th defaults
d f lt via
i th
the O
i ti l M




OM Defaults


OM has the ability to have I0001 PA defaults for:

Controlling Area OM Infotype 1008
Cost Centers OM Infotype 1008
Business Area OM Infotype 1008
Company Code OM Infotypes 1008
Personnel Areas OM Infotype 1008
Personnel Subareas OM Infotype 1008
Employee Group OM Infotype 1013
E l
S b
OM IInfotype
f t
Compensation Information OM Infotype 1005



OM Defaults (cont.)

Simple OM set up includes:

Organizational units
You can set up defaults on the OM infotypes, which will be
presented when the employee is linked to that particular OM object
For example, organization unit 60000552 is associated with cost
center 2020002223 and business area 1055
If you assign an employee to that organizational unit,
unit the cost
center and the business area will default in without any manual




TARIF Or Planned Compensation Infotype 1005


The less input the employee has in I0008, the better!

Feature TARIF defaults in the appropriate pay scale type and area
into I0008, as well as which table will be used T510 or T710
Thi is
i goodd to
t use when
h your organization
i ti h
has a ffairly
homogenous employee base and only need to default in Pay
Scale Type and Pay Scale area



OM Infotype 1005 Planned Compensation


For more specific defaults into I0008 fields use OM Infotype 1005
Planned Compensation
This can be set up to default in the four key Pay scale fields in
Pay scale type
Pay scale area
Infotype 1005 can be set up to default in from Jobs or Positions
This infotype can also default in:
Grades (T710) or scales (T510), or even direct entry



Defaulting in Pay Grades or Scales


If defaulting in via OM Infotype

1005, ensure you use the
appropriate tab to drive what
table to use scales or grades
And you can configure data in
I0008 to be closed or open
for overrides



What Well Cover


Reviewing keying errors

Naming and numbering conventions what you should know
Automating PA processes through standard SAP tools
Defaulting in PA data via OM
Eliminating some issues using integration options
Configuring OM/PA tips and tricks
Auditing issues and cleaning up your data tips



OM and PA Integration


Set up PA/OM integration in table T77SO (system table)

Set PLOGI PLOGI to 01 to indicate integration plan version/
active plan version
S t PLOGI ORGA tto X ffor th
the IIntegration
ti S
it h O
i ti l




OM and PA Integration (cont.)


Specific integration can be controlled via PLOGI

Often set to X for all


You can choose to select only specific areas to be integrated

based on the decision points of this feature
Decisions can be made based on country grouping, company
code, personnel area, personnel subarea, employee group, and
p y subgroup
g p



OM and PA Integration (cont.)


If integration is not to be for Retirees or Contractors, set the

defaults accordingly
For example, utilize the decision point employee group and
default a return value of blank no integration for this group only



What Well Cover


Reviewing keying errors

Naming and numbering conventions what you should know
Automating PA processes through standard SAP tools
Defaulting in PA data via OM
Eliminating some issues using integration options
Configuring OM/PA tips and tricks
Auditing issues and cleaning up your data tips



Basic OM/PA Configuration


Setup of OM hierarchy will dramatically impact your PA reporting

Set up of OM hierarchy should be based on Human Resource
hierarchy not Financial Structure
Thi will
ill ensure that
th t OM reporting
ti with
ith PA data
d t will
ill capture
t the
corrected PA data
For example, functionally, the employees in an organization
will be captured according to who they report to, not to who
owns their cost center
This way, for HCM reporting, you will see who reports to whom
from a human resources perspective
For example, approval of an employees time, compensation, or
performance appraisals




Screen Modifications


Ensure all your screens are correctly set up

Hide all fields that are not needed
Make certain fields mandatory if you want them always to be
l t d
f For example, reason code for I0008 Basic Pay
Close out fields that are being populated via defaults and
should not be changed
f For example, cost center field in I0001 Organizational
, if defaulting
g in from OM
f Basic Pay wage type field, if defaulting in from feature TARIF
or from OM defaults



What Well Cover


Reviewing keying errors

Naming and numbering conventions what you should know
Automating PA processes through standard SAP tools
Defaulting in PA data via OM
Eliminating some issues using integration options
Configuring OM/PA tips and tricks
Auditing issues and cleaning up your data tips



How to Identify Data Errors/Issues


If comparing SAP data to external data which would most

commonly occur:
f During conversion
f Ensuring
i data
d t ffrom iinterfaces
t f
iis iin sync with
ith SAP d
t (e.g.,
your payroll or benefits system data)
You must first extract/download SAP data and then compare it to
the legacy/external data system
What are some tips on how to do this comparison?



Data Errors Comparing Data to External System


To do an effective compare, a common key field (such as SSN,

NIN, SIN, etc.) is needed
If the SAP personnel number is used in all legacy or interfaced
systems job is easier but you often dont have that option!
But different systems usually use different identifiers such as
legacy personnel numbers, etc., which can cause obstacles
What can you do to bring the key field into both sets of data (SAP
and external system)
ABAP program
Access database
Recommendation use Excels Vlookup function





Vlookup is an easy Excel tool which will bring in and match up

data from two different sources, based on a key field
See handout How to use Vlookup in Excel
Thi hand
h d outt also
l outlines
a ffew kkey iissues when
h comparing
SAP downloaded data to external data



Data Errors Identifying Incorrect Data in SAP Alone


Identifying incorrect/missing data in SAP system alone

Employees record is missing some data
Employee has incorrect basic pay
Incongruent data (salary employee with an hourly rate)
Run report to show the two keys fields/areas



Data Errors Identifying Missing Employee Data


Tip for identifying missing EE data

Run Ad Hoc Query with certain fields selected from two
separate infotypes
f One
O field
fi ld will
ill be
b from
an infotype
i f t
th t every employee
(e.g., I000 Actions)
f Other field will be from the infotype that may be missing data
Example: Report off of the EE Personnel number and start date
from I0000 (Actions) plus a field from I0008 (Basic Pay)
If report
p shows the employee
p y number and start date of action
but the I0008 field is blank, you have missing I0008 data
A simple scan of the results should show any missing fields



Auditing Changed Data


Another source of SAP errors can be identified through changes

to data in the system
Changes to data can be viewed in several ways
PA20/30 AEDTM field
fi ld via
i one recordd att a time



SE16 (data browser) via AEDTM field for a group of

Or for more detailed change information, Logged Changes
report S_AHR_61016380 which determines the infotypes and
fields to be logged for the changes



Important Note About AEDTM Field


AEDTM will not be updated when infotype is delimited, so this

may cause issues with an interface logic
Infotype is delimited and no record is created
P ti l l iimportant
t t with
ith Benefits
B fit infotypes
i f t
andd th
i interfaces,
i t f
but also important in PA
For example, if you delimit a mailing address and do not create
a new mailing address record, the AEDTM field will not be
updated with the date you did the delimiting


For more information, refer to SAP Note 333729



Important Note About AEDTM Field (cont.)


This may be impactful

If there is an interface that requires to know if the mailing
address has been delimited
A d th
the logic
l i in
i the
th interface
i t f
h bbeen sett tto ttrigger
ff off the
AEDTM date
Logged changes should be set up for any infotype where this
issue may arise



Fixing Complex Data Errors

Some SAP ERP HCM errors are hard to fix

Errors in your Personnel Area, Employee Group, Employee
Subgroup that were keyed into Infotype 0000 Actions via
Rerunning PA40 will often not change these elements
Try this approach
f Use transaction PA30
f Highlight the incorrect action line in I0000 Actions overview
f Click on Copy/Create
f Make the necessary corrections to the enterprise structure
f Save
f This will initiate action again




Fixing Complex Data Errors (cont.)


Deleting an infotype with Time Constraint Class (TCC) 1

For example, contractor has been inadvertently set up with
I0008 Basic Pay
Th following
f ll i approaches
h can be
b dangerous
b t effective
ff ti
Send transport in to change TCC to 2 or 3, make the necessary
changes. Then send a reversing transport through to close the
system down.
Use SE16 with debug on (if you have authorization) and change
the mode to DELE, then delete that specific entry



What Well Cover


Reviewing keying errors

Naming and numbering conventions what you should know
Automating PA processes through standard SAP tools
Defaulting in PA data via OM
Eliminating some issues using integration options
Configuring OM/PA tips and tricks
Auditing issues and cleaning up your data tips



PA Configuration Setup


Every setup will be different, so not all of these tips will be

However, these are provided to reduce errors, streamline
operations and ensure effective reporting
Many of these tips can be used during implementation
Some of these tips can be done after system has been up and
running for a while
Always different approaches to setup
Remember,, limit manual updates
as much as p
possible to reduce



Additional Resources


SAP Note 333729 Q&A: No update of "Last changed by/on"

fields in Benefits
How to Use Vlookup in Excel
T k h
fil available
il bl on the
th Insider
I id Learning
i Network
N t k
How to create a SubFeature
Take-home file available on the Insider Learning Network



7 Key Points to Take Home

Use the Infogroup modifier feature in your actions to bypass user

groups if at all possible
Use the OM infotypes to ensure accurate PA data through the use
of the OM default entries
Use the F command in your dynamic actions to call ABAP
program to get proper, accurate dates (e.g., original hire date or
termination date) into I0041
Try to avoid leading zeros in your numbering conventions
If possible, do not use any logic when numbering your PERNRs,
and be wary of smarts when setting up your corporate structure
Where possible, use naming conventions that can be searched via
a wildcard (e.g., US*)
Ensure screen modifications set all fields to their appropriate
setting (e.g., hide, mandatory, input values only)




Your Turn!


How to contact me:

Cathryn Westgarth



SAP, R/3, mySAP,, SAP NetWeaver, Duet PartnerEdge, and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their
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Wellesley Information Services, 20 Carematrix Drive, Dedham, MA 02026

Copyright 2012 Wellesley Information Services. All rights reserved.

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