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of Drilling Engineering & Rotary Drilling Process

Kanad Kulkarni 04 10 2013

Formation Pressures
Knowledge of formation pressures is vital to the safe planning of a well. Accurate values of formation pressures are used to design safe mud weights to overcome fracturing the formation and prevent well kicks. The process of designing and selection of casing weights/grades is predominately dependent on the utilization of accurate values of formation pressure. Cementing design, kick control, selection of wellhead and Xmas trees and even the rig rating are dependent on the formation pressures encountered in the well.

Hydrostatic pressure is defined as the pressure exerted by a column of fluid. The pressure is a function of the average fluid density and the vertical height or depth of the fluid column.
Mathematically, hydrostatic pressure is expressed as: HP = g x f x D where:
HP = hydrostatic pressure g = gravitational acceleration f = average fluid density D = true vertical depth or height of the column

In field operations, the fluid density is usually expressed in pounds per gallon (ppg), psi per foot, pounds per cubic foot (ppf) or as specific gravity (SG). In the Imperial system of units, when fluid density is expressed in ppg (pounds/gallon) and depth in feet, the hydrostatic pressure is expressed in psi (lb/in2): HP (psi) = 0.052 x f (ppg) x D (ft)

For the purposes of interpretation, all wellbore pressures, such as formation pressure, fracture pressure, fluid density and overburden pressure, are measured in terms of hydrostatic pressure. When planning or drilling a well it is often more convenient to refer to hydrostatic pressures in terms of a pressure gradient. A pressure gradient is the rate of increase in pressure per unit vertical depth i.e., psi per foot (psi/ft). It should be noted that fluid densities, measured in ppg or SG, are also gradients.

Hydrostatic pressures can easily be converted to equivalent mud weights and pressure gradients. Hydrostatic pressure gradient is given by: HG = HP / D (psi/ft)

Calculate the hydrostatic pressure for the following wells: a. mud weight = 9 ppg, hole depth = 10100 ft MD (measured depth), 9900 ft TVD (truevertical depth) Solution: HP (psi) = 0.052 x f (ppg) x D (ft) = 0.052 x 9 x 9900 = 4632 psi

b. mud gradient = 0.468 psi / ft, hole depth = 10100 ft MD (measured depth), 9900 ft TVD (true vertical depth) Solution = 0.468 (psi /ft) x 9900(ft) = 4633 psi

Overburden Pressure
The overburden pressure is defined as the pressure exerted by the total weight of overlying formations above the point of interest. The total weight is the combined weight of both the formation solids (rock matrix) and formation fluids in the pore space. The density of the combined weight is referred to as the bulk density (b).

The overburden pressure can therefore be expressed as the hydrostatic pressure exerted by all materials overlying the depth of interest: ov = 0.052 x b x D where
ov = overburden pressure (psi) b = formation bulk density (ppg) D = true vertical depth (ft)

And similarly as a gradient (EMW) in ppg: ov= 0.433xb/0.052

Where, ovg = overburden gradient, ppg b = formation bulk density (gm/cc) (the factor 0.433 converts bulk density from gm/cc to psi/ ft)

A useful equation for calculating the overburden gradient under field conditions of varying lithological and pore fluid density is given by:
ovg= 0.433[(1 )ma + (xf)]

where ovg= overburden gradient, psi/ft = porosity expressed as a fraction f= formation fluid density, gm/cc ma= matrix density, gm/cc

Rotary Drilling
Rotary drilling is a method used to drill deep boreholes in rock forma7ons of the Earths crust. The method was ini7ally used to drill water wells using fresh water as the circula7on uid. Today, this method is the only rock drilling technique used to drill deep boreholes (greater than 3000 B, or 900 m and up to 20, 000 B, or 6000 m)

Drilling Rig

Derrickmans platform

Mud hose Swivel Kelly Rotary table

EDrilling was performed by moving the drillstring up and down in reciprocating manner
was applicable for the well of depth less than 100 ft; and production rate was as low as 50 bbl/day
Mud pit

Engines & generators

ECurrent rotary drilling could drill more than 30000 (about 10 Km);
Mud pump

ECould drill vertically, Pipe ramp Blowout preventer Casing directional, fish-bone etc. Stacked drill


Drill bit

Rotary Drilling Bit

Tricon Drilling Bit

The Three Necessary Components for Rotary Drilling

Rotary Drilling Rig Classica?on

Typical Drilling Rig Organiza?ons

Steps to Drill A Gas/Oil Well

1. Complete or obtain seismic, log, scou7ng informa7on or other data. 2. Lease the land or obtain concession. 3. Calculate reserves or es7mate from best data available. 4. If reserve es7mates show payout, proceed with well. 5. Obtain permits from conserva7on/ na7onal authority.

Steps to Drill a Well - contd

6. Prepare drilling and comple7on program. 7. Ask for bids on footage, day work, or combina7on from selected drilling contractors based on drilling program. 8. If necessary, modify program to t selected contractor equipment.

Steps to Drill a Well - contd

9. Construct road, loca7on/plaTorms and other marine equipment necessary for access to site. 10. Gather all personnel concerned for mee7ng prior to commencing drilling (pre- spud mee7ng) 11. If necessary, further modify program. 12. Drill well.

Steps to Drill a Well - contd

13. Move o contractor if workover unit is to complete the well. 14. Complete well. 15. Install surface facili7es. 16. Analysis of opera7ons with concerned personnel.

A Typical Onshore Drilling Rig

Basic Drilling Equipment

Power system Hois7ng system Fluid circula7ng system Rotary system Well control system Well monitoring system

Rig Power System

Most of the power the hois7ng and uid circula7ng systems (the same engines can power both) Total power requirements for most rigs are from 1000 hp and 3000 hp The power of rotary rigs is generally generated by diesel or gas-driven engines. The power is transmi^ed to the various rig systems by means of mechanical or electrical drives

Power System Performance Characteris?cs

Output horse power Torque Fuel consump7on for various engine speeds The shaB power, P, developed by an engine is obtained from the angular velocity of the shaB, , and the output torque T

Power System Performance Characteris?cs

The overall power eciency determines the rate of fuel consump7on, wf, at a given speed. The hea7ng value of a fuel for internal combus7on is H The input power is expressed in terms of wf and H:


Fuel Type Density (lbm/gal) Heating Value (Btu/lbm)

diesel gasoline butane methane

7.2 6.6 4.7 ---

19,000 20,000 21,000 24,000

Engine power output

Power = Ang.Vel. * Torque


Power = Force * Velocity

Power System Performance Characteris?cs

The overall eciency of power-genera7ng systems may be dened as the energy output per energy input: Efficiency = (Power Out / Power in)

Example 1. A diesel engine gives an output

torque of 1,740 ft-lbf at an engine speed of 1,200 rpm. If the fuel consumption rate was 31.5 gal/hr, what is the output power and overall efficiency of the engine?


The angular velocity, , is given by

= 2 (1,200) = 7,539.8 rad/min.

The power output can be computed using Eq.1

7,539.8 (1,740) ft - lbf/min P = T = = 397.5hp (33,000 ft - lbf/min)/hp

Since the fuel type is diesel, the density is 7.2 lbm/gal and the heating value H is 19,000 Btu/ lbm (Table 1). Thus, the fuel consumption rate w f is:

1 hour w f = 31.5 gal/hr (7.2 lbm/gal) 60 minutes

wf = 3.78 lbm/min. The total heat energy consumed by the engine is given by Eq. 2:

Efficiency = (Power Out / Power in) Qi = w f H 3.78 lbm/min (19,000Btu/ lbm ) (779 ft - lbf/Btu ) Qi = 33,000 ft - lbf/min/hp
Thus, the overall efficiency of the engine at 1,200 RPM given by Eq. 3 is

P 397.5 Et = = = 0.234 or 23.4% Qi 1695.4

Hois?ng System
The func7on of the hois7ng system is to provide a means of lowering and raising drilling strings, case strings and other subsurface equipment into or out of the hole The principal components of the hois7ng system are the (1) the derrick and substructure, (2) the block and the tackle, and (3) the drawwork

Hois?ng system

Two rou7ne drilling opera7ons performed with the hois7ng system: Making a connec5on refers to the periodic process of adding a new joint of drillpipe as the hole deepens Making a trip refers to the process of remove the drilling string from the whole to change a por7on of the downhole assembly and thenlowering the drillingstring back to the hole bo^om

Hois?ng System

Making a connec?on

Pulling out of the Hole

Making a mouse hole connection

Moving Kelly to Single in Mousehole Stabbing the Pipe

Single Added. Ready to Drill

Making a mouse hole connection - contd

Making a trip
Why trip?

Put Kelly in Rathole

Use Elevators for tripping

Tripping one stand at a time 60-90 ft

Making a trip - contd

Derrick or Portable Mast

The func7on of the derrick is to provide the ver7cal height required to raise sec7ons of pipe from or lower them into the hole The greater the height, the longer the sec7on of pipe that can be handled and thus the faster a long string of pipe can be inserted in or removed from the hole. The most commonly used drillpipe is between 27 and 30 B long

Block and Tackle

The crown bock The traveling block The drilling line The principal func7on of the block and tackle is to provide a mechanical advantage, which permits easier handling of large loads

The drawworks provide the hois7ng and braking power required to raise and lower the heavy strings of pipe. The principla parts of the drawworks are (1) the drum, (2) the brakes, (3) the transmission, and (4) the catheads. The drum transmits the torque required fpr hois7ng or braking and it also stores the drilling line required to move the traveling block and the length of Derrick


Criteria for determining depth limitation

Derrick Drawworks Mud Pumps Drillstring Mud System Blowout Preventer Power Plant 1 m = 3.28084 ft 1 ft = 0.03048 m

Learning Outcomes
Understand the rotary drilling processes and the rigs Understand the equipment of rotary drilling rig and the func7ons Understand the power system and relevant calcula7ons


Crown Block

Crown Block

Travelling Block

Deadline Anchor

Supply Reel

Drilling Line

Drilling Line



Top Drive

Kelly Bushing

Master Bushing

Rotary Table

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