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Summer -2013


Residential Semester


RESIDENTIAL SEMESTER The Residential Semester (RS) of BRAC University (BRACU) is a unique experience in university education in Bangladesh. The two goals of this intensive program are: 1) to develop the leadership skills of the students and prepare them to face future challenges. 2) To improve their communicative English skills particularly in terms of the English language of this is acclaimed through a so that they can be successful in the job market or in higher education. The aim of the RS at Savar is to develop the confidence of the students. This is achieved through a broad based educational approach that prioritizes the following: -Improving communion skill, particularly competence in the English language. -Inculcating a deep sense of social responsibility among the students so that they can become conscious citizens, aware of their rights and responsibilities to society and the nation. -Inculcating a deep sense of ethics in respect of the students personal conduct as well as their social, economic and political conduct. -Ensuring the rounded development of students in terms of their academic, extracurricular and experiential activities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) In which semester do I go to Savar for the Residential Semester (RS)? Upon Completion of the first semester in Mohakhali campus with a minimum CGPA of 2.00 and passing in English, a student becomes eligible for joining the RS at Savar campus in the next semester. Is the Residential Semester Compulsory? Yes, attending the Residential Semester is compulsory for all BRACU students. Completion of the courses, at RS is part of the degree requirements. Students who fail to attend RS wont graduate from BRAC University. Where is the Location of the Savar Residential Campus? Away from urban congestion, BRACU Savar Campus is located in a green rural set-up in the village of Khagan on the Ashulia- Birulia Road in Savar. It is about an hours drive from the city center to the campus.

How Many Academic Courses do I take in RS? The compulsory courses for RS include English, Bangladesh Studies, and Ethics & Culture. In addition, there are compulsory study tours and field visits in rural areas to obtain practical experience about rural life, the development process and the rural culture of Bangladesh. Students need to buy the course materials from Aysha Abed Library at the Campus. What percentage of presence is mandatory? 90% presence is mandatory at RS classes otherwise students will not be allowed to sit the final examinations. What are the Experiential Learning Activities (ELA) and their Purposes? Experiential Learning Activities are given equal importance alongside academic coursework in order to develop social skills of the students. Learning activities include on and off campus events like social learning labs, study tours, institution and organization visits, RS co-curricular activities and village immersion programs. Students are required to participate in all co- curricular activities. This is mandatory. What is the Purpose of Outdoor Activities Outdoor activities are given due importance for students so that they can learn from visiting and observing different places outside the classroom/campus. In order to do so, students are taken to different places/villages from Savar campus for a day. How am I Rewarded for my Participation in Activities? The students exhibiting exceptionally good performance are awarded with the Vice Chancellors certificates. They are also awarded with certificates and prizes for RS activities. However, if any student misses two activity classes s/he will not be eligible for getting RS activity certificate. What does the British Council do at Savar Campus? The British Council Resource Center has collaborated with BIL, BRACU to run Book Reading competition at Savar campus. It is compulsory for all the students to take part in this activity .This competition will be based on reading books and performing activities every week. Individual membership fee for this is Tk.200 and it is mandatory. The participants who will score at least 40% in the assessment (done at the end of semester by British Council) will get attractive prizes and certificates from the British Council.

When is the Dormitory opening and closing times? Dormitory gate will open at 6:30am in the morning and it will close at 10:00pm sharp. Students must get in their respective dormitory in time.

How frequently can I come back home from the Residential campus? The RS is a fully residential semester for about 14 weeks. Only nominated visitors, preferably parents, are allowed to visit the students on Parents Day from 3:00-5:00 pm. On Fridays visitors visiting time will be from 10.00am 12.00pm and 3.00pm-5.00pm. Students at the RS may be given a short leave due to emergency or exceptional circumstances with a leave application approved by the respective House Tutor. Any overstay of leave without any valid reason, will be considered as a breach of discipline and s/he would not be granted leave during the rest of the semester. The semester in Savar campus is residential, therefore, we strongly discourage students from taking frequent campus leave. What personal items should students bring with them? Students should bring formal and casual wear along with some sport wear. They should also bring personal toiletries and school stationeries for personal use. Two or three seated rooms with beds, bedcovers, pillows, pillow covers and mosquito nets are provided. Other personal items like medicines, two sets of medium-small lock-keys and five copies of passport sized photos and photocopy of health-card must be brought. We strongly discourage students to bring expensive cell phones, cameras and ornaments. Strictly prohibited items include Desktop/PC, sound system, electric heater, iron, playing cards and illegal drugs. In case of loss of any personal belongings/valuable items, management cannot be held responsible. Students are requested to carry light luggage so that it can be carried to dorms easily. Students are requested to submit payment/deposit slip to their respective dorm tutors during dorm registration. Where do I report if I face any problem with fellow students / dorm? Students should discuss their problems with the House Tutors, Faculty members and Counselors. If the matter still remains unresolved, the problem can be reported to the Assistant Campus Superintendent and, in an extreme case, to the Campus Superintendent (CS).

What are the facilities available in Savar Campus?

The academic facilities in the Residential Campus of BRAC University include well equipped classrooms, spacious conference rooms, a rich library with reading space, and modern computer labs with Internet connection. There are comfortable dormitories for male and female students and faculty members, four large dining halls, an auditorium for presentations and meetings and sufficient open space for indoor and outdoor games. Furthermore, the following facilities are the available in Savar Campus.

Medical services We have a resident staff nurse. Our medical officer from Mohakhali campus visits Savar campus thrice a week. We have institutional arrangement with Enam Medical College and Hospital, Savar, where we refer cases in case of emergencies. We encourage parents to inform us about chronic diseases of their children and drug use if any. Psychosocial supports In Savar campus, along with other facilities, we have a full time Psychosocial Counselor to take care of the students by promoting their inner strength and personal qualities so that they can cope with any sort of personal and social difficulties. Sports facilities Sports facilities, like football, cricket, table tennis, carom, handball, volleyball and badminton are available in Savar Campus. However, the authority will only ensure infrastructural facilities related to sports. Any Sports equipment (i.e. football, cricket bat, badminton bat and so on) should be brought/bought by students on their own.

BRAC University, Savar Campus.

Village: Khagan, PO: Biruliya, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh Phone: 7743270, Web: www.
Tongi Bridge


Dhaka - Mymensingh Road

Uttara Over Bridge Abdullahpur Bus Stoppage

Zia International Airport (ZIA)


Akran School

Madrasa (1 KM )

Attendance Policy for Savar Campus:

A. Attendance in campus: 1. If a student remains absent from campus for one week or less, s/he has to take permission from the Campus Super to return to the Campus. 2. If a student remains absent from campus for more than one week, s/he must take permission from the Director, BIL, BRAC University to return to the Campus. B. Attendance in Class : 1. 90% Class attendance is a must to appear in the final examination. 2. On emergency a student can be absent for maximum 04 classes with written permission from the course teacher. 3. Altogether if a student misses more than four classes in any circumstances s/he will be barred from sitting for the final examination. C. Marking for attendance: 1. To get full marks for attendance (which is 05) one student has to be present in all classes held in that particular section. 2. For each absence 0.25 marks will be deducted from the attendance marks. 3. A total of 15 marks(5 marks for each course) will be distributed over 3 courses DEV, HUM, and ENGLISH , for attendance as well as active participation in the following programs: English: 1. Public Health 2. Grooming & Etiquette 3. Meet the Employers Dev: 1. Brac Orientation 2. Lecture on Liberation War 3. Lecture on Development Hum: 1. Seven Habits (Integrated HUM class) 2. Session on Johari Window 3. TBA

Important Information
1. DEV101 and HUM103 courses are not offered in Mohakhali Campus. If for any reason, anybody fails to complete these courses, s/he must retake the courses as a non-resident student of Savar Campus within the following semester. 2. Attending Social Learning Lab, BRAC Program visit and Museum visit are

mandatory for all students. There is no makeup option for these activities.

RS Form I

Residential Semester Summer-2013

Students information:
Name: Dorm: Dept: Semester. Signature:................ Photo of the Student ID no.:

Mothers/ Local guardians information:

1. Name:Relationship:......
Address:....... E-mail Address: Telephone/Mobile No:........
Signature ...........................................................................

Photo of the Mother

Fathers/ Local guardians information:

2. Name:Relationship:......
Address:....... E-mail Address: Telephone/Mobile No:........
Signature ..................................................................................

Photo of the Father

Note: Parents day will be observed on May 25, Saturday from 3:30-5:30pm.

___________________________________________ Checked and signed by Father/Mother/Guardian ____________ House Tutor ____________________ Asstt. Campus Superintendent

RS Form II


Name: (BLOCK Letters, according to your certificate):

Photo of the Student

_________________________________________________________________________________________ Students Mobile No: E-mail:

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) ____/____/________ Marital Status__________ Blood Group________ Dorm------------------------------------ Room No-------------- ID----------------------------------Mothers Name ____________________________ Occupation ________________________ Fathers Name: __________________________ Brothers and sisters: Name Occupation_________________________ Age Remarks

Present Address: ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Person: _____________________________________________________________ Relationship: _________________________Tel/Mob: _______________________________________ Games you play with proficiency: _____________________________________________________ Interest areas (Music, Debate, Theater, or any thing else): _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Institutions Attended: SSC/O Level_______________________________________________________________________ HSC/A Level_______________________________________________________________________

________________________ Signature of the student

________________________ Signature of the Mother/Father



Medicine List & Doctors Appointments

Name: (BLOCK Letters, according to your certificate): _________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) ____/____/________ Marital Status__________ Blood Group________ Dorm------------------------------------ Room No-------------- ID-----------------------------------

Doctors Appointments Date:

Medicine List (Must attach the Doctors Prescription):

________________________ Signature of the student

________________________ Signature of the Mother/Father

Date: _______

Card no._______ RS Form IV

LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP CARD (For student only) Ayesha Abed Library, BRAC University
Savar Campus

Name___________________________________________________ID__________________ Semester_________________Program______________________Dept.__________________ Present address: Room No.______________________________________________________ Dorm Name___________________________________________________________________ Permanent address_____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________Mobile_______________________ Tel ________________________________E-mail: ______________________________ Leaving date from Savar Campus:_______________________________________________

Signature of member

Signature of House Tutor

Signature of Sr.Asstt. Librarian A. A. Library, BU

Signature of borrower Signature of library staff (Returned) Remarks

Accn./Call no.



Due date

Author Accn./Call no.


Due date

Signature of borrower

Signature of library staff (Returned)


Terms and conditions 1. A library member can borrow two books/periodicals for one week. May be renewed for another one week. 2. Borrowed books/Journals must be returned to the library within due date. A fine will be levied if the borrowed materials are not returned to the library on or before due date as under: a. Tk. 5.00 (Five) only per calendar day for each Book item (BK). b. Tk. 10.00 (Ten) only per calendar day for each Audio Visual item (AV).

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