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Where as Sh. Dal Chand Vashishth S/o. Late Sh. Ghure, R/o. Vill Pakhodana, Post Utasani, The Khair, Dist. Aligarh. U.P. intendsto anddoeshereby create a Trustin memory ofhis son late Sh. Rajendra Prasad Vashishth by this indenture to create a Trust for providing service to the humanity & constitute the same by appointing the following Trustees as permanent Trustees. 1 Sh. Rajesh Kumar Vashishth S/o Sh. Jeevan lal R/o Vill. Pakhodana, PostUtasani, TheKhair,Dist.Aligarh.U.P.Ages36years,professionserviceindustry. 2 Sh. Suresh Kumar Chaudhary S/o. Sh. Amar Singh R/o, Vill Jaidpura, Post Jaidpura,TheKhair,Dist.Alighar,U.P.,Age33years,ProfessionBusinessman. 3 Sh. Dal Chand Sharma, S/o. Late Sh. Mohan Shyam Sharma, R/o. Vill Pakhodana, Post Utasani, The Khair, Dist. Aligarh. U.P. Age 28 years, profession Agriculture. 4 Sh. Mukesh Kumar Vashishth S/o Sh. Mukhtyar Vashishth R/o Vill Pakhodana, Post.Utasani,TheKhair,Dist.Aligarh.U.P.Age28yearsProfessionChartered Accountant. 5 Sh. Bhupendra Pathak S/o Sh. Mohan Pathak R/o Vill Bajada Pahari, The Hathin, Dist.Palwal(Haryana)Age28years,professionServiceIndustry. WheretheFounderwithaviewtoadvancesomecharitableobjectslikestatedhereafter is possessed a sum of Rs. 21000/ and is desirous to settle the said property upon the Trust hereinaftermentioned. Now This deed witnesses On 18th the day of February 2009 and the Trustees declare thattheyshallhereafterholdthesaidamountofRs.21000/andtheTrustFundmentioned above for the time being on the Trust for carrying out the objects and subjects to the powers,provisions,termsandconditionshereinaftermentioned. 1. Nomenclature. The Trust created by this indenture shall be known as SHRI RAJENDRA PRASADMEMORIALTURST. 2. PrincipalOfficeoftheTrustshallbeatvillagePakhodana,Po.Utasanat,Dist.Aligarh. 3. AreaofoperationshallbewholeofIndia. 4. Aimsandobjects: HEALTH&SANITATIONPROGRAMME Toworkforthepromotionofthegeneralhealthconditionofthepeople. 1. 2. To undertake various sanitation programme for upliftment of better sanitation and ecofriendlyenvironmentforruralpeople. 3. To organize activities for development of physically handicapped and such other types. 4. To provide medical facility for the needy and poor people where medical services areinadequatetomeetthedemand. 5. Toorganizesafemotherandchildsurvivalprojects. 6. Toconductfamilywelfareandpopulationeducationprogrammes. 7. Toconducthealthcampsandtosupplymedicinestoneedypersons.

8. 9.

Toconductvoluntaryblooddonationprogrammes. To take care of the village tanks, wells and to arrange to supply the villagers with drinkingwaterthroughdifferentkindofprogrammes.

EDUCATIONANDAWARENESSPROGRAMME 10. To undertake educational programmes, women awareness and women developmentprogramsforeradicationofilliteracy. 11. To undertake vocational education training like computer education, mobile repairing,tailoring,etc. 12. Createawarenessamongpeopletorefrainfromharmfuladdictionandconsumption ofalcohol,dowry,infanticideetc. 13. Toorganizeprimaryeducation,formaleducation,formaleducation,adulteducation centres for the deprived people. To help the poor meritorious student for higher studies. 14. Toconductadulteducationcentresfortheilliteratepeopleofruralandtribalareas. 15. To manage Balwadis, crches and day care centers elementary education and non formaleducationcentresforchildren. 16. to conduct the training of women in public cooperation to identify the needs of women in rural backward and tribal areas through survey and to orient the movement, through training camps in a manner in which they can involve to meet theirfeltneeds. 17. TopromoteawarenessinvariousfieldsuchasHealth,Educationetc. 18. Toimplementinnovativeandexperimentaleducationprogrammesforchildren. ENVIRONMENTDEVELOPMENTPROGRAMME 19. Toworkforthepromotionoftheecologyofthearea. 20. To create awareness among people especially youth and women to protect and preserveexistingforestandtocreateawareness. 21. To organize Social forestry programmes and to make plantation in the waste lands, villageroadsandencouragethepeopletodoso. 22. To promote the alternative sources of energy like biogas, solar etc through the environmentalprogramme. 23. To create awareness among the forest dwellers and educate them in shifting cultivation,plantationandprotectionofforest. 24. Totakedemonstrationprojectsforecoregenerationofdegradedareasinthefield. 25. Tomanageenvironmentalresearchprojectsaimedatstudyingtheimpactofhuman activitiesinthebiosphereandviceversa. SOCIALECONOMICDEVELOPMENTPROGRAMME 26. To work for the development of Agriculture with application of appropriate technology,modernequipments,developedseeds,pesticidesforbetteryield. 27. Toorganizesmall andcottageindustriesintheruralareawiththehelpofkhadiand villageudyog. 28. To organize activity like animal husbandry, poultry, goattey, fishey, piggery for economicdevelopment. 29. Toorganizedifferentincomegeneratingactivities. 30. Toconstructandrepairthevillageroads.

31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

To promote Mahila Mandals, Self Help Groups and Youth Groups for the developmentofwomenandyouth. Toarrangehandicraftsandcottageindustriestrainingcentresfortheneedywomen. to organize different skill development program to raise the competency and managerialskilloftheruralyouths. Tointroducenewtechnologyfarming. Toconductlabtolandprogrammes. Toimpactvocationaltrainingtofarmersandwomen. Togivedemonstrationsandperformfarmtestingprogrammes. To enable endeavors like watershed development, environmental management, resourcesplanningetc. To envisage a role in planning of water resources so as to serve the purpose of sustainabilityandequity. To work towards building local tribal womens organization to improve their positionandconditionsofliving.

RESEARCHTRAINING&ADVOCACY 41. To organize different training activities for the grass root level worker to raise their efficiencyandskill. To organize different survey and research work on various aspect of rural 42. development. 43. To organize Counseling centers for youth, HIV/AIDS patients, and other chronically illpersons. 44. Informationdissemination. 45. doingresearchonvariousareasandbringingoutissuesthatrequireattention. 46. Finding out areas with maximum risk and providing intervention servicesto prevent thecalamity. 47. To undertake perfeasbility studies for in the areas relating to Governance, consultancy project monitoring, internal system design an implementation, taxation,internalaudit,reportingonimplementationofprojects,strategicplanning, interim management, evaluation, financial planning, development consulting, capacitybuildingformicroenterprisesandorganizationdevelopment. 48. Topromotescientificresearchtrainingandfieldactioninruraldevelopment. 49. Toundertakeotheractivitieslikefieldactionprojectresearch,advocacy,networking andtopromoteunderstandingandbetterprofessionalpracticeintheareasofsocial work,socialservicesandalliedprofessionalfields. 50. Promoting a broader understanding of urban poverty, including aspects related to health,humanrights,entitlementsandparticipation. MISCELLANOUSPROGRAMME 51. Toundertakevariousdevelopmentprogrammesandnationalthrustprogrammesof governmentandnongovernmentagencies. 52. Toworkasaforumtoprovidejobopportunitiestotheunemployedyouth. 53. To bring about effective integration of community participation in various development schemes launched by the Government and other social development organizations. 54. To offer management consultancy and implementation support services to various StateandCentralGovernmentorganizations.

55. 56. 57. 58. 59.

60. 61. 62. 63.

Providinglegalaidtothewomen,innocentprisoners,poorpeopleetc. Helpingthechildrenandfamilyoftheprisoners. Undertakingcorrectionalmeasuresfortheprisoners. To work for the welfare of street children with the aim of making them more productiveandlawabidingcitizens. To rescue and rehabilitate children working in hazardous industries, by organizing fieldwork and surveys and also by helping other welfare agencies working in the areaofchildlabour. To work for the rehabilitation of street children through education and imparting valuesandlifeskills. Toundertakethegovt.schemes&itsimplementations. To provide micro credit consulting and undertake impact evaluation for funding agenciesandbanks. To work for the promotion of folk culture, music and other arts of different areas andprotectthemfromvanishingbyorganizingfunctionsandencouragingartists.

V.1. Trustees: There shall be a Board of Trustees which shall comprise of initially the above named permanent Trustees. The Trustees may increase the number of Trustees upto 7 by co opting other eminent personal from the public for promotions and achieving the aims and objectsoftheTruststatedabove.HoweverthemaximumnumberofTrusteesmaybeincreased bytheTrusteesbyunanimousresolutions. 2. The Board of Trustees shall elect a CHAIRPERSON, a SECRETARY and a TREASURER as office bearers for a term of3 yearsandallthesepostsshall berotatedevery 3years among the permanentTrustees. All the other Trustees will be members of the Board of Trustees for the subjects to the 3. provisionshereinafterstatedinclauseiv. 4. VacanciesintheBoardofTrusteesmayoccurduetothefollowingreasons: a.Resignationor, b.Deathor c.ConvictionofCriminaloffenceinvolvingmoralturpitude,or d. Desiring to be execute duties and to execute powers reposed in him under these presents,or e.Adjudgedinsolventordeclaredbankruptorlunaticorbecomesofunsoundmind,or f. Goes out of India for more than 6 (six) months without obtaining the permission in writingfromtheChairmanor, g.Remains absentfrom 4(four)consecutive meetings,of the Board of Trustees without obtainingthepermissioninwritingfromtheChairmantothateffector, h.ExpiryoftenureintermsofthisTrustDeedor, i. If a request is made in writing to a Trustee to retire by all the other Trustees for the timebeinginofficeandalsoconstitutingthemajorityoftheBoard. 5. Vacancies occurring due to the reasons mentioned above shall be filled up by nominating new Trustee / Trustees by the sitting members of the Board including the Chairman

unanimously from the general public. Provided the new Trustee shall be a person having faith anddedicationstotheAimsandObjectsoftheTruststatedabove. VI. The ownership and control of the properties of the Trust shall vest in the Board ofTrustees. VII. The Chairman of the Trust shall preside over the meetings of the Trust. All decisions shall be taken by resolutions passed by the majority and the Chairmanshallhaveacastingvoteincaseoftie. VIII. (a)MeetingsoftheBoardofTrustees TheBoardofTrusteesshallholdordinarymeetingsatleastonein6months. (b) The quorum of the meeting shall be 3 if the total member of Trustees is 5 and in case the number of the Trustees has been increased by Trustasprovidedinclause5abovethequorumshallbe5. (c) The Chairman or the Secretary on his instructions shall have the powerstocallthemeetingoftheBoardofTrustees. (d) A special meeting can be called by the Chairman or the Secretary in caseofsomeurgencyorontherequisitionofanytwomembersofthe BoardofTrustees. (e) Anordinarymeetingcanbecalledwithapriornoticeof15daystothe Trustees whereas a special meeting can be called with a notice of 24 hours. (f) When a meeting is not feasible due to some reasons, a decision can be taken by the Board of Trustees by circulating the minutes to the membersoftheBoardofTrustees. (g) AllthedecisionsshallbetakenbytheTrusteesbymajorityofvotes. (h) All the members of the Board of Trustees shall have equal powers in decisionmakingexpecttheChairmanwhoshallhaveacastingvoteas providedinclause7above. IX. The Secretary shall maintain upto date record as well as accounts of the Trust. The minutes of the Board of Trustees shall be recorded by the Secretary and signed by him as Secretary. The minutes of the meeting shall be read over to the members of the Board of Trustees in the ensuing meeting and shall be confirmed by putting their signatures/thumb impressions. X. TheTreasurershallberesponsibleformaintenanceoftheTrustfunds. XI. FundsoftheTrust: a. The Trust will raise funds for achieving its aims and objects by contributions from the Trustees, donations from general public or philanthropic institutions, NGOs, grants from the Government or semi government institutions raising loan from public & financial institutions ifneedbe,incomefromthepropertiesoftheTrustandthelike. b. The Board of Trustees may invest the Trust money in profitable ventures form generating more money for the achievement of the aims andobjectsoftheTrust. c. The Trust money shall be deposited in any bank by opening bank accounts in the name of the Trust which will be opened by any three members of the Trust including the Chairman and operated by any two TrusteesasmaybedecidedbytheBoardofTrusteesfromtimetotime.





d. ThesecretaryoranyothermemberoftheTrustauthorizedbytheboard of Trustees shall have a right to retain cashinhand upto Rupees One Lakhonlyatatimeforrecurringexpenditure.Thislimitcanbeextended by the Board of Trustees from time to time as need be according to the changingcircumstances. e. Expenditure incurred by the Chairman / Secretary or any other Trustee authorized by the Trust shall have to be approved by the Board of Trustees in the ensuing meeting of the Trust. Expenditure incurred by any member of the trust for the purpose of the Trust shall be reimbursedbytheTrust. The accounts of the Trust shall be regularly maintained by the Secretary who shall be answerable to the Board of Trustees. The accounts so maintained of the preceeding period after the last meeting shall be put before the Board of Trustees in every meeting for approval. An annual balance sheet of the Trust shall also be prepared by the Secretary which be put before the Board the Trustees in the ensuing meeting of the Trust. A year for this purpose shall be deemed to be from 1st April to 31st March of the next year. However if need the services of an accountant or chartered accountant can be availed of byemploying some competent person as such from outside the board of Trustees who shall not be deemed to be a memberofboardofTrustee. The Secretary shall also maintain a register of movable and immovable propertiesoftheTrust. The Board of Trustees may constitute Committees for the management of different institutions/units created by the Trust or work taken up the Trust comprising of members and office bearers from the general public outside the Board of Trustees. Provided that the Chairman/President of such committee constituted by the Board of Trustees shall be one of the members of the Trust as decided by the Board while constituting such committee; The Board of Trustees shall frame bylaws/Rules of business of such Committee. The Managing Committee so constituted shall work under the control and supervision of the Board of Trustees within the frame work oftheRulesofBusinessandshallbeanswerabletotheBoardofTrustees. Provided that such Management Committees shall be constituted in consonancewiththestatutesoftheconcernedState. The Trust shall sue or be suedthrough the Chairman or the secretary of the Trust and the Board of Trustees may authorize any of the members of the Trust to represent the Trust on its behalf in any court of law, Tribunal, authority of the Government any bank or any other institution or authority constituted under any statue of the state. The Trust shall be responsible for the acts of omissions of such authorized person. If he works within the authority given to him/her. Such authorized person shall not be personally liable for the acts so done by him if he has acted within the authority given tohim. The trust may buy or take or give on lease or on mortgage any property movableorimmovableforachievementoftheaimsandobjectsoftheTrust forwhichtheTrustmayauthorizeanyoftheTrustees.



The Trust may collaborate with any Trust or society, N.G.O. or Government agencyofthelikenatureforachievementofitsaimandobjects. The Trust may engage employees for execution of the works taken up by the Trust. The employees engaged by the Trust or any Committee constitutedbytheTrustunderclause14willbeemployeesoftheTrust.The salaries/remunerationsofsuchemployeesshallbefixedbytheTrust. TheofficiallanguageoftheTrustwillbeHindiorEnglish. Amendment in the deed The Board of Trustees may make amendment in this deed by the resolution adopted by at least two third majority if necessityarisesduetochangeofcircumstances.

1 Sh.DalChandVashishth S/oLateSh.Ghure,R/oVillPakhodana, PostUtsani,TehKhair, DisttAligarh.U.P. (FounderoftheTrust) 2 Sh.RajeshKumarVashishth S/o.Sh.JeevanLalR/oVillPakhodana PostUtasani,TehKhair,Dist.Aligarh. U.P.Age36yearsprofessionserviceindustry. (ChairmanoftheTrust) 3. Sh.SureshKumarChaudhary S/o.Sh.AmarsinghR/o.VillJaidpura PostJaidpura,TehKhair,DisttAligarh.U.P. Age33yearsprofessionBusinessman (Trustee) 4. Sh.DalChandSharma S/o.LateSh.MohanShyamSharma R/o.VillPakhodana,PostUtasani,TehKhair, DisttAligarh.U.P.Age28years ProfessionAgriculture. (SecretaryoftheTrust) 5. Sh.MukeshKumarVashishth S/o.Sh.MukhtyarVashishthR/o.VillPakhodana, PostUtasani,TehKhair,DisttAligarh,U.P. Age28yearsprofessionCharteredAccountant. (Trustee) 6. Sh.BhupendraPathak S/o.Sh.MohanPathakR/o.VillBajadaPahari, TehHathin,DistPalwal(Haryana) Age28years,professionserviceindustry. (Trustee) Witness: 1. Sh.SureshChandS/o.Sh.JavanLal VillPakhodana,PostUtasani, TehKhair,DistAligarh.(U.P.) Age37Years,ProfessioAgricuture

Sh.AjayChauhanS/o.Sh.RajbahadurSinghChauhan Omnagar,TownKhair Dist.Aligarh.(U.P.)

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