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Beginner/ elementary: nouns (Proper nouns)

Lead in: point to students and ask what is your name? What is the name of this? What is the name of this place? Which town/city are we in? Write their answers on the board. Ask the ss what type of word are they? (5mins) Presentation: Gain a map of the world, get the class to crowd around it and name as many different countries as they can in English. Write all of these on the board in a neat list. (Or get students to write them on the board). (10/15mins) Language focus: Get students to tell you what kind of noun it is? (Proper noun) Can the students name what type of proper noun these are? (Place) Do they know what other types of proper nouns? If not ask questions. Is the word Pen a proper noun? (No). Is the word Chair a proper noun? (No). is the name Eloise a proper noun? (Yes). Write a few of the students names plus your own on board and identify that names of people are also proper nouns. Ask a few more questions. Is the word window a proper noun? (No). Is the name book a proper noun? (No). Is the name Bell a proper noun? (Yes). So write a few names of institutions on the board. This table should now be on the board: Places e.g. towns/ countries England France Germany Italy Spain Names of people Eloise Paolo Holly Nanako Nicolas Institutions Bell University of Oxford

Drill these names as the students produce them. Concept check ask questions much like the language focus. What must all proper nouns have? (A capital letter).

Control practice: Give them a sheet of about 10 sentences. Tell the ss to look for the proper noun and correct it with a capitol letter if they think it needs one. Example sheet: 1. Sally meet harry by the lake. 2. London is the capital of england. 3. Joanne sat on a chair. 4. The children all go to bell summer camps. 5. The dog was called fluffy. 6. The Eifel tower is in paris. 7. michal jackson is a famous pop singer who died recently. 8. David will travel to france on holiday. 9. sarah likes to use a knife and fork with every meal. 10. mount kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in africa. Freer Practice: get the ss to write three sentences for each type of proper noun. Ask a student at a time to write a example of one sentence from each category on the board. Ss correction. Take in freer practice and mark.

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