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Question Number 5.


Question Explain the meaning of the term mutation. Answer 1. Change in sequence of DNA; 2. Change in {mass of DNA / number of chromosomes}; Mark 2

Question Number 5.(b)(ii)

Question Suggest why the vaccine contains a cocktail of antigens. Answer Award one mark for each of the following points in context to a maximum of two marks. 1. mutation causes change in gene product/eq; 2. idea that structure of antigen may change (as result of mutation); 3. idea that individual will not be protected if flu virus does not have same antigens present in vaccine; 4. idea that a cocktail of antigens will increase the chance of matching antigens; Mark 2

Edexcel GCE in Biology

Edexcel Limited 2007

Sample Assessment Materials


Question Number 7.(a)

Question The table below lists five structural features that may be found in bacteria and viruses. Put a cross in the box if the structural feature is present. Answer Award 1 mark for each correct row in the following table. Structural feature Mesosomes Capsid Nucleic acid Cytoplasm Ribosomes Bacteria Viruses Mark 5

Question Number 7.(b)(i)

Question Describe the trends shown by the data. Answer Award one mark for each of the following points in context to a maximum of two marks. 1. Increase in number of new cases in Africa and Europe 2. Decrease in number of new cases in Asia and South America 3. Any relevant manipulation of data Mark 2

Edexcel GCE in Biology

Edexcel Limited 2007

Sample Assessment Materials


Question Number 7.(b)(ii)

Question HIV positive people were excluded from the data. If they had been included suggest how the data would differ. Give an explanation for your answer. Answer Explanation: x More incidence of TB in the population/eq Award one mark for each of the following points in context to a maximum of two marks. 1. Ref to opportunistic infection 2. HIV positive people have weakened immune system 3. A higher proportion of HIV positive people are infected by TB Mark 3

Question Number 7.(c)

Question TB is increasing in some countries which have well-funded health services. Suggest two reasons for this. Answer Award one mark for each of the following points in context to a maximum of two marks. 1. TB bacteria {mutate / become resistant to antibiotics} 2. immigration from countries with high incidence of TB 3. increased travel 4. increase in HIV infection 5. lower rates of immunisation against TB Mark 2


Sample Assessment Materials

Edexcel Limited 2007

Edexcel GCE in Biology

Question Number 8.(a)(i)

Question Distinguish between bacteriostatic and bacteriocidal antibiotics. Correct Answer Bacteriostatic prevent bacteria multiplying and bacteriocidal kill bacteria Mark 1

Question Number 8.(a)(ii)

Question Suggest why mammalian cells are unharmed by antibiotics. Correct Answer Award one mark for each of the following points up to a maximum of two marks. Mammalian cells: 1. are eukaryotic 2. have different enzymes 3. do not have cell walls 4. have {80s / larger/eq} ribosomes / different protein synthesis Mark 2

Question Number 8.(b)

Question Suggest ways by which doctors and patients can help to prevent the further spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Answer Award one mark for each of the following points up to a maximum of three marks. 1. do not prescribe antibiotics for minor infections /viral infections 2. do not prescribe antibiotics to prevent infections 3. reference to narrow spectrum antibiotics 4. ref to rotation in the use of different antibiotics 5. {advise / take} the full course of antibiotics 6. ref to hand-washing (between patients / by visitors of hospitals) 7. use of isolation wards Mark 3

Edexcel GCE in Biology

Edexcel Limited 2007

Sample Assessment Materials


Question Number 8.(c)

Question Describe a procedure that you have used to investigate the effect of different antibiotics on bacterial growth. Answer Award one mark for each of the following points up to a maximum of four marks. 1. Ref. to a specific aseptic technique 2. Bacterial lawn/pour plate 3. Use of antibiotic discs / antibiotics incorporated into agar /eq 4. Incubate for 24-36 hours 5. At 25-30 C 6. Record bacterial growth/eq Mark 4


Sample Assessment Materials

Edexcel Limited 2007

Edexcel GCE in Biology

Question Number 6(a)



1. RNA in HIV and DNA in {bacterium / eq} ; 2. comparative description of nucleic acid e.g. circular in bacterium and linear in HIV / eq ; 3. plasmids in {bacterium / eq} and no plasmids in HIV ;
maximum (2)

Question Number 6(b)



1. {keratin / protein} in skin {surface / epidermis} ; 2. idea of forms a {hard / impenetrable / physical / eq} barrier ; (2)

Question Number 6(c)(i)

Answer 1. numbers decrease / eq ; 2. small decrease in {first week / between weeks {4 / 5} and 6} / eq ; 3. large decrease between weeks {1 / 2} to 3 / eq ; 4. credit use of manipulated figures ;


maximum (2)

1001 6BI0

Question Number 6* (c)(ii) QWC

Answer (QWC Spelling of technical terms (shown in italics) must be correct and the answer must be organised in a logical sequence) 1. {glycoprotein / gp120} on virus / eq ; 2. binds with {receptors / CD4} / eq ; 3. on (surface) membrane of lymphocytes / eq ; 4. viral RNA enters the lymphocyte / eq ; 5. viral RNA used to produce viral DNA (in lymphocyte) / eq ; 6. by action of reverse transcriptase ; 7. ref to formation of new viruses ; 8. lymphocyte destroyed when new viruses {bud out of / leave} the cell / eq ; 9. T killer {cells / lymphocytes} destroy T helper {cells / lymphocytes} / eq ;


maximum (5)

Question Number 6(c)(iii)

Answer B {cells / lymphocytes} { not activated / not stimulated / are inhibited / eq} / fewer antibodies / T killer cells {increase / multiply / eq} ;



1001 6BI0

Question Number 8(a)

Answer 1. idea of antibiotic is used to {control / kill / prevent reproduction of / eq} bacteria ; 2. bacteriostatic prevent {reproduction / division / multiplication / growth / eq} of bacteria; 3. bactericidal {destroy / kill / eq} bacteria ;



Question Number 8(b)



1. idea that both more or less the same at {start / end} ; 2. idea that B is higher than A most of the time ; 3. B rises and then falls and A falls and then rises / eq ; 4. ref to both falling after April 04 / eq ; 5. comparative use of figures ; maximum (3)

Question Number 8(c)(i)

Answer D {has the lowest rate of MRSA infection (throughout) / is consistent / has less fluctuation} / eq ;



1001 6BI0

Question Number 8(c)(ii)

Answer 1. D has {stricter / eq} hygiene practices / eq ; 2. ref to hand washing regimes for {doctors / nurses / medical staff / visitors} ; 3. particularly when dealing with open {wounds / eq} / eq ; 4. ref to wearing suitable clothing ; 5. ref to antiseptic (solutions) readily available ; 6. named antiseptic e.g. gels, pastes, alcohol rubs ; 7. ref to {isolation of suspected cases / screening of admissions} / eq ; 8. D {controls / monitors} use of antibiotics / eq ; 9. fewer {patients / visitors} passing in and out ;


maximum (3)

1001 6BI0

Question Number 4(a)(i) Question Number 4(a)(ii) Question Number 4(b)(i)

Answer C; Answer A;


(1) Mark

(1) Answer Mark

D = antigens / (glyco)proteins ; E = B {lymphocytes / cells} / plasma cells ; F = antibodies / immunoglobulins ; G = macrophage / phagocyte / eq ; H = enzymes / lysozyme ; (5)

6BI04_01 1006

Question Number 4(b)(ii)



1. reference to protein nature of {antigens / antibodies} ; 2. antigens are specific (to each bacteria) / eq ; 3. antibodies need to be {complementary / specific} (to the antigen) ; 4. idea that {binding / eq} can take place ; 5. (some bacteria) have {different / changed} antigens / eq ; 6. idea that this is a primary infection ; 7. reference to {mucus / slime} {coat /capsule} (of bacterial cells) ; 8. idea that some bacteria are inside body cells ; 9. idea of antibodies already present e.g. from passive immunity or breast feeding ; max (3)

6BI04_01 1006

Question Number 8(a)



Description Enclosed by outer smooth membrane inner membrane folded forming cristae Long strand-like structure extending out from the cell Used for locomotion Small, circular loop of doublestranded DNA

Name of structure Mitochondrion / mitochondria

P, E or B E / eukaryotic

Flagellum / flagella

B / both


P / prokaryotic (3)

1 mark for any two correct cells ;;; Question Number 8(b)(i) Question Number 8(b)(ii) 1. cell wall {weaker /cannot form properly / eq} ; 2. {cell / cell wall} bursts (easily) / eq ; 3. during division /eq ; max (2) Answer bactericidal ; (1) Answer Mark Mark

6BI04_01 1006

Question Number 8(b)(iii)



1. reference to antibiotic acting as selective pressure ; 2. reference to some bacteria resistant (to antibiotic) ; 3. idea that resistant bacteria survive and {reproduce / pass on resistance / pass on gene / eq}; 4. idea that antibiotic no longer effective ; 5. reference to some infections cannot be treated with antibiotics ; max (2)

6BI04_01 1006

Question Number 8(c)



1. idea of bacteria distributed evenly / description of technique e.g. lawn spreading ; 2. description of method used to apply different antibiotics at known positions e.g. multidisks, wells in agar ; 3. reference to control of antibiotic concentration ; 4. reference to {sterile / aseptic} technique ; 5. reference to incubation at a suitable temperature ; 6. description of how effect is assessed e.g. measure {clear area / inhibition zone / eq} ; 7. reference to replication (with same bacterium) ; 8. reference to repetition with different bacteria ; max (4)

6BI04_01 1006

Question Number 2(a)

Answer Feature Bacteria only Viruses only Both bacteria and viruses


Glycogen granules Nucleic acids Protein coat (capsid)


1 mark per row ;;; Question Number 2(b)(i) Answer 1. viruses (and bacteria) involved ; 2. (usually) antibiotics {are only effective against bacteria / do not affect viruses / eq} ; 3. {other medication / eq} needed to deal with viruses / eq ; Question Number 2(b)(ii) Answer 1. both enrofloxacin and florfenicol named ; 2. idea of {(high) effectiveness / eq} against all three bacteria / eq ; 3. above {80% / 83%} / eq / average above 90% / eq ;

(3) Mark

max (2) Mark


6BI04_01 1101

Question Number 2(b)(iii)

Answer 1. idea that antibiotic used is {most effective / eq} (against the known bacterium) ; 2. idea that none of the antibiotics is 100% effective / some bacteria {survive / eq} ; 3. some bacteria {are resistant / eq} ; 4. idea of resistant strain {develops / prevented} ;


max (3)

6BI04_01 1101

Question Number 4(a)(i)

Answer Any characteristic symptom of TB e.g. tubercules, bloody sputum, (general)body tissue wastage ;


(1) Question Number 4(a)(ii) Question Number 4(a)(iii) Answer D; (1) Answer 1. idea of {bacterium / eq} recognised as {non-self / eq} ; 2. reference to labelling of bacteria by B {lymphocytes / cells} ; 3. phagocytosis / phagocytic / phagocyte ; 4. descriptive detail of phagocytosis (involving {bacterium / eq}) ; 5. reference to formation of vacuole ; Question Number 4(a)(iv) Answer 1. {kills / eq} {bacteria / eq} in {stomach / mouth / saliva / gastric juice} ; 2. (by) {(hydrochloric) acid / lysozyme} ; (2) max (3) Mark Mark Mark

6BI04_01 1101

Question Number *4(b)QWC

Answer (QWC Spelling of technical terms must be correct and the answer must be organised in a logical sequence) Supporting the hypothesis: 1. both HIV and TB infection rates rise and then fall / eq ; 2. both HIV infection and TB infection increase {from 1990 to 2000 / for the first 10 years} / eq ; Not supporting the hypothesis: 3. TB infection falls from 2000 onwards but HIV continues to rise (until 2004) / eq ; 4. different {parameters /measures / variables / eq} for the two infections / eq ; General points: 5. idea of {more {data / information / eq} is needed / other factors (may be) involved} ; 6. reference to need for statistical {analysis / test} ; 7. such as correlation {data / test / named example} ; 8. there is no data that {links HIV infection with TB infection / shows that people with HIV also have TB / shows causal relationship / eq} ;


max (4)

6BI04_01 1101

Question Number 8(a)

Answer Source of antibodies Form of immunity D B C A


Note: [accept descriptions instead of letters] 4 correct = 2 marks 2 or 3 correct = 1 mark 0 or 1 correct = 0 marks ;; (2) Question Number 8(b) Answer 1. (bacterium) is made of many different {polymers / chemicals / eq} / eq ; 2. which can act as antigens / eq ; 3. reference to B {lymphocytes / cells} ; 4. reference to (individual B-lymphocytes) recognise specific antigens / antibodies are specific / eq ; 5. reference to {activation/ eq} of Blymphocytes by T {lymphocytes / cells} ; 6. reference to mitosis (in B-lymphocytes or cells) ; 7. to {form / eq} genetically identical plasma cells ; max (4) Mark

6BI04_01 1101

Question Number 8(c)

Answer 1. specific {antigen / virus / pathogen / bacterium / eq} can be {identified / eq} ; 2. idea of {specific / monoclonal} antibody binds to {specific / only one} antigen ; 3. specific treatment can be given / eq ; 4. avoids unnecessary use of {drugs / treatment} / eq ; 5. more likely to be effective / eq ;


max (3)

6BI04_01 1101

Question Number 5(a)(i)

Answer 1. {competition / eq} for nutrients ; 2. {competition / eq} for space ; 3. {secretion / eq} {chemicals / substances / lysozyme / eq} OR affects {pH / eq} ; 4. {stimulation / eq} of (skin) immune system / eq ;



Question Number 5(a)(ii)

Answer A;

Mark (1)

Question Number 5(b)

Answer 1. idea that influenza may allow development of other diseases e.g. opportunistic infections ; 2. antibiotics will {kill / inhibit growth of / eq} bacteria ;



Question Number 5(c)(i)

Answer correct answer 37.2 / 37.17 / 37 (%) gains 2 marks 1. (226 142) / 84 ; 2. 226 to give 37.2 / 37.17 / 37 (%) ;



Question Number 5(c)(ii)

Answer 1. yes ; 2. idea that if current rate continues / eq ; 3. idea of achieving lower than the target / eq; 4. credit use of supporting figures ;



Question Number 5(c)(iii)

Answer 1. reference to some bacteria {can resist / are resistant to} antibiotics ; 2. idea of {resistance being genetic / can be passed on} ; 3. reference to MRSA / other named example ;



Question Number 8(a)

Answer Statement HIV infects b-lymphocytes in the human immune system The genetic material in HIV is a form of RNA The enzyme, reverse transcriptase, is used by HIV 1 mark each correct row ;;; True False 3 3 3



Question Number 8(b)(i)

Answer 1. change in the {nucleotides / bases} / eq ; 2. in {RNA / DNA} / eq ; 3. which leads to change in the {sequence / eq} of amino acids in (primary structure of) a {polypeptide / protein} / eq ;



Question Number 8(b)(ii)

Answer 1. idea that HIV has {many / variety of / new / eq} {strains / types /antigens / protein coats / eq} (in infected person) ; 2. some strains {are / become} resistant to {an individual / a specific / a particular / eq} drug / eq ; 3. these would survive if (only one drug used) / eq ; 4. {mixture of drugs / eq } has more chance of getting rid of {all / more} (strains / types / eq) / eq ;


5. reference to drugs used together because of mutation ; 6. reference to rapid rate of mutation ; 7. reference to rapid rate of {multiplication / eq} of virus ; (4)

Question Number 5(a)

Answer Feature Nucleic acid Cytoplasm Protein capsid 1 mark each correct row ;;; Bacteria only Viruses only Both bacteria and viruses



Question Number 5(b)(i)

Answer 1. idea of (SCAG is) caused by {a bacterium / bacteria} ; 2. antibiotics {kill / stop reproduction / eq} of bacteria / are {bactericidal / bacteriostatic} ;



6BI04_01 1201

Question Number *5(b)(ii) QWC

Answer Spelling of technical terms must be correct and the answer must be organised in a logical sequence 1. as age increases, acid secretion decreases / eq ; 2. as age increases (above 30) , stomach cancer increase / eq ; 3. as acid secretion decreases (below 120), stomach cancers increases / eq ; 4. idea that the {higher age groups (51+) have low acid and high cancer / lower age groups (up to 30) have high acid and low cancer} ; 5. Idea of {acid / low pH} (in stomach) kills {bacteria / Helicobacter} ; 6. reference to development of SCAG {inhibited / prevented / eq} (by low pH / more stomach acid) ; 7. idea of age affects the immune system ; 8. idea that the older you are acid-producing cells are less effective e.g. fewer acid-producing cells / cancer cells replace the acid-producing cells ; 9. idea that {acid / low pH} destroys cancer cells ; 10. idea that mutations (leading to cancer) more likely to occur with age ;



6BI04_01 1201

Question Number 7(a)

Answer C;

Mark (1)

Question Number 7(b)(i)



1. {T helper / CD4 (positive)} (cell / lymphocytes) ; 2. phagocytic cells e.g. macrophages, dendritic cell ; (2) Question Number 7(b)(ii) Answer 1. reference to (HIV) binds to (CD4) receptors on cell (surface) ; 2. ref to CD4 (receptors on cells) ; Mark

3. reference to {glycoprotein / gp120} on virus (surface) ; 4. reference to fusion of virus (envelope) with (cell surface) membrane ; 5. idea of phagocytosis (in macrophage / eq) ; (3)

6BI04_01 1201

Question Number 7(b)(iii)

Answer 1. reference to viral RNA ; 2. reference to production of (viral) DNA (using viral RNA as a copy) ; 3. correct ref to reverse transcriptase ; 4. reference to incorporation of viral DNA into host cells {DNA /genome } / reference to provirus / eq ; 5. correct ref to integrase ; 6. reference to production of {viruses / viral RNA and proteins} / eq ; 7. idea of infection of further (T helper) cells ; 8. reference to destruction of (T helper) cells by T killer cells OR reference to cell lysis / eq ; 9. reference to lowering of immunity ;(to other diseases ; 10. credit reference to role of T helper cells in immune response e.g. produce cytokines, activate B cells / killer cells ; 11. death is caused by e.g. opportunistic disease, pneumonia , TB, Kaposis sarcoma, cancer, dementia, extreme weight loss, meningitis, toxoplasmosis ;



6BI04_01 1201

Question Number 8(a)

Answer Description B and T cells are formed in the bone marrow B cells stimulate T cells to produce clones of memory cells T helper cells produce chemicals that destroy pathogens B and T cells are able to form clones by mitosis True False


1 mark each correct row ;;;;

(4) Mark

Question Number 8(b)

Answer 1. (bacteria are) too small / reference to limitation of {magnification / resolution} ; 2. (bacteria) not stained ; 3. idea of bacteria already {removed / destroyed} e.g. phagocytosis ; 4. idea that bacteria are not present in the blood e.g. only a small {region / sample} shown, reference to local infection ;


6BI04_01 1201

Question Number 8(c)(i)

Answer Either: 1. idea of fewer {lymphocytes / eq} ; 2. reference to {lymphocytes / eq} no longer needed / eq ; 3. (as) {antibiotics / drugs} {kill / destroy / eq} bacteria ; Or: 4. more {lymphocytes / eq} ; 5. idea of clonal expansion (of lymphocytes) / eq ; 6. idea that the antibiotics have not killed all the bacteria yet ;


(2) Question Number 8(c)(ii) Answer 1. idea that a placebo has no effect ; 2. (therefore there will be) more bacteria / eq ; 3. (therefore there will be) more {lymphocytes / eq} ; 4. (more lymphocytes due to) clonal expansion / eq ; (2) Mark

6BI04_01 1201

Question Number 6(a)

Answer C plasma cell ;

Mark (1)

Question Number 6(b)(i)

Answer 1. idea of using {virus / PCV2} as vaccine ; 2. which is {modified / attenuated / harmless / similar / part of / eq} ; 3. idea that the vaccine contains the antigen ; 4. idea of {activation / proliferation} of (specific) {B cell / T cell / lymphocyte} ; 5. reference to production of (B / T) memory cells ; 6. idea that body now able to produce (specific) antibody {faster / at higher concentration / eq} on another exposure to PCV2 ;



Question Number 6(b)(ii)

Answer 1. reference to giving a placebo (to group B) ; 2. idea that all (other) {conditions / factors / variables} should be {controlled / same as group A} ; 3. stated example e.g. food, temperature of housing / eq ; 4. reference to group B is a control group ; 5. (so that) only the (effect of) {vaccine / vaccination} is tested / eq ; 6. ref to {valid / validity} ;



Question Number 6(b)(iii)

Answer 1. {Greater change / higher / eq} in group A (than B) / eq ; 2. group A rises for first 30 days, group B rises (slightly) for first 20 days / eq ; 3. (this) rise for group A is {faster / greater} than for group B / eq ; 4. (after the rise) group A falls, group B levels off / eq (until day 140) ; 5. after day 140, group A rises, group B falls / eq ; 6. credit use of comparative manipulated figures (with units) ;



Question Number 6(b)(iv)

Answer 1. idea that (antibodies present at birth as) both groups received antibodies from mother ; 2. via {placenta / blood / milk / breast feeding} ; 3. reference to passive immunity ; 4. group A concentration falls because {piglets not infected by (PCV2) virus/ antibodies excreted / passive immunity is short term} /eq ; 5. group B concentration rises because {PCV2 / virus} present / eq ;



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