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Writing a scientific paper

English in scientific communication Evolution of the scientific paper What makes a good scientific paper? Analysis of a highly cited scientific paper

J Med Libr Assoc [2005] 93, 381-383

English language styles

Style Scientific english Literary english

information per word High Low

English style for a scientific paper

The best english is that which gives the sense in the fewest short words (Instructions to Authors, Journal of Bacteriology) Grandiloquence has no place in scientific writing
(Booth, as cited by Robert Day How to write and publish a scientific paper)

A naturalists life would be a happy one if he had only to observe and never to write. --- Charles Darwin

The Keys to acceptance of your scientific manuscript

Significance and Novelty (80-90%) Clarity of presentation (10-20%)

The modern scientific paper

Title Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results (including Figures and Tables) Discussion References

Organization of the scientific paper

(Robert Day How to write and publish a scientific paper)

What was your problem? - Introduction How did you study the problem? - Materials and Methods What did you find? - Results What do your findings mean? - Discussion

Source: Thompson In-Cites


(157 Citations) Meylan et al, Cardif is an adaptor protein in the RIG-I antiviral pathway and is targeted by hepatitis C virus Nature 437, 1167-1172 (2005)


(60 citations) Giovannoni et al, Genome streamlining in a cosmopolitan oceanic bacterium. Science 309, 1242-1245 (2005)


(45 citations) Haller at al, The interferon response circuit: induction and suppression by pathogenic viruses. Virology 344, 119-130 (2006)

Most cited works in Web of Science as of January 2006

282,778 193,046 Lowry Laemmli 1951 1970 J Biol Chem Nature Protein Measurement with the Folin phenol reagent Cleavage of structural proteins during assembly of head of bacteriophage T4 Rapid and sensitive method for quantitation of microgram quantities utilizing principle of protein binding




Anal Biochem




Molecular Cloning Lab Manual PNAS Anal Biochem DNA sequencing with chain-terminating inhibitors Single step method of RNA isolation by acid guanidinium thiocyanate phenol chloroform extraction Electrophoretic transfer of proteins from polyacrylamide gels to nitrocellulose sheets - procedure and some applications

62,532 54,765



Chomczynski 1987





36,731 34,869

Maniatis Folch

1982 1957

Molecular Cloning J Biol Chem A simple method for the isolation and purification of total lipids from animal tissues

50 most highly cited articles

Publication Year Before 1950 1950-1959 1960-1969 1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-2005 Number of articles 3 7 7 12 16 5
Source: ISI Web of Science

Top cited journals and articles 1996-2006 (source: Thomson) Rank Journal
1. J Biol Chem



Nagase et al [1999] Matrix Metalloproteinases. J Biol Chem 274, 21491

2. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA

patterns. PNAS 95, 14863



Eisen et al [1998] Cluster analysis and display of genome-wide expression

3. Nature



Banchereau et al [1998] Dendritic cells and the control of immunity. Nature 392, 245

4. Science 5. Physical Rev Letters

10,296 32,732


Venter et al [2001] The sequence of the human genome. Science 291, 1304


Perdew et al [1996] Generalized gradient approximation made simple. Phys Rev Lett 77, 3865

Top cited journals and articles 1996-2006 (source: Thomson) Rank Journal
6. J Am Chem Soc



Zhao et al [1998] Nonionic triblock..silica structures. JACS 120, 6024

7. Physical Reviews B 8. Cell

52,173 3,780


Kresse et al [1996] Efficient iterative schemes.set. Phys Rev B 54, 11169


Levine et al [1997] p53 the cellular gatekeeper for growth and division. Cell 88, 323

9. J Immunology



Hoshino et al [1999] Cutting edge: toll-like receptor 4-deficient mice are hyporesponsive to LPS... J Immunol 162, 3749

10. New Engl J Med



Ross et al [1999] Mechanisms of disease - atherosclerosis an inflammatory disease. N Engl J Med 340, 115

The modern scientific paper Title Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results (including Figures and Tables) Discussion References

The modern scientific paperWhere to start? Title Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results (including Figures and Tables) Discussion References

The modern scientific paperWhere to start? Title Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results (including Figures and Tables) Discussion References

The Results Section

defines the paper short, clear and concise logical flow (needs transition phrases) avoid discussion keep paragraphs simple (one major idea)

The Discussion Section

discuss how Results advance current knowledge should be thorough but not repetitive be factual, avoid antagonistic language main role is to establish significance of Results keep paragraphs simple (one major idea)

The Introduction Section

inform the reader of the problem or focus provide brief state of knowledge provide Objectives and/or Hypothesis main role is to rationalize or set the stage for the study keep paragraphs simple (one major idea)

The Abstract

state problem summarize results state conclusion and significance

Abstract The Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) gene has been localized to the same region to which the Lps locus (endotoxin unresponsive gene locus) is mapped. To examine the role of TLR4 in LPS responsiveness, we have generated mice lacking TLR4. Macrophages and B cells from TLR4-deficient mice did not respond to LPS. All these manifestations were quite similar to those of LPS-hyporesponsive C3H/HeJ mice. Furthermore, C3H/HeJ mice have, in the cytoplasmic portion of TLR4, a single point mutation of the amino acid that is highly conserved among the IL-1/Toll receptor family. Over expression of wild-type TLR4 but not the mutant TLR4 from C3H/HeJ mice activated NF-kB. Taken together, the present study demonstrates that TLR4 is the gene product that regulates LPS response. Key: - State problem - Summarize results - State conclusion and significance

Summary - things to remember

organization, organization, organization short, clear and concise language logical flow keep paragraphs simple (one major idea) focus on clear message for significance

Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead --- Gene Fowler (1890-1960)

The best way to become a successful writer is to read good writing, remember it, and then forget where you remember it from --- Gene Fowler (1890-1960)

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