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Due to the labor-intensive nature of preparing e-mail blasts when drawing from comprehensive data, these will henceforth

be excerpting key-concepts; the vacuity of contrary arguments has been shown and, thus, the goal must become focused on upcoming action-itemsincluding the Tuesday-p.m. event where Conservative leaders in the 8th Congressional District will discuss whether/how to primary Mike following his having broken his solemn campaign-promise to oppose implementation of ObamaCare. {Guzzardi would want exposure of the effort of the state-GOP to fund Transportation via a gas-tax hike to illustrate the abandonment of fiscal responsibility by the Corbett Administration, a systemic illness being exhibited by the GOP and having led to electoral defeat (e.g., in MontCo Courthouse, in 2011).} In case the discussion is so lively that this physician doesnt have an opening to insert a disclaimer thereat, it is to be disseminated herein: I am not a constituent, but I have felt compelled to help to distill and to disseminate the views of these principled leaders. None has any ulterior motive other than to uphold the Constitution. I have made this point periodically [such as when Mike chose to meet with two of the members of this group, and when Mike chose to call only two members of this group]; we all have viewed Mike as a friend, but the issues are so huge that I have briefed the media [Ted Bordelon, Larry Mendte] and have blogged accordingly on PoliticsPA. Illustrative of this fact is what Rob Boysen wrote a month ago, even as the cook-report-downgradedfitzpatrick-after-shutdown [for this physician will advocate for a study of primarying Mike based on the Buckley Rule (nominate the most conservative candidate who can emerge victorious)]: On a personal note, I want to thank all members of our "Group" for their steadfast support and participation in what we've done so far! Dr. Bob, as Dave Sommers likes to say: "You're a brilliant man" and thanks to all of your "blasts", we're all "armed and dangerous" as we continue this fight. Rest assured my fellow patriots, the "eye of the storm" has not passed over us yet, so we have to remain vigilant and "ready for battle" on a moments notice during the next week or so. The fun begins sometime today when the House votes for this funding/delaying bill and sends it back over to the "Dark Side" (aka: the Senate) for what will surely be an epic battle among the D's, the R's, the Conservative R's and the "Squishy" R's. Put on your seatbelts and batten down the hatches my friends, this is going to be a "E" Ticket ride at Disney World for sure! Because 87 house and 27 senate republicans voted for both the cr and for funding ObamaCare, Boehner violated the Hastert Rule [for the majority of Republicans voted against the party leadership]. Yet, the hypocritical post-vote statement by the Independence Hall Foundation illustrates why it is suppressing its former name [Tea Party], for it failed to cite its squishy policy statement, pre-vote [We hope that if and when our regions Republican congressional delegation decides to vote for a clean CR to end the shutdown, they do it only in cooperation with a three-fourths majority of the House Republican caucusnot in an alliance with House Democrats. Republican unity is key.] Thus, the Adams Siblings are declaring they wish to support the Establishment-GOP, notwithstanding their prior stridency for reform. {Also ignored is the states huge-fiscal-incentive-to-opt-out-of-ObamaCares-medicaid-expansion} Nationally, many claim ted-cruz-is-on-a-path-to-the-white-house, one of the questions asked of him during the Sunday Talk-Shows. Deviating from prior-policy against any temptation to endorse, RUSH LIMBAUGH is now openly fantasizing about the prospect of having FIVE OR TEN TED CRUZES, even as it has become starkly recognized that the

Fiscal Crisis Sounded the Charge in G.O.P.'s 'Civil War'. Dramatizing why-we-fight is this discussion of The Art of the Impossible [The strategy to repeal ObamaCare by winning serial elections is not even a Hail Mary pass] by Andrew C. McCarthy; the ante is high [tea-party-needs-to-recognize-that-its-playing-with-live-ammo] while the Dems salivate [david-ignatius-how-republicans-can-sideline-the-tea-party]. What must be recognized is that, although twitches of responsibility arise [cnn reporter scolds cnn anchor for using term radical to describe tea party], generally, the media shapes views of lowinformation voters to the detriment of the GOP, to inure to the Dems, despite issuance by the progressive The Nation issued A Grim Report on Press Freedoms Under Obama. These issues need to be confronted, for Mike may again ignore the gop-base that is asking-boehner-toblock-immigration-disaster. Overseas, the media remain Soft on Iran, Hard on Israel [NY Times] and incessantly maligning jerusalem [WaPo]; as usual, were_talking_while_theyre_acting. There is hope, however, as illustrated by the fact that Woody Allen recently told an Israeli TV station that many people that disguise their negative feelings toward Jews, disguise it as anti-Israel criticism, political criticism. [Allen himself has sometimes strongly criticized Israeli actions; in 1988, the filmmaker wrote in a New York Times Op-Ed that he was "appalled" by Israels response to the first Palestinian intifada.] Domestically, the Scandal-Sheet hasnt been ignored, much as BHO would wish it so [You announce on 9/10/12 that you're on top of things, but you're clearly not, and after Benghazi you actually offer as your excuse that you were not on top of things and you had no one around who could help.]. For surcease, watch Chinese dance swan lake, seemingly devoid of gravitational pull.

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