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BTEC Higher National Diploma in Civil Engineering Edexcel International - UK

Unit / Module Assessment Lecturer Student Name Date Handed Over Initial Submission Date Plagiarism:

Civil Engineering Construction A Assignment in Construction Technology A P.M.S.I.Ratnayake ID 2013.01.21 Date Due Re-Submission Date 2013-02-16

While research and discussion are an essential part of an assignment, the deliberate copying of someone elses work or unacknowledged copying from printed or electronic sources is NOT permitted. You may be subject to disciplinary procedure if you do this. You should sign this sheet to show that you comply with these regulations. Students Signature: .. Students Comments: .... Date: .


BTEC Higher National Diploma in Civil Engineering Edexcel International - UK

Student to tick if attempted

Criteria Met? Grading Opportunities P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 P2.1 P2.2 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 P4.1 P4.2 M1 M2 M3 D1 D2 D3 Initially On ReSubmission Assessor Feedback

Assessed by (name): Signature: Student Signature & Comments Date Assessed :


BTEC Higher National Diploma in Civil Engineering Edexcel International - UK

Important Information for Students The criteria each task relates to are shown against that task where possible.

Please note that plagiarism is treated as a serious offence and therefore the work you produce must be individual and original although may work in groups in some instances (Please refer to Student Handbook on Plagiarism & Cheating).

All sources of information must be referenced using Harvard referencing where a reference list/Bibliography should be included at the end of the assignment.

Please note that the submission date given for this assignment is the final date that you can hand over the assignment. A one week grace period maybe extended with prior approval from the Program Manager Undergraduate. However, note that submissions handed in one week late will be graded lower (Please refer to the Student Handbook on Assessments - Late Submissions & Penalties).

Assignments returned to students for re-working must be re-submitted within 10 days (Please refer to Student Handbook on Assignments Re-submission).

Failure to re-submit the previously marked assignment with the re-submitted assignment will mean that results cannot be released for the respective unit.

Please read, follow and reference both the contents of the unit outline and the grading criteria of the assignment before completing this assignment.

Assessment has been internally verified for use. Internal Verifier Name : Signature : Date Verified :


BTEC Higher National Diploma in Civil Engineering Edexcel International - UK

Construction Technology A Assignment You have been appointed as the Site Manager of a construction site under the contractor of the site. Construction period is 18 months Work site consists of an old building which has to be demolished before construction. There is a huge heap of garbage, unevenly stacked broken building materials at this site. The site is on an uneven geological terrain. There are some trees on the land which have to be removed. Questions Write a report indicating the types of plants equipments to be used in this construction and the time schedule. Explain the series of activities to be done in connection with the clearing site to commence the excavation
Scouring criteria P1 P1

While excavation you met with unforeseeable rainy weather condition which disturbs the excavation. Some pits were covered with excavated soil. Further while excavation a pit is filled with a fluid with a very bad smell. Investigation revealed that an abandoned soakage pit was lead to the pit In some area found a hard rock. Having discussions with the villages it is found that this area had undergone earth slips Questions Sketch the plan of the site & explain the remedial measures to be taken up for foundation excavation Draw a probable Architectural drawing of a two storied building for a shopping complex. Discuss the different types of foundations which may construct at different locations.
Scouring criteria P2 P3

The client needs all the test reports for construction materials as well as construction activities. Questions Write a comprehensive repot containing The schedule of tests, test results and the time they have to carry out. Organize the Safety measures to be taken at site indicating the display boards & warning boards. Develop a simple safety plan and compare it with existing practices Discuss the matters you should concentrate while reinforcement tying & erecting form work.
Scouring criteria P3 P4


In your contract there are some internal access roads to be constructed. Contractor was instructed to design , & construct. Questions Explain the construction procedure with all supporting sketches.
Scouring criteria P3


BTEC Higher National Diploma in Civil Engineering Edexcel International - UK

Learning Outcomes Grade code P1 Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this unit a learner will Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the methods and resources used in earthworks activities Describe the methods and resources used in substructure and some other below ground activities Assessment Criteria to pass The learner can 1.1 Provide an overview of the types of earthmoving equipment and of its efficient, effective and economical usage 1.2 describe appropriate methods and resources to ensure safe and productive operations particularly in deep excavations and trenching 1.3 Define types of temporary works particularly those required to deal with stability and groundwater problems 2.1 Provide an overview of the types of plant and equipment used in substructure and drainage activities 2.2 Describe techniques of installing piling systems and ground stabilisation activities 2.3 Detail methods and processes of constructing foundations including a description of resources used 2.4 Describe methods and resources used in processes, undertaking drainage works including culverts as well as installing services 3.1 Explain the measurement of geotechnical design parameters 3.2 Discuss the methods of ground investigation and/or in-situ sample acquisition and testing 3.3 Carry out laboratory measurements on soils 4.1 Explain in broad terms the legal and ethical framework for the provision of health, safety and welfare requirements in the construction industry 4.2 define hazard and risk for construction activities and develop a simple safety plan for a defined package of activity 4.3 Explain the main requirements of the CDM regulations and the role of the planning supervisor in relation to civil engineering works 5.1 select and demonstrate appropriate methods and resources, including plant and equipment, in a representative number of realistic, relevant case studies 5.2 Provide explanations for the selection processes which optimise the decisions made in terms of the primary considerations noted under outcomes




Describe the methods and resources used in the construction of superstructures Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the hazards arising from construction activities, provide an analysis of the associated risks and of the means of controlling them Select appropriate methods and resources to solve problems arising from construction activities having proper regard to safety, environmental, quality, technical and economic considerations



BTEC Higher National Diploma in Civil Engineering Edexcel International - UK

Merit Grade: Merit grade is achieved by meeting all following grade descriptors. Merit descriptors Indicative characteristics In order to achieve a merit the learner The learners evidence shows: must: Effective judgments have been M1 made Identify and apply Complex problems with more strategies to find appropriate than one variable have been solutions explored An effective approach to study and research has been applied Relevant theories and techniques M2 have been applied Select/design and A range of methods and apply appropriate methods/techniques techniques have been applied A range of sources of information has been used The selection of methods and techniques/sources has been justified The design of methods/techniques has been justified Complex information/data has been synthesized and processed Appropriate learning methods/techniques have been applied The appropriate structure and M3 approach has been used Present and Coherent, logical development of communicate appropriate findings principles/concepts for the intended audience A range of methods of presentation have been used and technical language has been accurately used Communication has taken place in familiar and unfamiliar contexts The communication is appropriate for familiar and unfamiliar audiences and appropriate media have been used Contextualized Evidence To achieve the grade you will need to: M1 is assessed through: Effective judgments have been made in identifying suitable building materials and testing methods. Assessed in Task 1.a, Task 2.c All the indicative characteristics are assessed through the Task 2.b where a design of a beam is expected to be carried out in a systematical manner. Uses of different techniques, theories synthesis of data are included in the above task. In addition use of material property charts (sources of information) have been included in the assessment. Task 4.a also carry evidence of assessment of M2 since it covers all above indicate characteristics. Task 4.a carries a formal laboratory report and this is sufficient to satisfy M3 and it covers these indicative characteristics (Structure, presentation, local development of principles, communication of findings etc) sufficiently.


BTEC Higher National Diploma in Civil Engineering Edexcel International - UK

Distinction Grade: Distinction grade is achieved by meeting all following grade descriptors. Distinction descriptors In order to achieve a distinction the learner must: D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions Indicative characteristics The learners evidence shows: Conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified The validity of results has been evaluated using defined criteria Self-criticism of approach has taken place Realistic improvements have been proposed against defined characteristics for success Autonomy/independence has been demonstrated Substantial activities, projects or investigations have been planned, managed and organized Activities have been managed The unforeseen has been accommodated The importance of interdependence has been recognized and achieved Ideas have been generated and decisions taken Self-evaluation has taken place Convergent and lateral thinking have been applied Problems have been solved Innovation and creative thought have been applied Receptiveness to new ideas is evident Effective thinking has taken place in unfamiliar contexts Contextualized Evidence To achieve the grade you will need to: Covered through the successful completion of Task 4.a since it expects a results interpretation detailed discussion conclusion. Task 4.b also support the assessment of the same distinction criteria

D2 Take responsibility for managing and organizing activities

Carrying out experiments in a group, managing with instruments, and organizing is expected through Task 4.a. At the same time the completion of the whole assignment also a way to fulfill the requirement.

D3 Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creativ e thinking

Completion of the whole assignment successfully will automatically satisfy the D3 requirement.


BTEC Higher National Diploma in Civil Engineering Edexcel International - UK

Grading Matrix



















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