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Chapter 1

I have been fascinated with the angelical magic of children my entire life; they are so
pure, so sincere, so capable and so huge, and then, due to the mediocrity and the lies of
their parents, the children’s weak and limited sides unleash.
How is this possible? How can such marvellous and angelical beings like children
become the degenerated race of adults who destroy the only vessel that we possess to
travel in the immense space we call Earth? How will the future generations, i.e. our
children, travel? How can a race degenerate to a point where it destroys the planet it lives
on and deny all its adult parental responsibilities? How can an entire race ignore the
responsibilities it has as the heir of a long line of evolution that will simply disappear due
to the lack of a place to live in? How can a race like that continue its evolutionary task?

My life is filled with extraordinary adventures, but at the same time, it is full of
nightmares because, like Neo (the hero in the film “Matrix”), I want to get out of the
matrix because, what I have seen behind the mirror has frozen my soul for eternity.

Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to know the truth behind things.
Official knowledge has never satisfied me; I was always a bad student at school apart
from in the subjects that seemed true or cosmic to me. As a consequence, I was extremely
good at maths and geometry, sports and psychology. In all other subjects, my marks
hardly ever passed an F.

Very early on in my life, I turned to martial arts, yoga, taï chi and kung fu, and later on
also towards the Shaolin teachings. I even spent a year and a half in a Shaolin monastery
before getting interested in the sword, aïkido, capoeira and krav maga. I have become an
expert in all the disciplines I have studied. Of course, I cannot be an expert in every
discipline but I obtained numerous first Dan (black belt) in disciplines I didn’t mention
here, like ninjutsu for example. I received a second Dan in other disciplines like aïkido, a
third Dan in jo-do but also an eighth Dan in karate and a tenth Dan in Agoge.
I am also a master in taï chi and yoga. Having both studied and lived the martial,
chivalrous spirit, I have ended up leaving the sports federations that are too often plotting
and dishonest. Everything I have ever done was done in the noble, chivalrous spirit of the
highest schools of honour and respect. Without spirit, martial arts make no sense. In
another one of my books, The Way of the Phoenix of Light, I have summarized a small
part of the teachings I have received.

The practical aspect of this work of concentration and pure spirit has greatly helped me in
another, very particular aspect of my life. In fact, from my early childhood on, I have
manifested enormous psychic abilities. These were so strong that, had I not practiced
martial arts, yoga and other forms of concentration to control these abilities, I sincerely
believe that I would have gone completely crazy.

My passion for all things pure and true, for the noble spirit, and my innumerable
questions about the origins of human madness have taken me much further than anything

I could possibly have imagined. The secrets I know today are an additional weight that I
again manage only due to my perfect mind control. I can only thank my masters who
have taught me all these things; it is due to everything I have learnt from them that I can
survive today. You can imagine that, if you accumulate as many peculiar aspects in your
life as I have, this leads you to not necessarily having a normal life. It is this particular
“behind the mirror” aspect that I will reveal to you here; I will tell you what you discover
when you become a modern times’ knight, crossed with a medium and an idealist with a
pure heart.

I have become the heir of these secrets due to all the fights I have fought, my strong will,
my commitment, my chivalrous spirit… in short, due to all the qualities that have
disappeared in our agonising society today.

I have no intention of talking about the development of martial arts here. First, because it
is not the subject matter of this work and second, because things have happened quicker
and have gone much further than I could ever have imagined possible (turning towards an
investigation I made following a certain event; an event I experienced because of who I
have become thanks to the studies and abilities I spoke about in this first chapter).

Chapter 2

In the year 1987, I was holding a very important position in the world of martial arts. I had been
the youngest black belt of my country and afterwards, I became someone quite important in
some high-level European associations.
For me, perfection in both mind and technique are extremely important; and even above this
stands a respectful spirit. Very often, I had taken a very strict position to defend some people,
like the wife of a dead master or their son, or some other victims of the plotting in the European
martial arts organisations’ system. Sometimes I even threatened people in order to push them to
behave correctly because they didn’t want to let someone reach a certain level or belt, as this
would have put the power of those in charge in danger. I never accepted that kind of
arrangement. If somebody has the level, he deserves the possibility to go to an exam as well as a
fair judgement in the latter. Sometimes, and even quite often, I was against some of my friends
because I have always wanted everything to be fair for everyone. Due to this, I was living in my
own world of perfection, courage and war, and very often in loneliness. It didn’t matter;
everything had to be clear in the very samurai way. I didn’t care about having friends or not. I
had to respect myself and stick to my conception of perfect samurai behaviour. With each master
I practiced with in karate, yoga and taï chi, developing a perfect mind stood above everything.

We need a perfect and also a peaceful mind. That is why I can’t accept any kind of arrangement,
that could push me to not respect myself anymore. I have very often worked as a bouncer as well
as in some other jobs where I have protected or helped certain people who needed my assistance.
Thus, I was very often in real fights and it is also due to this that I could not accept any kind of
hesitation in my mind. It is a luxury I can’t afford in the kind of life I am living.

Concerning spirituality, my way of thinking and acting has always been a little special because,
as I was looking for a certain truth, I couldn’t stand people who were, according to me, looking
for some spiritual excuses to be weak. I have always been reciting this samurai sentence “when
we have to live, we live. When we have to die, we die” and I have always explained “I have no
time to worry about what could be after death; right now, I need all my energy to concentrate on
my life, afterwards, we’ll see”. The perfect philosophy for me came from Sri Aurobindo and was
cited on a few pages I had found in a book. Still, even there, I didn’t care much about
reincarnation. I used to prefer to say “cosmos” instead of “god”.

I was caught by my own concern for perfection once, when I faced an event that I couldn’t
possibly ignore.
After a workshop I was in the house of one of my students. My girlfriend and I stayed the night
because I was too tired to face the 4-hour drive home. My student, Jacqui, was with his
girlfriend Corinne and she wanted to play with the witchboard, a game I found profoundly
ridiculous. My girlfriend thought the game was funny and started participating, which I found
even more ridiculous. I was reading a book on the couch not far from the table where they were
playing. After maybe an hour, I wanted this game to stop, so to make a fool of their trying, I said
that I wanted to join them. They accepted at once of course. Until now, according to them, the
glass had occasionally moved a little; I laughed. Still, before starting, just in case, I quickly and
intensely concentrated on being protected by the light, as I always did in my martial arts

practice. I really couldn’t imagine what was about to happen when I put down my finger on that
glass. Suddenly, the glass wasn’t just moving a little bit - it was nearly impossible to follow it
because of its speed. I took my finger off and it stopped, I put my finger back on and it started
again. I was surprised because obviously, nobody could have faked this. I was there; I had been
watching everything very carefully.
I had no explanation. I started asking questions and suddenly one of my former yoga masters
was answering. He had been dead for a few years only and nobody could possibly have faked
his answers because I was asking things about yoga and about his private life that nobody else
could know. My students were practicing karate, not yoga. They knew nothing at all, so how
could they have tricked me? I, who was already a master in this discipline? I had no answer, but
I was too honest to just say that it didn’t exist. I had to find the solution and that’s why, I went
back to Jacqui’s and Corinne’s house one week later; with a lot of questions that were
impossible to answer for anyone but the master I had known before. My girlfriend was there as
well because she found the whole thing really exciting. Once more, the answers were perfect.
The glass was moving so quickly that Corinne, who was the only one there to have some
experience, was really frightened by what was happening. I was asking some details that no one
could know apart from my master, like for example what he had told me on a particular day or
occasion. How was this possible? Me, who had always refused to waste my time with mystical
things, was suddenly facing an incredible event with the master that I used to trust the most.
How could I possibly ignore that? The week after, my girlfriend and I went back to Jacqui and
Corinne’s house but Corinne refused to play. She was too afraid; the whole thing was too weird
for her. What were we to do?

We went back home and decided that we didn’t need Corinne to be able to play on the
witchboard, so the two of us started alone. When you play with the witchboard, you put down
two pieces of paper with “yes” and “no” written on them and that is how you start the
“conversation”. If you want to go further, you put down the entire alphabet. So we started, as we
had been taught, by asking questions that could be answered with “yes” and “no”. We asked if
the master would accept to answer my questions and he went around the paper and said “yes”,
but I must say that this time the glass wasn’t moving so quickly. Obviously the fact of being
only two instead of four was a problem. I said “can I put the alphabet down?” and the answer
was “no”. I didn’t understand. I said again “do you accept to answer my questions?” and the
glass said “yes”. “So, can I put down the alphabet?” and once more, the glass said “no”. I was
completely lost and understood nothing. I asked once again if the master was accepting to
answer my questions and the glass didn’t move anymore at all. I was very disappointed because
I needed to find out what I was facing and without the help of Corinne, I was obviously unable
to go any further into the matter. So what was to be done? The evening wasn’t a good one
because I was used to always finding a solution. But there, what could I do? I’m the kind of guy
who is always able to obtain what I want, but there, what could I do? It was quite a new situation
in which I had no experience and I was really stuck. We both went to bed a little disappointed. I
started to say that it was better maybe, because perhaps, all this was only craziness; still, the
need to know was extremely strong. But in no way did I expect what was about to happen during
the night…


Sri Aurobindo

When we have passed beyond knowing, then we shall have Knowledge.

Reason was the helper; Reason is the bar.

When we have passed beyond willing, then we shall have Power.

Effort was the helper; Effort is the bar.

When we have passed beyond enjoying, then we shall have Bliss.

Desire was the helper; Desire is the bar.

When we have passed beyond individualising, then we shall be real Persons.

Ego was the helper; Ego is the bar.

When we have passed beyond humanity, then we shall be Men.

The Animal was the helper; the Animal is the bar.

Transform reason into ordered intuition;

Let all thyself be light. This is thy goal.

Transform effort into an easy and sovereign overflowing of the soul-strength;

Let all thyself be conscious force. This is thy goal.

Transform enjoying into an even and objectless ecstasy;

Let all thyself be bliss. This is thy goal.

Transform the divided individual into the world-personality;

Let all thyself be the divine. This is thy goal.

Transform the Animal into the Driver of the herds;

Let all thyself be Krishna. This is thy goal.


What I cannot do now is the sign of what I shall do hereafter. The sense of impossibility is
the beginning of all possibilities. Because this temporal universe was a paradox and an
impossibility, therefore the Eternal created it out of His being.

Impossibility is only a sum of greater unrealised possibilities. It veils an advanced stage

and a yet unaccomplished journey.

If thou wouldst have humanity advance, buffet all preconceived ideas. Thought thus
smitten awakes and becomes creative. Otherwise it rests in a mechanical repetition and
mistakes that for its right activity.

To rotate on its own axis is not the one movement for the human soul. There is also its
wheeling round the Sun of an inexhaustible illumination.

Be conscious first of thyself within, then think and act. All living thought is a world in
preparation; all real act is a thought manifested. The material world exists because an
Idea began to play in divine self-consciousness.

Thought is not essential to existence nor its cause, but it is an instrument for becoming; I
become what I see in myself. All that thought suggests to me, I can do; all that thought
reveals in me, I can become. This should be man's unshakable faith in himself, because
God dwells in him.

Not to go on forever repeating what man has already done is our work, but to arrive at
new realisations and undreamed-of masteries. Time and soul and world are given us for
our field, vision and hope and creative imagination stand for our prompters, will and
thought and labour are our all-effective instruments.

What is there new that we have yet to accomplish? Love, for as yet we have only
accomplished hatred and self-pleasing; Knowledge, for as yet we have only
accomplished error and perception and conceiving; Bliss, for as yet we have only
accomplished pleasure and pain and indifference; Power, for as yet we have only
accomplished weakness and effort and a defeated victory; Life, for as yet we have only
accomplished birth and growth and dying; Unity, for as yet we have only accomplished
war and association.

In a word, godhead; to remake ourselves in the divine image.

Chapter 3

I was asleep in bed with my girlfriend when I suddenly woke up. I was surprised, I could clearly
hear the voice of my dead master. I jumped, I just couldn’t believe it. How was this possible? I
looked at my girlfriend to see if she was hearing the same thing, but she was fast asleep and at
the same time, all her body was strangely and softly shaking.
I took her pulse and saw that, in spite of this strange wave that was going through her, she was
sleeping peacefully; then I understood. I hadn’t been dreaming, the mind of my master was
using my girlfriend’s body. My master started talking very gently, explaining that he had said
“yes” for the questions but “no” for the alphabet because it was useless.

He taught me things that you cannot imagine. He explained that I had to be ready for something,
that I was very special. He taught me what the real function of the human psyche was and how it
works. He taught me what happens after death. He taught me how to develop special abilities I
already had but that I tried to ignore. He didn’t teach me all this in one night; he kept coming
back over and over again for a year and a half. During all this time, I did what I had always
done, that is to say, I studied. I recorded all our meetings on tapes. I wrote down everything he
taught me and I did my best to find a mistake, just in case. My girlfriend never remembered
anything ; she was just a channel who was being used to talk to me, without being aware of what
was happening. This master was coming from beyond to teach me everything I had always
wanted to learn. He asked me to keep my initiation completely secret, which I did. I thought that
my girlfriend had special abilities, but I was wrong once again. During all this time, I improved
a lot, as you can imagine, when you are the kind of guy I am and you have the kind of teacher I
had. I was working day and night. I wanted to absorb all the knowledge he was giving me and I
really did.
Once, I had heard about an exceptional medium and to try and understand what was happening
to me, I went and met him. It was quite easy, in spite of having to keep the secret, because this
exceptional medium, Guy Tardon, had been my present ghost master’s best student when he was
still alive.

As soon as I arrived, Guy knew what was happening and he helped me a little, but not as much
as I would have liked. He was quite old and didn’t ask for any money. The beginning of the
meeting was really magical because he first of all reassured me that I wasn’t crazy.
Unfortunately, what followed wasn’t so nice; the medium went and fetched something in a
drawer and showed me some words he had written on different pieces of paper. He was
explaining that it was the entire secret and also the solution. I really did my best to understand
what he was showing me but I couldn’t make it out. Then, he started insulting a bad illness I
have, and finally he also insulted the wall. That was when I realized that he was completely
crazy, so I just left.
I didn’t know what to think or what to believe. This guy was crazy, but he had found out straight
away what I was experiencing. How could this be possible? I talked to my master afterwards to
try and clarify the situation.
He told me that his ex-student was an exceptional medium, but that he had never wanted to do
anything with these abilities, which had pushed him in time to become completely crazy. My

master taught me that psychic powers are extremely dangerous, and that one needs a very
powerful spirit to keep a good balance between psychic powers and wisdom. I was so surprised
and once again happy to learn more; I promised that I would do my best to teach this to my
Once more, I discovered that I didn’t want to hear the truth. My master told me that she wasn’t
psychic but that I was and the least he could do was prepare me well; something he hadn’t done
well enough with the ex-student I had just met.
I had to be ready for the exceptional destiny I had.

Here are two messages I received, one in the beginning and one in the middle of my initiation, in
order to give you an example with a more personal touch of that which was given to me:

- Why are you talking to me?

- Because you asked for it and also because you are lost. I mean that you don’t know
where to go to find the answers to your questions.
- Yes, it’s true, I am lost and it’s true that I asked, but I guess, I’m not the only one to
ask, so why do you speak to me?
- Because you are honest and sincere.
- Yes it’s true, I’m honest and sincere and I will always respect everything you will say,
but then… I’m not the only one to be lost and honest, so why do you talk to me?
- Because, during our first contacts with the witchboard, you asked for help, not for
yourself but for your students. Due to this, you provoked a wonderful strength that
allowed me to come to you in such a powerful way. It’s not my strength, neither your
own that allowed this, but your love for your students. Now, I’m not coming to speak
to your students but to you. I’ll give the knowledge to you so that you are able to
speak to your students yourself and through the power of love and the light that will
come from you, you will answer all your students’ questions.

What could I add to this wonderful statement? The only thing I could do was to accept the power
of true love with humility.
In order for you to better understand, I must specify that one of my first questions was about my
students and how I could help them improve not just in karate, but in their lives. I didn’t ask
anything for myself; only how I could help them improve.

Once, I had the possibility to read a little about the life of my dead master. I realised that during
his life, he experienced very strange manifestations like lights appearing on pictures of him and
many other kinds of miracles. What I read put me into a bad temper because this master, who
said the same things after his death than during his life, was always saying that his teaching was
for everybody.

- Master I don’t want to be impolite, but with what I have read today, I don’t feel
comfortable with what you teach.
- Why?
- I’m sorry to tell you this, but I don’t have your powers and nor do I experience the
miracles and all the other stuff. I’m not jealous. I mean, it’s wonderful that somebody
like you received so much help from the light world, but I’m not like you. This

teaching worked on you because you are different.
- How old are you now?
- 28.
- When did you start getting your teaching, which is also my teaching and the teaching
of my master, Beïnça Douno?
- I don’t know, around 3 years ago.
- And you’d like to have my level when I was 40 years old and had 25 years of
- No, of course not.
- Work, carry on working, and you will understand later that what you say now is a
little ridiculous.
- I don’t understand.
- You will. Our conversations are not exactly a classical manifestation and it’s not
everybody who is having that kind of conversation. I’m teaching you the rules of the
cosmos itself. You will know all the things that humanity has spent wondering about
for centuries. One day, you’ll understand from deep within your soul that what goes
around comes around.
- I don’t understand.
- You don’t need to right now, it would be too difficult for you. You just need to carry on
with your work without any hesitation or fatigue. Go and fly to your destiny. You have
no idea how wonderful, difficult and powerful your life will be. If you reach what you
must reach, you have no idea how important your destiny will be for the destiny of so
many people. Work and be in peace. Get what you must get and don’t doubt. Doubt is
poison for the soul. May the peace of god be with you. May his pure joy and holy
elation shine in your heart.

After this, he told me to call two other students he had had before, but prohibited me to talk
about our special meetings. I did so the morning after. The two girls were extremely well known
and it wasn’t easy to get an appointment, especially as I didn’t know them at all when I called.
They laughed at me when I said that I wanted to meet them at once. They explained to me that
the earliest appointment possible would be in 5 months, which obviously didn’t suit me. They
were quite surprised by my insistence and felt something strange about me, so they asked me to
call again two hours later. When I did so, they just asked me to come the next morning. I didn’t
know why they had changed their minds like this.

Chapter 4

I had to go with my girlfriend, but you mustn’t forget that she knew nothing about what was
happening with her at night, so she didn’t understand my insisting on going to meet those two
girls. When we arrived, they wanted to meet her first. Then, one hour later, they met me.
They explained to me that they knew perfectly well what was happening to me and that there
would be a great change in my life. Again, I didn’t understand what they were talking about.
They asked me to drive home and once more, I was quite frustrated because I understood
nothing. I asked my girlfriend what had happened during their meeting and she said that they
had done a very special and strange ceremony with her, but that it had been very nice. They
didn’t give her any explanations and I classified the meeting as a new sad experience with
human craziness. The following night, I was waiting for a new lesson; the lesson came but it
wasn’t at all what I had expected.
All the studies with my master were about psychology, about controlling my life, understanding
humanity, curing my own ego and so on, but nothing was said about psychic things or the
strange experience we had had with the two women.
The night came and with it the lesson. Once more, the voice of my master came through my
girlfriend :

- Listen to me and be in peace. I came one last time to teach you your most important lesson.
Your girlfriend was used because her soul accepted her body to be used, but she hasn’t got any
powers. You have. It’s time for you to step into the next stage. It’s going to be something much
more wonderful than anything you could possibly imagine. Listen to me. Go and sit in a quiet
place and visualise a channel of light coming from the sky and descending onto you to protect
you. Open your mind to love and improvement. I won’t be coming through your girlfriend
anymore; it’s becoming too difficult for her soul now, and we cannot carry on like that. You’ll
receive something deeper and more personal; you know the light now, and nothing can pull you
out of its holy attraction. You are ready now; you can climb to a higher level. You’ll just have to
close your eyes, open your heart and we’ll be there. You thought that I was the only one who
could talk to you. We are many in the light, but we all think with the same brain. I don’t want
you to be sad. I’m not going away, I’m coming closer to you, now that you are ready. Trust in
yourself as I do in you because I know you. I know where you come from and where you must
go. My teaching is your teaching. You were there at the beginning, and you will be there at the
end. Link yourself to the light and all the rest will come, I swear. I’m not leaving, I promise. You
are not a bad student, you are an excellent student and you deserve much more and much better.
You’ll be helping and saving a lot of people. Now, close your eyes and receive my love, link
yourself to the light. I love you so deeply. I’m with you. Feel me; I’m here, closer than ever

Yes I know, it’s not going to be new for you, but I didn’t understand anything. When my master
left me, I cried like a child, I was so sad to have lost him yet again. I fought for hours to stop
crying. Finally, I controlled myself and tried to do what he had taught me last. And it happened;
I wasn’t sad anymore. I knew. It was impossible to feel something stronger. I was in peace and
fell asleep. My journey to knowledge was far from being over but I had already received love

and peace and it was a valuable treasure.
From then on, I started a new stage in my studies and I received much more than before, even if, 
once more, time was needed. But surrounded by love and light, time is much easier to face. 

Chapter 5

Here are some messages I received. Again, these are only a small extract of the thousands of
messages I recorded, but the few I have chosen to give you here will give you an idea of the
evolution I was going through back then. They show you the different stages I went through;
evolution happens through states of consciousness that never cease because we always make
new experiences:

8th March 1990

- Always trust and know who you are and what your destiny is and everything will be possible.
Trust. Love.

9th March 1990

- You can be in complete harmony and unity with us, so just be. Everything is possible for you.
(At the same time I received a strength, love and power, which seemed endless to me. I felt that
everything was possible. I had never received such joy and dilation before).

11th of March 1990

- You know our love, our energy and our care for you, but you must work more and be turned
only towards the light. You have the answer that you’ve always wanted; so now, work each

12th of March 1990

I was in my car, driving. I had just come back from a very hard day’s work with extremely
aggressive people, but this time, because I had stayed linked to the light, they were extremely
kind. I felt great. For the first time in my life, I had the feeling that I was someone very special
and that I would be doing incredible things. For the first time, I felt really great and I felt a kind
of excitement go through me. I felt so different and powerful. Then my guide suddenly spoke to

- Pride is a shield against us. Be humble, always. Be ready for exceptional things, but always
remain humble, always be perfect, starting with a perfect self-control.

I felt so stupid, stupid enough to disappoint my guide. I hated myself for my weakness.

- Be perfect and feel an infinite love for everybody, starting with yourself. We love you.

I felt so much love and light on me that I had to stop my car and contemplate life around
me. I was in peace. I was happy.

15th March 1990

- Confidence and peace, my friend. You won’t be able to do your task concerning your
childhood. You must get rid of your bad memories. We speak about your fears, your sorrows,
your sadness. Work on this more than anything else. You know that your way to practice martial
arts, your way to fight against any dangerous enemy is also a way of self-destruction. You want
to die. Why? Because unconsciously, your parents never wanted you to live. Please don’t leave.
Find your own freedom and your own love, that’s the real warrior path. Living with love is much
more difficult than to die with courage. You will always progress by experiencing difficult
things, not through easy experiences. It’s through the difficulties that you will become One.

18th March 1990

My transformations were so powerful that I felt lost, weak, alone. I could not speak about these
wonders and difficulties to anyone. This path of solitude was sometimes unbearable. I went into
a forest, I walked and then suddenly I felt the presence of my guide, his powerful light and love.
I knelt down and cried.
- I’m nothing. I beg you, help me.
- Stand up at once.
(I remained kneeling down and there were maybe one or two minutes of silence).
- Get up, I’ve told you.
(I got up).
- My guide, why is it so difficult?
- Listen, my brother. You live in a world that has forgotten its origin; not the place
where you stand now, of course. Civilisation, mankind has forgotten where it comes
from. You are waking up to your real light being and that is unbearable to all the
others who have betrayed their soul.
- But I never said the smallest thing to anybody.
- They don’t need that to feel that you are different.
- What do you mean?
- They don’t know why they hate you but they do. In this time of change, you must
always remain deeply linked to the light. Visualise yourself in a powerful channel of
light as your master told you to do. With work and faith, your friends will change.
- Shall I change them?
- Some of them, maybe, but most of them will go away and some others will come.

20th March 1990

- How can I get rid of all my sins? I feel so dirty in front of you.
- Listen, listen my brother. Everybody tries the forbidden fruit because he is too
ignorant to know. The real sin is to carry on afterwards, when you know. For
everything you did before, forgive everyone who hurt you, and you’ll be forgiven.

Give what you would like to receive and your life will be blessed.

16th May 1990

- Listen to me brother. Not a lot of people know where they come from. They don’t know the
storm that is preparing above their heads. The present humanity will live very tough events, and
mankind will need people like you who know, who can do things and who have experience. Oh
yes, they will need you more than you can imagine. They will need your strength, your
knowledge, your love, that is to say, our love. When you are one with us, you will discover a new
knowledge that will go way beyond anything you can imagine; this day come, you will
understand why wonderful children become monsters who proudly call themselves adults. There
is a reason to all this and one day you will be able to see the light of all those wonderful
children shine in the eyes of those cold adults. When this day has come, they will be able to
listen to you and it will be time for you to tell them the truth. Love my brother. We are Ofim.

8th June 1990

- Listen my brother. When you have established the certainty in yourself that we are one and that
through this magical One, we can love anybody who is coming to you in perfect unity, when you
have reached this state of communion, then you may distribute our peace. We aren’t talking
about a peace from your world, we are talking about PEACE, which is our signature, our love,
our knowledge and because you can give it to anyone, you receive it completely, forever. At any
time, even when you are alone, even when everybody is against you and you are lonely, we will
always be there. It is because of the love that you can give, that you will be able to survive. No
one can suspect this power and it is because of this ignorance that they will fail where you will
- Do I understand you right: everybody has a guide?
- Yes we could say it like that.
- You are many then.
- Yes, in a way.
- But do you know each other?
- We all live our individual lives but we all think with the same brain.
- I don’t really understand what you mean.
- We don’t exist according to your references but we are more real than solid matter.
Listen, time itself doesn’t really exist and still it is that which is measuring and
orchestrating your life, so time does exist. The day will come where our existence will
be so clear to you that we will be eternally One. Love and trust. Ofim.

Chapter 6

I met many people when I was studying with the light worlds. Some were professionals, some
were well known for this or that reason and I could test myself and improve a lot, but for me the
strangest meeting was with a woman named Gitta Mallasz. She had written a book entitled
“Dialogue with the Angel”. At that time, I was practicing a lot with my guide and I was learning
a lot as well from philosophical or scientific books, just to make sure that what I was learning
with my guide could be found somewhere else too. At the same time, I was working in a centre
for delinquents. I always wanted to keep in touch with reality. It seemed very important to me
not to be attracted by the cosmos without being able to come back. I must say that with the job I
was doing in this centre, remaining down to earth was easy because I had to fight nearly every
day at work, which was indeed a strange parallel with the cosmic initiation I was receiving from
my guide.

Once, during a weekend at work with my “killers” I stopped at a bookshop. I wanted to buy
something to relax and avoid becoming too nervous and kill one of them. I used to read some
books from the deceased master who used to talk to me before my guide. I saw one of his books
on the shelves and took it quickly without really looking at the cover. When I was at the till, I
realised that the book wasn’t at all from my master but from a woman called “Gitta Mallasz”. I
was too much in a hurry to go back to the shop and find something else. Leaving the delinquents
on their own was very dangerous in a public place, so I quickly read the back cover; the story
sounded good, so I just said to myself: “OK, it doesn’t matter, I’ll take it”.

That is how I bought this book. I read it and I found it so deep and so true. What she described
was exactly what I was living with my guide, but in my case, it was not during the Second
World War and I was not with friends either. Four days later, I was walking around town when I
saw a poster advertising a lecture given by Gitta Mallasz. It was held just at the moment I was
reading the poster. I had the time to go, so I went. I listened to her explanations; she was a
wonderful woman full of love and truth. She was mainly talking about actions.
She once said: “Do you have faith? Have you seen the state of the world? You really have faith?
Where are your actions?” I found her words so deep. I spoke only once at this lecture, at the
Q&A session. I said: “when your angel spoke to you, you felt your heart explode. You knew that
you were touching the truth and that all your feelings from before had nothing to do with that.
Weren’t you afraid of losing this intensity and forgetting everything to become like everybody
else again?”
She stayed silent for a minute, then she smiled and said “That belongs to you my friend. You
won’t ever be able to lose it. It’s impossible”. One hour later, at the end of her lecture and after
many other questions, she left the room. Her way out was leading her past me. I didn’t say a
word but she put her hand on my shoulder and said: “ What is happening to you is good, carry
I felt so happy. I wanted to talk to her, but she was surrounded by so many people that I gave up
and went away without saying anything. The next morning, I thought that I had been stupid and
I decided to go back to the theatre where she had given her lecture and inquire about a

When I arrived at the beginning of the afternoon, Gitta Mallasz just happened to be there. She
was very happy to talk to me. She told me that she knew now why she was there and we talked
the whole afternoon. I spoke openly of my guide and of my initiation even if she didn’t like this
term. She gave me a lot of advice. With everything I had told her, she understood that all these
events didn’t happen to me because I wanted special things in my life but because I wanted to
know the truth.
It was one of the best afternoons in my life. I had finally met a sister. When you experience
something that puts you into such solitude, you cannot imagine how good it was to finally have
met someone who understood me. I left the theatre completely different, so happy and so sure of
the value of what I was doing. Yes, I was alone and on a very difficult path of responsibility,
knowledge and solitude, but there was a purpose to all this. I never saw her again. When I left
her, she told me that the light would never stop guiding humanity and that if I learnt to open my
eyes, I would sooner or later see some other people like her or me.
“Our task is of utmost importance, but we are just angels, which means nothing else but
messengers”. That’s what she said when I left her. I will never forget her. I will never be able to
thank her enough for the strength she gave me that day. Each one of my steps is also her step. I
love you, Gitta. May you rest in peace, you deserve it.

In the evening I talked with my guide and here is what he said:

- Listen to me my brother. When an angel meets another angel, light is on the planet.
When the Light is in your dimension, your planet is different. Doors are opened and
some kind of divine love and energy can reach you. When this is happening, your soul
can come out behind your shield and you can live real love. When this is truly
happening, when it is not just an idea, but when real love is there, then this knowledge
can’t be taken away from you. You know that you know, don’t you? Did you see our
smiles in her eyes? We can see the same in yours that is true too. One day, you will be
in peace and you will be able to share our love and smile with anybody who needs it.
When this day has come, you will be ONE with us. This perfection of ONE will be
able to attract and save many people. Sooner or later, when the time is right, you will
be the lighthouse for the ships that are lost in the darkness of this world. You know it’s
true. You know that, as Gitta knew who you are. Be sure that the price you are paying
is worth the harbour you’ll be lighting up later.

Since this meeting, my link with the worlds of light has been different. I read Gitta Mallasz’
book over and over again; I truly believe it’s the book of a lifetime. I can only encourage you to
meet the angels from Gitta’s book. This will help you have a better understanding of everything
that is presented here.

I had been talking with my guides every day for a year. Since meeting Gitta Mallasz, I knew that
a lot of different entities could be contacted by some kind of telepathy called “channelling”. So I
had done a lot of experiences to test many different possibilities. My progress was enormous. I
could read the vibrations of plants, places and even of people. When I met somebody for the first
time, I could remember or read some of his past lives. I could see precise things from his past
lives and in spite of not talking to anybody about what I was doing with my guide, a lot of
people could see how different I was and that I could do fabulous things. I was more and more

sure of what I could do. One day, I realised that I had never tried to contact the master of my
master, that is to say, the master Beïnça Douno. So I decided to try this new experience. From
the very beginning, my concentration was unusual; I felt somehow excited. Then, the channel
was open and a new message arrived:

- You cannot invoke yourself.

It stopped at once. I was sweating. I was completely lost. I did not want to understand what it
meant. For me, I had always been joking about my own past lives, as I did not want to remember
them. I was sure that it was the first time that my soul was opening to spirituality. For me,
reincarnation could mean only improvement, so as I didn’t find myself very good, I was happy
to think of myself as coming from down low, which meant that I had fabulously improved. If I
was the reincarnation of a master on the other hand, I was much less than I had been before, and
this idea was unbearable to me. I had to relax a long time before being able to go back to
channelling. I finally managed and my guide spoke again:

- Listen to me my brother. You’ve always been living the way of the light. Ever since
you have been in this vibration, you’ve been acting to teach and reveal the truth to
mankind. It hasn’t been an easy path, but it’s yours. You can’t help it. You started
everything with the humans only for that; so you teach as you taught before, as you
will always teach until your task is achieved. We know how deeply you believe that
you are just a good samurai who is able to concentrate correctly, but in reality you
are much more. We know who you are and where you are trying to go, and it’s
because of this that we trust and help you. You are more than we are, because you are
in this vibration, a vibration where none of us want to go. But you are down there
with the humans, and still, you’ve always found us, each time, in each life. Yes, you
are much more than just a good samurai. You are one of us, you are even one of our
heads. Know that and accept it. As you know our love, you’ll know your value. You
are so powerful; every time, you attract those who are like you and you reveal to them
how to find us. Don’t you find that great? We do. We respect you for your tenacity and
your endless love.

After this experience, I was ill for months because I couldn’t accept what my deceased master
had told me. Thanks to this, I could avoid meeting my guide, because that kind of information
was impossible for me to accept. I became so ill that I nearly died. When I approached death, I
knew that the last message was true and that I had to accept it. I did in the end but, believe me, it
was a very hard task. After this day, I entered a new emotional state. Because I knew better who
I was, I could feel the identity of the others and the level of their soul.
Once, when I almost died, I understood a message from my dead master he had given through
my wife:
“When did you start practicing our teaching again? This teaching is also the teaching of master
Beïnça Douno.”
I understood this little “our teaching” and I think that this little “our teaching” saved my life
because I saw that years ago, my master, through my wife, had already spoken about my
previous reincarnation but I hadn’t been ready yet to accept it.

That is how you can recognize the truth; when it’s using some aspects that you received one day
to only understand it years later. It’s when you can put the pieces of a puzzle together that you
did not know what to do with at the time you received them and that they would be vital for your
understanding years later. This is where I understood the sentence of my master: “carry on
working and later you will understand that what you say now is a little ridiculous”. This “little
ridiculous” gave me everything I needed to fully understand that I couldn’t have invented all
this, that I wasn’t clever enough to premeditate all this. It could only be the truth.

In time, I improved my way of feeling and understanding this strange world of magic. I started
talking with another guide called “the companion”. I understood that he was one of my former
students. He had a special contract with me. He had been waiting to give all the details about my
own teaching back to me in this reincarnation. He had been the guardian of my teaching to help
me save some time by getting back all the knowledge I had had before.
One day, I got a very strange answer from him while I was asking for some answers about
something a little more difficult to grasp. He said: “I don’t know, you never taught me anything
about that”. I was so surprised by this answer. I had thought that anybody who is in the light
knows everything, but it’s not true. Concerning certain things, I was supposed to know more
than them. In fact, with time, I understood that even giving a personality to the voice I was
talking to wasn’t completely right. Yes, of course they exist, but at the same time, maybe, they
just don’t.
They live in such a different vibration that they don’t really exist for us. It’s very hard to explain.
Maybe, the best explanation I could give can be found in a TV series called “Smallville”.
It’s the story of young Superman; in this series, Superman is able to speak to his mother and
father, although they both died decades ago. Yet, their memories were put into a crystal and
Superman is able to talk to them. They answer specific questions, but at the same time, they
don’t exist. What is existence? Is the memory of all our values our existence? In that case,
Superman’s parents exist and the guides too. Can our existence be measured with the products of
our teachings or our actions? In that case, Superman’s parents and guides do truly exist. Can we
assume that somebody is alive when everything that made him has disappeared? In that case,
Superman’s parents and guides don’t exist.

Let’s imagine I had the possibility to go live a wonderful life in Russia, but at the same time I
couldn’t leave the country anymore. Sometimes, my parents could call me, give me advice and
even help me with their knowledge. But they wouldn’t be able to help me directly, even if I was
about to die. So, do they really exist? Not any more, not in my existence; but at the same time,
they exist. I just have no access to their existence. They live forever somewhere else and at the
same time they are dead. When I talk to them, I really talk to someone who is alive and at the
same time, I’m just talking to memories and knowledge that can produce something in my life
only through the things I will accept to use in my own life. Is that an illusion? Everything that is
able to produce something is not an illusion. A lot of people are illusions because they cannot
produce anything in their life and maybe that is not enough to exist. At the same time, they are
only partly an illusion because they depend on us. If we do not accept to listen to them, they
don’t exist. If I don’t call my parents anymore when I live in Russia, they don’t exist anymore,
neither in this country nor in this existence. They will still exist in their country, but how could I
really care about that when I have no idea of their existence? Well, what is sure, is that the
contact between our two vibrations is very tiny, that’s what we call spirituality, but on the bridge

between these two plans of existence lingers perfect happiness. Don’t adore any kind of god or
goddess, but learn from any master you can meet. Act with strength as Gitta Mallasz was
teaching; that is the structure of the bridge, the channel that holds the two plans together.

Joyce Clark
A few months later, I was working at a camping site. Nobody knew where I was because I
wanted to be left in peace. In spite of this, one day, an Italian guy came and asked for me.
I asked him who told him that I was there and why he wanted to see me. For me, this guy was
really too funny. He looked as if he was coming out of a crappy mafia film. He was quite young,
about 25, but he wanted to look like a killer. He told me that he was the protector of Joyce Clark
and that she wanted to see me. He didn’t tell me how he knew where I was. He gave me a
mobile number and asked me to talk to Joyce.
I refused because I had no time to waste. He came back again later and in the end, I agreed to
call Joyce, which I did the day after. I explained to her that I couldn’t come and visit her because
my son was ill and she answered me that it was the water that made him ill. I thanked her for her
help and told her that I would call her someday, maybe. All she said was: “ you will call me
tomorrow”. I ended the conversation there.

The morning after our telephone conversation, the camping staff was handing out free bottles of
water because they had a big problem with their sewage water system; they were asking
everybody not to drink any water from the taps. I was flabbergasted. I called Joyce and asked
her how she had known that and she replied: “The same way that I knew where you were”.

She came all the way from south Italy just to teach me three things that the light world wanted
me to learn through her. The first thing was that she had to tell me that I was an exceptional soul
and that I had something exceptional to live and give to mankind. I listened to her politely when
she told me this, but I didn’t care about this information.
Secondly, she was supposed to teach me what to do to prevent any other psychic person from
doing what she did, that is to say, getting some information from me without my permission. She
had proved that she could do it, she had done it to me, so I met up with her a few times to learn
some protection techniques.

She told me that later on, it would be very important to be able to do that because some people
would want to kill me. Frankly, I couldn’t care less. I wasn’t very open to her because the third
thing she told me concerned my wife.
Joyce explained to me that I was wrong to put my wife on such a pedestal. Later on in my life,
she would become an enemy because what I had to do on this planet was too big for her so she
would start fighting me. I couldn’t accept this at all. I really trusted my wife and there was no
way of pushing me against her. So, honestly, I didn’t trust Joyce. I found her ridiculous, her and
her wannabe James Bond.

I also found out that Joyce was one of Claude François’ former dancers, a French singer for
whom I had worked as a bodyguard before. I knew the guy and how he behaved with his
“Claudettes” and this didn’t favour my respecting Joyce, once I knew where she came from.
At the same time, I was quite astonished by her abilities to see things. She told me that I was

much better than her and that I would be able to see things in a way I couldn’t yet imagine.
Practicing with the light world had taught me a lot, but she told me that it was only the
beginning. She taught me some techniques and I must say that I was quite surprised by what I
could do.
Sometimes, I saw Joyce as Yoda from Star Wars. Once, when I came to see her, she had
disappeared having left a note that simply said: “Do as I did”. For one or two days I didn’t
understand what she had meant; then I tried really hard to do what she had taught me and
suddenly, I knew where she was. I called and I was right. She laughed when I had her on the
phone, she was so happy. She told me that she had known that I could do it. She asked me how
long it had taken me to know where she was and I answered 2 or 3 hours. She told me that it had
taken her two months to find out where I had been. I left her with a true Yoda-style sentence
“Yes, powerful is the force”. Once more, I had made a new discovery and learnt more things…

Robin Winbow
A few years later, I met Robin Winbow, an expert in psychic powers. He was a former
choreograph for the London Ballet.
He was almost like a master of martial arts and with all the knowledge he possessed, I
considered him a real master. In many different countries, psychic powers are not accepted but
in England, his home country, he was teaching psychic studies at a school that was already over
100 years old. English people thus know a lot about this subject.
Robin was surprised by everything I could do; he loved my being so studious, I was almost a
disciple. I broke all his records, even those that were over 30 years old; I did some tests to read
sand, silk… I was the only one to have a success rate of 90% in reading the colour of the tissue
just by holding the silk, without looking of course. Obviously, he could do channelling, he was
even teaching it all over the world.

At the end of my studies with him, he proposed to do something he had never done before, that
is to say, to channel his guide and let me talk to him. What happened then was very strange and
once more, it pushed me away from Robin as it had done before with other people when I was
facing that kind of situation: Robin’s guide started telling me that I was someone exceptional.
He even told me that I had created the real religion on this planet and that nothing new could
start without me. Apparently, I was known before as the “son of light” and I had created all
manifestations of light on this planet. I just ended this nonsense message and went away. One of
my best friends was half English and she knew Robin and his work very well. In fact, it was her
who had introduced me to him. I inquired about his way to channel. I wanted to know if, in spite
of everything he was teaching, he was able to remain in good control of his concentration.
He was known as being very strict also in his channelling because his guide was very strict too. I
asked my friend to check my tape from this channelling session and she was also completely
lost, she just kept saying: “I don’t know what happened to Robin. He’s never like that”. So, what
had happened to Robin one of the best channels in the world? Well, even if I couldn’t figure out
what had precisely happened to Robin in our channelling meeting, I had learnt so much from
this expert and his exercises.

With these quick explanations, you can get a little idea of my way of improving my abilities. I
learnt this as I learnt martial arts, osteopathy, music and so on. My way of working my psychic
powers had obviously nothing to do with the new age movement and their so-called “psychics”

and “miracles”.

In my life, in spite of the magic presented here, there’s only one real magic, which is the one that
springs from real work:
“He who wants to do something finds a way to do so. He who doesn’t want to do anything finds
an excuse”.
I spent my entire life finding out ways and new means to improve. Nothing was given to me
freely, I worked extremely hard for everything I possess now.

“Knock and the door will open”.

Chapter 7

It was another time then. I was discovering everything a brain could do. I didn’t fall into a kind
of belief that god was looking after everything, no. I did my best to understand the universe in
which I was living. Obviously, it was maybe a little subtler than I thought before. Matter is
energy in a different state than light for instance.
Light is able to carry memories and knowledge and keep intelligence alive. It doesn’t mean that
divine beings don’t exist and cannot contact us, but it means that it’s possible to open our mind
so that we can reach the stars and cosmic consciousness. Through this, we can speak with what
is eternal, whatever it is.
There is a kind of cosmic brotherhood who cares about us and about our destiny; that is what I
learnt, but I also learnt that we are entirely responsible for all our decisions. Instead of looking
for eternal protection, it is possible to become adult. I’ve been travelling everywhere in the
world to meet people who could help me understand and evolve. Some people could help me a
lot, but a lot were just crazy and weak people. I not only discovered this brotherhood that cares
about me, I also learnt how they thought and what they wanted. I also learnt that every thought
could become reality.
Still, I cannot fly like Superman, so matter does have its limits. I saw that I could transcend
matter with my thoughts. I could read walls, people, flowers, places. I could understand their
When people are dying they leave behind them a memory as well. Is it their soul? I couldn’t say
so, but something remains. Sometimes, this something is in great pain or anger and it is possible
to help if you manage to speak with it. I also understood the human mind and its sorrows, its
endless sorrows. I carried on working in secret for about a year; I just wanted to understand, but
afterwards I started to show what I could do, and I started to be well known. A lot of people
thought that I could do miracles, which was true and false at the same time. I could use the
surrounding energy in a way that can be understood as being a miracle.
Still, of course those manifestations were quite limited. I could mainly help people understand
themselves and pull them out of their endless nightmares. Well, that’s what I thought, with all I
could do…but I was wrong.
It was very easy for me to read a martial arts kata or tao. It was easy to ask the wind to blow, it
was easy to ask a house its memories and to release what you could call a ghost so that the place
became peaceful again. Yes, I could do all this, but people’s craziness was a different story. In
spite of everything I knew, I could help a little and sometimes even a lot but I couldn’t help
someone to be really free. Each time, the person got back into new trouble so quickly…

For years, I taught psychology and channelling and at the same time I was still teaching martial
arts, Taï Chi and Yoga, I was also practicing osteopathy. With all this combined, I was quite
efficient and overworked. Everybody was happy with me, but I wasn’t entirely happy with
myself, because I did not succeed in giving what I wanted to give, that is to say, perfect freedom.
It’s like everybody wanted to stay bad and monstrous. It was as if people loved craziness and
pain, as if nobody wanted to be really free. Some wanted to adore me like a god or a messiah,
which I refused of course because that is the opposite of freedom.

Then, things got worse with the “new age” movement. More and more people started to believe
in “new age” philosophies and this pushed them to become completely crazy. The more I tried to
help, the more everybody failed because of “new age” theories.
As I didn’t want to accept the craziness that comes from the “new age” movement, a lot of
people didn’t want to carry on working with me. I have to say that I was always asking for work
and efforts, while the “new age” movement was just asking for smiles and a lot of money.

It was 1993-1994. I started to reduce the number of my workshops a little everywhere. At the
same time, I started to have a lot of trouble with my eyesight because of some health problems.
Because I have always been someone who reacts instead of being destroyed, I started travelling
around the world to go swimming with dolphins. That was one of the best times of my life. I
loved them and they loved me in return.
I went to so many places to meet them and to swim with them. In time, I learnt to see differently
with them. The less I saw, the more I felt. Because of that, I could do things, which were even
better than before. I started gathering some people around me who wanted to be different in a
wonderful place owned by one of my students.

Once, in a workshop I met a couple, Frederic and Anne. Frederic was a colonel in the army and
his wife didn’t work. They came for help because their daughter was extremely ill. I looked after
them and their daughter and they started to feel better. Once they came to a meeting and at the
beginning of our work together, without knowing why, I was crazy angry at them. I sent them
home, and because they couldn’t understand I pushed them away and shouted to go home at
once. They were of course extremely disappointed and just went home to find their daughter
hanging. They just had the time to free her and save her life. They called me afterwards, asking
if I knew what had happened and I answered that I honestly didn’t know why I had sent them
home. I knew only that they had to go. Due to this incident, Frederic respected my abilities but
also my honesty. We became very good friends.
When he saw that I was working less and less, he proposed a job to me. He was working for a
secret European army and asked me to join as a freelance. This secret association needed me
occasionally because of my martial knowledge about security and my psychic abilities. I worked
a few years for them and even one of my colleagues joined me in my spiritual work. He was a
mechanical and electronics engineer.

These two friends were extremely interested in aliens. Due to their professional positions, they
had the possibility to see things that nobody could imagine to be true. They showed me some
pictures of aliens once that were documented in secret files.
At the same time, I worked less and less with my spiritual abilities because I was facing the
same problem everywhere, that is to say, craziness. I discovered that the best solution for the
mind was work and a strong will.
For that, I was mainly using martial arts, which seemed to be finally one of the best ways to
fight against craziness. I saw that too much knowledge was finally acting more negatively than
positively on the psychological balance of a person. So I tried to give some knowledge but only
to people who had a good spirit and a good body.

At that point in time, I had less and less contact with the “spiritual world” because the new age
movement was everywhere; polluting people and making them crazy. So I was facing a great

problem. For me, knowledge was interesting to be able to achieve freedom for everybody but
instead of this, I was facing the opposite, that’s the least you can say. All spiritual knowledge
was leading people to new age philosophies and then into craziness.
To give knowledge to people was leading them straight to the biggest cancer of this society, the
new age movement and its madness. Instead of helping people, I was pushing them into the arms
of my worst enemy. So I was talking less and less, and I was using my abilities only in my
adventures with the secret army with which I was working.
The circumstances of my life were so unbelievable, that I started talking about these new events
on a website I had created. I’m going to leave you here with some of the texts that had been
posted on that website, so that you can understand the evolving of this story.

Then I will come back to this book and tell you everything that happened with my family and
this group of people that was with me at the time. Information I didn’t give on the website,
because the topic of this site was a little bit different and less open than this book.
Before leaving you with the extracts from the website, I must point out that during all those
years, because of everything I had learnt from the light, I had studied a lot of codes and ancient
languages. As I was receiving a new knowledge, I always wanted to find some clues somewhere
else to strengthen my knowledge. I always wanted to read more in many different ways; I
wanted to read people, memories from everywhere and understand the way of thinking of the
light. But I also wanted to understand some special languages, like the kata or tao, geometry or
Hebrew and other things like that.

In my way of understanding life, reading was the ability that I had really received from my
master who came from the beyond to teach me. So, yes, I could do that like no one else. I know
my past lives, I know what is happening on the other side when we are sleeping, but all this
didn’t give me the power to free people; so with time I started walking away from all this. That’s
why, at the beginning of this story, I wasn’t too interested, but my destiny caught up with me
once again and this is how I started reading a new type of book and getting a new type of
My journey to the real knowledge was far from being over yet…

I don’t want you to believe that channelling is an easy task. Some people say that they just sit
down and try and...tara…God is talking to them ! But it does not work like that.
You must understand that, when I started channelling, I had already a perfect concentration,
acquired through decades of practicing yoga, taï chi, and martial arts. In spite of the knowledge I
possessed, a master, using my girlfriend as a channel, taught me the techniques for nearly two
years before I was able to channel. My girlfriend did not know anything and what she did was
not channelling, but a technique called overshadowing, which has got nothing to do with
You can thus see that learning to channel is a very long and difficult task that requires discipline,
patience and professionalism. To help you understand the real difficulty of the task and to
prevent you from believing the lies that are told by the new age movement, I leave you here with
a very good explanation coming from a forum, a platform where over twenty scientists gathered
at the time to tell the truth about a number of different subjects.

Extract from The Experts Team forum (not online any longer)

Question raised by Freedom

Hello folks,
Meditation and music are 2 things that help me relax. I wonder, can music even improve
the effects of meditation or is it better to meditate without music?
If yes, what music is best to meditate to?
Is there a special kind of meditation that is better than another?
Thanks in advance for your help,

Answer by Expert

Your question shows confusion as to the real definition of meditation. The error is
frequent and results from doubts, from a lack of structure, knowledge and practice.

Before stating whether it is good or not to do something with music, let’s first clearly
define what we are speaking about. It is useless to go further if we don’t speak about the
same thing. It would only be sterile talk.

First of all, be aware that there are 6 different levels in the work that a person can do,
whatever the nature of the work. These levels are as follows: laziness, work, relaxation,
concentration, meditation, identification. Each one of these levels can be divided into two

On top of that, there is a more abstract level, more difficult to define and that we can
classify as a kind of indefinable mystique.

That gives us a total of 13 levels: 6 X 2 basic levels plus a final mystical level.

1st category: laziness (levels 1 and 2)

Laziness is divided into two different states:

(1) Passive laziness:

Passive laziness concerns people like the chronically unemployed, or other inactive
people by definition, who always rest to have energy for a tomorrow that never comes.

(2) Active laziness:

Here we meet the active idler who still remains a little integrated in society. He works
occasionally, but he will not keep his job very long because everything exhausts him;

everything he does is done grudgingly. Obviously, he causes dissatisfaction around him.
In the end, he is rejected by those around him and thus risks to quickly fall into the
previous category of the passive idler (1).

2nd category: work (levels 3 and 4)

(3) Passive work:

This concerns the classical worker in society, a good worker whatever his level, who is
wise and disciplined, obedient in the mass, taking no initiative.

(4) Active work:

The category of the active workers is already a rare race in our society. It consists of
fascinated people, who deeply engage in active work of any kind and who evolve thanks
to this work. This category can concern social workers, but also musicians, writers, …
Concerning manual work, an example of active workers would be the Companions.

3rd category: relaxation (levels 5 and 6)

From this stage on, the concerned level always requires the assimilation of the previous

(5) Passive relaxation:

Therefore, passive relaxation is a state of relaxation, peace and serenity one can reach
after having lived what has just been described in the previous level of the active worker

This is the right level where we could put relaxing with soft music that can help you live
this state.

This is where your above-mentioned confusion comes in.

Relaxing with music is a positive mix of levels 4 and 5 (active work and passive
relaxation), whereas due to lack of information, our friend confuses it with a state of
meditation that would be placed at levels 9 and 10 only. As he confuses meditation with
relaxation, he does not realize the discrepancy between the two.

His confusion results from all the new age poison. New age people touch on everything
without knowing anything and like this, they confuse things and mix everything up. The
new age movement brings total chaos to people’s minds as it did to our friend’s who
asked the question here. People become completely lost, poisoned by false information
and knowledge based on nothing. “Information or intoxication” is the question raised in
some game shows. My answer is: “intoxication”.

(6) Active relaxation:

Active relaxation includes the art of being relaxed while doing something nice like
beginners’ taï chi chuan or yoga, for instance.

4th category: concentration (levels 7 and 8)

(7) Passive concentration:

Passive concentration is a state of intense concentration in an energetic act, which we
could compare to the one of an active worker, but on a subtler plane.

(8) Active concentration:

Active concentration includes such a level of mental concentration that something higher
passes through your act. In kyudo (Japanese archery) one speaks about the “ fired”.

5th category: meditation (levels 9 and 10)

(9) Passive meditation:

Is a mix between active and passive concentration with a touch of something infinitely
higher that can be compared only to a contact with a certain form of divinity.

(10) Active meditation:

Active meditation could be classified as someone being so open that a superior
intelligence manifests itself in us. This manifestation is what new age people call
channelling but, once more, let’s be clear. Real channelling is at level 10, whereas
channelling done by new age people is only between levels 1 and 5 (at best, but it is
extremely rare), but never at level 10.

6th category: identification (levels 11 and 12)

(11) Passive identification:

Now we arrive at the level of identification, which could be a type of permanent
channelling. Of course, we speak about true level 10 channelling here.

(12) Active identification:

Thanks to the state of active identification, one could transcend certain rules of matter:
walk on water, wake up dead people, and other original activities not listed amongst
classical weekend activities.

Superior category: the superior mystical state (level 13)

(13) There still remains a totally mystical, superior state. It is difficult to define. It is at a
higher level than identification (12), leads us away from all kind of material dependence
and even allows us to bring back life in our dead body. That’s called resurrection and one
must recognize that such a high level is not easily reached by anyone.

Now we can clearly answer our friend’s question:

At level 4 of passive relaxation, music adapted to that kind of exercise considerably

helps you relax.

Freedom’s question allowed me to expose a classification here, which the new age
movement quickly buried under a mass of nonsense, stupidities, lies and unfounded

Hence, thank you Freedom for this little clarification that could be presented here and
which allows me to show how alarming the danger of the confusions is that are brought
about by the new age currents.

Let me explain myself:

The level of somebody who thinks and weighs for or against stands between active work
and passive relaxation.

At the level of active or passive relaxation, and even sometimes in a state of active work,
you can have access to different parts of your person and suddenly understand your fear
of loving, your need for violence, etc.

These are very good states for discovering yourself and meeting with your superior
being. But as good as they may be, these meetings have nothing to do with a state of
channelling or contacts with said superior divine strengths, which as I already
demonstrated, concern much higher technical levels.

Don’t forget that at the lower levels of relaxation, we are only in touch with our stress,
our fears and other negative emotions that result from our unconscious. It is only at the
superior levels, starting from the state of meditation, that we can be in contact with
something divine.

The danger of this confusion is real, because it can lead to drastic psychological

I met a lady for instance, who, thanks to her work, had improved considerably.
Nevertheless, although she hardly had any openings to her unconscious, she imagined
that she was in contact with divinities. As she had been brought up in a very strict
religious way, as she had “betrayed” her father and mother to live her life, she had
received so-called divine messages telling her to reject her husband, to refuse any sexual
contact with him because, according to the religion, she was supposed to sublimate sex.

No divinity in there, only the guilt of an 18-year-old girl who remembered having
“betrayed” everybody in her religious environment by getting married. You’ll tell me that
marriage is religious too, but I’ll answer you that abstinence is even more religious.

She received said “divine messages” asking her to light candles at church every day. She
considered these messages as divine messages that she evidently wanted to follow
because they transformed her from deprived girl into divine medium.
On top of that she no longer had to fight against her frustrations.

This state of rise of sub-personality can become catastrophic. If you take the messages of
your unconscious for divine messages, you lose all intelligence, all capacity of evaluation
and you choose to follow them because they suit you and allow you not to face the true
work called for by your unconscious.

As it’s name shows, sub-personality means: “that which is hidden underneath”, like the
subway. Suddenly thanks to new age channelling methods, sub-personalities become
divinities. All your fears, beliefs and so on become the master of your life and that is very
dangerous. It is the world upside-down. The first level (the lowest level) would have to
have your life under the control of your sub-personalities (racism, fears,
incomprehensible behaviour, fanaticism…). In that case, your sub-personalities have
taken control of your life and this is considered a psychological condition.

Then, the second level would be to have sub-personalities that you more or less control,
but which from time to time, in special circumstances, can still take control of your life
for a short while. That’s more or less the state of nearly everybody.

Then, you have a higher state, where you work on your ego. There, you have a much
better control of your sub-personalities. You can get rid of some of them and sometimes,
at best, because of a clear mind, you can start being in contact with higher beings. That
is real channelling. That is then an outside help to get rid of more sub-personalities and
so on. Light calls on more light.

Once more, what’s happening in the new age movement, is that the students are good
people. They go to workshops where, without working on their ego, they start working a
pseudo channelling. Unfortunately, this pseudo channelling pushes them to be only in
contact with their sub-personalities, which, instead of staying hidden (sub) take the
complete control of their life. They are not seen as frustrations or fears anymore but as
divine messages and the clients of new age philosophies, who were at the level 2 or 3 that
we described above, go straight to the first level. It’s a real crime. It leads people to
disasters, divorces, craziness, pain and sorrow. People who play that kind of game,
teaching such nonsense, should be judged for crime. And those who created that kind of
system, the first one was Alice Bailey, should be judged for crime against humanity. Once
more, with what I wrote before I cannot say that channelling does not exist. It’s a
wonderful tool of evolution, but it’s like surgery; you cannot decide, just because you had
a dream, that from now on you can operate people. And if you do so, just with your
dreams, you kill people and destroy your own life.

Once more I thank Freedom for having asked this very intelligent question, which
allowed me to clarify a confusion that originates in the lies of new age philosophies.

Chapter 8

This chapter contains extracts from a former website that relate the circumstances that led 
to finding the Lightball…

A team of 5 experts discovered a many thousands of years old Celtic site in Ireland. It had 
remained untouched for one thousand five hundreds years. On this site the team, an 
archaeologist, a computer expert, an expert of old languages, an architect and a biologist 
discovered a black chest made in ebony wood. 


This box was obviously not Celtic. After days of studies to try and open this chest without 
damaging anything, they discovered, at last, what was inside. To their utmost surprise, 
they saw a ball of light floating in the middle of the chest. After days of work on this ball 
of light, trying to understand what it could be, the linguist, pushed by impatience and 

inattention, touched this infamous ball. He felt no pain, but the ball stopped radiating at 
once, leaving a kind of very small flying saucer behind. It seemed to be a very highly 
sophisticated hard disk. 
Its origin was obviously extraterrestrial. 


Months of studies were needed to be able to produce something from this extraterrestrial 
technology. At last, the computer expert produced a kind of text, printed directly as 
pictures from this hard disc. The texts were written mainly in Runes, mixed with points 
and other signs. The other signs and drawings were completely unknown. Years were 
needed by the whole team to be able to translate these strange extraterrestrial texts. 
Its content is really fabulous and what is even more amazing, is the fact that the texts were 
stocked on this hard disc until the precise second where it was touched by the language 
The knowledge contained in these texts is so revolutionary for humanity that it means not 
only a complete change in our way of understanding our past but mainly to deal with our 
very near future. Once more, years were needed for the team to integrate the 
extraterrestrial ideas. 

The results are a complete liberation of the psychology and even, little by little, an 
integration of psychic powers. The teaching of the disc invites mankind to step into the 
consciousness needed to belong to the cosmic brotherhood, among the other races who 
know and see each other so often. This should be humanity’s place today and we must 
learn to reach it. 
All the explanations about a huge cosmic war were also given in the texts. A team of 
people who are more or less close to the team of scientists have decided to witness what 
they learnt through the team of scientists. The changes brought by these teachings are 
incredibly powerful, and if you start this astonishing experience, your life will be 
completely different in the future. It is not a simple cultural experience, but a real 

revolution in your life. You will have to be strong and open­minded to digest the fabulous 
explanations. All this is powerful enough to entirely change the destiny of mankind. 

Let's imagine it's fiction... 

My name is Charly but I received a different name in martial arts which means « the one 
who lives in harmony, or, the one who is teaching harmony in his way to live, or, the giver 
of light ». After years of silence, I have decided to finally speak about what happened to 
me and to some friends of mine, the tragedy we went through and who is responsible for 
our nightmare. 

The world is not what it seems and unfortunately I learnt this the hard way. But let me
start by giving you a few details about my life: a long time ago, I received a new name
because I reached a very high level in the practice of a kind of Shaolin Kung-Fu . I’m
psychic and in this school I learned to control and develop my abilities. It is not only a
school of martial arts but also a school of spirituality and psychology where somebody
like me found everything I needed. There’s a secret section, where the whole control of
psychic powers is taught. Since entering this school and receiving my new name, I’m
somebody very different.

Sometimes some of my friends organised workshops for me, because a lot of people
wanted to meet me. Very often, I could help people because I can perceive things that
others can’t. My whole life has been so different that my perception of the world is
largely different, but also much more powerful. It is in one of those workshops that I met
Frederic and his wife for the first time. He was a colonel in the Belgian army, the country
where the workshop was held. The couple had terrible problems with their daughter. She
was about to die because her troubles were so terrible that the only acceptable way out for
her was death.

After the workshop, I started helping this couple and their daughter. I will not go into
detail how I helped the girl as it is not relevant to what I want to tell here; what is
important to know is that after a few weeks of work, she was saved. Frederic became a
friend. A few months later, I met up with Frederic because he wanted to talk to me. He
was a colonel in the Belgian army and told me that he knew a lot of things as he was in
contact with very high personalities who lead a very powerful European organisation that
worked on the security of people. He explained to me that he was working for some kind
of secret European police and that he would like me to work for them too on special
missions because of my abilities. He had indeed told his superiors about the work I had
done with his daughter and since, at this moment in time they needed special help on a
mission, Frederic had proposed that they employ me on a freelance basis to which they
had agreed. Frederic had thus called me to offer me a job in this sort of secret European
police; I was offered a lot of money as well as insights into a lot of secrets deep inside the

strangest stories in Europe.

I worked for this association for many years as a freelance, meaning that I only 
occasionally worked for them when they needed me for a special task. While I was doing 
this job, I met Michael, an astonishing aeronautical engineer and a real genius, who 
worked for the same association. In the long run, we became very good friends. Of course 
we all had cover names and cover identities. It was during a very secret meeting between 
the American and the Belgian army that everything really started. I looked at some 
aspects of the security in this meeting and I must say that for me, it was only routine, even 
if I could see that everybody was abnormally stressed. Very often during this meeting I 
could see a strange face floating in the minds of the participants, a very strange face 
indeed which seemed to be extraterrestrial. I tried to know more but the security was top 
and I couldn’t find out anything. 

A few days after this official meeting, Frederic and Michael invited me to a secret
meeting. The atmosphere was indeed very strange and my friends were overly anxious
and stressed. They said that they wanted to tell me something, but that with this
knowledge came great responsibility and that there would be no turning back once they
had told me what they knew. They told me that something was really wrong in Europe
but I did not understand what they meant. Frederic then asked me if I remembered the
flying triangles in Belgium and told me that at the time, he had been in charge of the files,
that he had collected the testimonies of the witnesses and that he had been asked to
deliver the most important ones to the ministry. The files contained evidence of clear
extraterrestrial contacts and even menaces. Apparently, the aliens wanted something that
humanity was supposed to have.

Frederic told me that he did not know what they were looking for but that the only thing
he knew was that it was something very old, something which could be key for the future
of mankind. Frederic went on to tell me that him and Michael no longer trusted the
association because some of the leaders wanted to follow the aliens’ demands. All this
time, a third person had been present at the meeting but had remained in the background.
He finally introduced himself as Ben, an archaeologist, and told me that he had been
contacted by Frederic and Michael in private some time ago, to do some research for
them but that he had nothing to do with the association. He told me that he had found
some texts, which speak more or less about a mysterious god who created us and about
some mysterious masters of the world who control us and who are leading the world
today via the governments of each country.

He told me that he had already been further into his investigations and found some 
specifics one must have to belong to this kind of religion and that most of the world 
leaders have those specifics. Michael explained to me that the officials in the association 

had the same characteristics and that him and Frederic believed that the association was a 
cover for something else, something unimaginable. It was clear to me that they were very 
troubled by their discoveries but everything they told me was difficult for me to accept. 
They asked for my help, because at this point in their secret investigation, they were stuck. 
They asked me if I had seen something strange in the last meeting with the association. I 
had already completely forgotten about this meeting, but when Frederic and Michael 
mentioned it again, I remembered that I had indeed noticed something very strange that 
day. So I told them about the face I had seen. Michael then told me that, as security 
agents, they had seen pictures of many different aliens and that these were perfectly clear 
ones filed with the addresses and contact names of the people in charge. 

They were in great danger. Some people suspected Frederic and Michael to know too
much but in fact, they didn’t know enough to be safe. They needed to know more to
protect themselves and asked me if I would accept to help them. They knew that they
were looking for something very old but they didn’t know what it was exactly. I was
supposed to meet another person who knew more the next day and try and find out what
it was the association was looking for. I was supposed to « read his mind » and see if I
could get any details about what they were trying to find. I accepted to help them out of
curiosity, so I went to meet that other person with Frederic and Michael. What I could
read in his mind terrorised me. I realised that Frederic and Michael were not lying but
that they and their families were indeed in great danger. My mind panicked, I wanted
away and have nothing to do with this story anymore, but I had been too far into it and
my position as a martial arts expert obliged me to act in the chivalrous spirit. I thus told
Frederic and Michael that the information I had been able to read was “Ireland” and

Frederic and Michael seemed relieved and told me that Ben would know where and what
to look for with my help. I was very afraid now, from the very first second of this meeting
with that person I knew it was true and extremely dangerous. I’m not proud of how I
reacted but my instinct told me how deeply dangerous this story was; I was now aware
and I couldn’t help it. I had given them the information they needed and tried to forget
about the whole thing until a few months later when I met Michael who was then terribly

I met him at the airport. He was on his way to a new mission in Rwanda. He had called
me to meet me before his take off. He told me that he believed that the mission he was
sent on was a trap. I could see that he was indeed extremely stressed; he was nervously
playing with a small ball, something he always did when he was under extreme pressure.
Playing with this ball was Michael’s way of trying to calm down and everybody who
knew him better knew that, when he was playing with this ball, it was the proof that he
could not be more stressed. I believed him that the situation was serious and when he
asked me to look after his family in case something happened to him, I gave him my
Since our last meeting, I had indeed done some research. I didn’t know what was really

happening but I could see clearly that too many things were hidden or had disappeared
mysteriously. I asked Michael where Frederic, Ben and himself were at in their research
with this book and he informed me that Ben had done a lot of work and that they all
hoped that he would make it sooner or later. This whole thing was a very big deal, that
much was obvious. They were all very nervous and I told Michael to be careful in

When Michael left for Rwanda, I carried on my own research to see if anyone could guess 
in any way what Ben, Frederic and Michael were doing. A few months later, I discovered 
that something was planned against Michael and I went to see my friend Frederic at once. 
He told me that Ben had maybe found the solution and seeing how this story was going, 
him and Ben both thought that it would be better for them to go to Ireland and try to find 
this infamous book. He then asked me to go to Rwanda to protect Michael because he 
believed him to be in great danger. 

I reminded Frederic that I was taking a lot of risks since I was spying for them and that it
was OK for me to go to Rwanda to protect Michael but that he had to find a way to send
me there on a mission, because I didn’t want to attract any attention. This was no
problem, in Frederic’s position he could easily manage this. Two days later I received the
order of a new mission. So I went to look after Michael, having decided to stay a little bit
longer in Africa to justify my mission.
I didn’t know exactly where the others were at with their research and what was up with
the aliens, but it was clear that something strange was happening and it was obviously
something for the benefit of mankind. I had to help them; I considered them knights of
the 20th century and since I believed in courage and bravery, how could I let them fall?
By doing so, I would have abandoned myself and insulted everything I had learnt in the
Shaolin school and all my efforts would have been meaningless.

When I arrived where Michael was on his mission, I couldn’t see him because he had
gone on a little two-day journey to meet some leaders with father Antoine, the one in
charge of the whole Rwandan humanitarian operation. It’s after two days of waiting that I
was told that Michael would never come back. He’d had a terrible car crash and Michael
and Antoine had died together. I was destroyed.

The accident didn’t happen too far, so I wanted to see the place of the accident. After only
a three hour car journey, I reached the place; everything was still there but the corpses.
I’m a professional, and as soon as I arrived I saw details, which pushed me to believe that
what had happened wasn’t an accident. I went to the hospital and looked at the two
corpses. They had exactly the same injury, the same fracture of the neck. When I looked
at the things they had with them, I found Michael’s ball, which means that he had been
very nervous. This was very strange because for a professional like Michael, this little
trip to another village was a routine journey. So why had he been so nervous? I knew his
way of working very well indeed and finding this ball was a real clue. The killer didn’t
know that a professional like me would come to the place so he didn’t tire to clean and
rub out his signature. He made a very big mistake.

When I was back at the base, I called my superior, that is to say, Frederic. When I called I 
learnt that because of family problems he had killed himself. From where I was I couldn’t 
do anything, so I called a good friend of mine, Arecibo, and I asked him to protect Ben if 
he was still alive. I didn’t know if the association had found out about Ben and the work 
he was doing for Frederic and Michael, so I preferred to make sure that he was protected. 
I know it’s strange, but I have friends who believe in bravery and honour, so Arecibo 
didn’t hesitate to go and help Ben. I myself stayed two weeks in Africa to finish my work
and my hunt. I didn’t want to show any relations between my friends and me. When I 
came back, I met the new boss, who told me that Frederic was dead but also another guy I 
used to know well, somebody who was also an expert in martial arts. He died in a secret 
mission in Africa. Shocked by all these terrible news, I quit my position. According to the 
situation, it was easily accepted. I went to see my friend Arecibo who was with Ben. Ben 
was safe and wanted to go to Ireland at once but how could he do that alone? 

An expedition to Ireland…

On my return from Rwanda, I met up with Ben and together we decided to go on an 
expedition to Ireland. Arecibo, who had been with Ben for some time now, decided to 
come too. I also contacted Mark and Alan, who both agreed on joining us. On arrival, we 
rented a flat in Dingle next to Killarney Park and started our research. Ben had already 
found out that what we were looking for was linked to stone circles but unfortunately, we 
concentrated on such stone circles for quite a while. 
Some seemed completely meaningless and arranged for the tourists, but others seemed 
real to the archaeologist. In the five stone circles Ben had selected, despite all the research 
he had done, we found nothing. After a long time researching without getting any result, 
we were at the point of giving up when Ben managed to find an ancient text that spoke of 
the treasure of treasures of knowledge. 

“The light locked in the dark (the Lightball in the ebony box) where the stones adore the 
sun, recognize the solstice, exactly where the horse looks”, this is the text, Ben had 
discovered and it seemed to describe the place where the book was hidden. 
Thanks to his archaeological knowledge, Ben selected five stone circles that corresponded 
with solstice adaptations in the summer and winter, but we found nothing…again. Then, 
while doing some research one day, Ben came across the stone circle in Stonehenge and 
discovered the White Horse, a Celtic site. Horses are very important in the Celtics’ 
teachings and suddenly, everything became clear in Ben’s mind. 
He looked at the exterior measures of the stone circle at Stonehenge, at the distance 
between the White Horse and the place where the eye is drawn. He looked at the exact 
degree of inclination, retook the five stone circles we had found before and re­applied the 
measure according to the measure of the stone circle in Ireland, with the exact same 
distance where the eye was supposed to be. 

Finally, after a long search we ended up finding a stone that was buried in the ground and 
revealed itself to be a flagstone; it had remained closed for many years and according to 
Ben’s analysis, it was about 1500 years old. On entering the flagstone, we found an 
archaeological Celtic site where numerous artefacts, other objects that did not correspond 
and the famous ebony box lay buried. Unfortunately, having no authorisation to do any 
research we had to leave the site quickly. Since we were not interested in the other 
artefacts, we only took the ebony box because it had been clear from the start that this box 
was in no way Irish. 
We knew that it was of extraterrestrial origin. All the rest was very strange, but we 
couldn’t discern whether it was Celtic or not; especially since we only had little time. As 

we didn’t want to act like plunderers, we only took the box. It was our right to take it; it 
had already cost us the lives of two friends. 

Arecibo’s report
You will see that this disc is very strange... I have a number of diplomas and certificates 
in the science of matter and in computer engineering. At the moment, I am working on a 
research project, and before that, I worked in a European Space Centre. 
But enough of me, let’s return to the ebony box that Ben, the archaeologist, had chosen 

Ben had been attracted to this box that glowed as if it had been covered in varnish. He had 
estimated the box to be about 1500 years old. Had we been able to stay longer at this site, 
we would surely have been able to make other discoveries, but the circumstances did not 
allow this. 
We had to leave the site very urgently and took the box that the archaeologist had started 
to analyse with us. As soon as we were at our house, we continued to analyse the box that 
was 70cm long, 37cm high and 31cm wide. It had no hinges, you could feel no bumps 
when sliding your hand over it and after a long moment, we finally managed to un­stick 2 
blocks. The first block had the same length, 70cm, a height of 18cm, and the same width, 
31cm. The other block was 19cm high, 70cm long and 31 cm wide. 
Once the box was open, we discovered, to our greatest surprise, a ball of light that floated 
out of the box and started hovering above it. I think that nobody can imagine what joy 
mixed with anguish you can feel, asking yourself whether you will discover the worst or 
the best. This lightball, which, from afar, I measured to be 34cm, floated freely in the air 
without radiation, without apparent pollution and without heat. 

This means that the lightball was bigger than the box that had contained it. I had to come 
to the conclusion that the lightball contained something. As a matter of fact, the lightball 
had a diameter of 34cm and the disk later revealed itself to have a diameter of 21cm (so 
no problem, it fits into the box). With my scientific way of thinking, I had understood 
straight away that this lightball had to contain something solid that was smaller than the 
lightball, something, which fitted into the box. 

Fascinated for a long time by the intensity of the light this ball emitted, I was taken by a 
panic when I realised that I had forgotten to close the shutters and that the neighbours had 
to see this light and realise that something strange was going on in our house. So we 
quickly went outside to close the shutters, which happened to be on the outside of the 
house because the double­glazed windows had been badly installed. We then realised 
something amazing, although it was completely dark outside, it was during the night, you 
could not perceive this light from the outside, it did not shine through the windows. 
Stranger still, the windows remained completely black. I even thought that the light had 

gone out, but when I returned inside to check, I found the lightball still glowing (The light 
it emitted was extremely intense and even hurt the eyes). I thought it had to have been an 
illusion but after a few tests ­ I read an entire newspaper under this light and there was no 
other source of light in that room ­ I realised that it had to be true. Or can you read an 
entire newspaper in your illusion? I even double­checked what I had read in another room 
under a normal light. The result was the same.

Some time later, another night, Charly was alone in the house; driven by his curiosity and 
his impatience, he touched the lightball and tried to understand what it could be, using his 
psychic abilities. When he touched it, the lightball immediately stopped glowing and a 
hard disk fell to the floor. Nobody could have thought that this light could hide a hard 
When we discovered the disk, and although most of us were experienced scientists, a 
feeling of well­being suddenly inhabited us and the room we were in. The desire to touch 
the disk became so great that all the security measures we had taken at the beginning of 
this expedition were forgotten. 

The disk, which was incredibly pleasant to touch, had a diameter of 21cm and it was 1,618 
cm thick. Yes, you recognised it: 1,618 is the golden section. I still do not understand how 
the disk came to be exactly 1,618 cm thick. It is almost impossible to reach such a 
precision. All the other measures were round figures, only this one had something behind 
the comma. 

I really could not explain how such a precise and important number could emerge. The 
disk was paved with concentric circles of a respective diameter of 5, 8 and 13 cm. You 
will note that these 3 numbers are part of the Fibonacci sequence (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13) 
Finally, I noted that the last cm of the diameter was indented which formed a sort of 
triangle when you look at this indention from the side of the disk. The luminous sphere, 
which had a diameter of 34cm shows the number 34, which is the number that comes 
after the number 21. These observations were absolutely breathtaking for me; the disk, in 
all its proportions, perfectly respected the golden section. 

This was in no way the case for the ebony box though, which, let me remind you, had the 
following measures: 37cm high, 70cm long and 31cm wide. The height was divided in 
one part of 18cm and one part of 19cm. The wood was 2cm thick and the inner part was 
prolonged by 2cm so that the box could close hermetically. 
The archaeologist confirmed that the box and the ligthball/hard disk had two different 
origins. For the archaeologist, the material of the box, i.e. the ebony wood spoke for itself, 
for me it was the mathematical language and the fact that the golden section had been 

used and respected so perfectly in the making of the disk that showed me that the two 
things did not come from the same source. The ebony box respected in no way the golden 
section, the proportions had nothing to do with a mathematical sequence, although this 
golden section could have easily been used for the box too. This brought me to the 
conclusion that the person who had made the box still ignored the existence of the golden 
section. Or maybe, but this is less probable, he had had no contact with the disk but only 
with the lightball. 

Let us return to the disk now: I remember that touching the disk plunged me into a 
serenity that scared me, contrary to all the other members of the team, like Charly, for 
example, who was completely fascinated by this object. A fascination that developped 
into a quest for the truth. 
The following few lines are very important in understanding the function of the disk that I 
was to discover much later. I was put in charge of determining the physical characteristics 
of the disc. As I was heading a section in a research laboratory at a European Space 
Centre, I undertook and carried out the research in secret: 

The disk is of unknown origin and has the particularity of emitting signals on a large 
spectrum. After having assembled and prepared the necessary material to analyse and 
tape the emitted signals, once I wanted to tape the signals, everything stopped. The 
computer bugged and froze and it was impossible to switch it back on. The failure of the 
experience was total. On top of this, I quickly realised that the disk no longer emitted any 
signals. After a few hours of anger and disappointment, I finally managed to re­launch the 
hard drive of my computer, and to my great surprise, I discovered an enormous file. It 
was a completely insignificant file, whose title I will not reveal for the moment. It was 
written in our language and with our alphabet. This file contained 1000 photos showing 
incomprehensible signs. The disk having stopped emitting signals, I continued my 
experiments. I found out that the indented part functioned as an antenna for the entire 
disk. I only managed to retrieve a tiny part of the message it contained in comparison 
with its surface. Even bombarding the disk with shock or laser beams did not damage nor 
reactivate the disk. I thus stopped my research and Charly started with the translations.

The disc, as simple as it may be in its form, had really disconcerted me by its function. I 
remained passionate about and fascinated by the download of the data without ever really 
understanding how it had gotten onto my computer. As I was immersed in the technical 
aspects of the disk, I was much less interested in its translation. When we started 
retrieving information on ego and personality, the information was so mind­blowing that 
it was hard for me to accept it. 
When the army attacked us, I was put in prison and remained under the watch of a 

merciless army. I plunged much deeper into mysticism and prayer because it was the only 
thing I had left in jail. I also discovered that I could not have done otherwise, with the 
drugs and all the rest they did to me, but to tell them what I knew. When they realised that 
I knew nothing of the translations, nor where the disk was hidden, they released me after 
nine months of custody, thinking that my death would have been detrimental to their 

In fact, due to their reaction, I realised the importance of the teachings the disc contained. 
I realised that I was very much delayed and that this delay was responsible for the 
troubles between Charly and myself at the present moment. 

After more than eight years of inactivity, the disk has transformed itself into a lightball 
again for no apparent reason. I received the witnessing by email from the person who 
looks after the disc and whom I only know by email. This person told me that every time 
Charly goes to see the lightball, it doubles its volume, but Charly seems not to realise this. 
Yet every time he comes back from seeing the lightball, he is more and more different. He 
resolves problems he never resolved before. With my scientific mind and my spiritual 
delay, I perceived these changes as very strange and very worrying. This plunged me into 
very regrettable negative attitudes. I finally had a long conversation with Charly and 
discovered that he was perfectly aware of the changes of the light’s radiance, but that he 
did not want to speak about it out of humility, and also to avoid troubles. He explained to 
me that because he had perfectly adapted his brain to the ET’s way of thinking, they were 
doing a sort of „download“ onto him regularly, every time he went to see the lightball. 
He did not want to speak about this because it would have sounded too elitist, which goes 
against his principles. 

Why did he decide to speak to me about this and give me the authorisation to speak about 
this here?  Because it is now that he can transmit this information to other people, once 
they have adapted their mind to the ETs way of thinking thanks to Fao and the elimination 
of the cerebral viruses given by the dragons. This helped him a lot. He regularly returns to 
see the lightball with a lot of joy and enthusiasm, because he knows that he works for 
himself and for all the others too. As for me, who was the one who initiated the download 
of the data, I am desperate to see that I am not capable of integrating the information now 
because I have not yet managed to accept the „clarification program“ in my mind, the 
anti­virus or anti­bug program given via Fao. Nothing is lost, I must still have some time 
to catch up with the work, because I can feel that right now, something fabulous is 

Chapter 9

Let’s return to my present writings now:

When we had the disk and couldn’t do anything more in Ireland, the whole team decided to be
as invisible and anonymous as possible. Each one of us went back to his normal life, without
having any contact with anybody else from the team. It was too dangerous.
Arecibo left with the disc because he was the one who was most likely to be able to do
something with it. He worked on his own and made the discovery described above.

In fact, Arecibo was one of my students who occasionally stayed at the place where I had
gathered some serious people who wanted to improve their life. When I went back home, it was
logical for me to go back there. Arecibo didn’t live with us, but was visiting us regularly, so the
most normal thing for him to do was go back to his own job and to his own house. After having
discovered the file, Arecibo decided to take the risk and contact all the members of the team, but
he didn’t manage. Strangely enough, no one answered. So, as he normally visited us very often,
he decided to make things easy and come to our house.
After all, it was something that he had always done before, so the safest thing to do was behave
in his usual way. He was right because nobody noticed what he did. During all this time, I was
working with my students and we worked even harder than before. I knew even better now how
much the governments are lying to everybody. Arecibo just joined the other students as usual
and as always, he did his best to work and to improve. I was still living with the same woman
who was used as a channel by my master at the beginning of our adventures.

Unfortunately, I had made the mistake to tell her that I had improved a lot with the psychic
abilities I had developed. She had been with me when I had travelled around Europe to meet the
different experts and she had been with me when I travelled all over the world to swim with
dolphins. My position concerning her was very delicate for many reasons. First of all, we had
two wonderful, small children, which made us a real family and I did not want this happiness to
be spoiled by some kind of war between us. Secondly, my family was somewhat bigger than just
the four of us, because around 30 people lived with us. Everybody was extremely happy.
A lot of them really needed our association to survive, so changing something could have been
very dangerous for the balance of this delicate system. Still, my girlfriend was getting more and
more power in our little family. She enjoyed playing the great medium as soon as I wasn’t there,
and everybody loved that because she was more and more “new age”; encouraging everybody to
rest and love one another without working, which wasn’t at all my style. I was the kind of guy
who was always working and who asked the others to work as well.
If you had the choice between a “new age” medium and a strict worker, who would you choose?
At that time, I was working in secret with Arecibo on the file. He was interested in the language
used in it but he was much more fascinated by my results. I was working very hard as I was
getting more and more ill; mainly my eyes were getting worse and worse. I hoped that maybe I
would find a way to improve my health in this wonderful source of knowledge. Of course, with
everything I had learnt before with my abilities was helping me a lot in integrating the
knowledge of the book but at the same time I didn’t want to use my psychic abilities to

understand the book because with a knowledge like that, I wanted to stick to the facts.

During this time, my girlfriend was gaining more and more influence in my school and I must
admit that I was not very present for my students. My girlfriend obviously noticed that
something was completely different between Arecibo and me, and she couldn’t stand it. In fact,
as I said before, to correctly hold a position of power and knowledge, you need to have received
a special teaching that was not offered to her. She was getting crazier every day. Of course I was
different. I was in a real war, I was fighting for my health, for my friends who had been with me
in Ireland and who had all disappeared and for the book. Each day, I understood the writing and
the content better; I was discovering incredible things. I didn’t know how far my girlfriend was
taking it with my students. She even started putting large posters up around the house on which
she criticised me and explained that she could save everybody.

Even Arecibo, who was extremely embarrassed by this situation, didn’t dare telling me what was
on the walls. I couldn’t see what was there. I couldn’t feel it either, because honestly, when you
are losing almost your entire eyesight and at the same time you are discovering the greatest
secret of our society, you are not necessarily very available. To attract some students, my
girlfriend started making love with them. She was completely crazy but to me she didn’t seem so
unwell. She was very nervous and unbalanced.
How ironic, I had been working all my life to help people get rid of their craziness, but I didn’t
see all the craziness that was spreading around me. I must say that I deeply trusted my girlfriend
and I could never have imagined that she could behave in such a way. She wanted to be with one
of my students but unfortunately his wife was in her way, so she started to attack her and to push
everybody against her. I was totally immersed in my research, so I saw nothing.

One day, my student came to me, begging for help to protect her and this is where I woke up.
Coming back to reality was extremely painful. I had only completely crazy people with me who
were repeating everything my girlfriend said. I spoke a lot to my students and slowly they woke
from their strange behaviour, but it was too late. A great number of people were leaving already.
They didn’t trust me anymore. If I was a good guy, how was it possible that I had children with
such a woman? How was it possible that a master used her as a channel while she was such a
monster? I tried to explain her behaviour by telling myself that the amazing life she was living
was too strong for her. I reorganised my school and held a big workshop; a lot of people came
back and started trusting me again despite my girlfriend’s slander. During this workshop my
girlfriend tried to manipulate people and push them mainly against the wife of the man she
wanted to be with, but this time it was different, I was there to stop her every try. Some people
were wondering what was going on but fortunately, I had taught enough about wisdom before to
allow them to figure my girlfriend’s manipulations out by themselves.
At the end of the workshop, peace had more or less returned to my school, but unfortunately my
girlfriend hadn’t given in. She left with the man she wanted and stole the whole money from the
workshop. That was too much for most of the students and they left for good. You are going to
say that it’s unfair because I had nothing to do with my girlfriend’s monstrosities, but
unfortunately it doesn’t work like that… people think what they want.

My girlfriend came back with her new boyfriend a fortnight later. They had spent everything. I
asked them for an explanation but my ex-girlfriend had transformed her new boyfriend and my

ex-student into a monster. She told me that it was wonderful to walk in the mountains without
having to worry about my health. In front of so many insults I lost my temper. A few days later,
my ex-girlfriend discovered that she was pregnant from her new boyfriend. In spite of my anger,
I said that life had to be respected above everything and that I would be looking after this baby
as if it were my own. She couldn’t believe my generosity, she cried a lot and thanked me. She
asked me to go see a friend a few days to meditate on the new situation and on my love. I
accepted, as I thought that spending a few days apart could help. During this time, I worked a lot
to rebuild the other couple that had been completely destroyed by the events too. When my ex-
girlfriend came back, she said that she had aborted the baby. She told me that she didn’t want to
keep the proof of what she had done. She had been too far! I asked her to leave. I didn’t want to
share my time with her. The other couple was slowly recovering, but they happened to be the
owners of the house and when the husband had regained his position after a few weeks, he
blackmailed his wife until she agreed to throw me out of the house in order to “really make a
new start”. What could I do? I wasn’t in my country. I had not signed any rental agreement,
because I completely trusted my friends, so I was powerless, I just had to leave. In only a few
months’ time, I had lost my health, my girlfriend, my children (my ex-girl friend took them with
her), my students, my place to live and my work; I couldn’t teach any more because who could
want to study with someone who had “orchestrated such a story”.

From what you have read here, you probably find this whole story very unfair but if you had
been caught inside the twister, you would have been “twisted” like the others. I left nearly all my
stuff behind. Only Arecibo remained loyal to me. I had nowhere to go, no place to live, no
money, nothing. We tried to visit and meet all the members of the team from Ireland but we
discovered that they had all disappeared. We knew that we were in great danger. We had to
survive without catching anybody’s attention because the smallest sign from us could have
caused our death. It’s really weird to think that I have always been fighting for the good of
everybody to finally become a tramp with no hope, no family, no health and no friends. Only
Arecibo was still with me. For me, it wasn’t so much the fact of having lost everything, it was
more the fact that my entire life had become meaningless. At that time, I really wondered if I
was damned or if it was the book we had found. It was as if, because of this book the entire
world was against me; as if the craziness of this world had decided to destroy me because this
book seemed to be the ultimate weapon to fight this folly. The world wanted me to die but I
didn’t. My friend Arecibo had to disappear as well so he was as lost as I was. We didn’t give up.
I don’t know how we did it but we survived. We were helping and carrying each other, and in
spite of the world wanting to see our corpses rot in the mud, we survived.
All this time, I had protected the book on which I was working, as well as the secret it was 
bearing. At that time only two people who were still alive and free knew of the existence of this 
book; Arecibo and I. In spite of all the teachings I had received from my masters and after 
having attained all these worlds of wisdom and light, I was unable to study this book and win my 
perpetual fight against craziness. I had lost my fight, that much was obvious. We were alone with 
a knowledge that was so important that I had only just started to understand it myself. We had to 
survive, we had to find a way to allow me to carry on my study of this book; but above all, we 
had to find a way to be able to spread this knowledge without being killed. 

Chapter 10

A good friend of mine helped me during this terrible period. She introduced me to people and
helped me put a new team together. Well, this team was very modest, but it was a new start. She
let both Arecibo and me stay at her house. Our friend wasn’t on good terms with her own family
and they didn’t appreciate us staying at all. By the way, my friend Arecibo is a person of colour
and this little detail obviously did not help either.
When I started teaching, my friend’s family discovered what I was teaching and they started to
really hate me. They even wanted to fight and destroy me but of course they couldn’t afford this,
considering what I could do physically. I could not see my children anymore so instead, I went
back to the wonderful knowledge of the book.

Arecibo was not very interested in studying the book, so I decided to have an operation to
maybe regain some health. The first surgeon I met told me that he could not do anything for me.
He was known to be the best in the country but I did not give up; I went to see a second one,
who was not so well known. He told me that he could try and do something, but that I should not
get my hopes up as an improvement was nearly impossible. According to him, the operation was
very dangerous, but I decided to have it anyway. In fact, the operation was not the only problem;
the situation was much worse. I realised that if Arecibo and I were still alive and free, it was
only because of all the troubles we had: thanks to what I had to bear, we had to survive without
an official address, and I really believe that it is due to this that our lives were safe. For a long
time, we were always travelling to find a new place to stay at. When I finally decided to
organise something with my friend Brigitte, I was not officially living at her place and at least at
the beginning, no one knew me. The more I was known, the more dangerous it was. The surgery
I had received caused me a lot of problems; not only the pain I had to bear but also the financial
aspect of the operation was causing me sleepless nights, as I did not have the funds to pay for it.
Everything was so difficult, but I always found a solution.
After the operation, instead of staying a few days at the hospital, I left at once. My eyes were so
painful but I had no choice. The operation had only partially worked, so I had to have another
one and then another one. In the end, I had been operated 7 times. I nearly died during the last
operation and I remained in a coma for 24 hours. I again left the hospital as soon as I woke up. I
had to find the money to pay for each operation and I had to find a new official address and I
had to find a good excuse for disappearing right after my last operation.

While I was going through the aftermath of the surgery, Brigitte’s family was fighting me and
my work. I was extremely weak and often wondered whether I was not damned by the
possession of this book. Why was everything so difficult? I wanted to see my children but I
couldn’t. It was in the midst of this nightmare and this solitude that I met a woman, Caroline.
She became my new girlfriend. I decided to tell her nothing about the book and my special
abilities. I thought that it was less dangerous for her not to know anything. Sometimes Caroline
was annoyed because Arecibo was always with me, but she couldn’t understand what we were
doing together. We started travelling all over the world. At that time my money problems were
resolved because I suddenly received 1700€ a month from the government due to my eye
condition. They gave me this money with a delay of 12 months, which meant that I received a

real fortune. At last, destiny seemed to be a little nicer to me. After travelling a long time, I
finally gave in to Caroline’s wish for a house and a child. With what I was living with my other
children, I wasn’t very keen on having another one, but my life was Caroline’s life. She knew
perfectly well that I was very ill and that my time on earth was counted. She once told me: “I
don’t want to only have a tape to remember you when you are dead, because I really love you
and I don’t want to leave you when you pass away”.

I rented a house for the first time in years, we had a baby and I was still working on the
translation of the book. I had also started organising a very large house somewhere else. It was
not really a house, but more of a mansion. Many people came to live there. Arecibo was the first
one to move in, but many others who were studying the knowledge I had received from the alien
book followed. I had applied all the knowledge I had gained from the book. The book was
talking about a solution for the future and I started organising this future.
How could I describe this house to you? It was heaven. We had a lot of money because
everybody paid his share. We had 10 TVs, 15 computers, a very large garden, 10 cars… We had
enough money to travel around the world. I created a website where I started giving some of the
secrets of the book, but without mentioning the book. This site became one of the biggest on the
web concerning this subject matter; all in all, it had over 2000 pages. Of course a lot of people
came. We were about 30 people in this house. We also had a lot of children and life was a real
dream for them. I used to invite a lot of them when I was travelling the world. Of course, I
always needed help because although, with the surgery, I could more or less manage on my own,
I always needed help. My children started coming back because of the money and my good
position. My ex-wife could not prevent them from seeing me anymore.

I had rebuilt my life from nothing and created a real haven of happiness for everybody in the
house. Most of the people didn’t know about the book I had, only few people did, but everybody
in the house and on the website was receiving the light and love from this wonderful book. The
other house Caroline and I had was marvellous. We could not have lived in a better place. My
life was made of the amazing book, the wonderful house in the south, the magical house with
everybody and incredible journeys all over the world to go swimming with dolphins. Life was
great. I was really happy. I had been fighting very hard, but for the first time in my life, I really
thought that this book and all the knowledge I got from it and from the light, was worth all my
pain and sorrow.

You are ready now to know what is written in this great book. You know what I went through for
this knowledge, how many people died because of this knowledge. Through what efforts some
governments went to stop this knowledge from being spread, and how powerful this knowledge
is when you realise everything I built from nothing with the power of its wisdom. I know that I
have always been a strong man, but without the power and the knowledge from this book,
nothing would have been possible. So, now I really hope you are ready, I’m going to sum my
knowledge up a little at this time. Know also that at that time I was far from knowing everything
from the book, but I will give you (more or less) everything I had translated up until then.

Chapter 11

When I started studying the book we had found, entitled The Book of Iah, I could see very early
in in my studies that it was a real method to teach you to understand the language it used.
Everything was organised so that we quickly understood what I was reading. I will not say that I
could fluently read the language called fao right from the start because the use of this language
is perpetuelly evolving, but I learnt rather quickly.

By studying the knowledge contained in this book, I realised in the long run that the language
and the writing used were as important as the teaching itself. The further I went into the reading,
the more I discovered that the language used at the beginning had nothing to do with that used at
the end. The ability of the language and writing to sum up things was incredible; at the
beginning, when I translated a page of fao into English, I had half a page of English for one page
of fao (fao is written without capital letters, because capitalisation is not wanted in this language,
so it would be an insult, to write the name of this language with a capital f). At the end, the
proportions were about 30 pages of English for 1 page of fao. I understood that this language
teaches you a different way of thinking. At the beginning, there was no difference for me in
translating fao or another language, but after some discoveries further on in the writings, I had to
change my way of thinking to be able to understand and translate the texts.

The writing has nothing to do with any writing known on planet Earth, even if some letters may
resemble certain Runes or certain letters from the Hebrew alphabet (or should I rather say:
alephbet). Towards the end of The Book of Iah, some letters evolved towards a kind of drawing
and these particular letters represent certain fao words. As the writing of fao evolves gradually
and as the words are spelt exactly as you hear them, it is impossible to make spelling mistakes.
To be more precise, it is possible of course, but for that you have to be either absent-minded or

deaf. The writing is phonetic, but with such sophisticated and evolving spelling systems it is
possible to write the same word in different manners. To help you understand, there are for
example the letters representing “tr” and “st”, so to write the word “stress” you can either write
“st-r-e-s” or “s-tr-e-s”. You are free to use any of the possible spellings; nothing is wrong as long
as you write the sounds but normally, you are supposed to use the easiest or the quickest. This
teaches you freedom, decision and efficiency. You could even write the word “s-t-r-e-s-s” out in
full, but why should you if it is enough to write “s-tr-s”. After more and more practice, it even
becomes possible to write “stress” with only one or two letters and at the same time you also
state the origin of the stress. Both word and origin are then written in just one or two letters, but
you can only do that if you have understood the whole system. You can, for instance, use three
different words to say “to have” and “to be”. The choice of the word has nothing to do with
grammar rules but allows you to give the precise meaning of what you are saying. It may look
complicated, but it is not: without the use of those verbs, you would need one or two sentences
to express precisely what you wanted to say.

In the same idea, you always have the choice between two “I”, two “you” and so on, which
means that with all those language subtleties you have the possibility to express very precise
ideas that do not even exist in our classical psychology. Of course, to be able to use fao
correctly, you must evolve psychologically, and not improve your grammar as you may think. I
later discovered that the practice of this language is an incredible therapy; you have to evolve in
your psyche, but the language has no “karma”. It is a language that is free from bad energetic
memories. The sounds that are used in this language are so different that using fao also changes
anybody who uses it. Both body and breathing are incorporated in the use of this language so
that it has absolutely nothing to do with any terrestrial language. In fact, I understood much later
that this language is preparing you to telepathy. Some people asked me if fao was the language
of some extraterrestrial peoples but I don’t think so. First, because in my research I could make
sure that most of the fao words have their roots in one or the other terrestrial language, whether
still in use or not. Only few words seem to come from another civilisation or planet.

Secondly, the language is perfectly adapted to our race and makes us grow both in philosophy
and knowledge. Last but not least, once we had understood the rule of the “flao”, we were
invited to create new words, always respecting the rule of the “flao”. The flao is the energetic
imprint of a word. Imagine, for example, that you know somebody who is always asking
questions but when you answer, he always tells you that you are wrong and that he does not
understand why you are talking to him. Let’s imagine now that this guy is named “glop”; this
system of asking questions without really wanting an answer thus creates a flao. If a member of
our team asks a question but then refuses the logical answer and behaves in a crazy way we
could say to him “fi glopas”, which would mean as much as “you are “glop”ing”, that is to say
behaving exactly like Mister Glop.

Today after many years, fao contains numerous words that come from our own evolution. It is
not at all a betrayal of the language; in fact it is perfectly respecting the demands of its
teachings. Of course, the beginning of The Book of Iah speaks only of the language as such, but
fao remains very present throughout the book, because as I have already mentioned above, the
writing is constantly evolving. The book is divided into different topics and circles, fao being
presented as circle one. I found out that the book was structured into a certain number of circles,

each one going deeper into the real issue of the book. This was an amazing discovery to me,
because in the martial arts discipline that I teach, the same system of circles is used. The
discipline I presented at the beginning of the book you are now reading (well, I hope) has two
means by which it grades its students; the highest grade is the 10th dan, similar to most martial
arts, but then you also have a second grading system which is linked to the philosophical secrets
of the discipline and divided into a certain number of circles. This system is exactly the same as
the one presented in the book and last but not least, you have the tao, which is the addition of the
technical and philosophical aspects of the discipline.
The issues that are treated later on in The Book of Iah link this work even closer to the martial
discipline I spoke about above and this leads us to the second level of this book, which will go
deeper into the logic of things.

The second circle or the golden section

This entire part of the book is about the observation of all things logical, starting with the
principle of the golden section discovered by Fibonacci. It invites us to watch everything around
us in order to learn from the cosmic logic that is contained in all things. Furthermore, the second
circle incites us to consider the smallest detail of our life to understand what is logical and what
is not. For instance, I myself was led to reconsider my psychic abilities, but it would be too long
to explain things in detail here.
Why did I react the way I did concerning the events in Ireland? I had been perfect in protecting
my friends, but as far as the book was concerned, I had been completely rubbish. With what had
happened in my house, my handling of the situation had not been brilliant either, but why? I
could tell myself that I knew nothing and that I had dreamt the channelling sessions with my
dead master, but obviously that was not possible. The deeper I went into the subject matter of
The Book of Iah, the more I understood that the book was in fact coordinating everything I had
discovered as a medium, so what? In fact, thanks to The Book of Iah, I discovered that I had
slowly but surely pushed away all my psychic abilities because it had been too painful and
disappointing to be psychic. The fact that my own girlfriend had betrayed me, as Joyce Clark
had predicted, was one of the biggest reasons why I had rejected my abilities. Reading the book,
I was able to find a certain peace concerning my abilities, and slowly I got them back. I can even
say that it was more profound; the more I was reading and studying fao, the stronger my abilities
became. Only the strong will that I had obtained from practising martial arts could have given
me the strength to face my terrible situation, the power of the knowledge and the stress I was
living from having to constantly hide from those who wanted to kill me. My way of living was
right; The Book of Iah needed to be discovered and deciphered by somebody like me. I could
even remember that I used to play with my abilities when I was six or seven years old, but I had
soon understood that if I wanted to be accepted by the others, I had to get rid of my psychic
powers, so I did.

When I was about 24-25 years of age, I created an exercise that combined the work of taï chi
and that of chi gong; I called this work, which had taken me about 2 years to create, “the 12
divine pearls”. This combination contains most of the movements of the Paneurhythmy, a
special kind of dance created by the Bulgarian master Beïnça Douno. How did I not see it
before? I think it was the same thing. We are all afraid of being different because we have been
taught to be part of the herd and if we are too different, we will be rejected. We have been taught

to believe that we are extremely weak and that, if we are not accepted by the herd, we will die.
That is the reason why we repress so many things in our life, to be able to remain in the herd. Of
course, it was by learning and observing the coherence in the cosmos that I developed this
special ability to see what was not in order with my life.

Logic remains an issue in the following chapters or circles. Like the first circle, it is impossible
to cut The Book of Iah into pieces. In fao, the word “dverodot” defines the art of cutting the truth
into a series of small truths in order to be always right in one’s craziness. With the system of
dverodot, you could come to the conclusion that even somebody like Hitler was right. Dverodot
means craziness; The Book of Iah can only be read if you keep in mind that the different circles
are all part of the same ring.

The third circle (or third chapter) in The Book of Iah is on the story of the Elohim.

Chapter 12

I can easily understand that you are a little bit perturbed by everything you are reading in this
book. First of all, I want to congratulate you on being able to reach the end of this first part. I
don’t think that most of the readers were able to do so. Unfortunately, we are now at a very
delicate point. If everything you have read so far was already special, it was still only an
introduction to the follow-up, which will be available for you in Part 2. This second part is very
difficult to read because once you have started, there is no turning back. Let me explain myself:

Until now, what you know from this book is only a story to you. Maybe it is science fiction, or
maybe this book has touched you enough to change something in your life, I cannot know. It’s
your experience and your life. What I know, on the contrary, is that the next part cannot remain
only a story, and that is why we decided to split the book into two parts. What is written in The
Book of Iah? If you happen to understand its teachings, your life will be different forever. It will
not only be a book or a story that you are reading, it will become part of your own adventure. In
fact, The Book of Iah is not just knowledge but a map to survive the terrible things that are
happening on this planet. Once you know you can decide to ignore what you have read, but that
will be a great responsibility that goes beyond your own life. Even if you decide to ignore the
entire story, some people want to prevent mankind from reacting and could be acting on you just
because you know, and knowing without acting could put you as well as us in danger. We do not
have the right to keep the secret only for us, but we haven’t got the right to be irresponsible
either. So, if you were us, what would you do? We believe that the best thing we could do is
leave you the choice, but with all possible information, so that you can fully decide what you
believe is best for you.

If you read the second part, you won’t be able to help it, you’ll be part of the adventure. The
knowledge received from The Book of Iah is too important for you to just remain a reader; not
because you will have to behave in a certain way in front of us, but because some secrets are not
good to be known for nothing. You might lose your good night’s sleep just because you know
something, so, think seriously before entering our adventure, because if you read on, it will
become yours too.
If you take the blue pill, you put this book by your bedside and tomorrow, you will think that it
was just a good sci-fi story.
If you take the red pill and read the next episode, we will find out together how deep the rabbit
hole goes; and I can assure you that it is a lot deeper than you think.

Let’s be clear, I’m not pushing you not to read the second part, because the first part is just an
introduction to Part II. We need people who know our secret and who know what we are living.
The more we are, the better: but we do not want to hurt anybody just because we are in a
wonderful and terrible adventure. All help is welcome but never at the price of pushing
somebody in a direction he doesn’t want to take.
We need free people who want to know and live.
I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be the truth.

I hope that we will meet again in the second part1. And maybe even afterwards in the real
world to live the same adventure together, who knows…


“You take the blue pill, the story ends.

You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland
and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
I am only offering you the truth…Nothing more.”


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 PROOF Part II : Origin and Destiny of the Human Race


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