Strahlenfolter Stalking - TI - Bioethical Issues 2 - Presidential Bioethics Commission - Full HD - ChurchCommittee & Comments

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Presidential Bioethics Commission - Full HD

by ChurchCom m ittee Tw oPointO 4,730 view s This is a 45 min edited edition of the The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues 4th meeting in March 2011, in Washington, D.C. This edited version has special focus on the...

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yod sun 3 w eeks ago The FBI put the microchips in your brain and body. The CRIMINAL is the FBI. The FBI is behind all the Gang Stalking and Electronic Harassment in the world.

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yod sun 3 w eeks ago The FBI put microchips in genitals as well, radiates there and does other things anyone can imagine. Every single time the target sleep, the FBI criminal agents are beside his bed radiating him, implanting more microchips, causing cancer or killing. All is done by the FBI and the government is aware of it, they are doing it also in Canada. I invite the FBI to take me to court if what I write is untrue. Go ahead criminal FBI I am waiting; instead you do your best to kill me every single day.

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yod sun

3 w eeks ago

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yod sun 3 w eeks ago The FBI put the microchips in your brain and body. The CRIMINAL is the FBI. The FBI is behind all the Gang Stalking and Electronic Harassment. The crime committing FBI have thousands of agents spreading lies on the internet discrediting good people that they harass.

yod sun 3 w eeks ago What concealed as SPAM is not always SPAM, but truthful matters that the FBI and CIA dont want the public to see. Everyone should always open SPAM to find out the truth. Please make sure to open SPAM comments and read them. TIs can copy and repost them. The American citizens and the people of the world need to know that FBI agents secretly kill them, their friends and family.

yod sun 3 w eeks ago Targeted Individuals files are in Nevada in area 51 where they hold the Aliens they capture. The better person you are the more chances they will target you because your personality is just the opposite of the personality of the criminal thugs FBI.

yod sun 3 w eeks ago USA blames China for human right violation while hiding own atrocities. United State is the first in line in human right violations with CIA and FBI doing cruel experiments on citizens and other people around the world. FBI is behind the electronic harassment, gang stalking, V2K, and microchips they implant in people. While targeted people in USA ask to be rescued from the crime committing FBI agents, USA officials go to China and blame them for Human R. violations.

yod sun 3 w eeks ago To USA President: What about the freedom of the Targeted Individuals in your own country. Why you allow the FBI to radiate them with electronic weapons and slow kill them? Why you let FBI gang stalk American citizens? Why you let FBI agents abuse children? Why you let FBI implant microchips in people they target and inflict them with diseases. Why you pretend you don't know about the CRIMINAL activity of the FBI? Why you blame China for Human Right Violation when your hands are not clean?

yod sun 3 w eeks ago The FBI radiated Physician Moss David Pozner to his death. The FBI radiated to their death thousands or millions other good people including Sean Stinn. God Bless Their Soul. You can search about them on YouTube. The FBI put much effort in manipulating the public to believe that some "groups" harassing American Citizens and not themselves. You can be sure

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that it is ONLY the FBI behind gang stalking, electronic radiation and all the other cruel experiments.

yod sun 3 w eeks ago Message to People targeted by the criminal FBI. Every time you take an X-Ray, the FBI makes changes to the original. The FBI removes any image of microchip found on the X-Ray before it gets to the doctor or after the doctor sees it. Many times, doctors will cooperate with FBI thugs in cheating you. TIs have microchips of all sorts in their body, about one hundred of them. You need to ask for copy of the X-Ray immediately upon taking it. Keep it hidden because the FBI will steal it from you.

yod sun 3 w eeks ago To all American: Be aware of Dr. Sanjay Ramrakhiani. He works for Palo Alto Medical Foundation in Camino Medical Center in Mountain View, CA. This Dr. does Endoscopy procedure, and while his patient under anesthesia he and FBI thugs secretly implant microchips in their body and do other criminal secretive procedures. The CRIMINAL doctor allows FBI agents do anything they want to his patients. This slimy doctor cooperates with FBI in their crimes against Humanity.

yod sun 3 w eeks ago An office worker thug at Kaiser Permanente, Santa Clara, California, have the job of selecting people for FBI experimentation and kill, making decision who will live and who will die in the hands of the FBI.

yod sun 3 w eeks ago Another crime committing doctor is Bernadette A. Macart, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology, at Kaiser Permanente in Santa Clara, California. This Physician secretly implants microchips in her patient while pretending to do her job. This thug doctor cooperates with FBI in their crime against humanity. Kaiser Permanente in Santa Clara, CA., participate in Gang Stalking, electronic Harassments and cruelty against US citizens: mothers, fathers, young adults and children.

yod sun 3 w eeks ago The FBI controls the majority of videos on Gang Stalking and Electronic Harassment. The CRIME committing FBI is feeding the world with lies about their criminal activity, blaming other groups and imaginary entities for their own crimes. Be aware of "osinformers" and "FansFilteration" videos. They are made to discredit TIs and divert the blame from the real criminal, the FBI, to other imaginary groups. The CIA and FBI are cheating US citizens for more than 39 years.

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carol harvey 1 month ago How can I take any of this seriously when your videographer can't spell words like AUTHOR (not AUTHER) or TESTIMONY ( not TESTEMONY). This is pure whitewash for the public you people consider stupid. The Military put these programs in years ago. Every educational institution represented here is funded by the government. The military doesn't give a damn whether it is making mistakes or not. It is a predator. I can get more solid info from movies or Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine. This is rot

John Oberuch 1 month ago Psychotronic torture is an ongoing and unregulated problem that necessitates regulation. The military and intelligence community use electronic brain link extensively, along with the people who develop these technologies. The "Mind Control Reform Act" should remedy the situation since these systems are indiscriminately used. The line is blurred between electronic warfare and humans being involuntary Guinea Pigs.

Musicistwowords Mu 1 month ago They tell you what they're up to at least 20 years after they've been doing it. Besides that, there are so many pieces of info that they do NOT disclose. If they did, no one would back it. !Please research Dr. Jose Delgado's implant brain stimulation research beginning in the 1950s.

444sky1 2 months ago The gas began 11/4/08 an hour after Obama was declared winner. It began to be daily or several times daily after Inauguration Day. I might have been stalked from 2005 or a bit earlier. I still get gassed but about a month or two ago I think it might have taken a turn to microwave from crawlspace. Feels uncomfortable and hot, didn't before. This is as evil as what went on in the Camps during WW2. Those doing this are psychopathic or sociopaths. I had lived in Boulder since 2001 without problems.

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tetemorales3 2 months ago fake my arse mf ! The damn stalking trash abused a prophet for over 35 Years ! Raped her threatened her husband and murdered him too and started while they were minor children.

headly66 3 months ago HAHHAHHAHHAHHA FAKE


Steve Duran 3 months ago Please investigate the electromagnetic torture I've been suffering, as I've been tortured, stalked, harassed, falsely imprisoned nearly to death! I know my body will not last much longer with this inhumane torture I'm enduring...If I'm killed by tomorrow or by the time you get this complaint, my people have been instructed to contact your agency to avenge my unlawful death...Please view my video which demonstrates the magnitude of the force being sent through my body..

Steve Duran 3 months ago Please view the one video I've posted, to give you an idea of these overly inhumane acts that are being done to me. I'm a 2nd year law student, and I'm being tortured so much, that this torture is now severely affecting my brain's ability to learn... I have not posted my entire story of being a "TI" on youtube yet, but please shed light on slow and painful death that I'm suffering for no apparent, logical reason! Please email me at sduran165@gmail for more info.
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shamen2005 2 months ago Yes I understand what you are going through. I experienced the 2nd phase of harassment at my previous work place. Now it severely effect my ability to work and learn and function efficiently.
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shamen2005 3 months ago any updates on this? Did they come to a conclusion? Or Still is this at investigative stage?

444sky1 2 months ago I don't know. Nothing ever seems to happen to stop it. I have come to believe it might be a prelude to civil conflict. Might be private security firms with high level clearance owned by very wealthy fascist-right sociopaths. I have no convictions and

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these aho's torture me with gas and torment with verbal and sounds. You have no idea what this country is now if you don't understand what is now going on with stalking and targeting. It's a nightmare of fascism.
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SuperBingo21 Good video


3 months ago

JustThaTruth 4 months ago Did this as#$%&$ really just bring up the notion of asking us whether or not we would like to be abused in every way humanly possible at 8:00? This is why these people will eventually end up in hell. They have absolutely no Holy Spirit within them. They are the pedophiles, rapists, killers, thieves of humanity, behind these "projects" which are the humans of the world. Playing with people's brains, making them do what they normally wouldn't, torturing with microwaves is NOT human.

S. Ennes 4 months ago This was a JOKE! I looked at the panel and the audience, the PEOPLE it was POLAR, BLACK AND WHITE! ROBOTS ON THE PANEL AND HUMANS ON THE FLOOR!!

444sky1 2 months ago This is not a joke.

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S. Ennes 4 months ago 444sky1 I have no words to express "sorry" as it seems worthless. I promise there is a day when you will be vindicated and then some more. In the mean time, I promise you that however small this grain of sand is my thoughts, prayers, love, light, healing, and YOU BET I AM SHARING info DAILY on Dr. Barrie Trower EXPOSING this EVIL.

Xander Taylor 5 months ago The last part, at 44 mins, where Amy Gutmann mentions "international standards regarding...scientific experiments" is very slippery wording. First, the U.S. signed the Intl Covenant on Civil & Political Rights, but if Congress doesn't pass legislation putting it into US law, they don't have to follow it. Second, we TIs aren't in official science experiments. We're under DOD & CIA covert warfare.

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444sky1 5 months ago I still think it might be the private security firms and/or renegade compartments in our more traditional intel and mil. doing this. It does have a mil feel at times and it sometimes has a feeling like a very fundamentalist christian militant to it too. I have had 4 apartments and different teams. They run in and out as I use the bathroom so there is high tech surveillance going on too. I have started having my head warm up at times on the couch when no other part of me is hot.That's above me.
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Xander Taylor 5 months ago Allen Hornblum is an Author, not an Auther.


Xander Taylor 5 months ago This was a joke, a farce, concerning Targeted Individuals. When I heard they allowed only 90 seconds per TI for testimony, I knew they were going to ignore it. They did it so they can give themselves COVER in the future, so that when it comes out that these horrific "experiments" were done to innocent Americans, they can show people the testimony & say, "Well, we LISTENED to them. Wasn't that enough?" And they did it to give TIs a false sense of justice. Sick.

444sky1 5 months ago At least they were heard and there is a video. Hasn't exactly stopped though has it. I am under increasingly severe gas attacks and now think there might be more electronica than the other buildings. There has always been the thing where I raise my head on waking... there is a little hoot or whoop from across the way. That has happened over 4 years. Wake and the first thing I get is one of these fascist's whooping at me for being awake. Fascism. It can not be called by any other name.
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Xander Taylor 5 months ago Well, now we Targeted Individuals know why Alexander Garza of the Dept of Homeland Security was on the panel. To sweep all the medical evidence presented by TIs to the Commission under the rug.

StandTall4Freedom 5 months ago Disgraceful! So many victims and all swept under the carpet!

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TheMackrow 5 months ago Still is only the tip of the Everest.


eskatee 6 months ago They think like Goering and Himmler



444sky1 5 months ago Hanging works! I have been gassed for 4 years with toxic gasses. I used to pray for enemies. The first gas destroyed my spiritual awareness. The next my ability to experience love and compassion. It has gone down from there. I am less than 3/4 of what I used to be as a human. This is fascism. They have a parallel government set up and are using private security firms as their secret police and have the same clearance as the CIA or NSA who still have restrictions on them. What a mess people. Sad.
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Comment removed Author withheld Comment removed Author withheld Comment removed Author withheld Edward Graham 7 months ago Unbelievable. Try to turn us into the BORG? Expect resistance.

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Lissa Humane Really


9 months ago in reply to ComesTruth1 (Show the comment)

Reply 19

Lissa Humane AGREED!


9 months ago in reply to Jeremiah McKenzie (Show the comment)

exposesocialservices 6 months ago I am one of them Im all Over the Internet Learning Disabled woman being tortured in San Diego I was literally Tortured for 6 full months as I was camping 150 feet from teh San Diego FBI do you really belive the Govt will ever admit it-Were all over the internet the Govt is Doing this and THey will Never EVER admit it -Please say a Prayer for me Leslie williams San Diego
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thehiddentrification 1 year ago Visit my group on Stickam called "Targeted Individuals" and come chat, we need to stick together and support one another!
Reply in playlist Victims of Covert Harassment

shuncharon 1 year ago Listen close to Hank Greely. 8:00....


shuncharon 1 year ago I was born at the University of Penn. Hospital. The Universities are where alot of the shit goes down and the commission is filled with their representatives. This is a cremation of care ceremony,because they gonna burn this out in a 4th dimensional way.You got jokes, we got victims. Nano technology has been going on since i was born and before,which is 1982. Martha Farah is bullshit yo.See is an agent, you can feel it. Please STOP THE BULLSHIT YOU SATANIC ASS DEVILS, STOP!!!!!THIS IS SICKENING.

Ms Midwest Invasion 1 year ago That lady on the commission is a stone cold bitch. Reminds me of the Church Lady ("Well isn't THAT special?!) only more condescending and sarcastic...if that's possible. I was very impressed by the presentations given and the advanced understanding you have regarding these obscure technologies. I sincerely hope you all get the relief, explanations and understanding you deserve. Feel free to PM me if you'd like to chat. I'd love to learn more about your stories. 2 minutes wasn't enough :)

Comment removed Author withheld Sharon Poet 1 year ago It would have been nice to hear, at the end of this meeting, some sort of expression of care for us - some sort of promise to protect us and help us. . .some sort of hope for this atrocity to end.

Sharon Poet 1 year ago God! Its hard to watch these victims speaking out. I can relate so deeply that its hard to see the video through my tears. I am wondering what the results of this meeting was. Are they helping some of us or are we all still left to continue being

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tortured and slow killed?

Reply 2

Comment removed Author withheld jung kim 1 year ago Thank you for uploading this video, as a TI this is very meaningful. I know this thing is going on every where include in dutch harbor,ak. The sad part is this frequency might coming from out side of united state.

Kevin Canada 1 year ago THEY ARE USING THEM ON ME 7/24, SHE IS A CRIMINAL

keepingsweets 1 year ago Employers and individuals are violating human rights and privacy now via intrusive software monitoring: minddrive(dot)com, spyera(dot)com, mindwaretech(dot)com
Reply 5

Nina Gonzales 3 months ago Thanks for the info Keepingsweets ... :)
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