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Fast & Furious Finish 6632 Sunset Ave.

Los Angeles, California 90001 Telephone: (424) 372-3321 Email Address: Fax: (424) 333- 3115 Website:

March 17, 2013 Mr. Jack Skip Walker Skipper Airlines 123 Coastal Blvd. Miami, FL 33131 Dear Mr. Walker, On the behalf of Fast & Furious Finish, I want to extend our gratitude to your Request for Proposal. Based on the information provided, we have produced a detailed outline that includes the requirements by your company accompanied by research conducted by ours, to guarantee the production of the annual marketing brochure is met accordingly. Fast & Furious Finish has attached the proposal for the production of your marketing brochure. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us. Sincerely,

Alexandra Guevara Executive Director Fast & Furious Finish

Fast & Furious Finish

Los Angeles

Tel 424.372.3321 Fax 424.333.3115 Web

March 17, 2013 To: Mr. Jack Skip Walker Skipper Airlines 123 Coastal Blvd. Miami, FL 33131 Skipper Charter Airlines RFP


1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0

Company Background Project Background Experience and References Target Audience Project Approach Personnel Roles Operations and Quality Control Processes Employment Practices Project Management Practices Success of the Brochure Pricing

Fast & Furious Finish

March 17, 2013

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Section 1.0 Company Background Fast & Furious Finish is a California established marketing and graphic design agency with over 50 years of experience. We are continuously growing our clientele because we provide top of the line customer service along with outstanding production. At Fast & Furious finish, we not only cater to the client but also the customers that follow them. Section 2.0 Project Background Skipper Charter Airlines is a Miami based company that caters to travelers and business clients that travel between Florida and the Bahamas. Being a small company, Skipper Airlines has an advantage that many big companies may not have. Fast & Furious Finish, a marketing and graphic design agency, has conducted extensive research to assure the brochure will produce the desire outcome. We are assessing all the information and criteria given to us by you, the client and have come up with solid plan to create a resourceful brochure that both the client and its customers can understand. Section 3.0 Experience and References Our agency has been in business for over 50 years and has opened the door for many upcoming companies that began as small ventures. Recognized for our innovated technology, our agency has grown in clientele. At Fast & Furious Finish, our services are not limited to one type of clientele. We are a diverse agency that works closely with companies all around the globe. Fast & Furious Finish has worked with world-renowned companies including: Coca Cola Disney World Franchise Google Hilton Hotels Nike Along with our wonderful clientele, Fast & Furious Finish has won numerous awards including the prestigious Addy Awards 10 years in a row. Our outstanding staff has exceeded the expectations of our clients due to their ability to work on a limited time basis and to foresee product development.

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Section 4.0

Target Audience The target audience for your airline consists mostly of leisure and business travelers. Due to the amount of competition airlines such as yours might encounter, our agency decided to go a different route and target mostly your business clientele. Our agency believes that attracting business flyers will increase your sales tremendously due to their frequent flying. Since Skipper Airlines is known to give leisure travelers the commodity of a safe and affordable flight, dividing the brochure into two different sections will provide both the leisure and business travelers the information they need to accommodate their specific needs.

Section 5.0

Project Approach The production will take an estimate of a month to produce with each individual department following specific guidelines and periods. Division of our agency departments will take place to assure the manufacturing of the brochure is specific in content, layout, and graphic: Marketing department will conduct the necessary research to assure the right target audience is listed Graphic and Design department will layout a draft of the brochure once the Marketing department has finished research. Advertising department will then approach the target audience to test out the brochure on individuals who are seeking to travel. Once that is completed, they will contact local vendors who are willing to promote the airline. Sales department is in charge of the financial side of the product. They make sure our agency complies with the budget given. Customer service will provide 24/7 assistant in case there is a change you would like to add or if your airline needs further assistance.

The Board of Directors will also meet with their department on a weekly basis to go over any modifications or changes presented. Section 6.0 Personnel Roles in Project The personnel involved in the project are all in-house staff who is trained specifically their area assigned. As mentioned above, the departments are divided into sections to ensure the brochure is specifically produced according to the staffs expertise. Our departments are ran by specific Directors who are in charge of directing the staff according to their part in the project. The directors are:

Fast & Furious Finish

March 17, 2013

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John B. Further, Director of Marketing Celine Goyne, Director of Graphic and Design Tomas Anderson, Director of Advertising Michelle Sanchez, Director of Sales Jean S. Samuel, Director of Customer Sales

The materials used to make our final production come from a local company who has been in business with us for over 10 years. This company excels in their services and provides our material in a timely manner. This portion of the production will be assessed by the sales staff who will keep constant contact with the producers. Section 7.0 Operations and Quality Control Processes Fast & Furious Finish uses top of the line materials to ensure our customers have the best provided to them. Our services not only include the building of the product, we also have outstanding customer service that you are able to contact 24/7 to see how the production of your product is going. Our team goes beyond to examine each element before the final production. In case there is ever a problem or you are not satisfied with our work, we give back 100% of your money back along with a complementary production of your choice. Section 8.0 Employment Practices Our employees have outstanding achievements throughout the nation as the best in their field. All our employees have gone through extensive workshops to improve their skills as well as to teach them the policies and procedures here at Fast & Furious Finish. The directors of each department hold notable titles in the marketing and design field, and are the ones who manage our staff. They make sure their staff is equipped with the needed materials and have established a thorough plan that is followed systematically. Our agency is constantly growing, which gives us the budget to add extra personnel to assist our current staff with any tasks needed. Section 9.0 Project Management Practices The directors specified under section 6.0 will conduct the management of your brochure. Our company has conducted a meeting with the Board of Directors to specify their duties pertaining the brochure. The number of staff needed to complete the production varies depending on the department and the tasks each of them are working on. Fast & Furious Finish assures ours staff manages time better than any others do, which assures our clients the completion of their products by the given deadline, if not earlier.

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Section 10.0

Success of the Brochure Fast & Furious Finish believes a product well produced in an organized way is better than a product produced in no time. Our company has an outstanding performance rate due to our careful and precise attention to the small details. The goal of our company is to make certain you, the client is 100% satisfied with the product. Having chosen Fast & Furious Finish as your brochure producer, you are not only getting a brochure that will be constructed with top of the line material, but a brochure that has the marketing essentials needed to develop a larger clientele.

Section 11.0

Pricing Fast & Furious Finish has attached the following pricing estimates below.

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TO: Jack Skip Walker

DATE: March 17, 2013 PROJECT: Annual Marketing Brochure HARD COSTS: Paper Ink Printer fees Import Master TOTAL SOFTWARE PROFESSIONAL FEE ESTIMATE: Design and Art Services

$1,255 850 850 645 $3,600



Planning Printer Set Up Printing Fold and Sort Shipping QA



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