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Comparaes ConsLanLes

8aseado em
uslng CuallLauve MeLhods ln Lmplrlcal SLudles of
Soware Lnglneerlng. coro/yn 5eomon.
unlverslLy of Maryland 8alumore CounLy.
LSLLAW'2009, So Carlos, 8razll.

ConsLanL Comparlson MeLhod
CuallLauve analysls meLhod
MeanL Lo generaLe grounded Lheory
CperaLes on a seL of eld noLes
8aslc process:
wrlung eld memo
formlng hypoLheses
8epeaLed perlodlcally ln parallel wlLh daLa collecuon
WhaL's a Code?
A label
A concepL
A Loplc
A caLegory
A relauonshlp
A Lheme
WhaL's Codlng?
Cpen codlng - asslgnlng codes Lo pleces of LexLual
Coded chunks" can overlap
Cne chunk can have several codes
Axlal codlng - grouplng, caLegorlzlng, comblnlng
coded chunks
Selecuve codlng - maklng sense of lL
wbots bete? wbot ote tbe pleces?
ldenucauon/dlscovery of concepLs
Classlcauon (labellng of phenomena)
AbsLracuon (Lhls ls parL of LhaL)
Comparauve analysls (Lhls ls dlerenL from LhaL)
CaLegorlzauon (organlzauon, grouplng)
value-neuLral, aL leasL lnlually
complexlLy" noL hlgh complexlLy" or low complexlLy"
Open Coding
reparlng for codlng
8ead Lhe daLa
8ead background maLerlal and research deslgn
CreaLe pre-formed codes, lf appllcable
Codlng by hand
uocumenL markup (colored pens, eLc.)
hoLocopy, sclssors, and envelopes
MS Word commenLs
Codlng Lools - nvlvo, ALlas 1l
Codlng scheme
lte fotmeJ or post fotmeJ codes
ConsLanL lLerauon
SLrucLure develops over ume
Open Coding Process
Cpen Codlng and Cuanucauon
Cne form of codlng
Cb[ecuve ls Lo derlve quanuLauve daLa from quallLauve daLa for fuLure sLausucal
usually lnvolves counung
Pow many sub[ecLs sald.?
Pow many umes dld sub[ecLs use Lhe Lerm .?
Pow many umes dld .?
Cr umlng
Pow long dld sub[ecLs spend dolng.?
Pow long dld lL Lake Lo .?
lnevlLably loses rlchness
Cen seems a llule llke mlsslng Lhe polnL
WhaL's Lhe polnL of collecung rlch daLa when you're [usL golng Lo condense lL down Lo
8uL oen ls an eecuve and necessary way Lo reduce Lhe slze of Lhe daLa
now ote tbloqs teloteJ?
lnlual process of reassembllng
8elauonshlps among caLegorles and codes
SLrucLure (why?)
rocess (how?)
Lxplanauons noL causal predlcuon
Axial Coding
now Joes lt oll ft toqetbet?
Also called sense mak|ng
8elauonshlps among relauonshlps
1heory consLrucuon
1he cenLral caLegory
SLoryllne memos
8ole of llLeraLure
WrlLe, wrlLe, wrlLe!!!
I|e|d Memos
Selective Coding
8esearch Cuesuons
As people oqe, some people coouooe lo qooJ beoltb ooJ wltb o blqb level
of ocuvlty (l.e. welloess) wblle otbets Jo oot. 1bose lo tbe blqbest stote
of welloess ote qeoetolly tefetteJ to os oqloq soccessfolly. 1bose lo tbe
lowest stote of welloess ote tefetteJ to os ftoll. 5occessfol oqloq, wblle oot
yet well JefoeJ, oppeots to bove tbtee compooeots. pbyslcol beoltb, blqb
level of meotol ooJ pbyslcol ocuvlty, ooJ ocuve soclol telouoosblps.
Clveo tbe locteosloq oombets of olJet people ooJ tbe locteosloq costs of
beoltbcote, lt ls lmpottoot tbot beoltb cote ptofessloools soppott olJet
oJolts lo tbelt e[otts to oqe soccessfolly. 5lmllotly, lt ls lmpottoot to
lJeoufy tbe eotllest posslble slqo of ftollty lo otJet tbot ocuoos coo be
tokeo to lmptove welloess. neoltb-teloteJ lofotmouoo coo be oseJ to
obtolo umely ooJ e[ecuve coooselloq, moooqemeot, ooJ/ot Jloqoosls fot
pbyslcol, psycboloqlcol, ooJ soclol lssoes. lo tbls woy soccessfol oqloq moy
be soppotteJ.
1bls teseotcb stoJy wlll ossess Jl[eteot ospects of oqloq wltb tbe qool of
lJeoufyloq tbe beoltb lofotmouoo wltb tbe blqbest poteouol to ptomote
soccessfol oqloq.
8esearch Cuesuons
now ls soccessfol oqloq JesctlbeJ by olJet
oJolts llvloq lo o coouooloq cote teutemeot
commoolty (cckc)?
now Jo olJet oJolts llvloq lo o cckc eoqoqe lo
soccessfol oqloq?
SLep 1
lndlvldually: do open codlng on a chunk of lnLervlew LranscrlpLs.
codinq stort /ist:
hyslcal healLh
MenLal acuvlLy
hyslcal acuvlLy
Soclal relauonshlps
SLep 2
ln palrs:
show each oLher your codlng schemes and your coded chunks and
dlscuss Lhe dlerences.
1ake noLe of how dlerenL or slmllar your schemes and your codlng
1ry Lo merge your codlng schemes lnLo one scheme LhaL you boLh
agree on.
lor nexL class
SLep 0
ln groups:
dene a seL of pre-dened codes.
ulsLrlbuLe Lhe lnLervlews among group
SLep 1
lndlvldually code your lnLervlew
SLep 2
ln groups
show each oLher your codlng schemes
and your coded chunks and dlscuss Lhe
1ake noLe of how dlerenL or slmllar
your schemes and your codlng are.
1ry Lo merge your codlng schemes lnLo
one scheme LhaL you all agree on.
SLep 3
lndlvldually: recode your parL of Lhe
lnLervlew uslng Lhe unled codlng
scheme LhaL resulLed from SLep 2
erform axlal codlng uslng Lhe recoded
SLep 4 (ln class) ln groups:
Show each oLher Lhe axlal codlng
1ry Lo merge Lhe axlal codlng lnLo one
unled seL of caLegorles and
lnLegraLe Lhe ndlngs Lrylng Lo nd a
cenLral caLegory and
draw a plcLure (boxes and llnes or
someLhlng slmple) abouL Lhe
relauonshlps of Lhe cenLral and oLher
and wrlLe a cenLral narrauve LhaL
capLures whaL Lhe daLa says abouL your

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