Reference APA

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Academic Writing Help Centre (AWHC)

APA Style
Introduction: Referencing Academic writing relies heavily on the understanding and the use of other authors ideas. Students must often draw arguments, evidence, concepts and theories from other sources to support their own argumentation. Like all academic writers, they are required to give credit for the information they have used by providing proper references. Anything that is borrowed from another author must be referenced, including, but not limited to: o a direct quotation, summary or paraphrase o another authors idea, concept, theory, chart, image, etc. o information that is not common knowledge

References must provide readers with the information they need to find the sources used. Referencing styles vary according to discipline. Referencing must be done according to the professors requirements.

Quoting, Summarizing and Paraphrasing A paraphrase is a rewording of an authors ideas into ones own words. It demonstrates an understanding of the material and is often used to support ones own arguments. How to do it:

Be selective. Use only what is needed for your own purposes. Use your own style of writing without changingSelect only the sections of the original text that are relevant to your own arguments. Any of the authors key terms must be put in quotation marks or italics.

A summary is a brief account, in ones own words, of what an author says. How to do it: Follow the same order of ideas as the original text. Remain true to the original authors intent. Any of the authors key terms must be put in quotation marks or italics.

A direct quote is when an authors exact words are borrowed. It is used when another author expresses an idea in a way that you feel should not be changed. How to do it:

Reproduce the original text exactly and put it in quotation marks. Any changes to the quote must be placed in [square brackets]. Use direct quotes to reinforce your own ideas, not to introduce or make new arguments. Use quotes sparingly.

APA Style APA style referencing uses parenthetical references (ex: (Garnier, 2004) ) in the body of the paper that refer to an alphabetical Reference List at the end of the paper. Generally, APA style is used in the social sciences. The primary source for determining how to use APA style documentation is the Publication manual of the American

Psychological Association, currently in its 6th ed. (2010).

This document is a basic guide for students. It is not intended to and does not replace the APA

Publication manual. As this referencing style presents specific challenges depending on the source used, referring to the Publication manual is highly recommended for any source not exemplified in the
present document.

2009 ACADEMIC WRITING HELP CENTRE (AWHC), University of Ottawa

In-Text Reference Citations in APA Style

o o

Parenthetical references in the text include the authors surname and the year of publication: (Grove, 2008). Page numbers must be included for any direct quotation: the expectations varied according to the subject studied (Grove, 2008, p. 234). In the case of a paraphrase, the page number is not essential, but can be included to help the reader locate the material. The page number is not necessary for a summary. If page numbers are not available, such as is the case for some electronic documents, the paragraph number should be used instead to help locate the material: (Grove, 2008, para. 4). In publications in which the pagination restarts in every chapter, the chapter number must be included as well: (Grove, 2008, chapter 3, p. 34). In in-text references and in the reference list, when naming multiple authors, an ampersand (&) is used to replace the word and: (Brown & Ruter, 2007). If the name of the author appears in the body of the paper, the word and must be used instead of the ampersand: Brown and Ruter (2007) discuss this improper use of the case study.

Specific examples: o Author named in text: If the authors name is part of the body of the text, it does not need to be included in the parenthetical reference: Bell (2005) noted that it was part of the project. The same goes for the year of publication. In the following example, no parenthetical reference is necessary, as the information appears in the text: In 2005, Bell noted that it was part of the project. o

Multiple authors: Two authors: every citation must include both authors surnames: (Brown & Green, 2004). Between three and five authors: all the authors surnames are mentioned in the first reference citation: (La Fayette,
Dawson, Rutheridge & Stanton, 1999) but in subsequent reference citations, only the first authors surname is used, and is followed by et al. : (La Fayette et al., 1975). Six or more authors: the surname of the first author, followed by et al. is used in every citation: (Jin et al., 2001).

No author:
If there is no author, the item that appears first in the reference list is used. This can be the editor, but usually is the title. As any other reference, the year is also included. If the item is a book, periodical or report title, the first word should be capitalized, and the title should appear in italics: (Violence in schools: Issues, consequences and expressions, 2004). If the item is a web page, chapter or article title, all major words should be capitalized, and the title should appear in quotation marks: (Aggression in Children: Multicultural and Longitudinal Study, 2006).

Indirect sources:
Whenever a source is quoted in another source, it is best to locate and use only the original source. If it cannot be located, use the source you found, and add as cited in at the beginning of the reference. Example for a passage by Smith that was read in an article by Bryce: Smith argues that only fools would believe such a thing (as cited in Bryce, 2006, p.43). The Reference list should include only the source you read (in this case, Bryce).

Two or more works in the same in-text reference:

One citation might refer to two or more studies or to works by different authors. In this case, the two citations should be separated by a semicolon, and arranged alphabetically in the same order as they appear in the Reference List: (Brown & Green, 2004; La Fayette, 2003).

Quotation marks that close a quote come before the parenthetical reference. Commas and periods come after parenthetical references: Quote (Bayer, 2008, p. 4). However, exclamation marks and question marks that end a quote come before the closing quotation mark. In these cases, a comma or a period is required after the parenthetical reference: Quote? (Bayer, 2008, p. 2). Block quotations (quotations of more than 40 words) are indented on the left 0.5 inches, double-spaced, and without quotation marks. The necessary citation information is given outside the punctuation that ends the borrowed material. For example: As Felmlee and Muraco (2009) explain, Later life is apt to be a time during which friendships are particularly relevant. The older stages in life are when many employed men and women are likely to transition to part-time or full-time retirement from prolonged involvement in careers and jobs. (p. 320)

2009 ACADEMIC WRITING HELP CENTRE (AWHC), University of Ottawa

Reference List in APA Style

The bibliographic information is displayed in a format called the Reference List, not Bibliography or Works Cited. The entries are listed in alphabetical order, by the authors surnames. Only the initials of authors first names are used. Multiple works by the same author should be arranged by publication date, starting with the earliest. If the author is a group, the entry should be alphabetized by the first significant word, and the full name should be used (no abbreviations). If there is no author, the title is used. Works are alphabetized according to the first significant word (omit a, an, and the). The entire reference list should be double-spaced. The first line of each entry is not indented, but every line beyond the first of each entry is (hanging indent). Article title or chapter title: only the first word of the title and of any subtitle is capitalized. There should be no italics or quotation marks. Book and report titles: only the first word of the title and of the subtitle should be capitalized. The title should be in italics with no quotation marks. Periodical (journals, newsletters, magazines) titles: All major words in titles should be capitalized, and titles should also be italicized with no quotation marks. Place of publication: For locations within Canada and the United States, the name of the city should be followed by a comma and the standard province or state abbreviation. For locations outside Canada and the United states, the city name should be followed by a comma and the country name.

Book (Non-periodical) bibliographic entry: Author . (year) . Book title . Place of publication : Publisher . Bell, J. (2005). Doing your research project: A guide for first-time researchers in education, health and social science. New York, NY: Open University Press. In-text: (Bell, 2005) include page number if direct quotation.

Chapter or part of a book bibliographic entry: Chapter Chapter Book editor Book (page Place of Author . (year) . title . In (Ed. Or Eds.) , title range) . publication : Publisher . Inman, J. A., & Sewell, D. N. (2003). Mentoring in electronic spaces: Using resources to sustain relationships. In M. A. Pemberton & J. Kinkead (Eds.), The centre will hold: Critical perspectives on writing center scholarship (pp. 177-189). Logan, UT: Utah State University Press. In-text: (Inman & Sewell, 2003) include page number if direct quotation. Article in a periodical bibliographic entry: Author . (year) . Article title . Periodical Title Budd, L. J. (2004). On to the centennial. American Literature, 76(4), 653-663. In-text: (Budd, 2004) include page number if direct quotation.


Page range

Newspaper article bibliographic entry: Author . (year, month day) . Article title . Newspaper Name , Section and page(s) Klein, M. (2001, April 23). Police investigate third murder this year. The Ottawa Citizen, pp. A1, A3. In-text: (Klein, 2001).

Motion picture bibliographic entry: Producer Director Motion [Motion Country name . (Producer) , & name . (Director) . (year) . picture title picture] . of Origin : Studio Rudin, S. (Producer), & Nichols, M. (Director). (1991). Regarding Henry [Motion picture]. United States: Paramount Pictures. In-text: (Rudin & Nichols, 1991).

2009 ACADEMIC WRITING HELP CENTRE (AWHC), University of Ottawa

Note on electronic documents: In its most recent edition, the APA Publication Manual changed its guidelines for referencing electronic documents. It now recommends the inclusion of a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) in the reference list whenever possible. This choice is justified by the fluidity of online material, and the difficulties in retrieving electronic information with the use of URLs which often lead to broken links or pages that are no longer existent. DOIs facilitate the retrieval of electronic information by providing an alphanumeric string assigned by a registration agency (the International DOI Foundation) to identify content and provide a persistent link to its location on the Internet (APA , 2010, p. 189). DOIs are usually displayed prominently on the first page of scientific articles found online, and are sometimes provided for websites or online books or magazines as well (read more about finding and using DOIs in the APA Publication manual). If no DOI is available, the URL for the home page of the material should be provided instead. If the URL is used, not retrieval date is necessary, except if the content of the page is subject to frequent changes. Article in an online periodical with DOI Bibliographic information: Author . (year) . Article title . Periodical Title , Volume(issue) , page range . doi : xx.xxxxxxx Colton, M. (1989). Attitudes of special foster parents and residential staff towards children. Children & Society, 3(1), 3-18. doi: 10.1111/j.1099-0860.1989.tb00565.x In-text: (Colton, 1989) include page number if direct quotation.

Article in an online periodical without a DOI Bibliographic information: Author . (year) . Article title . Periodical title , Volume(issue)

page range

Retrieved from


Osberg, L. (2005). Work and well-being in an aging society. Canadian Public Policy, 31(4), 413-420. Retrieved from http://economics .ca/cpp/en/ In-text: (Osberg, 2005) include page number if direct quotation.

Online newspaper article Bibliographic information: Author . (year, month day) . Article title . Newspaper name . URL Klein, M. (2001, April 23). Police investigate third murder this year. The Ottawa Citizen. Retrieved from In-text: (Klein, 2001).

Article on Web site (no date) Bibliographic information: Author . (n.d.) . Article title . Retrieved Month day, year , from Joyce, A. S. (n.d.). Research letter: Canadian Group Psychotherapy Association. Retrieved October 26, 2009, from In-text: (Joyce, n.d.)


References & Resources American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. The primary reference for APA style. The sixth edition manual contains valuable information on structure, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and referencing, including new guidelines on how to properly reference electronic material. American Psychological Association. (2009). Mastering APA style: Instructors resource guide (6th edition). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

This complement to the Publication manual is intended as a guide for students and instructors who wish to apply the APA style to academic papers and reports. It includes several exercises and quizzes to challenge readers mastery of APA style guidelines.

2009 ACADEMIC WRITING HELP CENTRE (AWHC), University of Ottawa

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