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BIBLE HIGHLIGHTS (Ephesians 1-6) What if there came a time when we had to be imprisoned ?

We may wonder, how can I encourage those who are studying the Bible with me ? In some similar sense, this was the situation faced by the apostle Paul. ROME 60-61 CE IMPRISONED.had some freedom..wrote to the congregation in Ephesus Tychicusaccompanied by Onesimus

Is there any question that Paul had actually written this inspired letter? Si pg220 par 2,3

Background Ephesus- noted for its sorcery, magic, astrology, and worship of the fertility goddess Artemis The silversmiths of Ephesus carried on a lucrative business selling small silver shrines of Artemis to pilgrims as souvenirs. Paul exposed the use of images in worship. This stirred up the wrath of those making and selling them, such as the silversmith Demetrius, and in the uproar Paul finally had to leave the city.

Purpose of letter Paul is thinking of the problems faced by the Ephesian congregation, surrounded by pagan worshipers and in the shadow of the awe-inspiring temple of Artemis. These anointed Christians no doubt needed the fitting illustration Paul now gives them, showing that they constitute a holy temple, in which Jehovah dwells by his spirit. (Eph. 2:21) The sacred secret being revealed to the Ephesians, concerning Gods administration (his way of managing his household affairs) by which he would restore unity and peace through Jesus Christ, was unquestionably a great inspiration and comfort to them. (1:9, 10) Paul emphasizes the union of Jew and Gentile in Christ. He exhorts to oneness, to unity. Thus, we can now appreciate the purpose, value, and obvious inspiration of this book

Pauls sound, practical advice is of real benefit to those who desire to live godly lives. How should children conduct themselves toward parents, and parents toward children? What are the responsibilities of a husband toward his wife, and of a wife toward her husband? What must the individuals in the congregation do in order to maintain unity in love and Christian purity in the midst of a wicked world? Pauls counsel covers all these questions, and he goes on to show what is involved in putting on the new Christian personality. Through the study of Ephesians, all will be able to gain real appreciation for the kind of personality that is pleasing to God and that is created according to Gods will in true righteousness and loyalty.4:24-32; 6:1-4; 5:3-5, 15-20, 22-33.

To be covered in 4 minutes (shorten if necessary)

David King

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