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Catholics offer their lives in the Eucharist

People share in the mission of Jesus the priest by joining him in offering their lives to God the Father in the Eucharist. The special prayer of offering in any Mass occurs after the consecration. For instance, when the Second Eucharistic Prayer is used, the priest prays on behalf of the people: In memory of his death and resurrection, we offer you, Father, this life-giving bread, this saving cup. We thank you for counting us worthy to stand in your presence and serve you. May all of us who share in the body and blood of Christ be brought together in unity by the Holy Spirit. (Roman Missal)

Jesus calls all present during Mass to offer their lives, together with his, to God the Father. This includes their prayers, works, joys, hardships, sufferings, difficulties, temptations and successes. Because of the suffering of Jesus, the Mass is the greatest of all the prayers people can offer to God. Jesus also joins the prayers of those who offer their lives with him to his prayer. This includes the needs they pray for during the Mass their own needs and the needs of others. The power of the Resurrection of Jesus is greater than death. It is stronger than any human weakness. Jesus shares this power with all who offer their lives in the Eucharist. This power: consoles where there is suffering strengthens against temptations and weaknesses empowers efforts in areas of daily life guides through personal problems and questions. When people who participate in the Eucharist pray for family members, friends, those with needs, Church members and many others this power helps them. Baptised people share in the mission of Jesus as priest in an especially powerful way each time they offer their lives as Jesus does to God the Father in the Eucharist.

Where in your life at present is there a need for consolation, strength, empowerment or guidance? Write a letter to God the Father asking for what is needed. Write the letter as though it were to be given to Jesus to personally support your request.



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Christians have a vocation to share in the mission of Jesus as prophet

The Christian vocation is to speak on behalf of the poor and the powerless who have no one to speak for them. Jesus taught what it is to speak on behalf of the poor and powerless and to be a prophet. Prophets of the Old Testament were called to proclaim the word or teaching of God and to speak in Gods name to others. This work also involved criticising and calling others to work to change what was bad or evil in their society, challenging whatever in society is contrary to Gods law. Prophets were people called by God and St. John the Baptist and the Pharisees, illustration for The Life of Christ, c.188696 they were continually strengthened by (gouache on paperboard) by Tissot, James Jacques Joseph (18361902) God as long as they continued to fulfil Gods mission. The prophets acted out of their deep commitment to God. They spoke out when they saw that people were not living as God wanted. It was often difficult to be a prophet who was like a conscience for society, challenging the way people lived and the injustices they saw around them.

For your information

John the Baptist was a prophet. He admonished people to straighten out their lives in preparation for the one who was to come. Lukes Gospel records John telling tax collectors to be honest and warning soldiers not to intimidate people or use extortion to get extra money (Luke 3: 1014). John upset Herod Antipas when he criticised the kings relationship with his brothers wife. Like many prophets before him, John was silenced, first by being imprisoned, then by being killed (Mark 6:1729).

Jesus challenged social trends and practices that conflicted with the teachings and commandments of God. This led him to be rejected, ridiculed and eventually killed. During Jesus ministry many people recognised him as a prophet (Matthew 21:11; Luke 24:19).



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Christians can share in Christ s mission as prophet today by helping others to understand what the Kingdom of God is all about.
Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom of God, and taught much about it. He also demonstrated its power through actions. Jesus always pointed to a future beyond suffering and death (Mark 10:3334). He taught about his own Resurrection. He taught his followers about heaven, hell and their own future resurrection from the dead. Christians share in the prophetic role of Jesus through the various works they do which teach others that he is the source of the Kingdom of God whose power they can draw on by: repenting and resolving to change all wrongdoing in their lives believing in all that Jesus taught. Christians can share in Christs mission as prophet today by helping others to understand what the Kingdom of God is all about. They try to help people to see what the power of Gods transforming love can offer them in their daily lives particularly how it offers hope and strength to build a society of justice, love and peace in preparation for the new heaven and new earth to be finally realised when Jesus comes again. Christians share in Christs prophetic role by sharing the good news of the Gospel and encouraging everyone in society to live as Jesus taught, helping them to see ways in which they are not living according to Christs law of love.



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Christians have a vocation to share in the mission of Jesus as king

The Christian vocation is to exercise stewardship over all creation as Jesus did when he fulfilled his mission as king. Old Testament kings were meant to be servants of God who was the real king of Israel. This was their calling and their work. Perhaps the best remembered kings are Saul, David and Solomon. Jesus mission as king was to establish the rule (or reign) of God in the world. He came to promote a society that reflected God and the values of God. This would be a society of love, goodness, faithfulness, forgiveness and care for those with special needs. One way that Jesus exercised his mission as king differently from other kings was through his service rather than his dominance of others. He told his Apostles: ... the Son of man came not to be served but to serve ... (Matthew 20:28)

During the Last Supper, Jesus showed his Apostles that service meant serving even those regarded by others as the lowliest people in society. He did so by washing his Apostles feet. At that time this was the task of a slave, not a teacher. (John 13:216). Jesus also taught that his followers would serve him whenever they served the hungry and others in need (Matthew 25:3540 and 4245). Baptised people share in the mission of Jesus as king by growing in inner freedom, promoting Gods goodness and love and promoting respect for creation.

Christ Washing the Feet of the Disciples (oil on canvas) (detail of 69587) by Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti (151894)

As king, Jesus sought to promote the rule of God in the world the rule of love and goodness that destroys evil. To share in this mission of Jesus, Christians need to begin with themselves. They need to repent (Mark 1:15) and draw on Gods power in their lives by praying daily, worshipping in the liturgical assembly (especially through the Eucharist) and living every day as Jesus taught.



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Promoting Gods love and goodness in society

Christians promote Gods kingdom in society, as Jesus did, by promoting love and goodness in every way that they can. The value of justice is particularly important. This value brings peace, which Christians are called to promote at every level in families, among friends, between neighbours and different groups in society, as well as among nations. Justice includes social justice the recognition of the equal dignity and rights of every human being and the promoting of just distribution of the earths resources.

Promoting respect for creation

Sharing Christs mission as king also means encouraging proper respect for the environment, other creatures and the use of the earths resources. The earth is to be preserved for future generations.

Imagine what it would be like if everyone today cooperated with God in discovering their vocation in life. Imagine how the lives of people would be different if everyone shared in the mission of Jesus as: priest by living and working as he did offering every moment of their lives to God joining with Jesus in offering their lives in the Eucharist prophet by speaking up and acting on behalf of the poor and oppressed in society thus building Gods Kingdom here on earth king by promoting Gods rule of love and goodness that destroys evil in the world bringing order and harmony to Gods creation How would the world be a different place if all people worked at their basic Christian vocation and truly shared in Christs mission of priest, prophet and king?



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The Christian promise is brought closer to fulfilment when people cooperate with God who calls them to their vocations

In Class Work
You are working for an advertising firm contracted to supply posters for large, road-side billboards. Design a poster that has one of the following themes: Todays Christian youth called to share in Jesus priestly mission In every age, Christians are called to share in Jesus prophetic mission Being Christian means sharing in Jesus mission to build the Kingdom of God in the world. Choose a title and include a short, snappy mission statement . This statement will seek to express, clearly and concisely, what it means to be a young Christian who shares in Jesus mission as priest or prophet or king in todays society. The poster should include at least three practical examples of how this mission can be practised in everyday life. This might be expressed most effectively with illustrations or short phrases.

The Christian promise is brought closer to fulfilment when people cooperate with God who calls them to their vocations
Christians work by contributing to Gods creative activity today, just as Jesus did. As they do so, they experience greater fulfilment as they find answers to the general human heart question, What is the meaning and purpose of my life?



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