How To Hunt Your Dragon

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The dragon soared through the night air with an ease that belied its size.

At just over forty feet from head to haunches, it was the largest of its brood not to mention the last surviving member of that brood, having devoured his brother before either learned how to fly. He had yet to challenge his father, but that day would come soon. He just needed to eat more, become stronger, and then... he would become the strongest. And tonight, he hungered mightily. It had been nearly a fortnight since his last proper meal. This particular region had too many predators in it; several dragon's lairs were scattered around the countryside, and he had yet to eliminate more than one of them. A gryphon occasionally plundered his territory as well that one's days would soon come to an end, inside his belly. But not tonight. Blood red wings unfurled mightily to either side, stretching over a hundred feet from tip to tip, as he soared higher, sweeping his glowing yellow gaze from side to side. The one farm on his territory had locked up tight after he had managed to sneak one of the children through its own window, though that had been long ago, when he was much smaller himself. That had been a meal that he relished for a long time to come; feeling its small, helpless body slide down his throat while he still had his head on the child's bed, only withdrawing an instant before the enraged father burst through the interior door. He had already been airborne while its still struggled in his belly, giving him many pleasant sensations for a good while he swallowed air to help keep it alive and squirming for as long as he could, before it finally succumbed to his powerful stomach acids. The red dragon gave himself a little shake as he realized he'd been reminiscing too much, instead of actively looking for prey. Thus, the sight which greeted him as he crested a large hill nearly caused him to crash in surprise. Down below himself, a huge wolf was walking along, out in the open, moving cross-country rather than sticking to the roads. It walked upright, on its hind legs, like a werewolf, but the dragon could discern no magic powering its body at all. Or anything else, for that matter it was clad in nothing but the sky. Being that it was covered with fur, the dragon supposed that actually made sense, but the way it walked with such confidence did not. The dragon circled once overhead, then a second time, as it quickly settled on a plan of attack. It could still be a spellcaster, and while he preferred to terrorize his prey, he also preferred to not have to deal with that. Best to stun it, then devour it quickly before it could recover. Deep red wings curled in against its body as the dragon banked, then dove down rapidly.

The massive wolf paused on the top of the small hill it had been cresting, looking around briefly. Perhaps it had heard his descent, but this contest was already over before it started. The dragon licked over its lips in anticipation, eyes narrowed in focus, and in just a few seconds it *SLAMMED* into the earth behind the wolf, and in the same instant, brought its foreleg down on the beast in another smash, flattening it to the ground. Seizing the initiative, the dragon lunged its head down to take and devour his prey*

**WHUNGH** The dragon reeled and stumbled, unable to focus after taking a hit
to the face even harder than his own father had ever struck him. The ground trembled as he struggled to keep upright, stumbling around a few steps in random directions. What by the gods just...? Took you long enough to take the bait, said the wolf. Was it a female? The dragon couldn't tell; it had no scent, and wasn't shaped like humans would be. It sounded female. Why did that even matter? I was trying to get your attention for half the night. That got his attention right now. Taking the bait? Him, a red dragon, mightiest of his brood and owner of these lands? Taking the bait?! Then you shall have my attention! he growled, before unleashing a blast of flame-*


The hammer blow to the side of his head staggered him, and

brought him down as his head bounced back off of the ground. ...did he just get hit by a shewolf? Was that even possible? Did that question make any sense? Sensing the danger he was in, despite it being so incredibly absurd, he spread his wings as he tried to get back to his feet. The wolf promptly lunged at him, easily catching him in a hug about his neck by the gods, how can such a thing be so heavy? Then the wolf did something that was flat out impossible: it bit him. It bit into him. He let out a bellowing roar as the fierce pinch slipped easily through the armored scales covering his neck, followed by a lance of burning pain that spread quickly... and then began to gradually become numb. ...what? the dragon slurred, trying to focus its eyes on its prey. I can't fly, said the demon-wolf in response, So I had to make sure you couldn't either. Her tone was so... conversational. How could this possibly be happening? He should be feeling her dying struggles inside his belly! He swung his head around to try to catch her in his jaws, and was casually backhanded for his trouble. At least that one was a lot less painful. In fact, everything was becoming a lot less painful. You're kind of small, but you'll do. What was she even talking about? That made no sense!

The dragon groaned as the demon wolf reached up to grab it by the neck, and then simply hauled him down onto his side. He hit the ground with a mild rumbling tremor, and his head hit the ground shortly after. He tried to lift it up, but it hurt too much to do so, and he was weary from hunger. And from getting the fire beaten out of him by some kind of wolf-thing that shouldn't even exis-* The dragon let out a bellowing scream that echoed off of the hills around them, as incredible pain lanced through his belly. The wolf had simply ripped off some of his scales, and then opened up his belly with a single swipe of claws. Hot blood gushed out over her arms and legs as she knelt before him, though she seemed to be entirely unfazed by this. In fact, her eyes widened slightly as she looked over the few organs that came slithering out of the wound. She pushed aside a few, and reached further inside of him for... something, which she extracted with one hand, and promptly began to eat it. Her tail was wagging a bit behind her. She was eating him! Alive! HIM! A dragon! The idea was so absurd he didn't know whether to laugh, or to scream. He tried to do... something... but could not. He was getting tired very quickly. Blood loss. Or maybe it was the organ loss. The demon wolf finished eating whatever it was that she had gone for first, and proceeded to devour his intestine by shoving it into her mouth and swallowing rapidly. He managed to give a weak chuff. How... You dragons are far from the most powerful predators on this planet. For now, anyway. ...that still made no sense. She was talking nonsense to him. She was killing him, eating him alive, and talking nonsense to him, all at the same time. She devoured a few more organs, then looked over at him. By the way, do you have any family in the area? The dragon tried to tell her to go jump into the Abyss, but was too tired to struggle anymore. He wanted nothing more than to sleep. My father... he slurred drunkenly. Lair... several leagues... to... south... The demon-thing gave him a warm smile, while still covered in his own blood. Thank you! she chirped happily. You won't be needing this anymore, she added, before reaching up into his mouth to seize his tongue. He barely felt the pain as she pulled... tugged... he could actually feel the roots of his tongue letting go, and she was soon pulling it right out of his mouth and throat. His tongue! He made some kind of sound, but had no idea what it was. Mmmmhhh, the demonic wolf thing growled in obvious pleasure, as she ate his tongue before his eyes. There is nothing in the world better than fresh dragon tongue, she commented conversationally. Wouldn't you agree? The dragon could barely keep his eyes open anymore. He just wanted this to all end. Everything. Everyone. End.

He could barely even feel it as the creature made a long incision over his chest scales with her claw (how is that even possible?) and slipped her fingers into it. A long, slow, thundering rumble ensued as she slowly opened up his chest cavity. Her glowing golden eyes lit up as she spotted her prize. Ahhh, here we go. I've always liked to start with dessert first, don't you? she said as she took hold of his heart in both hands. It was still struggling weakly to keep him alive; but not for much longer. He closed his eyes entirely as she bit into it, devouring it while it was still connected to him. The muscle seized up, and then went limp. The last sounds he heard as he lay dying, was the sound of the wolf devouring the rest of his heart, right there in front of him. The dragon would probably not be very comforted to know that the she-wolf would spend the entire night eating him, and let absolutely nothing go to waste. Not even his scales, or even his bones. She seemed to particularly relish his brain (Not really a very deep thinker, were you?), and his genitals (Well, weren't you the virile little thing.) As the sun crested over the nearby mountains, she finally finished eating the last of his talons. She gave a long, rumbling belch, then stretched her long arms to the sides before suddenly vanishing in a blur of movement, shaking all of the dragon's blood off of her fur and sending it flying in a red mist that surrounded her. Clean once more, she patted her belly in satisfaction, then turned towards the south and started jogging. She had a long trip to take, and topping off her reserves sounded like just the thing. Hopefully the father would give her a better challenge. It certainly wouldn't be the first entire family that ended up in her gut together. Nor the last...

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