Hypnotherapy & PLR Therapy

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Hypnotherapy has been proved to be very successful in cases of enhancing performance, will-power & confidence as well as in treating depression, anxiety, habits, fears, phobias & obsessions. Dictionary meaning of hypnosis is A state that resembles sleep but that is induced by suggestion. This definition clearly point out that hypnosis is not sleep but it resembles to that. Secondly, it clearly states that this state is induced by suggestions not by any mantra or power of hypnotist. Hypnosis is also considered as an altered state of awareness. Four states of awareness have been delineated on the basis of brain wave frequencies measured by EEG. The Beta Wave, The Alpha Wave, The Theta Wave, and The Delta Wave (.05-4 cps): Hypnosis has been shown to span the alpha to alpha-theta to theta brain-wave states. Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility. Suggestibility is an openness to the suggestions. A person may be more or less open to suggestions. The more open a person is to suggestions; the more susceptible he is to hypnosis. Feeling of warmth, coolness, visualization, rigidity, lightness, levitation, forgetting in response to suggestions are the instances of suggestibility. Hypnosis is a state of heightened focal concentration. Under hypnosis, a person tends to get absorbed in the object of awareness. Hypnosis is a state of attentive, receptive concentration with a relative suspension of peripheral awareness (Spiegel and Maldonado, 1999; P. 1244).


Hypnosis and pastlife regression have become quite popular especially after wide media coverage. These procedures elicit natural curiosity in large segment of population. It is observed that common people have one or the other myths regarding hypnosis; some of them are enumerated below: 1. Hypnosis is sleep: The term hypnosis is derived from the Hypnos (Sleep). Therefore, some people think that hypnosis is a form of sleep. This is a myth. If a person tries to talk under sleep; his sleep would get terminated. Sleep and communication can not be done simultaneously. Whereas, when a person is under hypnosis, even lengthy communication can be done with him without termination of hypnotic trance. 2. There is total loss of awareness in hypnosis: The total loss of awareness is observed in coma and generalized anaesthesia. A person who is comatose or under the influence of anaesthesia, can not know what is happening to him

and in his surroundings. You can not talk to a person in such a state. Whereas in hypnosis; a part of awareness remain active. A hypnotized person remains partially aware of himself and his surroundings. This at times, causes a misconception in a subject that since he was aware of the surroundings; he was not hypnotized. Retention of awareness is not the criteria to determine the trance state. 3. Hypnotic mind control: Some people may think that through hypnosis, a hypnotist can take control of ones mind and get immoral or criminal acts done or he may become slave of the hypnotist. This is not true. Under hypnosis, a person can not be made to break his moral code. The suggestions of the hypnotists are acceptable to the extent they are permitted by the moral code of the individual. Since a part of awareness remain active under hypnosis; all suggestions are evaluated by this aware part of the mind and allowed to accept only when they are in congruence to the moral code. 4. Fail to exit: A few persons remain afraid of being hypnotized because they think that they can get stuck in hypnosis infinitely. It is not possible because hypnosis is a psycho-physiological state achieved by psychological procedures. If a person in deep hypnosis is left alone; he would either pass

into natural sleep and come out of it or directly exit the hypnotic state. The idea of getting stuck is simply baseless. 5. Being hypnotized is an indication of weak mind: A mentally challenged person, a brain damaged individual or a person with chronic schizophrenia may be considered as the person of weak mind. It is difficult and often impossible to hypnotize persons with such a condition. Hypnosis is best accomplished in persons of average or above average intellectual functions. 6. Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy is the same thing: Hypnotic trance is a state of awareness just like a waking state or a sleep state. Passing into sleep and awakening does not involve any therapy. Similarly, getting into hypnotic trance and coming out of it does not involve any therapy. Hypnotic trace provides a special platform under which psychotherapeutic work is conducted. So, hypnotherapy is hypnosis plus therapeutic utilization of hypnotic trance. 7. Hypnotherapy can cure any illness: No therapy on the earth can cure all the illness. Hypnotherapy can be used for a variety of psychological and psychosomatic conditions. But it can not cure all illness, for example, AIDS, cancer, disabilities, schizophrenia and neurological impairment. 8. Deep hypnotic trance is necessary for positive effects: Counselling can be effectively conducted even in waking state. The deepest level of trance is required for surgical procedures where the goal is to induce anaesthesia. Hence deep trance is not necessary for positive effects. 9. Formal hypnotic induction is essential for pastlife regression: Past life regression can be experienced without any formal hypnotic induction and this manual is specially designed for experiencing non-hypnotic pastlife regression through an innovative and most advanced procedures. 10. Sadhna is required to acquire power of hypnotizing others: You can find some literature which advise you that if you do some sort of sadhna like

tratak you would be able to acquire the power of hypnosis. It is a myth. No sadhna is required. The hypnotic trance can be achieved by using well defined procedures; which is also available in self-hypnosis audios. 11. One can vomit dark secrets of ones life under hypnosis: A person in hypnotic trance remain partially aware of his mental state and the surroundings. Whatever is asked from him in this state; it gets filtered from this partial awareness. There are subjects who withheld solicited information during hypnotic trance but later on voluntarily shared such information. 12. The power of hypnotizing rests with the competence of a hypnotist: Many people think that it is the power of hypnotist which hypnotize others. It is a myth. Whether a person would enter a hypnotic trance; depends upon subjects own hypnotic susceptibility. There are individual differences in hypnotic susceptibility. Some persons enter lighter state, others medium and a few deeper level of trance. Hypnotic susceptibility is a characteristic of the subjects which determine whether a person would be able to enter hypnosis and the depth of it. If a hypnotist hypnotizes 100 persons; you would find that some persons went into deeper levels; some in lighter state and majority in a medium trance state. Hypnotist is the same; giving the same instructions but there are variations in response of the subjects; and these variations are the result of subjects own suggestibility not the power of hypnosis. 13. A person in a deep trance state reveal true events: Trance depth is associated with vividness of imagination which may convince a subject or a hypnotist about the reality of the experience. One should remain alert while handling a deep trance state; that because of increased suggestibility at this level, a subject may pick up contextual cues and integrate with the on-going experience. A demonstration was conducted for this phenomenon. A person while narrating a scene of forest; scent was sprayed over his shirt; he immediately began narrating that there were beautiful flowers and the forest was full of fragrance.


Pastlife regression is a recent development in hypnosis based healing procedure for a variety of emotional, psychological, interpersonal problems A client is guided to pastlife journey under deep relaxation or hypnosis. Many innovative procedures have also been developed to quickly access previous lives. Specific and advanced procedures such as life between life regression and future life progressions have also been developed. There are audio programs which also helps access one' previous lives. Dr. Brian Weiss had a young lady with multiple psychiatric problems like anxiety, phobia, depression and many other symptoms. She refused to take medicines because of fears. The traditional psychotherapy of more than one year did not result in any improvement. Dr. Weiss resorted to trance based intervention. In this state he passed some instructions to her for which she responded by slipping back 4000 years back in an ancient life. She relived the experiences and circumstances of death causally related to her suffering in the current life. She showed instant and

dramatic improvement and attained symptom free status only with this intervention. (Read books of Brian Weiss."Many Lives, Many Masters" is International Bestseller) Q1. How does Past-Life-Regression help me to overcome the problems being faced by me at present? A1. We are the sum total of all the experiences of all our past lives. The effects of your past actions will be felt by you in your present. Almost all of the problems being faced now (health problems, psychosomatic diseases, relationship issues, recurring negative patterns in life situations, lack of clarity about the purpose of your life, stagnation in spiritual growth etc.) have their root causes in past lives. Past-Life-Regression works on the principle of cause and effect and helps removes the effects by addressing the root causes. By going to a root cause and understanding how it has affected the present, profound natural healing takes place automatically. Past-Life-Regression works simultaneously on Body, Mind, Intellect, and Spirit and heals at all levels. Q2. Is Past-Life-Regression a form of Hypnotism? A2. Past-Life-Regression is not a form of Hypnotism. Though it is commonly believed that PastLife-Regression is achieved only through hypnosis, hypnosis is just one of the many techniques of Past-Life-Regression. The techniques are as follows: Hypnosis Non-Hypnotic Techniques Bridge techniques - Affect bridge technique - Somatic bridge technique - Linguistic bridge technique - Visual bridge technique Spontaneous recall Dreams Meditation The techniques used for Past-Life-Regression for a particular individual are those that are best suited to that individual. Q3. If the person regressed sees something traumatic or unpleasant; will it not have a negative impact? A3. There is an old saying - "To relive is to relieve". Once a traumatic or unpleasant situation is relived during the regression, it results in greater understanding at deeper levels of the psyche. In fact, it is trauma that is buried deep inside our subconscious that is the cause of many unexplainable problems faced in this lifetime. Therefore, once the buried trauma is brought to the conscious awareness through regression, the problems start mitigating automatically and naturally. Q4. Is it possible that a person undergoing Past-Life-Regression gets stuck in the trance state and cannot come back to normal waking consciousness? A4. A person undergoing Past-Life-Regression always comes back to normal waking consciousness however deep the trance is. This is in much the same way as a person having a dream always wakes up! Past-Life-Regression is an altered state of consciousness similar to a

dream state wherein hitherto inaccessible memories are accessed. Q5. If we really had past-lives, would we not remember them automatically? A5. In reality there are many an occasion when we 'remember' our past lives. At times, these remembrances occur spontaneously. On many other occasions, certain external events or stimulus can act as a trigger and the memory of our past life/lives surfaces. This could happen for instance: a)When you meet someone for the first time but you get the uncanny feeling that you know that person extremely well. b)While visiting a foreign country for the first time and knowing where a building or road is. c) When you are in a situation and get a feeling that you have been in exactly the same situation in the past though you have no evidence of such a situation in this lifetime. d)When you meet a person for the first time and have an immediate feeling of lack of trust for the person. e)When you meet a person for the first time and you get the feeling of immense love for and emotional attachment to that person (this is commonly known as love at first sight). f)When as child you used to have (you may still have them) memories of having lived in a different place in a different family and in different life circumstances. The narration of such experiences usually fell on deaf ears and you were gradually conditioned to believe that those past-life experiences and memories of those past-life experiences were not valid. There are many other ways in which situations in this lifetime trigger our past-life memories. Most of us, however, are conditioned to ignore those subtle intuitive messages. Q6. If I undergo a Past-Life-regression Session and experience one or more past-lives, will I be able to remember the experience after the session is over? A6. Yes. However, the clarity with which you remember may vary from person to person and session to session. The experience becomes a part of you and sometimes, more memories are triggered after the session resulting in spontaneous recall of past lives. Q7. How many sessions do I need to take? A7. We recommend three sessions for adequate level of clarity to be achieved. However, this is not a hard and fast rule and the actual number of sessions required varies based on the complexity of the issues to be resolved. We normally review the situation after the first session. If the response is good, then we go ahead with the second and third sessions on consecutive days (only one session can be given per day). If not, a gap of at least one month is given after which sessions can be taken again. During this period, you will be required to practice meditation, which helps to open you up and clear the blocks that might be preventing you from experiencing your past lives. Q8. Is there any age limit for a person to undergo Past-Life-Regression? A8. There is no rigid age limit. However we prefer that children are at least 12 years old. It is important to be able to hear the therapist clearly, follow instructions and explain what you are experiencing. Q9. I do not have any specific problem. However, I am curious to know my past-lives. Is it still all right to undergo Past-Life-Regression?

A9. Curiosity is as good a reason any other! However, in our experience, we have observed that many people who come to us thinking initially that have no issues actually realize that they do have significant issues to be resolved. Past-Life-Regression helps to resolve such issues and gain clarity about the purpose of your life. Q10. My child is a spastic. How will I be able to find out the root cause through past life regression? A10. It may not be possible to regress the child. However, it would be immensely beneficial if one or both of the parents undergo past-life-regression. This would provide a lot of clarity and understanding about why the child has chosen the disability in this life and also why, as parents, you have chosen to this particular life-situation. Q1. Whether there are occurrences of true Pastlives in Pastlife Regression. Ans: The studies on reincarnation have already demonstrated 'reincarnation hypothesis' as plausible one. A few researches on the verification of the 'life' accessed through these procedure have found existence of 'previous' personalities recalled by the clients. The scientific researches are still going on to explore the 'truth' in previous life. Until conclusive evidence are available one can not claim of reincarnation hypothesis in this procedure. Q2. Whether the procedure is applicable only on the persons who believe in reincarnation. Ans. No! Pastlife Regression can be applied on any suitable subject irrespective of her belief system, religious background, caste, and creed. Q3. Whether a client reports only previous human forms or animal existence also

emerges. Ans. Most of the clients report human forms. The reporting of animal forms is also not uncommon. Clients do report previous animal existences like tiger, cat, fish, snake and so on. Q4. If animal forms also emerges then how and in what language the experiences are reported ? Ans. The experiences are reported in current language (s) only. The experiences in all the forms whether human or animal are registered through sensory system which are later expressed in one's language. For registration of experiences, no language is necessary. Q5. Whether a person reports the same geographic region, gender and other attributes as are in current existence ? Ans. Not at all! A person may report his previous existence in a foreign land, of an opposite gender, different religion and caste. Q6. What if a person stays back in previous existence and does not come back ? Ans. Impossible! A person is not physically transported in previous time. This procedure is not a time machine. The person stays in the current time and does not loose connection with his current environment. Q7. If a Hindi speaking person narrates his previous existence in France, what is his language of expression in the session. Whether he can speak the language of previous existence ?

Ans. One reports in one's current language not in the language of previous existence. However, a few persons may also demonstrate xenoglossy. Q8. What evidences do you have to establish that these are true pastlives ? Ans. Evidences are awaited. Q9. If these are not true pastlives, then what is the utility ? Ans. This procedure is expected to enhance one's understanding of various psychological and interpersonal functioning.

Q10. Suppose these are true previous lives, then what is the utility of knowing them ? Ans. The procedure is applied to promote healing and self-development. Q11. If the existence of previous lives is still controversial, then why it is given the name of Pastlife Regression ? Ans. Very simple. The subjects narrate the content and context in such a manner which appear to be previous lives. Q13. What are its side effects ? Ans. Some clients have reported temporary interferences in memory, increased irritability, aggression and fears. Q14. On what premise Pastlife Regression works? Ans. It is well accepted that early traumas in current life may produce emotional problems in later life. Pastlife regression is a downward extension of the concept. That is, not only the traumatic events of one's current life but also that of 'previous' existence can produce psychological problems in current life. The effective remedy is to trace and resolve the root trauma. Q15. In India quite large segment of the population believes in continuity of life after disembodiment, still the procedure is not so popular. Ans. Only a few professionals are practicing Pastlife Regression in this country. However, it is steadily becoming familiar in India too. Q17. Can everyone undergo to Pastlife Regression session ? Ans. It is not recommend as a pleasure trip to one's past. Being a form of healing procedure it is useful only If one has any emotional, interpersonal problem; after recommendation from a medical specialist. Q18. Is there any failure in attaining deep relaxation and subsequent procedure ? Ans. The ability to attain deep relaxation is determined by a number of factors. Every one can not attain the required level of depth in relaxation necessary for Pastlife

regression. However, one may wish to continue to expose oneself to the procedure, as with repeated efforts, some persons attain sufficient depth. Q19. Suppose, there are true previous existence as narrated by the clients, there must be a period between lives. What about that? Ans. If there are true previous existences, there could be existences in some forms in between physical lives also. In fact, some clients do report that too and may gain deep insight. Q20. What is the mode of manifestation of so called 'previous' lives to a person? Ans. The clients experiences the events and see as mental movies, slides, images, thoughts, feelings and sensations. Q21. What if researches failed to establish the validity of previous lives ?

Ans. No problem! It would be welcome and accepted as such. The applications of the Pastlife regression would continue to grow as its positive effects are independent of the validity and belief in the concept of reincarnation or continuity of life. Q22. Are you not implying Law of Karma to some extent ? Ans. Yes! Q24. How can you say these are past lives ? Ans. We don't say these are pastlives. These could very well be fabrications that appear to be pastlives. Q25. Do you recommend Pastlife Therapy alone or a combination of Pastlife regression and pharmacological treatment. Ans. Proper medical examination and treatment is essentially recommended. This can be used as a supplement after recommendation from your medical consultant. Q26. Are there any books on Pastlife Therapy? Ans. Yes! You may wish to refer to any of the following books: Brian Weiss: Many Lives Many Masters

Brian Weiss: Through Time into Healing Brian Weiss: Only Love is Real Brian Weiss: Messages from the Masters Q31. Can I apply this procedure for self-regression? Ans. Yes! It may take some time even months to open up the deeper layers of mind. Regular practice will be required. Q32. Do dreams have any contribution in Pastlife Therapy? Ans. Dreams can be classified in three categories - (a) wish fulfilling, (b) predictive of objective future events, (c) related to 'previous lives'. Dreams may also relate to 'previous life' Q33. If any mantra is used to access pastlife in a session? Ans. Not at all! No mantra or mystical phenomena is utilized. Q34. Do one need any sort of 'sadhna' or 'siddhi' to accomplish Pastlife Regression? Ans. NO Q35. What would happen to me when I access the realm of 'previous' life? Ans. Nothing to be scared! You will simply have sort of mental movies/slides/thoughts of 'previous' existence. If any trauma emerges it would be taken care of and resolved leading to instant healing. Q36. Can I see my future life also in the session? Ans. There are some practitioners who practice 'progression' as well. Therefore, you may also look into your future through these procedures. Q37. Where Can I find scientific information on reincarnation? Ans. You may wish to read the works of Prof. Ian Stevenson and Dr. Satwant Pasricha. Q38. What are the reactions of people in general towards the procedure? Ans. Full range of reactions which can be expected for a new concept. Disbelief,

criticism, ridicule, acceptance, experimentation, fear, anxiety, enthusiasm. We have both positive and negative reactions. Q39. What is the duration of a session and frequencies of the sessions? Ans. A session lasts for about two hours. We prescribe weekly sessions.

Q40. Nature intended that one does not remember one's 'previous' existences. It is against the law of nature to uncover it? Ans. The same nature has provided the gift for uncovering and utilizing it in the best interest of the humanity. Q41. How side effects are managed? Ans. Most of the side effects are temporary. With passage of time they disappears. At time posthypnotic suggestions are required. In some cases medical consultation may be required. Q42. What if no traumatic link emerges in pastlife session of a person? Ans. There are instances when a 'previous' existence without any traumatic experiences emerges. Such sessions may not produce any perceptible changes in a subject. Q49. Does a subject report any life in which she functioned at a higher level than the current one. Ans. Some clients spontaneously relive a 'previous' existence of higher achievements and abilities than the current one. Occasionally, it is deliberately invoked. The recollections of such an existence are utilized in positive ways to link and derive the abilities of that existence in current


1. Hypnosis is a legitimate area of psychology 2. Age regression is an established and universally acceptable procedure of hypnotherapy. 3. Even age regression has potential for eliciting false memories which may be believed as true by a subject. 4. Study of dream is also an acceptable area in psychology. 5. Psychology studies both verbal and non-verbal behaviors of human beings. 6. In past life regression, a subject comes up with a story which appears to be his former lives 7. Till date little scientific researches have been conducted on this phenomena of past life regression. 8. Only case reports are available from various practitioners across world. 9. The most influential work is done by Dr. Brian Weiss, a psychiatrist of Miami. His book 'Many Lives, Many Masters' is an international bestseller; easily available in most cities in India. 10. The case reports clearly indicate powerful therapeutic value of past life regression. 11. The most controversial aspect in this therapeutic procedure is the concept of 'Past Life" and explanation in terms of the hypothesis of reincarnation. 12. The work of Prof. Ian Stevenson and Prof. Satwant Pasricha particularly birth marks, birth defects, similarities in behavioral features is suggestive of the possibility of reincarnation; however, it has not yet received wide acceptance. Their work is based on the study of the children of 'reincarnation type'. 13. 'Past life regression' is not a procedure to strengthen the hypothesis of reincarnation because of marked possibility of contaminations in the reports obtained through this procedure. 14. No body knows the mechanisms and theories which could scientifically explain 'past life regression' 15. Use of the hypothesis of reincarnation for past life regression flows from the observations that in a few cases the reports of past life regression got validated just

#!_ like the 'previous personality' in Prof. Stevenson and Prof. Pasricha's work. Secondly, the narratives of the subjects emerge in a manner that appear to be a former life. 16. Until it is established scientifically, one can not say that the narratives of a subject correspond to his former existence. 17. We may have apprehension that the subjects undergoing past life regression may come to believe in the hypothesis of reincarnation and we may be instrumental in shaping such a belief. 18. Yet we do not have any data which can suggest the magnitude of the population in which the belief in reincarnation is shaped by the application of past life regression. 19. A skeptic/non-believer when personally experiences past life regression procedure, comes up with the stories of similar nature suggestive of former lives. 20. Belief in reincarnation is not a pre-requisite for past life regression. 21. If a subject is told, that whatever stories emerge in past life regression, do not necessarily correspond to former lives. This procedure is not yet accepted by the scientific community. Despite this orientation, subjects opt for it and may get relief. 22. The point of debate is not to condemn and discard this procedure, but to take up methodologically sophisticated research work and try to explain the phenomena in terms of existing theories or formulation of new theories. #"_


It is recommended that each client should carefully read and understand following points before accessing ones pastlife. These guides are intended to clarify various concepts and myths and addresses many post regression issues. The more educated a client is the more cooperative he can be. This guide will help in putting the things in perspective. You may take a print out of it and your ask client to go through or else recommend following link: http://mindpowerlab.net/guide.html. We recommend that you should become friendly, develop rapport and tell your mentor your major problems even if he does not explore in detail because his suggestions are guided by the content you reveal before him. Always remember that your guide is a human being whose services you are seeking because of his understanding and experience. He is there to assist you in solving your problems. You do not have to be afraid of him and engage in any power game. Expectation of Total Loss of Awareness/Sleep: Please note that there shall not be a total loss of awareness during pastlife regression; instead there shall be dual awareness: (a) awareness of past experiences and (b) awareness of current external environment like people whispering around you, doors being opened. Also you would not be asleep during the experience of past life regression. How to Ensure Whether You Were in Trance: You may request your guide prior to the session to conduct arm levitation, arm rigidity and eye lock test for trance. If you pass the test; you may feel assured that you were in trance. If you were not able to pass the test; may be that you are in analytical mode at that point of time. Recommendations for Analytical Persons: If you find yourself an analytical person, then you should remember that this designation is not of permanent nature. The suggestibility component may appear and manifest itself later on. Our recommendations are (1) procure a self-hypnosis audio and listen to it for a few weeks (2) be more open, co-operative and collaborative with your guide so that your mind comes to trust the process (3) try to explore if you are harbouring any myth and

get it clarified (4) freely discuss about your understanding, concepts and expectations with your guide (5) try to cultivate samarpan bhav to your guide (6) try to refrain from applying your logic and analysis during the process of regression as it

can be done later on after the experience. This is also necessary because you are not seeking pastlife regression services for your active analysis and comparisons during the trance. The context of trance and regression narrows down your concentration and active critical faculties, hence you may not be able to analyze the situations completely at that point of time. So try to experience the session and collect your trance experiences in their pure form without applying much logic to them (7) try to get absorbed in your feelings, sensations and visualizations during trance keeping your evaluations and judgement aside (8) take a break for a few weeks and present again to your guide. Remember that analytical mindset is inhibitory to the process of pastlife regression and you should not expect a deeper level of experience. Mode of Revelations in Regression: Wide variations are observed in regression experiences across individuals. The possible modes are full visualizations like a movie; partial visualizations like a slide show; fragmentary and partial glimpses of pastlife, feelings as if the experiences are being imagined actively; not sure whether it was a true regression or simply a creation of imagination, comparisons of revelations with ones known and past experiences; an experience of simple ideas with or without any visual images (Khyal sa aa raha hai; kuchh dikh nahi raha hai); altered feelings; just sensing. All these forms are normal and natural. You dont have to trouble your mind with any of these experiences to justify or negate regression experiences. Session Duration: A session of pastlife regression may last from one hour to three hours. You may get lots of ideas to experience and explore during the regression which may lengthen the process. So do not present yourself for pastlife regression in hurry. Keep a full day or evening aside for regression experience. Excessive Eagerness: We have observed that excessive eagerness for a regression session is counter productive to successful regression experience. If you find yourself excessive eager you may have to calm down and adopt a casual approach to regression. Excessive Emotional Discharges: There are some subjects who become deeply engrossed in their regression experiences and become too emotional manifested by

weeping, crying, shouting, excessive actions. Theoretically, all these discharges have healing potentials. Pastlife Regression is Not a Cure for All Diseases: People are approaching with an expectation to get cure for each and every ailment and disabilities. Pastlife regression is in developing phase and you can adopt an exploratory attitude for these procedures. If you get success it is alright else you may surf other modalities best suited to your needs. Side Effects: There may be some minor and temporary side effects of pastlife regression. Feelings of anxiety, fear, sadness, irritability, guilt feelings and pain may appear after a session. If these feelings are within tolerance level you may wait them to subside; if marked you may like to consult a psychiatrist or medical practitioner for

getting appropriate prescription. If there is any major condition, as a rule you should get appropriate medical consultation. We also advise subjects to get medical consultation before undergoing pastlife regression. If you have any hangover after the session you may like to travel by public transport system or another person drive your vehicle. Discuss with your guide freely. Life Threatening Condition: If you have any life threatening condition like cardiac problems, we recommend you not to experiment with pastlife regression or contact any medical practitioner who specializes in pastlife regression to address your both the needs. Which Type of Subjects are Good Candidates for Pastlife Regression: The suggestible subjects are the best candidates for regression experience. However, analytical persons may also experience regression with extended efforts. There are some suggestible subjects who fail to have adequate regression experience. In such cases we recommend, self-regression audios and more sessions with an open and collaborative attitude. Recommended Reading: We recommend that before undergoing regression experience, a person should read International Bestseller book by Dr. Brian Weiss: Many Lives, Many Masters which is easily available in most major cities in the world. Jheel Baba: Please remember that Jheel Baba is not any living physical form in this universe, just take it as a personification of your own higher self. Babaji need be invited with reverence under trance only. It is a divine being which may appear in

any form to assist and heal during regression. Jheel Baba is faith friendly, you do not have to have any changes in your existing belief and faith system. Take it as a specialized procedure. Expectation of Something Mysterious and Unknown Experiences: Pastlife regression is a naturally human phenomena. There is nothing hidden or mysterious in the procedure. Take it just like any other human experiences of absorption and visualization. Validity of Pastlife Recall: Evidences are yet to accumulate to empirically demonstrate that the regression experience represent valid recall of pastlife experiences. Till then it is just provisional. Concept of Spirit Attachment and Releasement: There are some practitioners who have integrated these concepts in their pastlife regression. We are in the process of active exploration of these procedures and would recommend Edith Fiore's Unquiet Dead for interested audience. Awakened With a Feeling of Imagination and Confusion: After a successful regression session, some persons come up with a feeling that they were actively imagining the content of regression experience. It should be remembered that it is ones own mind in which the content of regression emerged. So it is OK to have such a feeling. Amnesia: Amnesia is a failure in remembering regression experience. It may be partial or complete. In partial amnesia, a person remembers some of his experiences, whereas in complete amnesia there is total failure in retrieval failure of regression experiences. Amnesia is a characteristics of deeper levels of trance and seen in a few cases only. Normally, you are likely to remember most regression

experiences. If there is amnesia, you do not have to try hard to retrieve regression experiences. Some subjects get spontaneous memory of regression experiences after some time gap and others may not remember them at all. Amnesia is a normal and natural phenomenon. There is nothing abnormal in it. False Memory Syndrome: In some subjects, it is observed that in age regression some memories emerge which appear to be quite true to the subject particularly molestation by family members in childhood. If recommended read about False Memory Syndrome on Wikipedia

Gender Issues: If you are a female receiving pastlife regression services from a male guide, it is recommended that you take a confidant along with you to the person who can watch the entire process from a distance for your own good. There is nothing hidden and secret in the procedure. Media Cases: The media present best cases after comprehensive screening for obvious reasons. One can not equate a similar regression in each and every case. Remote Healing: The concept of remote healing in pastlife regression and life between life regression contexts is purely exploratory. There can not be any claim of its efficacy. If you are using it have an open mind. It may or may not work. Future Life Progression: Progression is the act of moving forward; a proceeding in a course; motion onward. The most useful books for progression are (a) Bruce Goldberg: Past Lives, Future Lives (b) Brian Weiss: Same Soul Many Bodies. The Book of Dr. Bruce Goldberg is excellent. Integrtion and Debriefing: After a regression session you and the guide are expected to share the experiences of the session and relate the material to your issues. If regression was not successful, then you should mutually identify possible reasons of failure so that success can be expected in next sessions. Do not jump to any conclusions on the reason for failure. Take sufficient time to explore alternative possibilities. If you feel to share your experiences with your guide you may send an email or speak over phone with permission and convenience. Belief in Reincarnation: Belief in reincarnation is not required for pastlife regression. Your willingness, co-operation and suggestibility are the requirement. Pastlife regression is independent of belief system. Skeptics Viewpoint: Skeptics and Rationalists do not believe in reincarnation and pastlife regression to the extent that they condemn the whole procedure of pastlife regression, mostly because this phenomena can not be explained through known scientific theories. We also place these procedures under unexplained facts of science even though the obvious implication is in favor of reincarnation concepts. We say so because the exact mechanism of reincarnation has not be discovered yet. We hypothesize that with advancement of scientific methods these concepts may get established. Some Possible Reasons for Failure in Hypnosis and Paslife Regression: We have identified following reasons of failure in successful pastlife regression; there could be many more. (a) analytical mindset (b) excessive eagerness (c) expectation of total loss of awareness (d) expectation of something mysterious and unknown (e) unconscious resistance. Pastlife regression is not a power game between you and your guide. A guide by virtue of his knowledge and experience tries to help a person,

hence it is an essentially a collaborative and co-operative approach. What To Do In Cases of Failure: (a) Try to explore above myths and concepts and discuss the matter with your guide in detail (b) You may opt to get a referral for another practitioner. (We have compiled above guidelines based on our own experiences. Other practitioners may have their own experiences and a set of guidelines. We would like to welcome suggestions and questions from the persons to update our database and help others to resolve their problems through pastlife regression)

- With Love & Light, Sanjay Kumar Ram Past Life Regression Facilitator, Hypnotherapist, Reiki & Spiritual Healer, Patna, Bihar, India. Mobile : +919771463355

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