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Written by Ilianna Ntouvli

Based on true events. First draft: 21/10/2013

Sedgemoor House, Doust Way, Rochester, Kent, ME11HH 07983807891

INT. BUSY AIRPORT- NOON Travellers passing and going, with suitcases, some holding teddy bears or flowers. OPPOSING emotions throughout the LARGE airport check-in section. A woman crying whilst greeting her husband. A couple greeting their teenage kids goodbye: the woman crying A stream of people coming from the arrivals section. ISABELLE, 23, is looking for someone that was on the flight, but doesnt hasnt found him yet. Suddenly a VERY handsome, tall male pats her on her shoulder. MALE: (unsure) UHH, excuse me do you know where the exit is? I seem to have gotten lost already. ISABELLE: (shocked) OH SHIT! Oh, hey.. Uum yes its that way. ISABELLE points towards the direction of the exit. The TALL male seems to be hesitant at first, but soon starts to recognise the BEAUTIFUL, young girl that seems to have CAPTURED his attention. ISABELLE: (CONTD) (weirded out) UHH, can I help you with anything else, sir? MALE: (stunned) I-i-zzy? Is that you? Fuck... is that really you? ISABELLE: Yeah? In fact, my name is Isabelle. Wait... how do YOU know my name? MALE: Izzy? Fuck, its really you! ISABELLE: (scared) Who the FUCK are you? MALE: You dont remember me? Iz, Its me Trav. ISABELLE: (confused) Trav? Am I supposed to know you Mr. Trav?

2. TRAVIS: (gradually getting annoyed) Isabelle... Im Trav for fucks sake we practically lived in the same house when we were younger. ISABELLE: (stunned) Oh my, what? Travis... Travis McCoy? Is that really you? Youve changed so much! Travis starts laughing nervously and gives a hug to Isabelle. TRAVIS: (whilst hugging) Come here you. Should I take that as a compliment? ISABELLE: (laughs) Yeah off course, you freak. TRAVIS: So how have you been? ISABELLE: Oh well, Ive been quite busy lately. Interviewed this local band this morning, nothing special. How about you? TRAVIS: So I guess youre a journalist now? ISABELLE: I call it Music Journalism but you can call whatever you want to. TRAVIS: MUSIC journalist? You always did love music, right? I remember when your dad taught me how to play the guitar, good times. ISABELLE: So how have you been? Havent heard from you in ages. TRAVIS: Ive been great, Iz. Travelling and all. Just came to the UK for this huge project Edd and I have been working on. You remember Edd, dont you?

3. ISABELLE: Edd... Edd Dillon? Your roommate from college, right? TRAVIS: Yeah him. Ive been building our advertising empire with him since graduating from college. ISABELLE: Wow, well Im glad youre well. You seem happy. TRAVIS: Call it what you want. Melancholy is seen through Traviss eyes, but only for mere seconds as he quickly recovers. TRAVIS: (CONTD) Hey weve been standing here for quite some time why dont you join me for a cup of coffee? ISABELLE: Do you even know any coffee shops around here? (starts giggling) TRAVIS: (stifles a laugh) No, you brit. I didn't even know where the exit was a few minutes ago. So where are we going? Isabelles now deep in thought. ISABELLE: Hmmm... well we can go there, it seems pretty cozy. TRAVIS: Cozy? Seriously, Iz? It seems like that fat lady will eat all those cupcakes on the counter, plus those sexy-looking cucumber sandwiches and drink all the tea of this whole country. Oh yes, and if were lucky we might not get eaten too. Lets go somewhere else, please? ISABELLE: (laughing hard) Youre paranoid, you know that? Lets just gIsabelles phone starts ringing.

4. She sees the caller ID and hesitates to answer it at first, but eventually answers it. MALE VOICE: (O.S.) (stressed) Hey babes! I just landed, Im still in the plane. My flight was delayed, Ill be out in about 15 minutes, gotta pick up my suitcases first. I know you get annoyed when Im late but I couldnt do anything about it. Im really sorry, honey. ISABELLE: (on the phone) Dont worry, Ill get over it. How was your flight? MALE VOICE: Fine, I guess. Slept throughout most of it. ISABELLE: (uncomfortable) Uhh, ok see you in a bit. Without letting the male voice answer, Isabelle hangs up the phone. TRAVIS: You look stressed. Whats up? ISABELLE: (trying to get comfortable but comes out as annoyance) Im FINE, Trav. Just had a tough day. TRAVIS: Iz, who was that? ISABELLE: (lying) No one, just a friend. Confused by her response, Travis starts leading them towards a coffee shop. INT. COFFEE SHOP- 1:35PM DAY Sounds of light chatter across the room. They sit in a small table in the corner of the shop. TRAVIS: (concerned) You seem stressed out. Whats wrong?

5. ISABELLE: (worried) Nothing, Im just thinking. About? TRAVIS:

ISABELLE: The way we were split. The way you were forced to move to the US with your mum and how eventually after sending letters to one another, you stopped writing. TRAVIS: Iz, I was a horny teenage boy that didnt give a FUCK about anything. When I stopped writing to you, it wasnt because I forgot about you or because I wanted to forget about you, but I got involved more in my new life than in my old. I was starting to live my life again. Edd was the only person the only person that reminded me of you, but I still missed you like hell. (now stressed) ISABELLE: But you didnt do anything to prove how much you missed me. Instead, you just left me thinking I wasnt part of your life anymore, that you didnt care about me anymore. Why Trav? Travis starts looking through his pockets for his packet of cigarettes and finds himself been stared at by the other customers. TRAVIS: (irritated) UUUUH, fucking England! Cant even smoke in a fucking coffee store anymore. ISABELLE: (trying to remain serious) You really have to quit, Trav. TRAVIS: (in harsh tone) Dont even start with me, Iz. ISABELLE: Trav, whats bugging you?

6. Travis doesnt answer. An awkward silence is spread the two of them. A couple of minutes later, a petite waitress brings their order, breaking their awkward silence when speaking. WAITRESS: (to Isabelle) Heres your cappuccino with cinnamon and blueberry- raisin muffin, maam. Isabelle thanks the waitress with a quiet thank you. WAITRESS: (CONTD) (to Travis) ...and heres your double espresso and toast, sir. TRAVIS: Thank you... (looks at her tag on shirt) ...Lucy. (gives a flirty smile)

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