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Associate Program Material

Racial Diversity in Society Worksheet
Part I Complete the following using the MySocLab Social Explorer Map: Income Inequality by Race (located on the student website) as a reference: Select 1 racial group from the list below: o o o o o African American Asian American Arab American Hispanic American/Latino White/Caucasian

Write a 150- to 300-word summary of the economic, social, and political standings of that group. Use additional resources if necessary, from the University Library or your textbooks. Provide citations for all the sources you use.

African American have been a disadvantage as a collective race, between the segregation and the vast discrimination. The culture has gone through horrid disadvantages while they attempt to be equal to their White counterpart. There has been more additional voters since there has been polical interest of when Barack Obama came to office for election, as there has been plenty of electoral gains for African American coming into the districts. Now, more than 80 years and several civil rights acts later, there are 42 African American congressional representative. (Schaefer, p. 18, 2012) There is a high number of African American Democrats but originally there was an equal amount of Republicans since President Abraham Lincon was in office. He was the person who allow that all African American to be treated equal and would allow them to be a part of the American Society. The strong movement allowed to be more Democratic since John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson pursued the civil right program which allowed them to be fully equal and not discriminated against. As we can see that African American are involved in the political parties than other minority groups in the United States. Part II Answer the following in 50 to 150 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use. What is racism? In what ways does racism affect diversity? It is a discrimination towards another race, there are strong stereotype and predujice because of the color and physical attributes. The reason it affect diversity is because of the disadvantages that one brings to be a part of a culture. With people that group together in a small city this country becomes divided and segregated and less likely to be helped in employment, house buying, school systems and career growth. How do racial groups interact in contemporary America? Are interactions positive, negative, or neutral? Support your response using proper citations. It will depend of which part of American are you to look into interaction. I heard that the South is still segregated in term of neighborhoods as opposed as the North. I seen the West and East cities are diverse. Depending on the exact location it will difer to an individual that can best learn toleration of another race and appreciate their values. There are some that are bigots and will not allow to be

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2 assimilated for another race. In overall, I seen in all essence of positive, neutral and negative. The perfect location we can look into that is Los Angeles County, where there is a strong mix culture but there are still segrated cities and locations blocked off. Are there existing social inequities based on race? Why or why not? I have seen that more minorities, especially African American are in prison cells as oppsed to Cacausian. There has been more media focus whenever there is a African American having a negative outcome than positive. While we can observe more Cacausians have more priviledges, it can show that they system will take it easier on them. What do you believe to be the causes of racial prejudice and discrimination in todays society? It is based on ignorance and also teaching to one generation to another.Due to bad encounters there has been strong stereotypes that will not allow or accept another human being because of their skin color and appearance. When we have segregation and poverty among an oppressed race there will be horrible outcomes like the 1992 Los Angeles Riots. References Schaefer, R. T. (2012). Racial and Ethnic Groups (13th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc., AZ: Merrill Prentice Hall.

Copyright 2012 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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