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module I: to be verb am-is-are

A) Write the appropriate form of to be verb into the given spaces. Use contractions (short form) where suitable. 1. The weather.....nice today. 2. My name Lisa. 3. I.32 years old. 4. Where from? 5. a)..he rich? b)Yes, he 6 .a) b) I.fine, thanks. 7. It..10 oclock now. 8. your keys..on the table. 9. a).your sisters teachers? b) No, they 10. Your shoes very dirty. 11. a)where ..your car? b) the garrage. 12. This bagheavy. 13. a)..your father retired? b) No, he 14. a)you married? b) No, I.I..separated. 15. My bothera teacher. 16. They..... from Cyprus. 17. The diner .......ready. 18. My favourite coloursblack and white.

B) Complete the following dialogues with to be verb ( am , is , are ). Use contractions (short form) where possible.

1. Sylvia, you a teacher? No, I.. I a doctor. That. great! 2. So Tyler, what do you do? I. a businessman. How about you? I.. a singer. Wow, that.. great! 3. What does your friend look like, Sylvia? Oh, he tall, handsome, and he has brown hair. he kind? Yes, he.. very kind. He really nice! 4. Hi, my name .. Tyler. I.. tall, I.. funny, and I.. really happy. I. a teacher and web designer. My friend's name .. Sylvia, she. very cute, tall, and kind. She...a teacher, too. She. also really smart. It.. nice to meet you! C) Underline the correct word. 1. Are you a teacher?/ Are you teacher? 2. where are you from?/ Where from are you? 3. Your brothers are a student./ Your brothers arent students. 4. Im not a scientist./ I amnt a scientist. 5. Theyre brothers./ they are brother. 6. We are not students./ We are not student. 7.My sister and I am civil servants./ My sister and I are civil servants. 8. My keys is in my bag./ My keys are in my bag. 9. Ali and Veli isnt hungry./ Ali and Veli arent hungry.

10. A) Is he clever? Hes clever? B) Yes, hes./ Yes, he is

Module II: simple present tense A) Transform the verbs in the phranthesis( ) in accordance with the simple present
tense 1. She never(smoke) 2. I......(not/like) pop music. 3. They(study) English every day. 4. Ali and I(go) climbing every weekend. 5. ...he..( like) coffee? 6. We sometimes(go) to the cinema. 7. ..they.(go) shopping everyday? 8. They never(play) football. 9. She always(study) Maths. every night. 10. Selim.often (eat) out. 11. Ali and Veli(not/visit) their grandparents. 12. How oftenyou(read) newspaper? 13. you.(know) where Hasan is? 14. She.(not/ watch) TV very often. 15. What timeyou father.(finish) work every evening?

B) Underline the correct word.

Jane never studies Maths./ Jane never doesnt study Maths. We do go not to school everyday. / We do not go to school everyday. He can to speak 3 languages. / he can speak 3 languages. She goes to school by bus usually. / She usually goes to school by bus. I don t live here. / I not live here. We go to the cinema once a week. / we go to the cinema 1 time a week. They love English./ They loves English. Does he like tea? / Does he likes tea? Ali and Aye takes their dog out every evening. / Ali and Aye take their dog out every evening. 10. I never smoke. / I never smokes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Module III) Telling the time

09.15: 08.45: 10.00: 11.30: 1.05: 4. 23: 11.01: 9. 50: 12.12:

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