Medieval Renaissance

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Medieval: Gothic period of Ars Antiqua- old Renaissance:rebirth Golden age of Polyphony During the Middle Age, musical texture was monophonic , meaning it has a single melodic line Sacred Vocal music like Gregorian chants were set to Latin text & sung unaccompanied. It was the music allowed in churches Later on, church choirs added one or more melodic lines to the Gregorian chants. This created polyphonic texture meaning it has 2 or more melodic lines During the Renaissance, the shell harmony was succeeded by true harmony CHURCH MODES Medieval & Renaissance music was based mainly on 8 church modes Mode atypical; not representative of a type or group Church modes were developed to help composers write smooth monophonic melodies Church modes are awkward when it comes to composing harmony

Differences MEDIEVAL Monophony>Polyphony Portions of scripture were set traditional Roman melodies RENAISSANCE Dry Shell harmony>Sweet True harmony Revival of classical culture

Born : 991 AD, Paris, France Died:1033, probably at Pampos Abbey near Ferrara Italian musicologist, who was on of the first important music teachers & theorists Known as Guido Aretinus, A guy of Arezzo, born in Arezzo Benedictine monk: gave modern solmization

Most famous innovation consisted in applying syllables ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la to the first six notes of diatomic scales, starting at any pitch desired

Most famous treatise is his Micrologus Guidonis de disciplinaartis musical, dedicated to Bishop Arezzo

Guillaume de Machaut
Born: 1300 AD, Machaut, Champagne Died: April 1377 at Reims Served king John the Bohemia, John the Good of France and Charles III of Navarre An initiator of new art of poetry in fixed form popular in the Middle Ages of which the ballad & the rondeau were the most important He was more of a writer but composed musical compositions

Born: 1450 Died: August 27, 1521 Known as the Prince of music Born in France but lived in Italy for many years Was a singer at Milan Cathedral & at the Papel Chapel in Rome His music was neglected, but is widely admired today One of the greatest composers of the Renaissance Period He has been highly praised for his ability to express words through music He was known for his command of musical techniques, especially his skillful uses of the canon Canon- musical device which melody is repeated in one or more other parts He usually wrote music for 4 voices Many of his pieces are love songs

Born: 540 Died: 12 March 604 (age 64) Pope, Saint and a Doctor of the church Set standards for the church ceremony that brought the chant into popular use which then fixed the GREGORIAN CHANT

Gregorian chant was named for & credited to Pope Gregory I is an accident of politics and spin doctoring This type of liturgical chant most widely used in Latin Churches Other names for Gregorian chant: plain chant & plain song

Was one of a large group of poet-musicians who flourished in Southern France Troubadours comes from the Latin Tropare (to compose) He composed poetry in a romance language called Provencal Canso DAmor (love song ) was one of the rich & varied poetic forms used by the troubadours Troubadors praise of physical love stood in direct contrast to traditional Christian morality Their ideal of love and praise of women influenced many writers, including Dante and Petrarch

Was one of the group of poet musicians Italian poets from the Northern part of France Trouvres comes from an old French word meaning to compose They composed their poems in old French dialect called langue d oil They were strongly influenced by the style & subject matter of the troubadours of Southern France Like troubadors, the trouvres wrote chansons damore (love songs)

A short lyric poem of Italian Origin deals with love or pastoral subjects consists on 2/3 tercets (group of 3 lines) & spread to ]England Became popular in Italy(15th century) Words and melody frequently are inter women so initially that the lines are difficult to follow From 2 to 6 unaccompanied voices joined in singing the Madrigals

Well educated poets and musicians Composed and sang songs of love, heroic deeds-lute, harp/a stringed instrument In the sense, the Troubadours & the Trouvrs were minstrels Some are not educated and skilled, wandered about the country, centering at fairs at inns/ the streets In the Middle Ages, the term Minstrel was applied to wandering acrobats and jugglers

Any lyric-driven French song, usually polyphonic & secular A singer specializing in chansons is known as a Chanter (male) and Chanteuse (female); a collections of chansons, especially from the late Middle Ages and renaissance, is also known as a chassonnier

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

Born: February 3, 1525, Palestrina, Italy Died: February 2, 1594, Rome, Italy An Italian composer of Renaiss ance music. He was the most famous 16th century representative of the Roman School of music composition. He had a tremendous influence on the development of Roman Catholic church music, and his work can be seen as a summation of Renaissance polyphony

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