Leeds Socialist Students Bulletin 8

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Leeds Bulletin

Issue 8, October 2013

Zero Tolerance for Rape Culture: Shut Down Tequila UK

Over the last week a large amount of criticism has been aimed Tequila UK, who host a night at the Mezz club in Leeds known as freshers violation, after they released a promotional video in which men are asked how they plan to violate a fresher and one female is asked how she is going to survive violation leaving her stuttering and unable to answer the question. At one point a male student replies to the question of how he will violate a fresher with shes going to get raped. The original video has been removed and an edited version put up in its place, but this is too late to prevent large numbers of people from seeing the video. Some people who have attended the night report girls being encouraged to undress for shots and official photos from the event are often highly suggestive. Even the nights slogans have been placed under scrutiny, most are based on sexual innuendo such as Tequila: come and swallow. As a socialist, I am shocked and outraged by this video, which treats rape not just as a joke, but as a way of selling tickets for an event. The promotional video is deeply misogynistic, asking male participants how they plan to violate a fresher as if its a challenge or accomplishment. Whereas for the woman its a question of how will she survive? The inclusion of a man literally saying he plans to rape someone, whether intended in humour or not, reflects how deep rooted rape culture has become in society, whether in promotions for bars and clubs, in the comments of capitalist politicians or in comedy. Whilst Tequila UK have issued an apology which can be read in full on their facebook page, where they say We dont condone rape at all. Its not something we want to promote or we want to be associated with in any shape or form, they also admit that the content of their ad can only be described as deplorable and completely despicable.
International Womens Day 2013 protest at Leeds Uni

This has done little to quell the outrage and a petition for the Mezz club to stop hosting the violation night on Change.org currently has over 2,800 signatures. West Yorkshire Police and Leeds City Councils licensing panel have also launched an investigation into the night club. A demo has also been called for this Thursday, 17th October, by Leeds FemSoc who recently launched a successful campaign to get Robin Thicks Blurred Lines banned from their campus. The song was targeted due to its apparent references to nonconsensual sex with lines such as Ill give you something big enough to tear your ass in two, and I hate these blurred lines, I know you want it. Thursdays demo will be meeting outside the Leeds University Union at 10pm. FemSoc have said The aim of the protest is to demonstrate to Tequila organisers that their Freshers Violation marketing strategy is not acceptable. We want them to sign our pledge to implement a Zero Tolerance policy to sexual assault and to stop glorifying and promoting rape in their marketing and club night. We in Socialist Students completely agree with those sentiments and look forward to joining with others to demonstrate our opposition to sexism and the culture of making sexism acceptable. This scandal clearly demonstrates the need for feminism in our times, we need to organise and fight back using the recent victory within Leeds University Union as a starting point to wipe out sexism from our campuses and our city.

www.leedssocialiststudents.wordpress.com / Find us on facebook as Leeds Socialist Students

Leeds Bulletin
Issue 8, October 2013

Scrap Zero Hour Contracts

On Saturday 28th September, supporters of Youth Fight for Jobs and Socialist Students members gathered outside Sports Direct in Leeds, in protest over the companys continued use of abhorrent zero-hour contracts. The protest received a lot of support from shoppers, many agreeing that these contracts offered no job security, and were symbolic of the general lack of rights for workers in Britain. For many students such jobs can seem to offer an escape from the financial pressures of tuition fees, high rents and other costs of living, however, we are left in the position of not knowing whether well be able to get the money we need to live whilst employers use zero-hour contracts as a battering ram at decent pay and conditions. Thats why we need to organise together with trade unionists and others to fight for decent jobs, but also for free educationfunded by taxing the rich and bringing the banks and other big companies into public ownership and democratically deciding how to use their resources in the interests of society as a whole rather than the profit of a few. Join the protest against Workfare and Zero-Hour contracts on November 5th, 4pm Dortmund Square, off the Headrow, Leeds Photo below: Leeds Socialist Students members on 29th September 2013 TUC Save our NHS demo in Manchester

We Call for: Stop all cuts and closures. Oppose compulsory redundancies and fight for every job Reverse the increase in fees or the introduction of so-called fast-track degrees, fight for free education, a living grant and writing off of student debt Oppose expensive privatisation schemes, for education to be fully publicly funded at all levels Tax the super rich bankers - stop their bonuses- fund education and other public services properly Support staff taking strike action, other staff and students to support staff pickets and build towards a one day walkout of staff and students Democratise SUs, reinstate decision making AGMs at LUU. For campaigning student unions prepared to fight against all cuts Build a mass campaign involving trade unions, workers and students at local universities, colleges and schools as well as other campaigns nationally

Join Socialist Students

Socialist Students is a campaigning socialist organisation based in over 50 universities and colleges around the country, we also have elected respresentative on the NUS NEC. We organise in all three universities (Leeds Uni & Leeds Met meet on Tuesdays and Leeds Trinity meet on Mondays) and Leeds City College. For more info contact Iain on 07809839793 or join our facebook page Leeds Socialist Students www.leedssocialiststudents.wordpress.com / Find us on facebook as Leeds Socialist Students

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