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Seminar in Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, Thailand.


Using Turmeric (Curcuma longa) on the Growth Performance and Carcass Quality of Monogastrics Animal: Review
Danet Laing and Sawitree Wongtangtintharn
Department of Animal science, Faculty of Agriculture Khon Kaen University 40002, Thailand.

Abstract This review paper aims to study on the using turmeric (Curcuma longa) on the growth performance and carcass quality of monogastrics animal. Turmeric is a medicine plant, main important bioactive ingredient, play a key role as antioxidation, anti-inflammation, antifungal, antibacterial, alleviates oxidative stress and heat shock, against aflatoxin B1, antiulcer, and antiprotozoal and replaced antibiotics using. Dietary turmeric supplementation in chickens at different level were not significant different on body weight gain, feed intake, heart, spleen, and pancreas but it had been improved feed efficiency and decreased abdominal fat and liver weight due to increasing level of turmeric in diets; at level of 0.33 to 0.50% turmeric was better than other levels. In pigs has no effects on growth performance and carcass characteristics but there were effects on overall feed intake (P<0.05). Keywords: Turmeric, Performance, Carcass quality, Monogastrics animal. 1. Introduction Antibiotics have been widely used in animal feed to enhance animal growth performance and productive but disadvantage of antibiotics are resistant cells survive and residue in the final products. Using antibiotics as growth promoters in the animal feed has been banned in European Union since 2006. Alternative substances and strategies for animal growth promotion and diseases prevention are being investigated, among which phytogenic and herbal products. Beneficial effects of bioactive plant substances in animal nutrition may include the stimulation of appetite and feed intake, the improvement of endogenous digestive enzyme secretion, activation of immune responses and antibacterial, antiviral and antioxidant actions (Toghyani et al., 2010, 2011). Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a medicine plant widely used and cultivated in tropical regions. Traditionally, turmeric has been used to treat various diseases and it play an important role as an antifungal (Wuthi-udomler et al., 2000), antioxidation (Osawa et al., 1995 and Namagirilakshmi et al., 2010), anti-inflammatory (Ammon et al., 1993 and Sahin et al., 2012), alleviates oxidative stress and heat shock in heat-stressed quails (Sahin et al., 2012) and against aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in broilers (Gowda et al., 2009; Yarru et al., 2009). Many a research was used turmeric as feed additives in monogastrics animal feed so that to replaced antibiotics using. A variation of feed additives was being included in poultry diets to derive high growth of broilers (Namagirilakshmi et al., 2010). In this review papers want to studies the effects of turmeric (Curcuma longa) at different supplemented level in diets on the growth performance and carcass quality of monogastrics animal. 2. Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) 2.1 Botanical of turmeric (Curcuma longa) Curcuma longa is a scientific name; normal name are turmeric, curcuma, yellow ginger. Several chemical compounds and antibiotics have been identified in herbaceous plants by many

Seminar in Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. 2013

researchers, which play a key role in human and animal health. Turmeric (Curcuma long) is a perennial herb, and a member of Zingiberacae family. The plant grows to a height of 3 to 5 feet and has oblong pointed leaves, which bears funnel-shaped yellow flowers. The active ingredients found in Turmeric (Curcuma longa) are curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin, (WuthiUdomler et al., 2000) and tetrahydrocurcuminoids (Osawa et al., 1995). Curcumin is the main important bioactive ingredient that responsible for the biological activity of curcuma. Turmeric an extensively used spice, food preservation, and coloring material have biological actions and medicinal applications. Curcumin has shown to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic, anticoagulant, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, antiviral, antifibrotic, antivenom, antiulcer, hypotensive, and hypocholesterolemic activities. The antioxidant activity of curcumin is attributed to two methylated phenols and an enol form of di-ketone. Curcumin reduces the activity of reactive oxygen species and elevates the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase levels in the blood (Joe and Lokesh, 1994) and against aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in broilers (Gowda et al., 2009; Yarru et al., 2009). Furthermore, the plant was used predominantly for endoparasites as well as internal and external injuries (Lans and Brown, 1998). 2. 2 Chemical composition and constituents of turmeric (Curcuma longa) The nutrient compositions of turmeric (Curcuma longa) are 6.72 % of crude protein, 5.04 % of ether extract, 3.96% of crude fiber, and 7.72 % of ash (Basavaraj et al., 2010). Turmeric is a medicine plant that could be used to treat or/and prevent infection diseases, bacteria, fungi, and stimulate immune as natural drug so that to replace antibiotic in animal feed depend on its mechanical functions. Many researchers often used turmeric in form of Curcumin-phospholipid complex, Mixtures or Powder for supplementation into animal diets. Table 1: Mechanical of turmeric (Curcuma longa). Substances Terpenoid compound - Volatile oil - Ar-turmerone Curcuminoid - Curcumin Functions - Antibacterial activity -Antifungal activity - Gastrointestinal activity - Antifungal activity - Against aflatoxin B1 - Immunostimulate activity - Antioxidant activity - Anticarcinogenic - Protected oxidative stress - Antioxidant activity - Antioxidant activity Sources Singh et al., 2002 Benergee &Nigam, 1978 Nutakul, 1994 Gowda et al., 2004 Soni et al., 1992 Gao et al., 2004 Jayaprakasha et al., 2006 Thorne research, Inc 2002 Oyam et al., 1998 Jayaprakasha et al., 2006 Jayaprakasha et al., 2006

- Demethoxycurcumin - Bisdemethoxycurcumin

Seminar in Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. 2013

3. Effects of turmeric on growth performance and carcass quality of monogastrics Animal 3.1 Effects of turmeric (Curcuma longa) on growth performance of monogastrics animal 3.1.1 Growth performance of poultry Many journals were conducted experimental by supplemented turmeric in animal feed to concentrate on growth performance. AL-Sultan, (2003) was conducted experimental at different level 0, 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0% of turmeric in broiler chickens diets. The results shown that the higher bodyweight gain is the group that got 0.5% of turmeric contained in diet (1344.5g) followed by birds received 0.25% (1329.8g), 1% (1306g) and control (1268.2g). Therefore, feed conversion ratio of 0.5 % is best (2.08) than control group (2.47) and other groups. Turmeric could be used as feed additive at level 0.5% enhance growth performance of broilers. The increasing body weight gain is due to the oxidant of turmeric that stimulates protein synthesis by birds enzymatic system (Osawa et al., 1995) reducing intestinal pH (Sieo et al., 2005). Durrani et al. (2006) also reported that basal diets supplemented with 0, 0.25, 0.50, and 1.0 % level of turmeric (Curcuma longa) on broilers performance during five weeks shown that body weight gain and feed consumption were significant different (P<0.05) (Table 2) and feed conversion ratio were highly significant (P<0.01), and mortality was not significant different (P>0.05). Turmeric as feed additive at level of 0.5% enhances the overall broilers performance. Table 2: Effects of turmeric (Curcuma longa) on the performance of broilers. Parameters 0 Starter phase Body weight gain (g) Feed consumption (g) Feed conversion ratio Finisher phase Body weight gain (g) Feed consumption (g) Feed conversion ratio
a, b, c

Level of turmeric (Curcuma longa) (%) 0.25 0.50 547b 994ab 1.5a 763b 1795ab 2.3ab 734a 874b 1.2b 881a 1690b 2.0c

1.0 592b 944ab 1.6a 720b 1792ab 2.5a

646ab 1079a 1.6a 765b 1808a 2.2b

Means in the same rows with the different superscripts were significantly different at P<0.05.

Source: Durrani et al. (2006) However, Emadi and Kermanshashi (2006) also reported that at level 0, 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 % of turmeric in chick diets had no effects on body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio were not significant different (P>0.05) (Table 3). On the other hand, Nouzarian et al. (2011) also demonstrated that supplementation of turmeric powder at level 3.3, 6.6, and 10 g/kg diets had no significant different (P>0.05) on daily feed intake and body weight gain of male broilers at vary periods but it had been improved feed conversion ratio (P<0.05) over the 21-42 days and 1-42 days of age. There was improved feed efficiency due to increasing the level of turmeric powder in diets; at level of turmeric 3.3 g/kg diet is better than other groups (Table 4). Moreover, Sahin et al. (2012) was conducted in 2x3 factorial of three level of curcumin (0, 200, and 400 in diets and two condition of temperature (22 C for 24 h/d or 32 C for 8 h/d; 09:00-17:00 and 22 C for 16 h/d). The results shown that it had been improved performance of quails and antioxidation in liver of quails

Seminar in Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. 2013

conduced under heat stress. There were increases (P<0.0001) in feed intake, final body weight and body weight gain in response to increasing dietary curcumin supplementation, but it was not improve (P<0.0001) in feed efficiency. Table 3: Effects of turmeric powder on performance of broilers from 0-49 days of age. Parameters Level of turmeric powder (%) 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 0.471 0.749 0.797 2.023 0.837 1.024 1.518 3.311 1.814 1.421 1.965 1.724 0.460 0.730 0.790 1.988 0.859 1.049 1.521 3.421 1.762 1.386 1.953 1.697 SEM 0.021 0.021 0.057 0.088 0.043 0.027 0.102 0.140 0.091 0.036 0.132 0.070 P-value 0.069 0.123 0.403 0.149 0.128 0.089 0.398 0.141 0.112 0.074 0.390 0.127

Body weight gain (kg) 0-21 days 0.483 0.466 21-42 days 0.741 0.733 42-49 days 0.804 0.771 0-49 days 2.028 1.962 Feed intake (kg) 0-21 days 0.819 0.851 21-42 days 1.388 1.049 42-49 days 1.509 1.566 0-49 days 3.377 3.478 Feed conversion ratio 0-21 days 1.848 1.781 21-42 days 1.400 1.486 42-49 days 1.975 1.900 0-49 days 1.721 1.669 Source: Emadi and Kermanshashi (2006)

Table 4: Effects of turmeric powder supplementation on performance of broilers at different age. Parameters Level of turmeric powder (g/kg diet) 0 3.3 6.6 10.0 SEM P-value Body weight (g) 0-21 days 717 710 711 702 9.2 0.94 22-42 days 2233 2277 2235 2244 45.8 0.60 Feed intake (g/d) 1-21 days 49.52 48.2 48.31 47.13 3.7 0.11 22-42days 155.9 150.3 151.9 151.7 7.4 0.06 1-42 days 107.3 99.3 101.7 99.4 4.4 0.11 Feed conversion ratio 1-21 days 1.6 1.58 1.58 1.56 0.02 0.80 a c b bc 22-42 days 2.26 2.1 2.19 2.16 0.02 0.05 a b ab b 1-42 days 2.01 1.83 1.9 1.86 0.03 0.04
a, b, c

Tukey values in rows with no common superscripts differ significantly (P0.05).

Source: Nouzarian et al. (2011) 3.1.2 Growth performance of pigs A few papers were experimented by using different level of turmeric in pig diets. Chamroon et al. (2012) was conducted experimental by using different level 0.00, 0.05, 0.10, and

Seminar in Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. 2013

0.20 % of turmeric in female nursing pig diets on growth performance. The results shown that feed conversion ratio, average daily gain had no significant (P>0.05) among groups. But overall feed intake was significant (P<0.05). Nevertheless, Nguyen et al. (2010) also reported that dietary supplemented turmeric at 0.0, 0.05 or 0.10 % level in growing-finishing pigs did not improve growth rate, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio. Table 5: Growth performance in nursing pigs fed diets supplemented with turmeric. Level of turmeric (%) 0 0.05 0.10 Average daily feed intake (kg) Nursing pigs 1.05 1.11 1.06 Growing pigs 1.66 1.75 1.56 Finishing pigs 2.31 2.40 2.30 Overall 1.71 1.78 1.69 Average daily gain (kg) Nursing pigs 0.52 0.50 0.48 Growing pigs 0.66 0.74 0.72 Finishing pigs 0.67 0.79 0.73 Overall 0.63 0.69 0.65 Feed conversion ratio Nursing pigs 2.02 2.22 2.21 Growing pigs 2.52 2.36 2.17 Finishing pigs 3.45 3.04 3.15 Overall 2.71 2.58 2.60 Parameters SEM 0.20 1.09 1.78 2.29 1.76 0.51 0.71 0.74 0.67 2.14 2.51 3.09 2.63 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.06 0.06 0.88 0.44 L >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 <0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 P Q >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05

L = Linear, Q = Quadratic Source: Chamroon et al. (2012) Moreover, there was an experimental conducted focus on dietary turmeric supplementation at level 0, 150, and 300 mg/100g diets on the growth performance of rabbits had no effects on feed intake, feed conversion ratio, body weight gain (Basavaraj et al., 2010). 3.2 Effects of turmeric (Curcuma longa) on carcass quality of monogastrics animal 3.2.1 Carcass quality of poultry Many researches were interested to use medicine plant in order to replace antibiotic in animal feed to avoid residue in the final products. Durrani et al. (2006) found that basal diets supplemented with 0, 0.25, 0.50, 1.0 % level of turmeric on broilers during five weeks shown that dressing percentage, thigh weight and Breast weight were highly significant (P<0.01), but liver weight, heart weight, and gizzard weight had no significant different (P>0.05) (Table 6). Moreover, Nouzarian et al., (2011) also demonstrated that supplementation of 3.3, 6.6, and 10 g/kg turmeric powder on carcass yield, heart, pancreas, spleen, intestine were not significant different (P>0.05) and significant different (P<0.05) of abdominal fat and liver weight (Table 7). There were decrease abdominal fat and liver weight due to increasing level of turmeric powder in diets; at level of turmeric 6.6 and 10.0 g/kg diet is better than other groups for abdominal fat and liver weight, respectively.

Seminar in Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. 2013

However, Emadi and Kermanshashi (2006) also reported that at 0, 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 % level of turmeric in broiler chicken diets had no effects on liver, spleen, and pancreas weight were not significant different (P>0.05) but heart and abdominal fat weight were significant different (P<0.05) (Table 8). Otherwise, AL-Sultan and Gameel, (2004) also reported that turmeric (curcuma longa) at the rate of 10 % in feed resulted in degenerative in the liver of broilers, but no change in the structure of liver and pancreas at maximum 1% of turmeric (Curcuma longa) (Namagirilakshmi et al., 2010). Table 6: Effects of turmeric (Curcuma longa) on the organ weights of broilers. Parameters Dressing percentage (%) Breast weight (g) Thigh weight (g) Liver weight (g) Heart weight (g) Gizzard weight (g)
a, b

0 51b 70b 70b 35 8.5 26

Level of turmeric (Curcuma longa) (%) 0.25 0.50 b 50 55a 73b 83a 73b 83a 31 32 8.6 9.0 27 29

1.0 50b 73b 73b 32 8.0 27

Means in the same rows with the different superscripts were significantly different at P<0.05.

Source: Durrani et al. (2006) Table 7: Effects of turmeric powder supplementation on carcass yield, abdominal fat and internal organ weights of broilers at day 42 of age. Parameters (%) Carcass yield Heart Pancreas Spleen Intestine Abdominal fat Liver
a, b

Level of turmeric powder (g/kg diet) 0 3.3 6.6 10.0 74.3 74.6 75.3 73.5 0.67 0.64 0.78 0.72 0.27 0.21 0.26 0.24 0.134 0.126 0.118 0.122 6.79 6.95 6.84 6.74 a b b 2.05 1.41 1.37 1.52b 3.17a 2.67b 2.66b 2.43b

SEM 3.33 0.12 0.13 0.08 2.13 0.22 0.33

P-value 0.35 0.26 0.08 0.24 0.69 0.04 0.01

Tukey values in rows with no common superscripts differ significantly (P0.05).

Source: Nouzarian et al. (2011) Table 8: Effects of turmeric powder on carcass characteristics of broilers at 49 days of age. Parameters % Liver Pancreas Spleen Heart Abdominal fat
a, b, c

Level of turmeric powder (%) 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.829 1.894 1.868 1.841 0.190 0.239 0.217 0.222 0.121 0.109 0.101 0.126 a ab b 0.499 0.455 0.430 0.404c 2.078a 1.822b 1.400b 1.177c

SEM 0.020 0.025 0.063 0.012 0.004

P-value 0.684 0.384 0.678 0.0001 0.0001

Means in the same rows with the different superscripts were significantly different at P<0.05. 6

Source: Emadi and Kermanshashi (2006)

Seminar in Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. 2013

3.2.2 Carcass quality of pigs Many experiments were conducted by using different level of turmeric as feed additive in monogastrics feed so that to observe the effective of its actives on carcass quality likes liver health and percentage of abdominal fat. Chamroon et al. (2012) also found that 0.00, 0.05, 0.10, and 0.20 % of turmeric in female nursing pigs on carcass, liver, heart, kidney, spleen, and lung had no significant different (P>0.05) among groups. Table 9: Carcass characteristics in nursing pigs fed diets supplemented with turmeric. Parameters 0 Live weight (kg) 32.0 Carcass weight (%) 69.52 Heart (%) 0.47 Liver (%) 2.58 Kidney (%) 0.57 Spleen (%) 0.17 Lung (%) 1.05 L = Linear, Q = Quadratic Source: Chamroon et al. (2012) Level of turmeric (%) 0.05 0.10 32.38 34.00 66.32 68.33 0.48 0.43 2.59 2.35 0.47 0.40 0.21 0.21 1.13 1.48 SEM 0.20 31.50 65.77 0.44 2.34 0.39 0.22 1.78 0.43 0.61 0.03 0.56 0.04 0.01 0.09 L >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 P Q >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 >0.05

4. Conclusion As can be seen from many research papers, it could be concluded that, dietary supplementation at different level of turmeric (Curcuma longa) had no effects on feed intake, body weight, body weight gain, heart, spleen, and pancreas. But it had effects on abdominal fat, liver and improved feed conversion ratio. Decreasing of abdominal fat, liver weight, and feed conversion ratio due to increasing level of turmeric supplementation in diets; at level of 0.33 to 0.50 % turmeric (Curcuma longa) was better than other level. 5. Acknowledgements I would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr. Sawitree Wongtangtintharn, Nonruminant Nutrition Lecturer, my supervisor for her help with correction of the paper and advice on this writing. I also would like to thank to Assist. Prof. Dr. Darunee Jothityangkoon who is the Lecturer of the seminar subject. I would like to thank to all the PhD and Masters students under Dr. Sawitree Wongtangtintharn supervision with their help on this paper. 6. References AL-Sultan, S. I., 2003. The Effect of Curcuma longa (Tumeric) on Overall Performance of Broiler Chickens. International Journal of Poultry Science 2 (5): 351-353, 2003. Ammon, H. P., H. Safayhi, T. Mack and J. Sabieraj, 1993. Mechanism of anti inflammatory actions of curcumine and boswellic acids. J. Ethnopharmacol, 38: 113-9. Basavaraj, M, Nagabhushana, V, Prakash N., S.Mallikarjunappa, Appannavar, M.M. and Prashanth Wagmare, 2010. Effect of dietary supplementation of Pulvis Curcuma Longa on the

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