shc32 2012

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SHC32 Engage in personal development in health, social care or childrens and young peoples settings

Unit SHC32. Engage in personal development in childrens and young peoples settings.


Starter - Evaluation tree

Colour in where you are on the tree today. Write todays date next to the person that you identify with the most. Think about what you already know about Early Years and the experience you may have already had. The person you colour in should reflect where you are today.

Introduction to unit SHC32

CYPW L3 Video clip.
What will you be learning? What has Penny Tassoni reflected on?

Learning outcomes of unit.

Personal development and reflective practice. Understand what is required for competence in your own work role. Be able to reflect on practice. Be able to evaluate your own performance. Be able to agree a personal development plan. Set yourself SMART targets. Be able to use learning opportunities and reflective practice to contribute to personal development.

How this unit will be assessed.

For this unit you will need to collect and put together a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate: your developing skills and knowledge. reflective practice evaluations of your performance Creating your portfolio is an on going process and will be assessed in May.

Job description / specification

What's the difference? Job specification the criteria you need to meet to apply for the job. Job description outlines the duties and responsibilities of the role.

Skills match.
Match the following skills to the job description.

Organisation Caring

Team work
Record keeping Cleanliness & hygiene


Health and safety

Class books.
The date 12/09/13 LO: to describe the roles and responsibilities of an Early Years Practitioner. Use the matching skills activity to support.

Choose one of the below and write a job description for the role.
A clown

Buzz light year

A spy

A Parent

The Queen

A Scarecrow

Reflective Diary - placement.

Write a brief description of everything you did this morning from the moment you woke up to arriving at college. WWWEBI now identify what went well (WWW) and how you could improve your morning (EBI). Youve just reflected on your morning.

Starter activity

Re cap duties and responsibility ( cover lesson)

Group activity: mix & match On your table you have an envelope, in the envelope you have two sets of cards. The six green cards are duties and responsibilities. The six yellow cards are sentences that match to the duties and responsibilities. Which one goes where? You have 5 minutes

A day in the life of a child care practitioner

Time 08.01 Activity Cleaned the baby changing mats. Welcomed James into the room and discussed his teething problems with his mother (lack of sleep, grizzly). Skills Showing an awareness of Health and Safety. Interacting with parents and children.

Activity 1


A childcare practitioner fulfils many roles and responsibilities. For just one day, keep a detailed record of the tasks you have undertaken. No matter how small and insignificant, write them down. Then consider what skills you might be using and developing through these tasks. Two examples have been written to get you started

Activity 2 - My work role.

Take the skills identified from activity 1, A day in the life of a childcare practitioner and place them onto the spider diagram below, adding more legs.
Two examples have been completed for you.

Show an awareness of Health and Safety

My work role

Interact with parents and children

Starter activity


Look at the pictures. What skills are the practitioners demonstrating?

Discussion time
Talk to the person next to you about something you have learnt from your placement. Write it down on a post it note.

Can you identify the skills you demonstrated?

Values and principles.

10 Key Values and Principles (UNCRC)
Children and Young Peoples Workforce
National Occupational Standards (NOS) Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) principles

It may feel like there are hundreds of them! Dont panic, they all have similarities.
Common Core of Skills and Knowledge

CCACHE statement of values

Every Child Matters

Research time
Early Years Foundation stage principles Every Child Matters values and principles UNCRC 10 key principles

What did you find out?

Respect the principle of confidentiality Commitment to meeting the needs of the children and young people. Responsibility and accountability in the workplace. Respect for parents, carers and other adults. Communicate effectively with team members Work effectively with professionals from other agencies.

Duties and responsibilities of the practitioner.

Values and beliefs activity

Trust Friendship Honesty Fairness success

What do I value?



own time

good manners

Respect the principle of confidentiality

Commitment to meeting the needs of the children and young people.

Responsibility and accountability in the workplace.

Respect for parents, carers and other adults.

Communicate effectively with team members

Work effectively with professionals from other agencies

Starter activity. Taboo.

The objective of the game is for you to get your partner to guess the word on your card without using the word itself.

Bad practice !
Whistle blowing DVD

Looking at standards.
Activity 3.

Activity 5
Follow the steps below to complete the table provided: 1. Take four skills from your spider diagram in Activity A2 (My work role) that you find the most challenging and place them in the first column below. 2. Look at the EYFS Principles into Practice cards and identify which of the principles each of your work role skills matches. Read the relevant card, particularly the reflecting on practice section. Think about how effectively you carry out each of the work role skills you have identified. 3. Give yourself a score out of 5 for each one. Use the EYFS practice card text to guide you in making your judgements and also look at the PowerPoint on KEEP for further evidence of the Key Elements of Effective Practice. 4. Now reflect on the evidence you could provide to justify the score you have given yourself. 5. Finally note any actions for improvement you plan to take based on your reflections.

Personal development sheets

What skills have you developed? Identify and record the skills you have developed over the last three weeks. Think about something you have learnt from college or in your placement. How can you progress this skill, use it in the future?

Reflective practice
What is the reflective practitioner ?

Taking a look at reflection.

Challenge to create a mask that reflects your personality and individuality.

Reflection and evaluation

What did you make? How did you feel when you were making the mask ? What is good and bad about your mask ? What could you have done differently? What will you do next time?

Key term -Reflective Practitioner Reflective cycle

Did you think about what you were doing in placement this week? Did you wonder if you were doing it right? Did you think you coped well? Could you have done something better?

Put the six steps to reflection in the right order.

Did you get it right?

1. The description ( what happened?) 2. Feelings (what were you thinking and feeling?) 3. Evaluation (what was good and bad about the experience?) 4. Analysis ( what sense can you make of the situation?) 5. Conclusion ( what would you have done differently?) 6. Action plan ( what will you do next time?)

Evaluation activity.
Independent task - Evaluate your bag. Working in pairs evaluate a book using the same format.

What is it made of? What colour is it? How many pockets does it have? Is it big enough for all the things you need to bring to class with you? What sort of fastening does it have? Does it coordinate with what youre wearing today? Does it have pockets to store things like your phone?

By asking these questions and thinking about the answers you are beginning to evaluate!
Task. In pairs think about how you would evaluate a book in the same way. Draw up a list of the things you would need to consider in order to find out how useful it would be to your studies.

Peer assessment time.

Assessment. Swap placement diaries. Read and evaluate. Is there evidence of reflection? www.ebi How could the diary be improved? Fill out the peer assessment record sheet. Remember to be sensitive and show respect to each other. When assessing others work always give positive feedback. Reflection. How will you improve and develop your reflective writing? Working in pairs.

Evaluating and improving your learning

Other professionals Articles, books and magazines. Further training Visiting other settings (sharing good practice) Peer observation feedback

Creating a personal development plan.

Strengths and weaknesses.

Confidently communicate with children Always punctual Good understanding of child development Working as part of a team Managing childrens behaviour Planning activities for children.

Communicating with adults


Focus on your professional development and personal skills.

Personal development plan

Front page name / PIN /unit title (SHC32). Contents page. Dividers: Section 1- My work role Section 2- My goals and targets Section 3- Reflective practice Section 4- Appendices

Organising your personal development file.

Interactive quiz.

Evaluation Tree. Personal development


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