Proposal - Docxanthony, Mary and Charlie

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Programme title: Hackers Frequency Duration: Our la jette film will be 3 minutes long Audience: Our target Audience

will be (PG), we will be aiming it at both Male and


Format: HD or Standard Resume: Hackers Frequency is about a new social media site which sends wave frequencies
through to your brain to get you not leaving the site. Including a group of hackers try to send a hack out to destroy the website but when it deactivates the website it also deactivates the human brain therefor killing the human race that was on the website. Hackers Frequency will have roughly around 8 actors, we will have: 2 hackers, one TV presenter, narrator and a bunch of people that are hooked on the site.

Suggested elements:
1. We will create a website that will be featured in the film 2. Narrator all throughout the film 3. Sound effects to create tension. For example we will have Wind, Death/ violin music at the end

Shooting days
We will shoot Tuesday 7th October and Thursday 10th October 2013, we will shoot our photo romance throughout the whole day. PROGRAMME PUBLICITY AND FOLLOW-UP YouTube advert and also advertised on bbc1

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