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Music and Arts, Physical Education and Health

The Music and Arts Program seeks to expose students to and develop appreciation for Philippine, Asian, and Western music. Students do not only acquire factual and theoretical knowledge but are also introduced to applications like singing, playing Filipino and Asian instruments, listening to recordings, and reading, writing and creating music. Physical Education aims to make the students physically strong, well-poised, sound and efficient, mentally alert and active, and emotionally tempered and well-balanced. Each year level takes on a different fitness program such as sports, gymnastics, dancing, and martial arts. Health Education is designed to keep students abreast with health concerns and issues. Lessons on Health Assessment, Proper Hygiene, First Aid, Drugs and Substance Abuse, Mental Health, Communicable and Non-communicable diseases, Alternative Medicine and Nutrition and Fitness all aim to lead the students to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Citizenship Advancement Training is offered to fourth year high school students. The program aims to enhance students sense of responsibility and commitment to the development of their school community. Aside from engaging the students in lectures, discussions, and drills, the course leads the students to render assistance in different school activities and campaigns. By fostering the sense of service, the course aims to mould the students into servant leaders who value discipline, order, innovation, and initiative. GOALS IN THE ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION MAPEH DEPARTMENT Goal 1. Build cooperative relationships where the faculty spends time communicating and sharing concerns, ideas, and triumphs. Strategies 1. Have staff celebrations throughout the year. 2. Create team plan periods and encourage each team to have meetings during this time to discuss happenings on a weekly basis. Goal 1. Understand and appreciate how much hard work each teacher does on a daily basis. Strategies 1. Reward and recognize teachers who do an extraordinary job on a regular basis through a teacher of the month program

2. Encourage teachers to teach outside the box and use their creativeness in their classrooms throughout their daily lessons. Goal 1. Build a school society that is appreciative of cultural differences and takes them into considerations when making decisions within the school. Strategies 1. Implement culturally focused materials in the media center. 2. Provide staff development to help teachers meet diverse students needs. Goal 1. Provide maximum time for learning on a daily basis for both students and teachers. Strategies 1. Minimize interruptions in the classroom by eliminating all-calls and providing quick alternatives to taking attendance. 2. Set up times for teachers to observe other teachers on a regular basis. Goal 1. Build cooperative relationships where the faculty spends time communicating and sharing concerns, ideas, and triumphs. Strategies 1. Have staff celebrations throughout the year. Goal 1. Learn to think of the needs of teachers and make a conscience effort to find out what teacher needs are and examine ways to meet them. Strategies 1. Remember what it was like to be a teacher by offering to teach mini-lessons throughout the year. 2. Be flexible and sensitive to your staffs needs. Goal 1. Allow teachers the opportunity to have time to share triumphs and tragedies they have experienced within their classroom. Strategies 1. Have good public relations that allow the teachers to share their happenings and ideas that they use in the classroom with the community 2. Make share time a vital part of each faculty meeting. Goal 1. Approach problems with an open mind and search for the most logical solution that will benefit each player involved. Strategies 1. Provide support materials and ideas to teachers to help them solve problems. 2. Be proactive and create a procedure for solving problems.

Goal 1. Remember that each educator is unique and that there are many teaching styles that can be effective within the classroom. Strategies 1. Provide positive reinforcement of different teaching styles. 2. Provide a variety of staff development dealing with multiple styles and pedagogy. Goal 1. Treat the faculty as equals and offer advice from your experiences that will allow them to grow as individuals and as teachers. Strategies 1. Build on a persons strengths rather than their weaknesses. 2. Have informal evaluations and offer suggestions for improvement. Goal 1. Allow the community both inside and outside of the school to take an active interest in the business of the school and let them know what is going on. Strategies 1. Back the vision and mission of the school with training and money. 2. Involve all teachers, community members, and students with bond issues. Goal 1. Focus on one area and work to make that area as strong as possible and use that focus to build from that area to make other efforts stronger. Strategies 1. Have a school wide theme that lessons, guest speakers, and curriculum decisions are planned around. 2. Provide staff development opportunities that focus on increasing coherency throughout the school. Goal 1. Have a curriculum that meets the content goals of your state's curriculum objectives and use the processes that are found to be the most conducive to student learning. Strategies 1. Provide literature to teachers that offer new teaching strategies and ideas. 2. Allow opportunities for students to relate content to the world around them by participating in field trips or having guest speakers come into the school. Goal 1. Understand that the teachers and staff have personal lives in which problems may sometimes arise. Strategies 1. Be flexible and willing to help out whenever and wherever help is needed. 2. Have an open door policy.

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