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An Inconvenient Truth

Arranged By Nur aeni musyafak 2oo7o51o147

International Class Department of International Relation Faculty of 0 Social and Political Science Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta


This documenter of film created by Al-Gore t he ex vice president of America. This film reservation to t he inhabitant of world to save t he world from defect, which defects of it, is caused from the devilment of human. Also the defect caused to global warming and disaster in any where such as t he Katrina hurricane. Accord to Mark Twain wise word what get s us into trouble is not w hat we dont know for sure t hat just aims so. Finally t his documenter film got the noble for the good comprehension for t he damaging of global warming. The global pollution manufactures the sheer atmosphere. If we review to our eart h, how sheer is the atmosphere comparable with t he eart h? Now we look into the radiation of t he earth, solar radiation in t he form of light waves passes t hrough the atmosp here. Most of the radiation is absorbed by the eart h and warms it. Some energy is radiated back into space by t he earth in the form of infrared waves. Some of this out going infrared radiation is trooped by the eart hs atmosphere and warms it. The answer of this is global warming or non like it hot. In 1957 Roger R evelle experiment, he choose David as his student consign the aero balloon every day and direct to western pacific because most of t hat areas is remote and abstruse to encode processing of research. H e describes t he large change and w hat we saw to the atmosp here. H e describes also for next 79 years t h e gradient pattern of the sout hern hemisphere and the nort hern hemisp here. This shown t he most vegetation in the nort hern hemisp here, because when the lower CO in t he northern hemisp here it will be spring & summer, and when the northern hemisphere estranges t he sun it will be winter & autumn t his in quick change. Lany Thomson research in Argentina and make invention about volume of CO inside the snow or ice is same with t he volume of CO in the atmosp here. Also measure t he O isotopes and give accurate data about the temperature of bubble been trapped and falls as snow. Than from this we can account how much is th e geyser melted in a year and it will be lose after a years. Furthermore, t he geyser and ice or snow zone will be revert in t he interval 650 years after loosed or melted at

all. Toni Blair said if the ice zone in Arctic and Greenland melted at all it will be impact to resett ling of the land in the world. The analyses in Arctic is the snow and ice zone at there melted or loosed 40% in 40 years, estimating for 50-70 years ice zone and snow will be loosed at all. And the cropper of Antarctica is danger alarm for t he upper side of t he world. Than we ought to care about and save t he world from t he global warming because the terrible effect is worldwide. If its happen, how many inhabiting t hreatened the disaster as t he consequence of global warming? The radiations of the sun are like the light rebound the mirror. 90% the surface store t he warm and rebound t he radiat ion out of space. The radiated water will be warm and accelerate t he melting of t he snow. Storing of t he warm in eart h destine t he session, wind and the weat her. Temperature in t he eart h 58F and increase at the equator 1 and in the nort hern 12 and the warming will be impact to warm bubble temperature. As t he data in last 14 years occurred the ten hottest years on record, 2003 heat wave in Europe estimated dead more t han 35 thousand people, in specific areas France 15000 people, Net herlands 1400 people, Portugal 13000 people, Italy 20000 people, United Kingdom 900 peop le, and Spain 100 people. Not only above t he impact of global warming, but also enhance vectors for emerging infectious diseases such as mosquito, rodent s, t set se flies, lice, algae, ticks, bats, fleas, and snails. The new diseases emerge is Ebola, arenas virus, hanta virus pulmonary syndrome, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SAR S), multi drug resistant tuberculosis, coli 157:H 7, Lyme disease, legionnaires, vibrio cheolarae 0139, and nipah viruses. The ocean become warm so t he water evaporate and contrive hurricane, as occurred in the pass such as: 1. Florida-hurricane Jeanne, September 2004 2. Atlantis ocean-hurricane francs, September 2004 3. Florida-hurricane Ivan, September 2004 4. United States tornados-1,717 , September 2004 5. Japan-typ hoons-10 , 2004 6. Brazil first ever hurricane in sout h Atlantic, March 2004 7. Caribbean hurricane Emily, July 2005

8. Florida-hurricane Dennis, July 2005 9. Hurricane-Katrina August 29, 2005 The period of consequences 10. Austria August 23, 2005 11. Switzerland August 23, 2005 12. Brienz-Switzerland August 26, 2005 13. Mumbai India July 26, 2005 The data of all Toppan happen 1. Sundai 2. Dianmu 3. Mindulle 4. Namt heun 5. Rananim 6. Chaba 7. Tingting 8. Consoon 9. Ma-on 10. Song da The hurricane been in many places and in other side it been earth quake also happen and in Niger the Dafus lake become dry and no water inside even little. This all also creep t he political issues behind the global warming. As t he background the increasing of economic, t he technology become sop histicated, than need more energy to operate it, and t he source energy decrease and limited. It is difficult to get man understand somet hing what his salary depends upon his not understanding it (Lipton Sinclair). The economies rebound the global warming effect about by saying reposition global warming as theory rather t han fact. We use witnessing a collision between our civilization and t he eart h. If we return it back in the ancient t he old technology predictable consequences t han t he new technology w hich dramatically altered consequences.

If retiree about the global warming and political issues its like t he frogs that known it will boil in the water and doesnt try to out from the boil also wait the soul to pass.

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