Cerumen Impaction

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Cerumen Impaction
Cyrus Torchinsky and Terence M. Davidson
Geriatric Otolaryngology Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by McGill University on 12/10/12 For personal use only.

Division of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery, VA San Diego Healthcare System, and Department of Surgery, UCSD Medical Center, San Diego, California, U.S.A.

INTRODUCTION Cerumen management is an integral and banal part of virtually every otolaryngologists practice. While the management of earwax often provokes ribbing from our more macho surgical colleagues, it remains an important quality-of-life issue for our patients. Perhaps nowhere else is this more true than in the elderly population where impacted cerumen is a common problem that often leads to decreased functionality and cognition. This chapter will be a compendium to assist practicing head and neck surgeons in managing cerumen in elderly patients and make suggestions for how to educate referring primary care physicians on how to manage cerumen in their ofce and when to refer for head and neck evaluation and assistance. To achieve this end, we will examine the anatomy and physiology of the external auditory canal as they relate to cerumen. This will include the recent biochemical efforts to determine the exact composition of cerumen so that a better ceruminolytic agent might be developed. Important in this discussion is the pathophysiology of cerumen impaction. The literature and current epidemiologic evidence examining the prevalence and impact of cerumen impaction in the elderly will be discussed. Then, after summarizing the limited clinical data on cerumen management, we will suggest our own practice algorithm for cerumen impaction. As a note, there is a semantic difference between cerumen, the product of specialized secretory glands and earwax, an amalgam of these secretions, and various other substances contained in the canal. Unless specied, we use these terms synonymously. After all, the offending substance we remove from our patients ears is earwax.

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF CERUMEN The external auditory canal is an approximately 2.5 cm long canal when measured from the external meatus to the tympanic membrane (TM). The lateral, cartilaginous part of the canal measures 8 mm. In the thick subcutaneous tissue in the outer or lateral third of the cartilaginous canal lie the numerous ceruminous and sebaceous


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glands that secrete what appears in the auditory canal as earwax (Fig. 1). Ceruminous glands are modied apocrine glands that have a coiled tubular structure resembling both sweat glands and secretory tissue in the breast (1). They lie deep to sebaceous glands, and in fact their ducts form a conuence with those emerging from the acini of sebaceous glands to empty adjacent to the hair follicles. Like all apocrine glands, the histology of ceruminous glands changes when glandular products are being secreted (2). While actively secreting cerumen, secretory cells have a columnar appearance. This changes to a cuboidal appearance when the glands are quiescent. Myoepithelial cells line the outer surface of the gland, aiding the propulsion of glandular products to the lumen of the external auditory canal (EAC). Earwax is a mixture of the products of ceruminous and sebaceous glands, large sheets of desquamated keratinocytes, shed hair, and any other substances that may have made their way into the external auditory canal (i.e., personal hygiene products, dirt, or, commonly in our Southern California practice, sand). There is a wide range of colors for cerumen. Some earwax is dark brown or black while some is a goldenyellow to light brown hue. It is believed that all cerumen begins golden in color and the combination of dehydration, oxidation, and bacterial activity is what leads to the darker colors (3). While the exact source of the pigmentation is unknown, recent efforts at determining the chemical composition of cerumen by Burkhart et al. may have yielded an answer. Not all cerumen is alike. Otolaryngologists working in communities with large Asian populations have long noted that these patients wax differs from that of Caucasians. Asians have dry, also known as rice bran, wax that is brittle, ash-like, and aky appearing with a light grey to brownish grey color. This is opposed to the wet or sticky, gold to golden brown cerumen that is present in 98% of Caucasians

Figure 1 Low power (10X) parafn-embedded section of an impacted cerumen plug demonstrating sheets of desquamated keratinocytes (center of gure).

Cerumen Impaction


and those of African and Latin descent (4). Rice bran wax also distinguishes itself by being odorless and less copious than wet cerumen. Asians produce signicantly less cerumen than whites, Africans, or Latinos. Some investigators feel that this is the result of fewer ceruminous glands in the canal (5). E. Matsunga in his 1962 paper The Dimorphism in Human Normal Cerumen described a simple Mendelian inheritance for cerumen phenotype. The exact locus of this gene was recently mapped by Tomita et al. (6) to the short arm of chromosome 16. This apparently inconsequential dichotomy of cerumen has yielded surprising avenues of research. Petrakis et al. (7) used cerumen phenotype to trace the migration across the Bering strait of native American peoples. This study was followed by work tracking the frequency and inheritance of cerumen phenotype in various tribes and led to the observation that the type of earwax is associated with breast secretions. Individuals with dry cerumen tend to produce fewer breast secretions. Given this correlation and the morphologic similarities between breast and ear tissue, Petrakis (8) extended this concept to the breast cancer nding that dry-type cerumen is associated with a reduced risk of this disease. Wet and dry are not the only two subtypes of cerumen. Hawke (3) has further carried this classication to distinguish between soft and hard cerumen. Hard cerumen is more often found in adults and is characterized as having a dry, desiccated consistency while soft cerumen is wet and sticky and is typied by what we see in the pediatric population. Histologically, soft cerumen has small sheets of keratin squames, shed cells also known as corneocytes from the stratum corneum in external canal skin, while hard cerumen has larger, more tightly packed sheets of desquamated keratinocytes. Corneocytes are expanded in soft cerumen, and not in hard cerumen. That earwax provides a protective function for the external auditory canal is undisputed. How it does this is a matter of some debate. It is certain that cerumen plays a role in lubricating and cleaning the external auditory canal. The chemical constituents of earwax are primarily hydrophobic compounds that help keep the otherwise damp, dark, and warm culture milieu [called the greenhouse of the human body by some (9)] of the external ear free of water. Cerumen is also very effective at trapping debris such as dirt, dust, shed hairs, and desquamated skin cells. The egress of this material is facilitated by the pattern of epithelial migration in the ear from the tympanic membrane outward. Jaw motion during mastication and speech further helps drive cerumen out of the canal. Cerumen has long been felt to act as protection against insects in the canal, although it is very difcult to scientically verify this function (1). Whether or not cerumen has intrinsic antimicrobial activity is controversial. Some evidence suggests that this is the case. Cerumen has a pH ranging from four to ve and has both bacterio- and fungostatic properties, and it contains such bacteriocidal materials such as lysozyme, IgA, and fatty acids (10). However, in vitro work has been inconsistent. Stone and Fulghum (11) found that populations of some bacteria were reduced 17% to 99% by a 3% suspension of wet cerumen. They tested seven species of bacteria including Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermis, Propionibacterium acnes, Corynebacterium spp., Eschericia coli, and Serratia marcescens. Their results implied that more pathogenic species were more susceptible to the effects of cerumen as were bacteria in the logarithmic rather than stationary phase of growth. No difference was found between the wet and dry types of cerumen. Similar ndings were also reported by Chai and Chai (12), who suspended dry cerumen in a 3% glycerolsodium bicarbonate buffer, nding up to a 99% reduction in growth for

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H. u, E. coli, and Serratia, while growth rates were reduced by 30% to 80% for two Pseudomonas, one Streptococcus, and two Staphylococcus isolates. However, these results have been difcult to replicate. Campos et al. (13) found that cerumen suspensions more frequently increased rather than inhibited growth. A paper by Pata (14) showed reduction only in S. epidermis in cerumen from normal subjects. Intriguingly, the cerumen of patients with chronic otitis externa statistically inhibited growth of a pathogen, E. coli. Regardless of the end results of these studies, one thing that is clear is that at the very least cerumen acts a mechanical barrier to bacterial invasion of the very thin epidermis of the external auditory canal. Underproducers of cerumen are indeed predisposed to otitis externa, and the time-tested protocol of dry ear precautions for external otitis also gives hint that the drying properties provided by lipophilic compounds are important in preventing bacterial overgrowth of the external auditory canal. The regulation of cerumen production has been well studied, albeit some years ago. Adrenergic agonists, smooth muscle stimulants, and the emotional states of anxiety and fear in addition to resulting in increased production of apocrine sweat result in increased cerumen. Also, the mechanical actions of cleaning or rubbing the canal wall have a milking action on the ceruminous glands, helping to extrude their contents. Cerumen secretion can also be stimulated by vigorous chewing (5). In addition to the amount of cerumen extruded into the canal, the quality of this secretion can change. Measured over an entire population, cerumen can change its chemical composition over the course of the seasons. The triglyceride content of earwax decreases signicantly in the transition from winter to summer months (15). This is felt to be a consequence of changes in diet from these times. The denitive studies of the biochemical composition of cerumen are the recent reports of Burkhart et al. (16,17). This group determined the constituent elements of wet hard cerumen in patients with obstructed ears. Their end goal is to use this information to discover a better ceruminolytic agent. Their rst study determined the primary amino acid and simple sugar content of earwax. They found the major amino acid components to be glycine, glutamic acid, and serine. The most abundant carbohydrates in order of abundance were galactosamine, galactose, glucose, glucosamine, mannose, and fructose (16). This work was expanded one year later when the investigators used ash pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry to further elucidate the chemical composition of cerumen (17). The cerumen was rst fractionated in a solution of deoxycholate, sodium chloride, and sodium phosphate. Then, the supernatant containing pure chemical constituents (i.e., the secretions of the ceruminous and sebaceous glands) and residue composed of squamous and proteinaceous debris were analyzed separately. This technique identied 152 principal compounds. These included aliphatic compounds, aromatics, nitrogen compounds, and possibly diterpenoids. This latter family of chemicals is quite interesting because among the diterpenoids are retinal and carotenoids. These compounds are abundant in plants and are major pigments in both fall foliage and carrots. The peak possibly representing diterpenoids was only found in the supernatant, indicating that Burkhart et al. (16,17) may have discovered the heretofore unknown pigment in earwax. The other peaks in their sample represented abundant squalene compounds and steroids. In addition to discovering the complexities of cerumen that yield its various physical properties [including some little known ones. For example, earwax was used as a binding agent for dyes in illuminated medieval manuscripts (18)], this study also yielded a potentially novel class of ceruminolytics: bile acids. Burkhart reported that primary and secondary bile acids in vitro were remarkably efcacious in dissolving

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Cerumen Impaction


the cerumen plug, perhaps due to the ability of the bile acids to form micelles with the cholesterol in cerumen. Although they suggest that they are developing clinical application of bile acids, no reports have emerged as of the time of this writing.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Subjective complaints from patients with cerumen impaction include itching, pain, hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, and chronic otitis externa. Other reported symptoms include chronic cough, perhaps mediated through the auricular branch of the vagus (Arnolds nerve) that supplies the skin of the posterior and inferior wall of the canal (19). Hearing loss has been quantied by pure tone audiometric testing in patients with cerumen impaction. These audiograms demonstrate gradually decreasing highfrequency threshold sensitivity as percent of canal occlusion increases (20). With an 80% to 90% occlusion, hearing loss only occurred at frequencies greater than 1000 Hz with threshold decreases from 15 dB to 20 dB. Increasing the occlusion to 95% resulted in an extra 510 dB of threshold loss in higher frequencies, but no changes in frequencies less than 1000 Hz. Only with complete blockage of the canal do we see hearing loss in the lower frequencies with an average pure tone loss of 40 dB across the spectrum. This explains the commonly encountered clinical phenomenon whereby patients do not complain of hearing loss until their canals are nearly or completely occluded. While there is high frequency loss prior to 100% occlusion of the EAC, patients do not perceive their decit until impaction becomes severe enough to impact the frequencies used in speech. In their review, Roeser and Ballachanda make the point that any decits from cerumen impaction may in fact be compounded by pre-existing sensorineural loss. This is especially true in elderly patients who have a high prevalence of presbycusis (9). Another, perhaps often missed or misdiagnosed, consequence of cerumen impaction is decreased mental functioning. The association between cognitive impairment and hearing loss is inconsistently described. Peters et al. (21) found that hearing impaired individuals had a steeper decrease in their mental status scores over time compared with normal hearing individuals. Moreover, at least one study, Mulrow et al. (22), found that improvement of hearing was associated with improvement on the Folstein mini mental status exam, the Yesavage geriatric depression scale, and subjective surveys regarding emotional function and communication. Moore et al. studied how cleaning cerumen impaction inuenced performance on the Folstein mini mental status exam (MMSE). In their cohort of 29 patients with cerumen impaction, this group found an average improvement of one point on the MMSE (23). Then, one must also consider the well-being of the elderly individual. A study examining quality of life and hearing impairment had 63% of respondents reporting severe emotional and social dysfunction as a result of their hearing loss. People with hearing loss also fare poorly on, and had neurotic or borderline proles on, an anxiety questionnaire (24). The isolation caused by hearing impairment is difcult to quantify, but well understood by anyone regularly treating hearing impairment in a clinical practice. Whether cerumen impaction is a disorder of overproduction or failure of migration is not certain. There is histological evidence that individuals with cerumen impaction have more distended ceruminous glands relative to nonimpacted controls (2). However, this distension could as easily be the result of obstruction at the exit point for cerumen as a symptom of overactivity of ceruminous glands.

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The migration hypothesis as elucidated in a series of papers by Hawkes group is the more compelling. Robinson of Hawkes group examined impacted cerumen from 28 patients and found the combination of wet and hard cerumen to be the most associated with impaction (25). Robinson noted that these cerumen plugs contained more large sheets of keratin squames in them compared to earwax from nonimpacted ears. Clinically, this type of cerumen plug often has a pearly white color and can lead to pressure and pain within the EAC, as the dead cells have a tendency to absorb water and expand. The presence of these sheets of keratinocytes could be explained by a failure of the inward to outward migration of epithelium within the external canal. This failure of migration is hypothesized to be a decit in a protein that cleaves cellcell connections allowing corneocytes (keratinocytes in the stratum corneum) to separate from each other and cells in the stratum lucidum below. This to date undiscovered protein has been named KADS (keratinocyte attachment destroying substance), and it may turn out to be a crucial component of the ears self-cleaning mechanism. Without detachment, epithelial migration out of the canal is disrupted and the accumulating keratin ball serves to trap dirt, cerumen, and hair eventually forming a plug. To date, the only enzyme known to be involved in epithelial cell desquamation is steroid sulfatase. The target of steroid sulfatase is cholesterol sulfate, a known intracellular cement of sorts. In tissue from normal ear canals compared to those from patients with impacted cerumen, greater steroid sulfatase activity is seen in the deeper layers of the epithelium, supporting the hypothesis that this protein is involved with desquamation (dermatologists are well aware of disorders in keratinocyte detachment as they often treat patients with X-linked icthyosis). The desquamation hypothesis is also clinically relevant in the quest for the perfect ceruminolytic agent. In addition to addressing the chemical constituents of earwax, the ideal ceruminoltyic will be capable of disrupting the integrity of the keratin sheets in the ear canal (Fig. 1). This agent must be able to lyse the corneocytes cell membrane, allowing them to expand and separate from each other and adjacent cells in the stratum lucidum of the epidermis (3). The changes of normal aging also lead to a predisposition for cerumen impaction. As we age, the coarsening and lengthening of the hair within the external auditory canal acts as a physical impediment to self-cleaning of the ear. This is especially true in men. Additionally, there is a general decrease in the activity of cerumen glands in aging. This makes earwax drier and more difcult to clear from the canal. Another change of aging that can lead to cerumen impaction is the development of external ear canal exostoses. Finally, as the elderly are more frequent users of hearing aids, this cause of cerumen impaction must not be overlooked (26).

INCIDENCE The geriatric population has the highest incidence of cerumen impaction of any age group with the exception of the mentally retarded and residents of institutions. There have been three studies by two investigators examining the prevalence of pathologic quantities of cerumen in the elderly. Mahoney examined the problem twice, rst in 1987 and then again in 1993. In the rst study, Mahoney (27) found that 34% of 133 elderly subjects had impacted cerumen and another 23% had moderate to large amounts of cerumen in their EACs. This matched up well with the follow-up study showing 25% to 42% of ears in nursing home residents aged 62100 had moderate to large amounts of impacted cerumen (28). Perhaps the most concerning fact reported

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by Mahoney was that in spite of the identication of excessive cerumen, most ears were either inadequately treated or untreated. This was attributed to the unwillingness of physicians to perform ear irrigations and lack of training/knowledge in the nursing staff on the use of ceruminolytic agents, ear irrigation, or otoscopy. Janken and Lewis-Cullinan reported similar results, with 35% of 226 individuals 65 or over having impacted cerumen. Nineteen percent of this cohort had bilateral impaction (29).

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There are many safe and effective treatments for impacted cerumen. The challenge to the otolaryngologist is to determine which treatment to use with which patient. Before undertaking cerumen removal, a complete history should be taken. Has the patient had a history of this problem? Are there any signs suggesting tympanic membrane perforation? Were there complications of prior cerumen removals such as dizziness, bradycardia, etc.? This information is important because there have been reported cases of cardiac arrest arising from manipulation of the EAC, thought to be a response mediated by Arnolds nerve (30). Also one must know if this is an only hearing ear, for if so irrigation is contraindicated and the cerumen must be cleaned by direct visualization. Before inserting an ear speculum, the external auditory meatus and canal should be inspected for signs of bleeding, erythema, swelling, or crusting to rule out a concomitant infection. The canal is best examined by pulling the pinna of the ear superiorly and posteriorly. If the speculum is inserted superiorly and anteriorly the drum should be visualized. In cases of impaction, one will see a plug of wax ranging from black to dark brown to white in color. The treatment should proceed as follows. The majority of cases of cerumen impaction can be cleared by irrigation of the canal. Most otolaryngologic practices have a compressed air irrigation setup on hand, but a 20 cc syringe with a 14-gauge Angiocath can be used in lieu of more elaborate equipment. Commercial irrigators are also available, most often used in pediatrics. Typically, ears are irrigated with water, but some choose to add alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or Burrows solution. No one solution has a demonstrated clinical benet over another solution. The irrigant must be warmed to body temperature to prevent stimulation of the vestibular system. When introducing the irrigant, care is taken to direct the stream laterally in the EAC. This prevents injury to the tympanic membrane as well as allowing the jet of water to pass behind the cerumen plug facilitating its egress from the canal. It is judicious to follow any irrigation procedure with a few drops of an antibiotic ear solution (31). If irrigation fails, the next steps are the introduction of a ceruminolytic followed by removal under binocular otomicroscopy. Surprisingly, when one reviews all the literature involving the ideal ceruminolytic, no consensus arises to what is the best agent. Hydrogen peroxide, Burrows solution, and acetic acid have been studied and proven to be of some benet over no treatment, but no solution has consistently outperformed warmed tap water (32). Mineral oil is also used by many. Pediatricians have long been using docusate sodium as a ceruminolytic, and it remains the agent of choice in a handful of academic otolaryngology departments (33). The key to the use of any ceruminolytic is that it be warmed before introduction to the canal. Some authors claim this is especially true for Colace.


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The ceruminolytic should be given ve or so minutes to work on dissolving or loosening the plug before removal is attempted. How one proceeds from there is largely determined by what is seen in the canal. One preferred method is to use a ve French otologic suction and roll the cerumen plug into a ball. (While suctioning the EAC be aware that many patients do not tolerate this procedure without discomfort. The noise is loud and it is possible to induce vertigo with this procedure, i.e., an air caloric stimulation.) The cerumen can in most instances be sucked out of the canal. If suction fails, with extreme care a Rosen hook may be introduced into the canal and either wedged behind or even into the cerumen plug to pull it out. Alternately, propitious use of a cerumen loop and cup forceps can be very effective. Any instrument used in the canal should have smoothed edges to avoid injury to canal skin. Given the high incidence of atelectatic drums in the elderly, extreme caution must be taken not to push the wax ball inwards. There are multiple documented cases of tympanic membrane perforation and even incostapedial dislocation that led to permanent sensorineural hearing loss (34). Caveats also include the thinned skin in the elderly. Even in young subjects there is no deep dermal tissue overlying the bony canal. With the thinning of skin that occurs with aging, interventions performed in the medial EAC can be extremely painful. It is also very easy to induce bleeding, which in addition to clouding the eld of the microscope is of some distress to the patient and indicates a violation of EAC skin that may predispose to infection. If the wax plug is recalcitrant to the above interventions, it is best to stop, have the patient go home on a weeklong regimen of your preferred ceruminolytic, and then follow up for removal.

COMPLICATIONS OF CERUMEN REMOVAL Complications of cerumen removal can be protean and should be managed appropriately. As mentioned above, the already thin skin of the canal is further thinned by aging. Coupled with the fact that many elderly patients are on aspirin or other blood thinners, bleeding is a common complication. If bleeding arises, antibiotic otic drops can be administered. With a severely tender and edematous canal, oral antihistamines may be of some benet to patient comfort and in fact speed healing. Tympanic membrane perforation is another common complication. Small perforations usually heal on their own, but this can take from weeks to months in a geriatric patient. Also, tympanic membrane perforation can be associated with injury to the ossicles or even worse, perilymph stula. The latter condition is especially suspected when nystagmus, tinnitus, and hearing loss follow treatment. Tinnitus without nystagmus may occur in absence of injury to the ossicles or even without a TM perforation. However, this form of tinnitus is usually self-limiting. If one is suspicious of perilymph stula or ossicular injury, prompt referral to audiology for a stula test and measurement of stapedial reexes is indicated. Virtually all of the major complications of cerumen removal: TM perforation, ossicular disruption, and perilymph stula are amenable to surgery. However, diagnosis must be made rapidly. If a stula is indeed present per a stula test by an audiologist, the patient should follow four to ve days of bed rest and avoid Valsalva maneuvers. Use of stool softeners is encouraged if constipation is an issue. Perilymph stulas typically present with a sensorineural hearing loss of 3040 dB. This can be hard to parse out if there was preexisting sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) in the patient. A 30 dB air bone gap usually indicates injury to the conductive component of the ear caused by the trauma of irrigation or too forceful removal with instruments (31).

Cerumen Impaction


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Nausea and vomiting are common complications, which can be avoided by warming irrigation uid and taking care to avoid suction in the context of a perforated tympanic membrane. Less common complications include cardiac arrest, visual changes, and otitis externa following cerumen removal. There has been a large rise in the use of alternative medicines and therapies in the last 10 years. One such remedy is the ear candle, a homeopathic treatment that involves placing a hollow candle into the EAC and lighting the opposite end. This ostensibly creates a vacuum that sucks cerumen out. After the treatment, a substance resembling wax is left in the candle stub. This treatment has been touted in the popular press as being safe, effective, and cheap. While the cost of ear candling is indeed approximately one-fth that of removal in a doctors ofce, this practice is neither efcacious nor safe (35). None of the 20 candles tested generated negative pressure in a specially designed tympanometric setup. None of the impacted ears were cleared of cerumen, and in fact the investigators halted their study early due to injurious effects of the treatment. The wax-like substance in the candle stubs was examined with a mass spectrometer and found to have no earwax constituents, but it was rich in the alkanes that are commonly found in candle wax. A survey sent out by Seelys group found that burns to the auricle or EAC were common as were complete or partial occlusions of the EAC with candle wax and there was one report of a tympanic membrane perforation. Thus, otolaryngologists must be aware of this practice, counsel against its use, and be prepared to treat complications.

OUR PRACTICE ALGORITHM Cerumen impaction in the elderly is a problem that should be primarily managed by primary care physicians. We suggest a simple algorithm that can be distributed to primary care physicians delineating management and referral guidelines (Fig. 2). Irrigation is the simplest and most readily available choice for impacted ears. Thus, this should be the rst-line treatment using any of the base irrigants mentioned above (i.e., water warmed to body temperature with or without a combination of alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, vinegars, or Burrows solution). Contraindications to irrigation include patients with chronic ear disease, a known tympanic membrane perforation, or an only hearing ear. These patients should have their cerumen removed under the binocular microscope and thus should be automatic referrals. If the initial irrigation is not successful, a warmed ceruminolytic agent is instilled into the ear canal. After 15 minutes, the irrigation process is repeated. If the plug remains, the patient is sent home with a cerumen softener such as mineral oil. One week later the process is repeated. Failure to clear the plug necessitates referral to a specialist. When performing irrigations, physicians must know when to stop the procedure to avoid the aforementioned complications. To ensure that there is no reaccumulation of cerumen, patients can be instructed to use the otic preparation of Burrows solution: Domeboro otic drops, two drops into each ear two to three times a week after showering. Burrows solution, containing aluminum acetate, is an astringent which helps denature protein and by stimulating the EAC epithelium nurtures outwards epithelial migration. Many patients will only suffer clinically apparent cerumen impaction every two or so years. Primary care physicians can easily manage these patients when they have problems. For those patients desiring more denitive management or in whom cerumen impaction is a chronic problem, we have two treatments. The rst is the


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Figure 2 University of CaliforniaSan Diego cerumen impaction algorithm.

abovementioned Domeboro otic prophylaxis. Alternatively, patients can instill two to three drops of mineral oil into each ear canal weekly. This can be followed by irrigation with a small bulb syringe.


There is nothing new under the sun, but there are lots of old things we dont know. Ambrose Bierce (18421914)

Ambrose Bierces take on the famous quote from Ecclesiastes was made all too real in the nal stages of preparing this chapter. A review of a textbook published in 1902 revealed that the otolaryngologists of that time had both a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of cerumen impaction as well as treatments that have been lost in the intervening century. We found this so interesting that the section on cerumen management is reproduced below for those who wish to read it.

Cerumen Impaction


Impacted CerumenOcclusion of the auditory canal by a mass of inspissated cerumen is the affection of the external ear which most frequently demands the attention of the aurist. Usually the patient is entirely unconscious of the presence of the mass until the canal is completely occluded by it. Then the hearing, which before had not been appreciably diminished, although the ceruminous plug may have all but lled the lumen of the canal, becomes at once greatly impaired, autophony manifests itself, and very frequently tinnitus makes its appearance to add to the discomfort and alarm of the patient. Although the mass develops very slowly, many months usually elapsing before it becomes inconveniently large, the symptoms just enumerated generally manifest themselves suddenly. The usual explanation of this is that water has run into the ear in washing or bathing, or in warm weather perspiration has found its way into it and has caused the plug, which previously had nearly lled the canal, to swell up sufciently to make the occlusion complete. Occasionally it is a uid which the individual has intentionally dropped into the ear or some manipulation on his part of the ceruminous mass, which brings about the sudden change. Exceptionally the same symptoms may result, accompanied, perhaps, by pain, from a smaller mass of wax (which left undisturbed might not have caused inconvenience for a long time) being dislodged and pushed down upon the drumhead by the efforts of the patient to remove it. Again, when the plug is very hard and occupies the outer portion of the meatus, it may, through the movements of the jaw, exert sufcient pressure upon the canal walls to cause pain, and perhaps inammation, before it has become so large as to interfere with audition. The plug varies greatly in consistency and in solubility, and frequently contains innumerable short, pale hairs (from the walls of the canal). Very often it is in part made up of pieces of exfoliated epidermis, and exceptionally it has as a nucleus some small foreign body which has found its way into the ear, or an old scab left by a former otitis. More frequently than not both ears are involved, so both should invariably be examined. Among the rarer symptoms produced by the presence of impacted cerumen in the ear may be mentioned dizziness, reex cough, perturbation of the mental faculties with inability to concentrate the mind in intellectual pursuits, disturbances of gait simulating those of locomotor ataxia (Risley), epileptiform convulsions, and, in a case reported by the writer (2), inability to swallow, accompanied by a feeling of oppression about the heart. The added danger which results in otitis media from a pre-existent occlusion of the meatus by impacted cerumen should also not be lost sight of. With good illumination it is usually a very easy matter to detect the presence of a ceruminous plug in the auditory canal. It is seen as a dark brown mass lling the lumen of the canal, with its outer surface situated usually at about the line of juncture of the osseous and membranous portions of the meatus. Touched with a probe, it may appear quite hard, or may be soft and easily indented. Generally the inner extremity of the mass reaches to, and rests upon, the tympanic membrane. The etiology of this affection has received considerable attention, and, while it cannot be claimed that it is as yet fully understood, there is a general agreement at least as to two points: in the rst place, that, probably through reex inuence, the ceruminous glands are frequently abnormally active in the presence of chronic inammatory affections of the nasopharynx; in the second place, that under such circumstances and often perhaps independently of such conditions, there is a disturbance of the normal outgrowth of the epidermis which covers the external

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surface of the drumhead and lines the walls of the meatus. This in health tends to transport the cerumen from the deeper portions of the canal to its external orice, where it falls out or is removed in the ordinary daily ablutions. That catarrh of the nasopharynx is frequently present when there is a disposition to the formation of ceruminous plugs in the ears is a fact of daily observation, and there can be little doubt that it is an important factor in their causation. And the composition of many masses of impacted cerumenmade up, in great part, of layers of exfoliated epidermis, and sometimes enclosed in a thin pouch of epidermis which has been cast off entirely from the tympanic membrane and the walls of the meatuswould seem to show that under certain circumstances there is not only an arrest of the normal outgrowth of the epidermis, but an actual reversal in the direction of its bris in the deeper parts of the growth, tending to a heaping up of epithelial de canal, as well as to an impaction of cerumen. TreatmentIt would seem that as to the manner of dealing with so simple a condition there could be but little room for difference of opinion, still less for contention. Such, however, is far from being the case, for one very high authority tells us in his excellent treatise upon diseases of the ear that the syringe should rarely be used for the removal of cerumen, and that with the curette and the angular forceps one may accomplish in ten or fteen minutes what cannot be done with the syringe in an hours time; while another excellent authority tells us in his book that in four or ve years he has not met with a single instance in which by means of the syringe he has failed to remove impacted cerumen from the ear in one sitting of ve minutes or less, and that as to the curetting method he feels that he cannot seriously argue the question. At the risk of seeming to be contentious himself, the writer cannot refrain from saying that this last expressed sentiment meets with his fullest endorsement. But still another very high authority, whose example in most things we are glad to follow, actually commends the introduction of a strong solution of caustic potash into the ear (of course with the exercise of extreme caution) in order to saponify quickly the ceruminous mass and so to facilitate its removal. As to this procedure, it may be remarked that in kindling, and especially in rekindling a re, petroleum is a great saver of time; but, even so, it is not the part of wisdom to commend its general use in this way. The method of dealing with impacted cerumen which the writer has found most convenient, and which he has employed for many years, is as follows: In the great majority of cases the syringe is chiey relied upon. When, however, the ceruminous mass proves obdurate and does not easily undergo disintegration, the angular probe or the instrument for the removal of foreign bodies represented in Figure 490 is brought into requisition and the mass is partly broken up or separated from its attachment to the canal wall. After this the syringing is resumed, and usually with much better effect. Bicarbonate of soda is invariably added to the warm water (105110 F) with which the syringing is done, as it unquestionably facilitates the removal of the wax and certainly does no harm to the syringe, as has been suggested. The quantity used is never accurately determined, but is approximately half an ounce to a quart. The ear is inspected from time to time to make sure that there is still cerumen in it, and that the syringing is not being kept up unnecessarily. As the mass diminishes in size and there is a likelihood that the stream of water may impinge upon the drumhead, the force with which it is thrown into the ear is lessened. The exact direction in which the stream strikes the impacted mass is not thought to be of especial moment, and no apprehension

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Cerumen Impaction


is felt that this may result in the plug being driven by the force of the water more deeply into the meatus, as some have imagined. When both ears are affected, unless the mass rst attacked comes out very readily, the syringing is alternated from one ear to the other, as this saves time and appreciably diminishes the amount of syringing required. The intermittent stream of a piston syringe is employed, and is thought to be more efcacious than the continuous stream of a fountain syringe. The hard-rubber, kidney-shaped basin commonly employed by aurists has been long since discarded, because it is concave where it should be convex, and so does not t well into the hollow beneath the ear, and because, moreover, it is so long and shallow that a very slight movement on the part of the patient is likely to cause its contents to slop over upon the clothing. Instead of this, a china bowl (one made of hard rubber or metal might be better, because less fragile) of the shape represented in Figure 489 is used, and has been found much better adapted to the purpose, since it is free from both of the faults mentioned. It is always held by the patient, over whose shoulder a napkin is spread, rather than by an assistant, unless the patient be a young child. When inspection with the speculum and mirror shows that all of the cerumen has been removed, two or three syringefuls of plain warm water are gently thrown into the ear to wash out the previously used soda solution. The ear is then dried with a spill of soft linen and closed with a bit of absorbent cotton, which in cold weather the patient is advised to wear until bedtime. If the plug proves to be exceptionally refractory or time be pressing, the patient is told to report the next day, and in the meantime to drop into the ear several times a little warm sweet oil, or, if it be inconvenient for him to do this, the ear is lled with a saturated solution of soda, and after perhaps a half-hours wait the syringing is resumed. The cases in which the plug cannot be removed at one sitting are very exceptional, but the writer is compelled to admit that with the best skill he can command it is not unusual for him to spend many more than ve minutes in accomplishing this result. It occasionally happens that upon inspecting the ear it can be seen that the mass of cerumen does not extend into the deeper parts of the canal. Under such circumstances, if it is found to be of its usual rmness, it is often possible with the traction instrument (Fig. 490) to draw out the whole mass at a single effort, and so to save both time and trouble. If, however, even in such a case, the cerumen proves to be of such consistency that it can be removed only bit by bit, it is better to resort to the syringe without further ado. The writer knows of no means by which the well-recognized disposition of impacted cerumen to recur after having been removed can be overcome, except in so far as the cure or amelioration of any accompanying inammation of the nasopharynx tends to this result. In summary, practicing otolaryngologists must have an understanding of the basic science of cerumen. Earwax is produced in the outer third of the cartilaginous canal and is composed of glandular products, desquamated skin, and whatever manages to get into the canal. There are ethnic morphological differences between dry, Asian cerumen, and the wet cerumen found in all other races. Whether or not cerumen has true antibiotic properties has been difcult to verify in vitro, but at the very least it helps keep the canal dry and protects the fragile EAC skin. Sophisticated biochemical techniques have been applied to determine the exact composition of cerumen and aid in the development of better ceruminolytics.

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Torchinsky and Davidson

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Earwax is cleared by the epithelial migration from the tympanic membrane to the auditory meatus as well as mechanical forces milking the canal during mastication. Recent work has rediscovered that cerumen impaction is more likely the result of a failure of the detachment of keratinocytes than overproduction. This disease process is likely genetic and exacerbated by the changes of aging. It is important that this easy to detect condition be diagnosed as the manifestations of disease are protean and treatments easy to administer. Treatment of cerumen impaction is straightforward and most cases can be managed with a combination of irrigation and ceruminolytics. All agents work reasonably well, but there is still room for improvement. Early 20th century head and neck physicians used potash, a compound made by percolating water through a mixture of wood ash and lime (36). Perhaps not so ironically, potash is a saponifying agent like the bile acids recently suggested to be the optimal ceruminolytic. Referral to otolaryngologists should be made for patients with TM perforations, chronic ear disease, impacted only hearing ears, and impacted cerumen not easily cleaned by the primary care physician. Cerumen impaction prophylaxis can be obtained with Domeboro otic drops to encourage migration out of the EAC or with weekly application of mineral oil with or without self-irrigation.

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