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TCT Public Schools

PHED 639
Dr. Mangano
Block Plan
Scott Coderre

Table of Contents
1. Equipment and Facilities - pg 3 2. Unit Outcomes - pg 4 3. Block Plan - pg 6-14

Equipment and Facilities

Equipment: Cardiovascular - 24 Heart Rate Monitors - 10 Soccer Balls - 20 Cones - 2 Soccer Goals Flexibility - 24 Yoga Mats - 24 Journals Muscular Endurance - 6 Mats - (4) 5- 10 pound dumbbells - 24 Workout Logs Muscular Strength - 1 Smith Machine - 1 Chest Press Machine - Various Dumbbells - 8 Water Bottles - 1 Shoulder Press Machine Facility: Cardiovascular - Soccer Field

Flexibility - Gymnasium

Muscular Endurance - Gymnasium/ Weight Room

Muscular Strength - Gymnasium/ Weight Room

Unit Outcomes
(P) Perform various types of exercises that involve muscular endurance, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, and muscular strength during circuit training by the end of the unit (NASPE #1, MA CF #2.17). (.C) Identify at least 6 different yoga poses and tell why flexibility is beneficial when asked by the teacher at the end of the lesson (NASPE #2, MA CF # 2.17). (A) Demonstrate safety by listening and spotting while in the weight room 100 % of the time (NASPE # 5, MA CF #2.26).

Unit Plan: Physical Fitness/ Wellness

Grade Levels 11-12

Day: 1- Cardio Vascular Focus: Soccer

Day: 2- Flexibility Focus: Yoga

Warm up with a soccer shooting drill to get the students active and increase heart rate. Explain what the benefits of cardiovascular endurance are. Find target heart rate while participating in small sided soccer games. Soccer games will be 3v3 for maximum participation and opportunity for movement. Informing: Purpose: Improve each students cardiovascular endurance through an enjoyable activity. Purpose: Also want to meet target heart between 60- 80% of maximum heart rate. Explanation: Cardiovascular endurance is when the heart is able to supply the muscles with oxygen rich blood in order for the muscles to produce energy for particular activities. Benefits: Soccer is a sport that involves a ton of running and cardiovascular endurance. The more endurance a student has, the longer they will be able to run and participate in exciting games! Health and athletic ability will improve! Start Ready, Go! Stop Whistle Blows. Check for target heart rate, record in journal. Safety: Students will not play goalie in shooting drill to avoid injury. Activities will be carefully monitored and cardiovascular promoted. Refining/ Extending: Skill Cues for Shooting Drill Swedish Fish

Learn the difference between static and dynamic stretching (Yoga is static). Dynamic involves more movement. Explain what flexibility is and why its beneficial. Informing: Purpose: Improve students flexibility as well as understanding. Purpose: Introduce as lifetime activity. Benefits/ Explanation: A. Flexibility is the ability of your joints to move through a full range of motion. B. It is beneficial because it helps prevent injuries, improve athletic ability, and make cardio much easier. Yoga will be taught by teacher in a group activity. Students will start as instructor is leading and says Ready, Go. Students will stop when teacher blows the whistle. Safety- Important to give a yoga mat to every student and make sure there is enough space between them. Refining: Childs Pose Skill Cues1. Kneel on ground. 2. Tuck your legs, and sit on your heels. 3. Separate knees as wide as hips. 4. Exhale and lay your torso down between legs. 5. Lay your hands on the outside of your legs. 6. Hold pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Should do 2 sets. 7. Extension: Hold pose for 1 minute. Downward Dog Skill Cues-

1. Students will start in 4 lines around goal. 2. 2 lines on the side of the goal are passing lines. 3. 2 lines at the top of the box are shooting lines. 6 students in each line. 4. Passing line will pass ball diagonally to shooting line. 5. Shooting line will take shot on goal. 6. Once ball is passed/ shot, students will jog around to next spot where they will do opposite of what they just did. 7. Involves running, shooting, passing. 8. Keep eye on ball, plant foot, swing through ball with side of the foot. 9. Extension: Make students count how many goals they score in 5- 6 min.

1. Place hands and knees on ground. 2. Hands should be just in front of shoulders. Feet just behind hips. 3. Turn your hands out and toes in. 4. Exhale and bring knees off of floor. 5. Keep knees slightly bent at first. 6. Keep back straight. 7. Keep head between upper arms. 8. Hold pose for 1 minute. 2 sets. 9. Extension: Straighten legs. Warrior Pose Skill Cues: 1. Stand at front of mat. 2. Place feet about 3 to 3 ft. apart. 3. Bend front knee close to a 90 degree angle, keep back knee straight. 4. Raise your arms straight in the air (parallel). 5. Turn front foot in, back foot out. 6. Square hips to the right side. 7. Hold pose for 30 seconds. Skill Cues for 3v3 game: 8. 30 second rest. 3 sets. 1. 4 mini fields set up for 3v3 small 9. Extension: Front knee bent to 90 sided games. degree angle. 2. Teams will be selected prior to Triangle Pose Skill Cues: class. 1. Place legs wider than shoulder 3. Students will focus on passing/ width. shooting with accuracy on small goals. 2. Right foot pointed out. (Pass with inside of foot). 3. Left heel lifted up, foot slightly in. 4. Also focus on moving without the 4. Breathe, lift arms up. ball to promote cardiovascular endurance. 5. Right arm down as far as possible. 5. Games will be 5 min long before 6. Left arm straight in the air. rotation. 7. Legs stay straight. 6. Heart rate will be checked after all 8. Hold pose for 30 seconds, switch games are complete. sides. 3 sets. 7. Extension: Ball must be passed 4 9. Extension: Bring right arm to foot. times before shot. Chair Pose Skill Cues: Measuring Heart Rate: 1. Start with feet together. 1. Use middle and index fingers to 2. Keep knees in align with feet. check pulse on side of wrist near thumb. 3. Bend knees to squat position. 2. Record amount of beats for every 4. Bring arms up.

15 seconds. 3. Multiply number of beats by 4 for every minute. 4. Unless Heart Rate Monitors are provided for class.

5. Try to get legs close to 90 degrees. 6. Deep breathes. 7. Hold pose in seated position for 15 seconds. 4 sets. 8. Extension: Sit deeper in pose. Learning Activities: Tree Pose Skill Cues: Warm Up: Students will be outside 1. Bend right knee and grab right on soccer field 8 min into class. Students shin. will start by running around the soccer 2. Place right foot on left leg near field while dribbling a ball for 2 minutes. ankle. Then 1 student will be asked to lead the 3. Place hands on hips. class in 10 jumping jacks and 10 4. Squeeze right foot and left thigh crunches.(8-12 min) together. Shooting Drill: Students will 5. Hold pose for 25 sec. 2 sets each participate in shooting activity to start leg. movement and work on passing/ shooting 6. Extension: Place right foot higher skills. Activity will last 7 min to gain up on leg. maximum repetition and exercise. (12-20 Upward Salute Pose Skill Cues: min). 1. Start feet together. 3v3 Modified Games: Students will 2. Raise both arms straight upwards. be split up into teams of 3 prior to class. 3. Breathe normally. Games will last 5 minutes before rotation. 4. Bring both arms down slowly. 5 min games will allow students to play 5. Hold for 10 seconds at top. 3 sets. against MOST groups in class (21-41 6. Extension: Hold pose for 20 sec. min). Cool Down/ Closure: Heart rate Learning Activities: will be checked and recorded. Recorded Warm Up: Students will come out heart rates will be handed in to teacher of locker room 5 min into class. Warm up before students leave to change. (41-43 will begin with 1 minute light jog around min). gym. Then students will be led by peer in Assessment: 3 leg stretches (hamstring, quad, and Recorded heart rates will be calf) (5-10 min). handed in to teacher before students Activities/ Poses: Class will be leave to change. taught with each student on a mat, taking References: directions from the teacher. Group activity. Childs Pose: Pose will be held for nts/instruction/pe/documents/unit4physical 30 sec, for 2 sets. 30 second breaks will activitypyramidLevelIII.pdf be added. (10-15 min).

Downward Dog: Pose will be held for 1 min, 2 sets. 30 second break. (15-19 min). Warrior Pose: Pose held for 30 sec with 30 sec break. 3 sets. (19-26 min). Triangle Pose: Pose held for 30 sec each side. 3 sets. (26-33). Chair Pose: Pose will be held for 15 sec, 4 sets. 15 sec breaks. (33-37 min). Tree Pose: Pose held for 25 sec each leg. 2 sets. (37-41 min). Upward Salute: Pose held for 10 seconds at top. 3 sets. This pose acts as a cool down. (41-43 min). Cool Down/ Closure: Upward salute pose will be extended along with a 2 minute walk around gym. (43-46 min). Assessment: Students will write a journal entry on how they feel that they could implement yoga into their lifestyle. If not, what other ways could they gain flexibility. References:

Unit: Physical Fitness/ Wellness

Grade Levels: 11-12

Day: 3: Muscular Endurance Focus: Circuit Training To ensure students understand why muscular endurance is necessary and beneficial. Learn to use a workout log to show results and improvements. Muscular Endurance Cardiovascular Endurance Muscular Strength Informing: Purpose: Want students to learn why muscles need endurance rather than only strength. Purpose: Increase students muscular endurance through 6 different body weight exercises. Explanation/ Benefits: Muscular endurance is how long an individuals muscles can endure certain activities or workouts. It is important to improve health of the muscles, as well as overall ability of a student. Muscular endurance is beneficial to improve muscular strength. Muscles will be able to perform workout for a longer period of time or more reps. Stop/ Start at Stations: The whistle will be utilized to stop and start each station. Safety: Students will need enough room on gym floor, as well as 4 mats for core workouts. Students must follow directions and not touch any weights until given permission by teacher.

Day 4: Muscular Strength Focus: Weight Room Training Muscular Strength Gain knowledge on proper form of lifts, as well as the benefits of muscular strength. Learn what muscular strength is. Informing: Purpose: Want students to learn about different muscles of the body. Purpose: Increase students strength on all muscles of the body (upper and lower). Use 40 % of 1 rep max to sets of 8. Explanation/ Benefits: Muscular strength is basically the amount of force a certain muscle of your body can give off. Muscular strength can be gained from machines or free weights. This lesson will include both. Stop/ Start: Students will be with a partner in the weight room. Whistle/ music will be utilized in weight room. Teacher will demonstrate the 8 different exercises done, and students will divide into groups of 3. Safety: Students will have groups and must follow instructions during lifts. Safety is huge especially with free weights! Each student will have 2 spotters during lifts. Only 40 % of your 1 rep max will be lifted for 8 reps. Refining/ Extensions: Chest Press Machine: 1. Adjust to proper weight 40 % of 1RM.

Refining/ Extensions: Body Squat: 1. Legs shoulder width apart. 2. Bend knees. 3. Sit Down to a 90 degree angle. 4. Go back up. 5. Timed- 2 minutes. 6. Extension: Hold small weight. Pause Push Ups: 1. Start in up position 2. Feet and hands on floor. 3. Go down, hold for 1 second. 4. Go back up, hold for 1 second. 5. Do modified on knees or feet. 6. Timed- 2 min. 7. Extension: Hold pause for 2 sec. Pause Sit Ups: 1. Have partner hold your feet. 2. Bring shoulders and upper back off ground to bent knees. 3. Hold for 1 sec at top. 4. Go back down. 5. Timed- 1 min each partner. 6. Extension: Hold pause for 2 sec. Lunges: 1. Bring 1 foot out in front of the other about 3 feet. 2. Bend front knee to 90 degree angle. 3. Come back up to standing position. 4. Switch legs. Continue until whistle. 5. Timed- 2 min. 6. Extension: Hold small weights. Weighted Curls: 1. Water bottles, 5 lb, and 10 lb weights will be provided. 2. Stand up straight. Hold weights in both hands.

2. Sit in machine, press handles straight out. 3. 8 Reps. 4. All 3 partners will go, 2 sets or when music stops. 5. Extension: Little more weight, 2 less Reps. Smith Machine Squat: 1. Adjust to proper weight. 2. Bend knees, pretend to sit in a chair. 3. Try to keep chest out in the air. 4. Legs to a 90 degree angle. 5. Drive heels through the floor and go back up to a standup position. 6. Extension: More weight, Less reps. Push Ups: 1. Start with hands on floor, and either feet or knees on floor. 2. Bend arms down to 90 degree angle. 3. Press on the ground to push your body up. 4. Extension: Add weight on your back. Dumbbell Lunges: 1. Grab light dumbbells in each hand; keep them to your sides. 2. Step one foot out in front of the other (about 3 feet), bend knee to a 90 degree angle. 3. Stand up straight. 4. Switch legs. 5. 8 total or until teachers says switch. 6. Extension: Do 10 lunges instead of 8. Planks: 1. Great core workout. 2. Elbows and hands at a 90 degree angle on ground. Hands directly in front of

3. Curl one weight up to shoulder keeping elbow in place. 4. Switch hands. 5. Timed- 2 min. 6. Extension: Both arms at once. Triceps Extension: 1. Hold small weight (water bottle/5lb) in one hand. 2. Place hand above/ behind head. 3. Keep elbow in place, drop wrist and weight to put arm at 90 degree angle. 4. Go back up. 5. Extension: Pause each Rep. Learning Activities: Warm Up: Students will change for 5 min before getting to the gym. Warm up will start will a small jog twice across the gym. Students will then go through dynamic stretching such as high kicks, walking on their toes, walking quad stretch. (5-10 min). Activity/ Stations: This lesson will include 6 stations that all include some sort of activity that will increase muscular endurance. Students will rotate each station after 2 minutes. Students will get 2 minute break to fill out workout logs between stations. Students will be divided up into 6 groups with 4 students in each. Each group starts at a different station. Music will play during lesson. When music stops it is time to switch stations. Each station will include a task sheet to show students how to perform task. Teacher will also do a quick demonstration of each. (10-16 min demo), (16- 38 min stations). Students will go through stations once, and more if time permits. 4 min break between

elbows on ground. 3. Toes on ground, similar to push up. 4. Hold core tight for 30 second intervals. Have partners time you. 5. Extension: Do one minute intervals. Weighted Curls: 1. Light Dumbbells in each hand. 2. Keep elbow still, lift up dumbbell with thumbs pointing out. 3. Keep wrists facing up. 4. Tighten Bicep. 5. Extension: Perform pause reps at top and bottom of exercise. Triceps Extension: 1. 1 Light weight grabbed with both hands. 2. Placed over head. 3. Bring weight down so arms are at 90 degree angle. 4. Bring back up so arms are straight. 5. Extension: Lighter weight with 1 handed extensions. Shoulder Press Machine: 1. Sit in the given seat. 2. Place hands on the proper handles of machine. 3. Press straight up to engage shoulders or deltoid muscles. 4. Bring back down. 5. Extension: Add a small amount of weight and perform fewer reps. Learning Activities: Warm Up: Students change for 5 min before class begins. Students will warm up with a 1 minute jog around gym. Students will then head to weight room to perform stretches that include quads, hamstrings, arms, shoulders, and calves. (5-10 min). Weight Room Training: Students


entire circuits. Cool Down/ Closure: To cool down, students will walk 2 laps slowly around entire gym. Students will then meet in the middle of the gym for a static stretch led by 1 volunteer. Static stretches will include hamstring, calf, quad, arms, and back/ core (39-44 min). Students change (45-50 min). Assessment: Students will fill out workout logs between each station. Workout logs will be collected by teacher at the end of the lesson/ closure. References:

will listen to demonstration before approaching any weights or machines. There will be 8 different exercises being performed, and each will have skill cards or task sheets to help explain in more detail. Each exercise will last 4 minutes to ensure all 3 students in each group get enough activity time. Students will move on to the next exercise after the 4 minutes (10-42 min). Cool Down: Students will jog across the gymnasium to cool the legs down. Upper and Lower body stretches will be performed for 3 minutes while teacher is giving closure (42-45 min). Students change (45-50 min). Assessment: Students will write a journal response on any weight room safety tips, and why we take caution in the weight room. References: nts/instruction/pe/documents/unit4physical activitypyramidLevelIII.pdf


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