Human Rights and The Protestant Faith

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Human Rights and the Protestant Faith

The year 1998 marks the centenary of the first Philippine Republic and of Protestant Christianity in the country. As a union church of several Protestant denominations, the UCCP has provided a Protestant presence in an otherwise Roman Catholic country to an extent much greater than its numerical strength. But in the last 25 years it has become a focus of criticism for its involvement in what many claim to be political affairs. The published report in a local newspaper of a sermon preached by former appellate justice Venancio D. Aldecoa Jr. at Silliman Church, highlights the churchs participation in human rights advocacy. The heroic sacrifices of countless Filipinos against the Marcos dictatorship have long vindicated the churchs commitment to human rights. For that reason alone, history should be kinder in its assessment of the churchs role during the dark days of martial law. But the good judge has a very important theological point. He believes that, in its pursuit of justice, the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) has betrayed the Lord. He also notes that some of its ministers have supposedly replaced the Holy Bible with Karl Marxs Das Capital. For the church, a theological judgment from within its fold carries more weight than that of history. As a noted UCCP member, Justice Aldecoas voice should be taken with utmost seriousness. I In keeping with the Reformation heritage, the UCCP should value and genuinely listen to critical voices, especially those raised by the laity. The protection and cultivation of the freedom to criticize the churchs proclamation and practice is a fundamental Protestant principle. Martin Luther and the other Protestant Reformers laid down the principles for making a critique of the church. The basic principle is faithfulness to the Scriptures. Luther vowed to recant everything that he said if proven wrong according to Scripture. For the Protestant Reformers, the final authority in matters of faith and morals is the Scriptures, not pope or emperor. In relation to the issue at hand, let it be proven that the UCCPs public pronouncements and actual practice relative to human rights advocacy is contrary to the Scriptures. If proven, the UCCP should be called to repent, reform itself and renew its life and work. A secondary principle is respect for the teachings of the church, especially of the Church Fathers. Their wisdom is derived from the Scriptures itself as it has been interpreted and applied in the concrete life and work of the church. But in the event that their understanding runs counter to the entire biblical testimony, the latter should prevail notwithstanding the position taken by the highest church authorities. And thirdly, the churchs proclamation and practice should maintain constant dialogue with secular knowledge. Philosophy, science and the arts are part of Gods ordinances through which Gods will may be revealed. Even through corrupted by sin in every aspect, secular knowledge continues to serve Gods purposes. It is of vital importance for the church to listen to what it says but always in view of the witness of the Scriptures. II Now, regarding the UCCPs human rights and justice work. The central theme in the Bible is Gods great love for the world. This love has been known through Jesus Christ who laid down his life for the salvation of the world from sin: Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends John 15:13). Every human being, believer or non-believer, is called to participate in Gods holy love through loving one another: If God so loved us, we also ought to love one another (I John 4:11).

In concrete practice, caring for others is a measure of our love for God. Thus, when Peter pledged his love to Jesus, he was asked to feed his sheep. As the Church Father Irenaeus put it, human being truly free and fully alive is the glory of God. It is, therefore, Gods supreme pleasure that Christians devote themselves to promoting the well being of people. The UCCP believes that loving the neighbor, especially the suffering ones, to the fullest does not necessarily diminish love for God. Jesus sacrificed his very life for us, sinful human beings, but that act did not make him love God any less. In fact, he did it out of his love for the Father. And God knew how much his Son loved him as he sacrificed himself on the cross. For how can the gracious God consider the suffering ones his rival for our love? As a matter of fact, the UCCP should be chided for not loving the suffering ones enough. The parable of the Good Samaritan shows that love for neighbor is not only a feeling but is manifest in concrete deeds. Jesus own ministry is a practical demonstration of that truth. On the basis of this biblical truth, the UCCP builds its witness & service program. This program seeks to comprehend all facts of the human situation including ecology, health/medical ministry, livelihood protects, relief and rehabilitation, justice and human rights advocacy. (In addition to its witness and service programs, the UCCP also attends to Christian education, evangelism and church growth, and resource development.) As heir of the Reformation, the UCCP seeks t be faithful to its heritage. Thus, giving support and comfort to victims of human rights violation is a matter of faith and obedience to the Lord. However, even our sincerest desires and best efforts to obey the Lord cannot be entirely free from sin. We can, as a matter of fact, sin even as we obey. It should be admitted that the UCCPs best efforts in human rights advocacy are inevitably tainted with sin, hence not perfect. Other less than pure motives can easily insinuate themselves in what is supposed to be a noble act. It is for this reason that the church, any church for that matter, should always seek Gods forgiveness, repent and renew itself. In this light, those who are in the leadership of the UCCP should appreciate voices like that of Justice Aldecoa. His criticism of the churchs human rights should lead us to search our hearts to see what hidden motives lie underneath. Is it vengeance, lust for power, blind anger? Or is not genuine love for the victims of injustice and the suffering ones. Protestants believe in the constant and continuing reformation of the church of Jesus Christ. For this reason, they are open to criticism from without and from within even as they throw themselves completely into lifes duties. Trusting in Gods benevolence and mercy, Protestants embrace the world in solidarity with the little ones, the poor and powerless.

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