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Object The Object of the Havant Literary Festival shall be to establish and sustain an annual or biennial celebration of the written and spoken word in the Borough of Havant.

Aims The aims of the Havant Literary Festival shall be:

1. To establish Havant as a centre of literary excellence by attracting high quality speakers, nurturing and showcasing local writing talent and providing new opportunities for local people to experience literature in direct, accessible and dynamic ways.

2. To promote, encourage and develop participation in all aspects of the literary arts in Havant.

3. To promote literacy and a life-long love of reading across all sections of the community, including the very youngest.

4. To create a sense of occasion and identification with the Festival, raising the profile of Havant nationally and stimulating economic opportunities for local businesses.


A Steering Group of interested members of the local community will form to realise the Object and Aims of the Havant Literary Festival as specified in this constitution.

The Steering Group and Executive Committee

A) The Steering Group will appoint the Executive Committee from its own number, consisting of four officers - a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and other members as required.


The Executive Committee will raise funds and approve expenditure.

C) The Executive Committee may, at their discretion and in consultation with the Steering Group, invite interested individuals in the community to form a Steering Group which will act to plan and organise different aspects of the Festival and related events. Members of this group may volunteer to take on functions essential to the running of the Havant Literary Festival and thereby become co-opted members of the Executive Committee when it is appropriate for them to be so.

D) On behalf of the Havant Literary Festival, The Executive Committee will make any contractual appointments or hire any services considered necessary to ensure the effective running of the Festival.


A) An account will be maintained on behalf of the Havant Literary Festival at a bank agreed by the Steering Group. The Treasurer and at least one other member of the Executive Committee will be nominated as cheque signatories. All cheques must be signed by two nominated signatories. The signatories must not be related nor members of the same household.

B) All monies raised by or on behalf of the Havant Literary Festival are only to be used to further the aims of the Havant Literary Festival, as specified in this constitution.

C) No property or monies will be given to any individual or group carrying out the business of the Festival as defined by the Executive Committee, in accordance with this constitution, except as: A contracted fee for goods or services A refund of legitimate expenses.


The Executive Committee will have the Havant Literary Festival accounts audited annually by an independent auditor.

Friends of the Havant Literary Festival

The Steering Group will maintain a database of Friends of the Havant Literary Festival, keeping them regularly informed of appropriate Festival business and events.

Extraordinary Executive powers

When a decision is needed, where time is of the essence, any two Officers of the Society are empowered to agree action on behalf of the Havant Literary Festival.


In the event of the Havant Literary Festival being dissolved, any remaining funds will be donated to The Spring Arts & Heritage Centre, with the proviso that they be spent on literary events.

Adoption of constitution: This Constitution was adopted on:

Date: 21 November 2011

Name and signatures:

Constitution (as amended June 2012) (The Leamington Literary Society is a Registered Charity with the Charity Commissioners) 1. NAME: The name of the society shall be the Leamington Literary Society. 2. OBJECTS: To advance education of the public by the study and appreciation of Literature, including Poetry and Drama. 3. MEMBERSHIP: Membership shall be open to all persons over 16 years of age who are interested in actively furthering the objects of the society. No member whose subscriptions are in arrears shall have the right to speak or vote at any meeting of the society. Honorary Life Membership may be conferred upon any person considered by the society to have made an outstanding contribution to the attainment of the objects of the society. This shall be confirmed at a General Meeting of the society and shall give all the rights of ordinary membership but exempt the member from payment of subscriptions. 4. SUBSCRIPTIONS: The subscription shall be such sum as decided by the Society at a General Meeting to meet the legitimate expenses of the society and shall be due at the commencement of the autumn session. Half the annual subscription shall be paid in the first year by any member joining after the end of December. Visitors will be welcome at the ordinary meetings of the society upon payment of such fee, as the committee shall determine. The fee shall be paid before the meeting commences. 5. MEETINGS: The time and frequency of ordinary meetings of the society shall be decided by the committee but shall normally be held at 7.30 p.m. on the same day of the week no fewer than ten times in any one year. Additional meetings shall be at the discretion of the committee, which shall endeavour to meet any changes or additional requirements of the membership. An Annual General Meeting shall be held each year to receive the committees report and the audited accounts of the society and to elect officers and members of the committee to serve for the ensuing twelve months. Extraordinary General Meetings of the society shall be held within 28 days upon written requisition of seven or more members whose subscriptions are not in arrears. Twenty members present at any Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting shall constitute a quorum The committee shall give at least 14 days notice to members of any Extraordinary General Meeting

of the society and of any motion proposed by the committee or by members requisitioning an Extraordinary General Meeting. Notice of any motion to be considered at an Annual General Meeting shall be deposited with the Honorary Secretary at the latest at the ordinary meeting prior to the AGM. 6. OFFICERS: The officers of the society shall be: Chairman Vice-Chairman (Chairman-elect) Honorary Treasurer Honorary Secretary Membership Secretary all of whom shall relinquish office each year but shall be eligible for re-election. The Vice-Chairman shall, subject only to the ratification of the Annual General Meeting, assume the office of Chairman and a new Vice-Chairman shall be elected. Nominations for office, duly seconded, shall be made with the consent of the nominee at the ordinary meeting prior to the Annual General Meeting. The committee shall have power to fill by appointment vacancies caused by incapacity or resignation. CHARITY TRUSTEES; The Officers of the Society shall be the Trustees unless the Officer is under 18 years of age, in which case a substitute shall be elected until the Officer reaches 18 years of age. 7. COMMITTEE: The management of the society shall be the responsibility of the committee, which shall consist of the officers, the Immediate Past Chairman in an ex-officio capacity and six other elected members plus one representative of the Poetry Group. These elected members may be re-elected at the Annual General Meeting. The committee shall have power to fill vacancies caused by incapacity or resignation. Five members of the committee shall constitute a quorum. The committee shall meet at least twice in any one year. 8. ACCOUNTS: A bank account shall be operated in the name of the society. All cheques shall be signed by the Honorary Treasurer and the Honorary Secretary. The committee shall ensure that the accounts are accurately audited by a known accredited person. The summary accounts shall be presented with the Honorary Treasurers report at each AGM. 9. SCRUTINEERS: At any meeting where a ballot is to be held, two scrutineers shall be appointed by the members present to examine and count the vote.


(1) The Charity may amend any provision contained in this Constitution provided that a) No amendment may be made that would have the effect of making the Charity cease to be a Charity at law; b) No amendment may be made to alter the Objects if the change would not be within the reasonable contemplation of the members of or donors to the Charity; c) No amendment may be made to clause 2 without the prior written consent of the Charity Commission; d) Any resolution to amend a provision of this constitution is passed by not less than two thirds of the members present and voting at a general meeting. (2) Any provision in Part 2 of this constitution may be amended, provided that any such amendment is made by resolution passed by a simple majority of the members present and voting at a general meeting. (3) A copy of any resolution amending this constitution shall be sent to the Charity Commission within twenty-one days of its being passed. 11. DISSOLUTION: (1) If the members resolve to dissolve the Charity the Trustees will remain in office as Charity Trustees and be responsible for winding up the affairs of the Charity in accordance with this clause. (2) The Trustees must collect in all assets of the Charity and must pay or make provision for all liabilities of the Charity. (3) The Trustees must apply any remaining property or money a) No amendment may be made that would have the effect of making the Charity cease to be a Charity at law; b) No amendment may be made to alter the Objects if the change would not be within the reasonable contemplation of the members of or donors to the Charity; c) No amendment may be made to clause 2 without the prior written consent of the Charity Commission; d) Any resolution to amend a provision of this constitution is passed by not less than two thirds of the members present and voting at a general meeting. (4) The members may pass a resolution before or at the same time as the resolution to dissolve the Charity specifying the manner in which the Trustees are to apply the remaining property or assets of

the Charity and the Trustees must comply with the resolution if it is consistent with paragraphs (a)(c) inclusive in sub-clause (3) above. (5) In no circumstances shall the net assets of the Charity be paid to or distributed among the members of the Charity (except to a member that is itself a Charity). (6) The Trustees must notify the Charity Commission promptly that the Charity has been dissolved. If the Trustees are obliged to send the Charitys accounts to the Commission for the accounting period, which ended before its dissolution, they must send the Commission the Charitys final accounts.

Constitution This is the document that determines everything we do in the Litn'Deb, whether contoversial or just plain obvious, here it is for your reading enjoyment.

Laws and Regulations

A. General. I. The Society shall be styled "The Literary and Debating Society." II. The object of the Society shall be, the promotion, in the first place, of oratory among the students of the University, and in the second place of the faculty of clear thinking and sound reasoning upon subjects which may be deemed to be of vital importance. III. All students of the University, all professors and all lecturers are members. IV. The Committee of the Society shall be elected by the general body of students properly convened at a general meeting. V. The Committee shall consist of:- an Auditor, an Assistant Auditor, a Treasurer, an Assistant Treasurer, two Secretaries, and four ordinary members. VI. The Committee shall have power to elect such other officers as may be deemed necessary or suitable for the carrying out of its objects. VII. The Auditor shall preside at all meetings of the Committee or of the Society, provided that at a debate the Committee may, if they see fit to do so, invite any other person to preside. VIII. The Assistant Auditor will, in the absence of the Auditor, perform all duties pertaining to the office of the said Auditor. IX. The Secretary shall keep the records of the Society and of the Committee in the usual way, excepting those records which pertain to the financial matters of the Society. To the fulfilling of this purpose he shall keep two separate books, namely, a minute book and a ruling book. In the first mentioned book shall be kept all the records of the Society except those above excepted, and in the second book shall be set down those rules which may from time to time be formulated by the Society but which are not here included. X. The Treasurer must be a member of the Academic Council. The Assistant Treasurer must be a student of Second Year Standing, and shall be a member of the Committee but not Assistant Treasurer in the ensuing year. XI. The Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer shall keep the financial records of the Society and shall be prepared to answer any questions which the committee shall put to him relative to the financial

affairs of the Society. they shall collect all monies due to the Society and shall deal with such financial matters as are excepted from the Secretary's duties above mentioned. XII. The Secretary shall call meetings of the Committee by posting a notice two days previously in the Students' Case. XIII. Four members shall be taken as constituting a quorum at such meetings. XIV. Any member of the Committee who absents himself from three consecutive meetings of the Committee, without reasonable excuse, shall ipso facto, cease to be a member. (In this case also the word 'meeting' shall be taken to mean those appointed meetings which, although called, shall fall through for want of a quorum). XV. The Auditor's ruling in the Committee shall be final.

B. Relative to Debates. I. The Auditor shall deliver the inaugural address of the Society and shall be, ex-officio, the representative, or the leader ot the representatives, at inter debates and other functions at which the Society may be represented. II. The Committee shall have power to arrange for debates with other Societies, and, in general, to deal with any emergency not provided for in these rules. III. The Society debates shall be held, where possible, at least fortnightly, during the Michaelmas and Hilary Terms or at the discretion of the Committee. IV. The Committee shall have final power to call or cancel debates. V. Right of strangers' admission to such debates as are comprehended in B. III. above shall be held to be reserved by the Committee. Section 2 VI. In debates all points of order, fact or personal explanation, shall be decided by the Auditor or Chairman and his decision shall be final. VII. Any member of the house, at any debate, guilty of misconduct or disrespect to the Chair shall be subject to such penalty as the Chairman deems just and fit. VIII. No speech which is read before the Society shall be allowed to compete for any such medals or prizes as the Society may offer for competition. By 'read' is to be understood any speech in which the speaker has before him a copy of the same excepting such notes or headings as are allowable. IX. The motion for debate shall be introduced by the Chairman. X. The Speakers shall consecutively speak pro and con. XI. The Chairman shall then conclude the debate and put the motion to the house.

C. "U.C.G.," the College Annual, shall be published under the auspices of the Society, for which purpose a Magazine Committee which shall be a sub-Committee of the Committee of the Society, shall be elected annually by the members of the Committee of the Society. D. The interpretation of all and any of the foregoing rules shall rest solely in the Society.

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