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57 SOURCE: AU/UN IST RESTRICTIONS: This media asset is free for editorial broadcast, print, online and radio use. It is not to be sold on and is restricted for other purposes. All enquiries to CREDIT REQUIRED: AU/UN IST LANGUAGE: FRENCH/ SOMALI /NATS DATELINE: 15 OCTOBER 2013, BELET WYENE, SOMALIA SHOTLIST: 1. Wide shot, people walking into the Belet Wyene General Hospital 2. Med shot, man standing at the door of the emergency wing 3. Close up, sign at walk of the hospital 4. Wide shot, man woman and child waiting outside the hospital 5. Wide shot, man opening the door to the male ward 6. Med shot, man looking through broken glass door 7. Wide shot, doctor passing by patients inside the hospital 8. Med shot, patients waiting for treatment 9. Med shot, woman and her child waiting for treatment 10. Wide shot, woman sitting on the bed of her sick husband 11. Close up, patient on a bed 12. Wide shot, sick patients at the hospital 13. Close up, sick woman on her bed 14. Med shot, patient talking to a visitor 15. Close up, of girls face 16. Med shot, man in bed with bandaged foot 17. Wide shot, people inside the hospital compound 18. Wide shot, AMISOM Djiboutian troops offloading medicine boxes from truck 19. Med shot, troops offloading boxes of medicines 20. Wide shot, boxes of medication pilled up 21. Med shot, boxes of medicines 22. Close up, logo on the box 23.SOUNDBITE (Somali) Dr. Abdi Waberi Gedi, AMISOM Medical Chief in Belet Wyene: Actually the hospital is very big and caters for the whole region and all the villages, with patients coming to the hospital from as far as the Ethiopian border, so the hospital has a lot of needs. We cannot meet all their needs but we are giving some of our medicines, what we have, to help of the hospital. We have given different medicines mostly those administered intravenously. 24. Wide shot, very sick woman in the ward 25. Med shot, sick woman 26. Close up, sick patient 27. Wide shot, nurse checking on woman 28. SOUNDBITE (Somali) Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Khalif, general Director Belet Wyene General Hospital:

The hospitals generators that pump the water supply to the hospital was a donation from our Djiboutian brothers, before that they had given us a huge consignment of medical supplies even more than what they have given us today to fill in the gap. We thank them and we welcome them. 29.Wide shot, people inside the hospital compound 30. Wide shot, visitors waiting inside the hospital compound 31. Med shot, people waiting 32. Wide shot, exterior of the hospital with cars driving by STORY: The Belet Wyene General hospital is a lifeline for many residents in the Hiraan region of South-Central Somalia. Located about 330kms from the Capital Mogadishu, the hospitals was among many health facilities in Somalia affected by the withdrawal of Medicines Sans Frontier (MSF) from the country in August this year. The hospital now lacks life-saving drugs and medical equipment needed to treat the influx of patients from not only the region, but from as far as neighbouring Ethiopia. In response to the growing challenges and as part of their service to the community, Djiboutian troops serving under AMISOM, the African Union Peacekeeping mission for Somalia, have donated medical suppliers to the hospital, the only one in the region, ahead of the rainy season. The supplies were donated by the President of Djibouti Ismail Omar Guelleh and delivered by his countrys contingent that has been in Belet Wyene since June 2012 when they joined other African Union forces to help Somalia in the fight against the Al Qaeda linked extremist group Al Shabaab. The group has been pushed out of many urban cities and towns, but they still hold areas in the South of the country. With AMISOMs Djiboutian troops, Belet Wyene is relatively peaceful and calm has returned to the town. Actually the hospital is very big and caters for the whole region and all the villages. Patients coming to the hospital from as far as the Ethiopian border, so the hospital has a lot of needs. said Dr. Abdi Waberi Gedi, the AMISOM Medical Chief in Belet Wyene. We cannot meet all their needs but we are giving some of our medicines, what we have, to help of the hospital. We have given different medicines mostly those administered intravenously. The AMISOM Djiboutian forces also help treat some of the more serious cases at their small medical facility at the base.

Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Khalif is the director at the hospital and has been working here for the last 30 years. He said the donation is very timely and thanked the AMISOM force for being responsive to the needs of the population. The hospitals generators that pump the water supply to the hospital was a donation from our Djiboutian brothers, before that they had given us a huge consignment of medical supplies even more than what they have given us today to fill in the gap. Said Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Khalif. We thank them and we welcome them. The hospital does both inpatient and outpatients services and was set up by the Italian Colonial Administration in 1933. As Somalia emerges form its violent past and decades of conflict, lack of medical facilities and many other services still poses a big challenge to it reconstruction efforts. The hospital mainly survives on the support of NGOs and well-wishers. END.

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