Compression Members

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Uniform Members in Compression p

9 Introduction 9 Buckling g Resistance 9 Buckling Curves 9 Design Procedure 9 Comparison of BS5950 and EC3 9 Example E l Compression C i Member M b

C Compression i members b (columns ( l and d struts) t t ) subject bj t to t Axial compression only No bending In practice, practice real columns are subject to Eccentricities of axial loads Transverse forces Compression members must be checked for Section resistance Buckling g resistance

Steel Strutting g System y

Large g diameter circular hollow sections under compression

Stocky y Columns
The characteristics of stocky columns are:

0.2 (for rolled section) Very low slenderness,

y overall buckling g Unaffected by

Compression strength depends on cross-section section Area of cross Section classification

Slender Columns
Slender columns present a quasi buckling behaviour Euler critical stress
2E f cr = 2 = Lcr i

where, is the columns slenderness i is the radius of gyration Lcr is the buckling length

Elastic Column Buckling g Theory y

(a) Unloaded member

(b) Loaded member (straight)

(c) Loaded member (displaced)


Elastic Column Buckling g Theory y

Two upper pp bounds: Yielding g and Buckling g Failure by yielding Failure by buckling


Buckling of Strut

Elastic Column Buckling g Theory y


f cr = f y , = 1

Limiting slenderness 1 defined for fcr equal to

2E fy = 2 1

1 = E f = 93.9 y

= 235 f y
Where, 1 is equal to 86 for steel Grade S275 76 for steel Grade S355


Member Buckling g Resistance

The design value of the compression force NEd shall be checked against the design buckling resistance:

N Ed N b , Rd
Compression buckling resistance Nb,Rd: For Class 1, 2 & 3

N b , Rd N b , Rd

Af y = M1 Aeff f y = M1

For F Cl Class 4

M1 = 1.00, , in NA to SS EN 1993-1

Buckling g Curves

Reduc ction fac ctor

=0.13 0 13 =0.21 =0.34 =0.49 =0.76

Non-dimensional slenderness

Buckling g Curves
Column C l strength t th is i defined d fi d by b a reduction factor applied to the yield strength fy

The European p buckling g curves p plot Reduction factor versus Non-dimensional slenderness ratio, p factor, , For different imperfection


Non-Dimensional Slenderness Ratio

Non-dimensional slenderness ratio used in EC 3 is defined as:
= = = 1 E fy Ef cr
1 1 f cr fy = fy f cr = Af y N cr

So, Af y Lcr 1 For Class 1, 2 & 3 = =

N cr

For F (symmetric) ( i ) Class Cl 4 =

i 1 Aeff f y N cr

Ncr is i the th Elastic El ti critical iti l b buckling kli load l d N cr =

2 EI


Reduction Factor
The curves, the reduction factor, can be expressed mathematically as:
1 1. 0

+ 2

= 0.5(1 + ( 0.2) + )


is the imperfection factor 0.2 is the limiting value


Imperfection p Factor
Imperfection factor a depends on : the shape of the column cross-section the direction of buckling (y or z axis) the fabrication process (hot-rolled, welded or coldformed) Imperfection factors given in Table 6.1
Table 6.1: Imperfection factors for buckling curves

Buckling curve Imperfection p factor

a0 0.13

a 0.21

b 0.34

c 0.49

d 0.76


Buckling g Curve Selection


Buckling g Curve Selection


Effective Buckling g Length g Lcr

Lcr: effective length in BS 5950 No guidance given in EC 3 Use same factors as BS 5950
Nonswaymode Swaymode


Effective Buckling g Length g Lcr


Column Buckling g Design g Procedure

Design procedure for column buckling: 1. Determine design axial load Ned 2. Select section and determine geometry 3. Classify y cross-section ( (if Class 1~3, , no account need be made for local buckling) 4 Determine effective (buckling) length Lcr. Calculate 4. buckling lengths for both principal axes based on: length bet between een restraints connection details


Column Buckling g Design g Procedure

5. Calculate Ncr and Afy
= 6 Non-dimensional 6. N di i l slenderness l d which hi h based b d on N cr
Af y

geometric characteristics of the shape yield strength

7. Select appropriate buckling curve and determine imperfection factor 8. Calculate buckling reduction factor


Column Buckling g Design g Procedure

9 Design buckling resistance 9.

For section Class 1, 2, 3

N b , Rd

Af y = M1 Aeff f y = M1

For section Class 4

N b , Rd

10. Check

N Ed N b , Rd


Comparison p of BS5950 and EC3

BS 5950 Compression section capacity (for stocky struts) Ps = py.A Ag
Where, , py design strength of steel Ag gross cross-section area of the section i

EC 3 Compression section capacity For Class 1, 2, 3 crosssections

N c, Rd =

Af y


For Class 4 cross-sections

N c,Rd = A eff f y M0


Comparison p of BS5950 and EC3

BS 5950 Member buckling resistance For Class 1, 2, 3 cross-sections
Pc = Ag p c

EC 3

Member buckling resistance

For Class 1, 2, 3 cross-sections
N b, Rd = Af y M1

For Class 4 cross-sections

Pc = Aeff p cs

Where, pc is the compressive strength, strength pc is based on strut curve, slenderness & design strength py pcs is the value of pc for a reduced slenderness of Aeff Ag Ag is the gross cross-section area of the section Aeff is the effective cross-section area

For Class 4 cross-sections A eff f y N b , Rd = M1

is the reduction factor for the relevant buckling mode

1 +
2 2

1 .0

2 = 0,51 + 0,2 +

Af y N cr

L = cr i

1 1

Example p - Compression p Member

A Grade S275 steel column with a 6 6.0m 0m effective length for both axes is to carry pure axial load from the floor above. If a 254 x 254 UC 89 section is available, check the ultimate load that can be applied on this column. Its self weight may be neglected.



Section Properties p
BS 5950
Try 254 x 254 x 89 UC. D = 260.4 mm B = 255.9mm d = 200.3 mm t = 10.5 mm T = 17.3 mm rx = 11.2 cm ry = 6.52 cm Ag = 114 cm2

Eurocode 3
Try 254 x 254 x 89 UC. h = 260.4 mm b = 255.9 mm tw = 10.5 mm tf = 17.3 mm r = 12.7 mm d= 200.3mm iy = 11.2 cm iz = 6.52 cm A = 114 cm2 E = 210000 N/mm2


Cross-Section Classification
BS 5950
For steel grade S275, T = 17.3 17 3 mm > 16mm py = 265 N/mm2 (Table 9 ) Cross sectional classification:
= 275 / p y = 275 / 265 = 1.02

Eurocode 3
For S275 Steel, since nominal thickness t = 17.3 17 3 mm t 40mm yield strength fy = 265 N/mm2 (EN 10025)
= 235 / f y = 235 / 265 = 0.942

(Table 11)

Cross sectional classification: Outstand of compression flange (rolled section),

cf = cf tf = b t w 2r 255.9 10.5 2(12.7) = = 110mm 2 2 110 = 6.36 17.3
cf tf 9 = 9 0.942 = 8.48

Outstand element of compression flange (rolled section), b/T = 7.41 < 9 Class 1 Plastic Flange is class 1 Plastic.

The limiting value for class 1 is 6.36 < 8.48

Flange in compression is class 1.


Cross-Section Classification
BS 5950
Web (axial compression), Since d/t = 19.40 19 40 40 Class 3 semisemi compact Web is class 3 semi-compact. Section is Class 3.

Eurocode 3
Web subject to compression, cw = d = 200.3 mm
cw 200.3 = = 19.08 10.5 tw

The limiting value for class 1 is

cw 33 = 33 0.942 = 31.09 tw

cw = 19.08 < 33 = 31.09 tw

Web W b is i class l 1 under d compression. i Section is class 1. P ti l factors Partial f t for f resistance: it M0 = 1.0 M1 = 1.0 10

Section Resistance
BS 5950
No cross-sectional resistance.

E Eurocode d 3
Cross-sectional resistance: Th design The d i resistance i of f the h cross-section i for f uniform compression is,
N c , Rd = N c , Rd = Af y

Af fy

(for class 1, 2 & 3) = 114 100 265 10 3 = 3021kN k 1. 0



Member Buckling g
BS 5950
Effective length of the pin-ended column: LEY = 6000 mm Compressive Strength: y-y axis(the minimum axis) Slenderness ratio, y = Table bl 23 Thickness < 40 mm F rolled For ll d H-section H ti buckling b kli about b t y-y axis i strut curve (c)
LEy ry = 6000 = 92.0 6.52(10)

Eurocode 3
Member buckling resistance: Buckling length, Effective length = Lcr = 6000 mm Flexural buckling resistance: Th resistance The it to t flexural fl l buckling b kli about b t the th axis with the smallest is the critical case. The design buckling resistance is, Af y N b , Rd = (Class 1, 2 & 3)


is the reduction factor and


but 1.0

where = 0.5 1 + ( 0,2) +


Member Buckling g
BS 5950 Eurocode 3
L 1 = cr N cr i 1 1 = 93.9 = 93.9 0.942 = 88.5

Af y

Table 24 Strut curve (c), y = 92.0, py = 265 N/mm2 pcy = 136.96

2 N/mm /

Slenderness for buckling g about major j axis (y-y), (y y),

cr = y = = 0.605 i 112 88 . 5 y 1

L 1

6000 1

Pc = Agpc = 11.4 x 136.96 = 1549.98 kN The ultimate load that can be imposed on the column 1549.98 KN.

Slenderness for buckling about minor axis (z-z),

cr z = 1 04 i = 65.2 88.5 = 1.04 z 1 > 0 .2

L 1

6000 1

Flexural buckling effects need to be considered


Member Buckling g
BS 5950
Table 6.2,

Eurocode 3

h 260.4 = = 1.018 < 1.2, t f = 17.3mm 100mm & S 275 steel b 255.9

buckling curve about major axis (y-y) to consider is b. buckling curve about minor axis (z-z) to consider is c. Table 6.1, For buckling curve b imperfection factor = 0.34 For buckling curve c imperfection factor = 0.49 Buckling about major axis (y-y),

y = 0.5 1 + ( y 0.2) + y 2

= 0.5 1 + 0.34(0.605 0.2) + 0.605 2 = 0.75 1 1 y = = = 0.84 < 1.00 2 2 2 2 0.75 + 0.75 0.605 y + y y

Member Buckling g
BS 5950 Eurocode 3
Buckling about minor axis (z-z
z = 0 .5 1 + ( z 0 .2 ) + z 2

= 0.5 1 + 0.49 (1.04 0.2) + 1.04 2 = 1.25 1 1 z = = = 0.51 < 1.00 2 2 2 2 1.25 + 1.25 1.04 z + z z

= min( y ; z ) = 0.51 < 1.0

The design resistance to flexural buckling is

Nb, Rd =

Af y 0.51114100 275 = 103 = 1585.84kN 1.0 M1

The ultimate load that can be imposed on the column l 1585 1585.84 84 KN. KN

Uniform Members in Bending


Uniform Members in Bending g

9 Introduction 9 Buckling g Resistance 9 Elastic Critical Buckling Moment 9 Design Procedure for LTB 9 Comparison of BS5950 and EC3 9 Example E l - Unrestrained U t i d Beam B


Sl d structural t t l elements l t Slender loaded in a stiff plane tend to fail by y buckling g in a more flexible plane (out-of-plane buckling) Clamp at root

Buckled B kl d position Action applied vertically

Unloaded ii position

Demonstration of LTB on a cantilever


Lateral Torsional Buckling g( (LTB) )

L Lateral t lt torsional i lb buckling kli i is the th member b buckling b kli mode d associated with slender beams loaded about their major axis and without continuous ( (full) ) lateral restraint. If continuous lateral restraint is p provided to the beam, then lateral torsional buckling will be prevented and failure will occur in another mode, generally by in-plane bending (and/or shear). shear) LTB involves both lateral deflection and twisting rotation. rotation


Lateral Torsional Buckling of an IBeam

9 Perfectly elastic, initially straight, loaded by equal and opposite end moments about its major axis. 9 Unrestrained along its length. M L Elevation Section M


9 End Supports Twisting and lateral deflection prevented. Free to rotate both in the plane of the web and on plan. plan


Lateral Torsional Buckling of an IBeam

major axis moment My
Cross-section of the deflected free end of the cantilever IF subjected to minor axis moment

minor axis moment Mz

Cross section of the Cross-section free end of an unloaded cantilever

Cross-section of the free end of the cantilever that undergoes LTB when subjected to MAJOR axis moment

LTB involves both a lateral deflection and a torsional twist angle


Lateral Deflection and Twisting g

Member subjected to MAJOR axis moment
Elements under compression prone to buckling

Elements under tension resist buckling

P ti l section Partial ti under d compression i

Beam would deflect laterally in the same direction as minor axis buckling because the compressive section has a weak axis which coincides with the minor axis of beam. beam

Weak axis of compressive p section

Strong axis of compressive p section


Lateral Deflection and Twisting g

When member is subjected to MAJOR axis moment, the upper flange & web are in compression and act as a strut.

Being g free to move, , the compression p elements would tend to move laterally (the same lateral movement if the beam is subjected to minor axis moment).

However, , the tension flange g and web are reluctant to move, , creating resistance to lateral movement. As such, the crosssection twists when it deflects, with the tension flange and web dragging behind. behind


Special p Cases where LTB can be ignored g

Lateral torsional buckling can be ignored in the design when:

minor axis (z-z axis) bending CHS, SHS, circular or square bar fully laterally restrained beams

LT < 0.2 for welded sections LT < 0.4 for hot rolled sections


Buckling g Resistance
Ch Checks k should h ld b be carried i d out t on all ll unrestrained t i d segments t of f beams (between the points where individual lateral restraint exists). )


Buckling g Resistance
Diagram of lateral torsional buckling on an I-section beam under load from cross-beam
Lateral restraint

Lateral restraint

Lateral restraint


Lateral Restraint by y Cross Beam


Buckling g Resistance
Each segment between intermediate lateral restraints or between the end supports of a member subject to major axis bending should be verified against lateral torsional buckling using the following:

M Ed 1.0 M b , Rd
Where, MEd is the bending moment design effect. Mc,Rd is the design lateral torsional buckling resistance of a cross-section


Buckling g Resistance
Eurocode 3 design approach for lateral torsional buckling is analogous l t to th the column l buckling b kli The design buckling resistance moment, moment Mb,Rd of a laterally unrestrained beam should be taken as :

Wyf y M b,Rd = LT M1

M 1 = 1.0 (refer to NA to SS)

where h , LT is i the th reduction d ti f t for factor f LTB Wy is the appropriate section modulus Wy = Wpl,y for Class 1 and 2 cross cross-sections sections l Wy = Wel,y for Class 3 cross-sections Wy = Weff,y for Class 4 cross-sections For stocky beams, LT = 1.0 (LT = 0.2 or 0.4)


Design Method for Buckling Resistance

Base Method - General Case/Rolled Sections or Equivalent Welded Sections EN 1993-1-1 (Cl, The primary method adopts the lateral torsional buckling curves given by equations 6.56 and 6.57. Simplified Method - Beams with Restraints in Buildings EN 1993-1-1 (Cl This method utilizes a simplified assessment approach for beams with restraints in buildings given by equations 6.59 and 6.60. for info only General Method for Structural Components EN 1993-1-1 (Cl 6.3.4) This method may be used when the above methods do not apply. for info only

Buckling g Curves General Case

For the g general case, , the value of cLT for the appropriate pp p nondimensional slenderness is given as follows:

LT =

1 LT +
2 LT

2 LT

1.0 10

E ti (6.56) Equation (6 56)

2 where LT = 0.5[1 + LT ( LT 0.2) + LT ]

LT = W y f y / M cr
0.2 is a limiting value
aLT is an imperfection factor from Table 6.3 Mcr is the elastic critical moment for LTB


LTB Curves & Imperfection Factors General Case

Table 6.3:Recommended 6 3:Recommended values for imperfection factors for lateral torsional buckling curves
Buckling g curve Imperfection factor LT a 0.21 b 0.34 c 0.49 d 0.76

Table 6.4:Recommended lateral torsional buckling curves for cross-sections

Cross-section Rolled I-sections Welded I-sections Other cross-sections Limits h/b 2 h/b > 2 h/b 2 h/b > 2 Buckling curve a b c d d


Beam Curves for LTB

4 beam buckling g curves for LTB ( (a, , b, , c and d) )

Reduc ction factor



Non-dimensional slenderness LT


LTB Curves Rolled Sections or Equivalent Welded Sections

For rolled or equivalent welded sections in bending bending, the value of LT for the appropriate non-dimensional slenderness is given as follows:

LT =

1 LT +
2 LT

2 LT

1.0 2 1 / LT

Equation (6.57)

2 where LT = 0.5[1 [ + LT (LT LT ,0 ) + LT ]

LT ,0 = 0.4 (rolled sections, hot finished and cold formed hollow sections) = 0.2 0 2 (welded sections) = 0.75 (rolled sections, hot finished and cold formed hollow sections) = 1.00 (welded sections)


LTB Curves & Imperfection p Factors Rolled Sections or Equivalent Welded Sections
Recommended values for lateral torsional buckling curves for general cross-section (using equation 6.57)
Table 6.5: Recommended lateral torsional buckling curves for cross-sections Cross-section Rolled I-sections Welded I-sections Limits h/b 2 h/b > 2 h/b 2 h/b > 2 Buckling curve b c c d


LTB Curves & Imperfection p Factors Rolled Sections or Equivalent Welded Sections
In NA to SS EN 1993-1-1: 2010, Table 6.5 should be replaced with the following table: Cross-section

h/b 2

Buckling curve
b c d d

Rolled I- and H- sections, and hot-finished hollow sections Angles (for moments in the major principal plane) l ) and d other th hot-rolled h t ll d sections ti Welded sections and cold-formed hollow sections ti

2.0 < h/b 3.1

h/b > 3.1

h/b 2

c d

2 0 < h/b 3.1 2.0 31


Comparison p of Curves
9 Comparison p between g general curves and curves for rolled, , hot-finished and cold-formed sections


Reduction factor

Rolled, hot-finished & cold-formed sections


Non-dimensional slenderness

LT , 0

Non-Dimensional Slenderness
Calculate lateral torsional buckling slenderness:

LT =

Wy f y M cr

Wy depends on section classification Mcr is the elastic critical LTB moment


Effect of Slenderness

Stocky St k b beams (LT <0,4) 0 4) unaffected by lateral torsional buckling g Slender beams(LT > 1.2) resistance close to theoretical elastic critical moment Mcr. Intermediate slenderness adversely affected by inelasticity and geometric i imperfections. f ti

M Mpl

Non-dimensional moment resistance plot Mcr Mpl

Stocky y



LT= M pl

Mcr under Uniform Moment

For typical end conditions, and under uniform moment the exact analytical l i l solution l i of f elastic l i critical i i l lateral l l torsional i l buckling moment Mcr is given by

Mcr =

EI l

z w 2 cr z


2 cr 2

T z

0 .5

Lateral flexural stiffness EIz T i l and Torsional d warping i stiffness iff GIt and d EIw where, G = shear modulus, IT = torsional constant, constant Iw = warping constant, Iz = minor axis second moment of area Lcr = buckling length of the beam


Mcr under Non-uniform Moment

N Numerical i l solutions l ti have h been b calculated l l t d for f a number b of f other loading conditions. For uniform doubly-symmetric cross-sections, , loaded through g the shear centre at the level of the centroidal axis, and with the standard conditions of restraint described, Mcr may be calculated by:

Mcr = C1

EI l

z w 2 cr z


2 cr 2

T z


where C1 is the correction factor for non-uniform bending moment


What is Factor C1?


The elastic critical moment for a beam under uniform bending moment is

M cr =

EI z GI t 1 +

2 EI w
L2 GI t

The elastic critical moment (mid-span moment) for a beam with t a central ce t point po t load o d is s
M cr

2 EI w 4,24 EI z GI t 1 + 2 = L L GI t

9 which is increased from the basic (uniform moment) case by a factor C1=4.24/ = 1.365

C1 Factor Transverse Loading g

C1 values for transverse loading g

= 1.0 corresponds to the most severe case loading condition of constant bending moment)

C1 1.0


C1 Factor End Moments

For end moment loading C1 may be approximated by the equation below, though other approximations also exist. C1= 1.88 1.40 + 0.522 but C1 2.70

where is the ratio of the end moments ( (defined in the following g table) )


C1 Factor End Moments


C1 Factor End Moments

Tabulated and approximate pp values of C1 for varying y g

C1 = 1.88 1.4+0.522


End Support pp Conditions

Basic case assumes end conditions which prevent lateral movement and twist but permit rotation on plan. End conditions which prevent rotation on plan enhance the elastic buckling resistance. Can include the effect of different support conditions by redefining the unrestrained length as an effective length Lcr. Lcr = kL where k is the effective factor. factor EC 3 recommends k values of 0.5 for fully fixed ends, 0.7 for one free and one fixed end, end and 1.0 1 0 for two free ends. ends


Flange-Welded, Web-Bolted moment connection Fin-Plate or Shear-Tab

Extended End-Plate moment connection


Design g Procedure ( (Base Method) )

1 Determine 1. D t i BMD and d SFD from f d i design actions ti 2 Select section and determine geometry 2. 3 Classify cross-section 3. cross section (Class 1, 1 2, 2 3 or 4) 4 Determine effective (buckling) length Lcr depends on 4. boundary conditions and load level 5. Calculate Mcr and Wyfy 6 Non-dimensional 6. N di i l slenderness l d

LT =

Wy f y M cr

Design g Procedure ( (Base Method) )

7. Determine buckling curve (a, b, c, or d) from Table 6.4 or Table 6.5. 8. Determine imperfection factor LT from Table 6.3 after identifying the buckling curve. curve 9. Calculate buckling reduction factor LT

Wyf y 10. Design g buckling g resistance M b, Rd = LT M1

11. Check

M Ed M b, Rd


for each unrestrained length


Comparison p of BS 5950 and EC 3

EC 3 General method for General Case & Rolled or Equivalent Welded Case.
M b ,Rd = LT Wy
LT = 1 LT + 2 LT
2 LT

BS 5950 Simple method

fy M1

Mb = PbSx Mb = PbZx
but LT 1,0 10

for Class 1 & 2 for Class 3

Where, Pb determined by Where (w)0.5LE/ry & D/T

2 LT = 0,51 + LT LT 0,2 + LT

LT =

Wy f y M cr


Comparison p of BS 5950 and EC 3

EC 3
General method for General Case & Rolled or Equivalent W ld d Case. Welded C

BS 5950
Rigorous method Mb = PbSx 2 Mb = PbZx Mb = PbSx,eff Mb = PbZx,eff for Class 4 For rariable moment or unequal end d moment: t Mx Mb/mLT and Mx Mcx Where, Pb determined by LT = uv(w)0.5LE/ry or for Class 1 & f for Class Cl 3

2 EI z k I w (kL ) GI t M cr = C1 + 2 2 (kL ) k w I z EI z
2 2

C1is the correction factor for nonuniform bending moment


Example p - Unrestrained Beam

A simply supported steel beam of 6m span is required to carry a uniform dead load of 40kN/m and an imposed load of 20kN/m. The floor slab system does not provide any lateral restraint to the beam. If a 533x210 UB138 Grade S275 steel is available for this purpose purpose, check its adequacy in terms of bending, shear and deflection.
w = 88kN/m



Section Classification
BS 5950
Section Classification (BS, Table 11): Flange: g Outstand element of compression flange, Rolled section. py = 265 N/mm2 (T<40mm, Table 9)
275 = py
275 = 265 = 1.02

EC 3
Section Classification (EC, Table 5.2): Flange: Stress distribution in parts (compressive positive) fy = 275 N/ N/mm2 (T<16mm) (T 16 )
235 fy

235 275

= 0.92

b = 4.53 9 = 9(1.02 ) = 9.17 T

1 C f = [213.9 14.7 2(12.7 )] = 86.9mm 2

Cf tf = 86.9 = 3.7 9 = 9(0.92) = 8.46 23.6

Flange belongs to Class 1.

Flange belongs to Class 1.


Member Properties p
BS 5950
Grade S275 Steel Section: 533x210x138 UB E = 205,000 N/mm2 py = 265 N/mm2 (T > 16 mm, Table 9) b/T = 4.53 d/t = 32.4 t = 14.7 14 7 mm T = 23.6 mm D = 549.1 mm Sx = 3610x103 mm3 Zx = 3140x103 mm3 Ix = 86100x104 mm4 ry = 46.8 mm

EC 3
Grade S275 Steel Section: 533x210x138 UB E = 210,000 N/mm2 py = 275 N/mm2 (T < 40mm, Table 3.1) cf/tf = 3.68 cw/tw = 32.41 tw = 14.7 14 7 mm tf = 23.6 mm h = 549.1 mm Wy,pl = 3610x103 mm3 Wy,el = 3140x103 mm3 Iy = 86100x104 mm4 iz = 46.8 mm


Bending g Moment and Shear Force

BS 5950
Dead load = 40 kN/m Imposed load = 20 kN/m
w = 1.4(40 ) + 1.6(20 ) = 88kN / m

EC 3
Dead load = 40 kN/m Imposed load = 20 kN/m
w = 1.35(40 ) + 1.5(20 ) = 84 kN / m

M max

wl 2 = 8 2 ( 88)(6 ) = 8 = 396kNm

Vmax =

wl 2 (88)(6) = 2 = 264kNm

M max

wl 2 = 8 2 ( 84 )(6 ) = 8 = 378kNm

Vmax =

wl 2 (84)(6) = 2 = 252kNm



Section Classification
BS 5950
Web: Web of an I-, , H- or Box section, , neutral axis at mid-depth.
d = 32.4 80 = 80(1.02 ) = 81.6 t

EC 3
Web: parts (compressive ( p Stress distribution in p positive)
C w = 549.1 2(23.6 ) 2(12.7 ) = 476.5mm

Web belongs to Class 1. Section belongs to Class 1.

C w 476.5 = = 32.4 < 72 = 72(0.92 ) = 66.24 tw 14.7

Web belongs to Class 1. Section belongs to Class 1.


Lateral e Torsional o so Buckling uc g

BS 5950
Buckling Resistance Moment (LTB) General Method: Equivalent slenderness LT For an II or H Hsection member the equivalent slenderness LT should be obtained using:

EC 3
Elastic Critical Lateral Torsional Buckling Moment Determination:
M cr = C1

EI z I w



Lcr GI T 2 EI z

1 2

LT = uv W
W = 1.0
u = 0.873 x = 25
L = E ry

= (1.132)

2 (210,000 )(3860 x10 4 )


(for Class 1 or 2 section) (from Section Tables) (f (from S Section ti Tables) T bl )

267 x10 (6000) (81000) 250 x10 + 4 2 4 ( ) 3860 x 10 210 , 000 3860 x 10
10 4

( (

) )

1 2

= 1007kNm

LT =

Wy f y M cr

(3610 x10 )(275) (1007 x10 )

3 6

LE = 1.0 LLT = 1.0(6000 ) = 6000 mm

6000 = 128.2 46.8

= 0.99 LT , 0 = 0.4
Must M check h kf for LTB LTB.

Lateral Torsional Buckling g

BS 5950
v= 1 1 + 0.05 x
2 0.25

EC 3

= 1
2 0.25

128 1 + 0.05 25 = 0.81

h 549.1 = = 2.57 > 2 b 213.9

Use Buckling curve b (from Table 6.4)

LT = uv W
= (0.873)(0.81)(128 ) 1.0 = 91
pb = 141 N / mm 2

LT = 0.34 (from Table 6.3)

LT = 0.5 1 + LT ( LT 0.2 ) + LT 2


= 0.5 1 + 0.34(0.99 0.2 ) + 0.99 2 = 1.12

(from Table 16) (for Class 1 or 2 section)

LT =

M b = pb S x

LT + LT LT 1


= (141) 3610 x10 x10 = 509 kNm


1.12 + 1.12 0.99 = 0.61 1.0


1 .0


Lateral Torsional Buckling

BS 5950
Buckling Capacity check (BS, Clause ) (from Table 18)
M b , Rd = LT Wy f y

EC 3

m LT = 0.925


(M1 = 1.0)


Mb mLT 509 = 550kNm 0.925

3610 x103 (275) 6 = (0.61) x10 1.0 = 606kNm M max = 378kNm


Buckling Capacitiy is satisfied.

LTB Check is satisfied.


BS 5950
Shear Check (BS, Clause 4.2.3): For rolled I-, H- and Channel sections, load parallet to web.
Av = t D

EC 3
Shear Check (EC, Clause 6.2.6): For rolled I and H sections, load parallel to web.
Av = A 2bt f + (t w + 2 r )t f hwt w

= (14.7)(549.1) = 8072mm 2
Pv = 0.6 p y Av

= 17600 2(213.9)(23.6) + [14.7 + 2(12.7)]23.6 (1.0)[549.1 2(23.6)](14.7) = 8450mm 2

7378mm 2

V pl , Rd

fy Av 3 =

= 0.6(265)(8072)(10 3 ) = 1283kN > Vmax = 264kN


( M 1 = 1.0)

Shear Check is satisfied.

275 8450 3 = 1 .0 = 1342 > Vmax = 252kN

Shear Check is satisfied.


BS 5950
High or Low Shear :
0.6 Pv > Fv
0.6(1283 ) = 770 kN > 264 kN

EC 3
High or Low Shear Check :
0.5(V pll , Rd ) > Vmax
0.5(1342 ) = 671kN > 252 kN

Section is under Low Shear. Shear Buckling Check:

d = 32.4 62 = 62(1.02) = 63.24 t

No N reduction d ti of f Moment M t resistance it is i required. Shear Buckling Check: Shear buckling need not be considered provided hw 72 (for unstiffened web)
tw [549.1 2(23.6)] (0.92) 72 14.7 (1.0)
34 .14 66 .24

Web is not susceptible to Shear Buckling.

No Shear Buckling Check is needed.


BS 5950
Moment Capacity : For Class 1 section:

EC 3
Bending Resistance Determination :
M c , y , Rd = W pl , y f y
( M 0 = 1.0)

M c = pySx


= (265)(3610 x10 3 )(10 6 )

Moment Capacity max is satisfied.

= 957 kNm > M

= 396kNm

(3610 x103)(275) 1 .0 = 993kNm > M max = 378kNm =

Bending Resistance is satisfied satisfied.

General(BS, Clause Mc should h ld be b limited li it d to t 1.2p 1 2 yZ in i the th case of f a simply supported beam.
1.2 p y Z = 1.2(265)(3140 x103 )(10 6 )
= 999 kNm > M c = 957 kNm


BS 5950
Deflection Check (BS, Table 8): Assuming beam is carrying plaster or other b i l finishes. brittle fi i h
Limit =
6000 L = 360 360 = 16.7 mm

EC 3
Deflection Check (Singgapor National Annex): Assuming beam is carrying plaster or other brittle finishes.
Limit =
L 360
6000 360 = 16.7 mm =

5 wl 384 EI 5 (20)(6000) 4 = 384 (205,000)(86100 x10 4 ) = 1.91mm < 16.7 mm

5 wl 4 = 384 EI 5 (20)(6000) 4 = 384 (210,000)(86100 x10 4 ) = 1.87 mm < 16.7 mm

Deflection Check is satisfied.

Deflection D fl i Check Ch k is i satisfied. i fi d


LTB ( (Additional method) )

BS 5950
Buckling Resistance Moment (LTB) Simple method:
W = 1.0 (Class 1 or Class 2 cross section)
LE = 1.0 LLT = 1.0(6000) = 6000mm
ry = 46.8mm

Lateral Torsional Buckling Resistance Determination For rolled section or equivalent welded section:
LT , 0 = 0.4 = 0.75

(max. value) (min. value)

(from Section Tables) ( )

LT =
Wy f y M cr

LE 6000 = 1 .0 = 128 r 46 . 8 y D 549.1 = = 23.3 25 T 23.6

(3610 x10 )(275) (1007 x10 )

3 6

= 0.99

3.1 >

pb = 134 N / mm 2

(from Table 20(2))

Use buckling curve c (from Table 6.5) LT = 0.49 (from Table 6.3)

h 549.1 = = 2.57 > 2 b 213.9


LTB ( (Additional dd o Method) e od)

BS 5950
M b = pb S x = (134)(3610 x10 3 )(10 6 )

EC 3
LT = 0.5 1 + LT ( LT LT , 0 ) + LT 2


= 484 kNm

mLT = 0.925 (from Table 18)

Mx Mb mLT

396kNm k

484 = 523kNm k 0.925

= 0.5 1 + 0.49(0.99 0.4 ) + 0.75(0.99) 2 = 1.01 1.0 1 LT = 1 2 2 LT + LT LT 2 LT 1.0 1 = 1 1.01 + 1.012 0.75(0.99) 2 2 (0.99)
= 0.65

Buckling Capacity is satisfied. Simple method gives a more conservative result.

M b , Rd = LT

Wy f y

3610 x103 (275) 6 = (0.65) x10 1 .0 = 645kNm M max = 378kNm


LTB Check is satisfied. R ll d section Rolled ti method th d gives i a less l conservative result.


Members subject to Compression and End Moments


Members subject to combined bending and compression are also l known k as beam-columns. b l Members subject to axial load and moments should be checked for:

Section capacity (Strength) buckling capacity (Buckling-flexural and LTB ) Annex A A Annex B

Two alternative methods included in EC 3

For members subject to combined bending and tension, the effects of tension can be safely ignored in the check for buckling capacity.


Beam-Column in Uniaxial Bending g

Beam-columns bending g about the major j axis only y

Column deflects in z-x z x plane only


Cross-Section Behaviour
No overall buckling Axial compression reduces moment resistance

MN,Rd < Mply,Rd

Where, MN,Rd N Rd is the design plastic moment resistance reduced due to the presence of axial force NEd.
No allowance necessary if

NEd 0.25Npl,y,Rd and NEd 0.5h 0 5hwtwfy/M0

where, Npl,y,Rd is the design plastic resistance of the gross cross-section.


Class 1 & 2 Cross-Sections

Various combinations of bending moment (M) and axial load (N): N = 0, 0 M = Mply,Rd, the f full ll plastic moment, moment to M =0, N = Nply,Rd, the squash load M-N relationship depends on Shape of the section Position of the neutral axis (web or flange) Consider general loading condition for symmetrical I and H sections bending about major j axis.


Neutral Axis in Web

NM = 2fytwyn MN = fybtf(h tf) + fy{(h 2tf)2/4 yn2}tw


Neutral Axis in Flange g

NM = fy{tw(h 2tf) + 2b(tf h/2 + yn} MN = fyb (h/2 yn)(h/2 + yn)


Section Resistance Class 1 & 2

For bi-axial bending, g, the following g criterion shall be satisfied: N

M y , Ed M z , Ed + 1 M N , z , Rd M N , y , Rd

Valid for Class 1 & Class 2 sections ONLY


and are constants depending on the sections,

Type yp of Section


I and H circular hollow rectangular hollow others

where n =

2 2

5n 1 2

1.66/(1 1.13n2) 6 1.0 1.0 Af y

N Ed and N pl , Rd = N pl , Rd M0


Section Resistance Class 1 & 2

Doubly symmetrical I and H sections Reduced moment resistance about yy axis
M N , y , Rd 0.5hw t w f y M for n 0.25 & N Ed pl , y , Rd M0 = 1 n M pl , y , Rd otherwise e se M pl , y , Rd ot 1 0.5 a

where a =

( A 2bt f ) A


Reducedmoment resistance about zzhaxis t f

M N , z , Rd M pl , z , Rd = n a 2 M pl , z , Rd 1 1 a for N Ed
w w

hwt w f y

for N Ed >


where a =

( A 2bt f ) A

0.5 05

Section Resistance Class 1 & 2

Rectangular g hollow & welded box sections of uniform thickness Reduced moment resistance about yy axis
M N , y , Rd 1 n = M pl , y , Rd 1 0.5a M pl , y , Rd w

A 2bt a = 0.5 0 5 for hollow sections w A where A 2bt f aw = 0.5 for welded box sections A

Reduced moment about zz axis resistance 1 n

M pl , z , Rd M N , z , Rd = M pl , z , Rd 1 0.5a f A 2ht a 0.5 for hollow sections = f A where A 2ht w a f = 0.5 for welded box sections A

Section Resistance Class 1 & 2

Rectangular g solid sections of Reduced moment resistance about yy axis

M N , y , Rd = M pl , y , Rd (1 n 2 )
Reduced moment resistance about zz axis

M N , z , Rd = M pl , z , Rd (1 n 2 )
N Ed n= N pl , Rd


Section Resistance Class 3

Check at critical locations:

N Ed M y , Ed M z , Ed + + 1 N Rd M y , Rd M z , Rd
Where N Rd = Where,

Af y


, M y , Rd =

Wel , y f y


, M z , Rd =

Wel , z f y


This check can also be used as a conservative approximation for Class 1 & 2 cross-sections where NRd, My,Rd and Mz,Rd are defined as follows:

N Rd =

Af y


, M y , Rd =

W pl , y f y


, M z , Rd =

W pl , z f y



Section Resistance Class 4

Check at critical locations:

N Ed M y , Ed + N Ed eN y M z , Ed + N Ed eN z + + 1 N Rd M y , Rd M z , Rd
Where, , N Rd =

Aeff f y


, M y , Rd =

Weff , y f y


, M z , Rd =

Weff , z f y


eN = shift in the relevant centroidal axis when the effective cross section is subjected to compression only.


Capacity Check for All Classes in the P Presence of f Sh Shear F Force

N When the design value of the shear force VEd exceed 50% of the design plastic shear resistance Vpl,Rd, the yield strength fy should be reduced by (1 r).

My Mz Vz Vy

f yr = (1 ) f y
2VEd 1 where = V pl , Rd Av ( f y / 3 ) V pl , Rd =



Member Buckling g Resistance

Overall stability must also be checked Two design approaches used in EC 3 Interaction equations (Clause 6.3.3) Alternative methods for calculating kyy, kyz, kzy and kzz factors Annex A and B General method (Clause 6.3.4)


Interaction Equations q
Combinations of NEd and MEd As a proportion of corresponding member resistance, NRd and MRd NRd determined as for columns in axial compression MRd determined as for beams in bending Biaxial bending is also including in EC 3


Interaction Equations q
For Class 1, 2 & 3, both relationships must be satisfied: Biaxial bending g combined with flexural buckling g about major axis (y-y axis):

M y , Ed M z , Ed N Ed + k yy + k yz 1 N b , y , Rd M b , Rd M z , Rd

Eqn. (6.61)

Biaxial bending combined with flexural buckling about minor i axis i (z-z ( axis): i )

M y , Ed M z , Ed N Ed + k zy + k zz 1 N b , z , Rd M b , Rd M z , Rd

Eqn. (6.62)


Interaction Equations q - Definitions

NEd,My, = design compression force and bending y,Ed,Mz,Ed , moments Nb,y,Rd and Nb,z,Rd = design buckling resistances about major and minor axes Mb,Rd = design buckling resistance moment of a laterally unrestrained column Mcb,z,Rd (Class1&2) ) cb z Rd=Wpl,zfy pl zfy/M1( Mcb,z,Rd=Wel,zfy/M1(Class3) kyy,kyz,kzy,kzz = interaction factors


Interaction Equations q
For Class 4, both relationships p must be satisfied: Biaxial bending combined with flexural buckling about major axis (y-y axis): M y , Ed + M y , Ed M z , Ed + M z , Ed N Ed + k yy + k yz 1 N b , y , Rd M b , Rd M z , Rd

Biaxial bending combined with flexural buckling about minor i axis i (z-z ( axis): i )

M y , Ed + M y , Ed M z , Ed + M z , Ed N Ed + k zy + k zz 1 N b , z , Rd M b , Rd M z , Rd

My,Ed, Mz,Ed = moments due to shift of the centroidal axis for class 4 sections.
M y,Ed = N Ed eN y , M z,Ed = N Ed eN z

Interaction Equationsq k factors

Depend p on Non-dimensional slenderness NEd / Nb,Rd Equivalent uniform moment factor, cm Whether or not member susceptible to torsion Alternative methods allowed Annex A (French/Belgium method) Annex B (German/Austrian method) U.K. approach Simplified approach often adopted (Annex B)


k factors-Appendix B
Table B.1:Interaction factors kij for members not susceptible to torsional deformations
Interaction Type of factors sections Design assumptions elastic cross-sectional properties plastic cross-sectional properties class 3, class 4 class 1, class 2

Table B.2:Interaction factors kij for members susceptible to torsional deformations

Design assumptions Interaction elastic cross-sectional properties plastic cross-sectional properties factors class 3, class 4 class 1, class 2 kyy kyy from Table B.1 kyy from Table B.1
kyz kyz from Table B.1
N Ed 1 0.05 z (C 0.25) N mLT b , z , Rd for z 1.0


I-sections RHS-sections

N Ed Cmy 1 + 0.6 y N b , y , Rd for y 1.0

N Ed C my 1 + 0.6 N b , y , Rd

N Ed C my 1 + ( y 0.2) N b , y , Rd for y 1.0


kyz from Table B.1

0.1 z N Ed 0.6 + z 1 (C 0.25) N mLT b , z , Rd for z 0.4 0.1 z N Ed 1 (C 0.25) N mLT b , z , Rd for 0.4 z 1.0

otherwise C my 1 + 0.8 N Ed N b , y , Rd

kyz kzy

I-sections k RHS-sections zz I-sections 0.8kyy RHS-sections

N Ed 1 + 0.6 C mz z N b , z , Rd for z 1.0
N Ed C mz 1 + 0.6 N b , z , Rd

0.6kzz 0.6kyy
N Ed C mz 1 + (2 0.6) z N b z Rd , , for z 1.0


N Ed 0.05 1 (C 0.25) N mLT b , z , Rd otherwise

N Ed 01 0.1 d 1 (C 0.25) N mLT b , z , Rd otherwise

kzz kzz from Table B.1 kzz from Table B.1



otherwise C mz 1 + 1.4 N Ed N b , z , Rd


N Ed C mz 1 + ( 0 0.2) 2) z N b z Rd , , for z 1.0

N Ed Cm mz 1 + 0.8 N b , z , Rd otherwise

For I- and H- sections and rectangular hollow sections under axial compression and uniaxial bending, kyz may be 0.


Equivalent q Moment Factors - Appendix pp B

cmy, cmz, cmLT For members with sway y buckling g mode, , cmy, cmz = 0.9 respectively For no sway members, based on shape of bending moment diagrams between relevant points of restraint
Moment factor cmy cmz cmLT Bending axis yy y-y z-z y-y Points braced in direction zz z-z y-y y-y


Equivalent q Uniform Moment Factor Cm


k Factors - Appendix pp B
k values as a function of cm Tables B1 & B2 Figures D2 D8 of SCI Concise Guide, e.g.
kyy for Class 1 & 2 Sections

N di Non-dimensional i l slenderness l d


k Factors - Simplified p ( (NCCI) )

Conservative approach pp based on maximum values in Annex B for members susceptible to torsion NCCI (Non-Contradictory (N C t di t Complementary C l t Information) I f ti ) simplification for columns in simple construction

Interaction factor kyy kyz kzy kzz

Maximum values according to Annex B Class 1 & 2 1.8 cmy 0.6 kzz 0.6 kyy 2.4 cmz Class 3 1.6 cmy 1.0 kzz 0.8 kyy 1.6 cmz


EC3 Procedures
Determine Nb,y,Rd [6 3 1 1(3)] b Rd, Nb,z,Rd b Rd [] Mb,Rd [] Mcb,z,Rd [6.2.5] cb z Rd cmy , cmz , and cmLT based on shape of bending moment diagrams [Table B3] Select figure for k factors based on section type cross-section classification Determine k factors based on equivalent moment factor, cm non-dimensional di i l slenderness l d ratio i NEd / Nb,Rd [Table B1 or B2]

EC3 Procedures (continued) ( )

Verify for biaxial bending combined with flexural buckling about major axis (6.3.3(4))
M y , Ed + M y , Ed M z , Ed + M z , Ed N Ed + k yy + k yz 1 N b , y , Rd M b , Rd M z , Rd
Eqn. (6.61)

Verify for biaxial bending combined with flexural buckling about b t minor i axis i (6.3.3(4)) (6 3 3(4))
M y , Ed + M y , Ed M z , Ed + M z , Ed N Ed + k zy + k zz 1 N b , z , Rd M b , Rd M z , Rd
Eqn. (6.62)


Example - Buckling Resistance of a UC Member subject to Compression & End Moments


Example 3: Buckling resistance of UC subjected to compression & moments P f Perform buckling b kli check h k on a steel t l column l using i 203 203x203x60 203 60 UC section ti Nc that is subjected to a compressive load of 380kN, linearly varying major My,1 & minor o axis a s moments o e s with the ee end d moments o e s be being g My, = 82.0kNm, 8 0 , y1 My,2 = 41.0kNm & Mz,1 = 35.4kNm, Mz,2 = 17.7kNm. The steel grade used is S275 and the effective length is Lcr,y = Lcr,z = L = 3.0m.
Determine design strength and section classification as per Example BC-1.
My,1= 82.0kNm My,2= 41.0kNm Mz,1= 35.4kNm

Mz,1 L

Mz, z 2= 17.7kNm

Segment Length
Segment length for y-y buckling Lcr,y = 3.0m Segment length for z-z buckling Lcr,z = 3.0m Segment length for LTB Lcr,z = 3.0m 3 0m

My,2 Mz,2 Nc


Flexural Buckling about y-y axis

1 = 93.9 = 86.4
Lcr , y 1 300 1 y = = 0 388 = 0.388 i y 1 8.96 86.4

h 209.6 209 6 = = 1.02 < 1.2 & b 205.8 t f = 14.2mm < 100mm
Use buckling curve b = 0.34
2 y = 0.5[1 + ( y 0.2) + y ] = 0.607 1 y = = 0.931 0 931 2 2 y + y y

Buckling curve Imperfection factor



0.13 0.21

0.49 0.76

N b , y , Rd = y

Af y


(76 4 * 10 2 ) * 275 (76.4 = 0.931 * * 10 3 = 1956kN 1.0


Flexural Buckling about z-z axis

Lcr , z 1 300 1 = = 0.668 iz 1 5.20 86.4

z =

h < 1.2 & t f < 100mm b

Use buckling curve c = 0.49 0 49

z = 0.5[1 + ( z 0.2) + z2 ] = 0.838

z =

1 z +
2 z 2 z

Buckling curve Imperfection factor

= 0.744 0 744



0.13 0.21

0.49 0.76

N b , z , Rd = z

Af y


(76 4 * 10 2 ) * 275 (76.4 = 0.744 * * 10 3 = 1563kN 1.0


Lateral Torsional Buckling

h < 2 Use buckling curve a b LT = 0.21

L2 cr GI T + M cr = C1 2 2 Lcr I z EI z 05 0.5 2 * 210000 * 2060 * 10 4 0.197 * 1012 30002 * 81000 * (47.2 * 10 4 ) 6 * 10 = 1700kNm = 2.70 * + 2 4 2 4 * 210000 * (2060 * 10 ) 3000 2060 * 10

2 EI z I w


41.0 C1 = 1.88 1.40 + 0.52 2 = 2.71 82.0 Since C1 2.70, Use C1 = 2.70

Cross-section Rolled I-sections Buckling curve


Buckling curve a b

h/b 2 h/b > 2 a





LT =

Wy f y M cr

W pl , y f y M cr

(656 * 103 ) * 275 = = 0.325 6 1700 * 10

2 LT

Imperfection factor LT

LT = 0.5[1 + LT (LT 0.2) + ] = 0.566

My,1=82kNm My,2 = 41kNm = 0.5My, y1

LT =

1 LT +
2 LT

2 LT

= 0.971

M b , Rd = LT

Wy f y


(656 * 103 ) * 275 = 0.971* * 106 = 175kNm 1.0


Moment Resistance about z-z axis

M z , Rd = Wz f y


(305 * 103 ) * 275 = * 106 = 83.8kNm 1.0

Equivalent uniform moment factors

41.0 41 0 = 0.5 Cmy = 0.6 + 0.4 my = 0.6 + 0.4 * ( 0.5) = 0.4 82.0 17.7 mz = = 0.5 0 5 Cmz = 0.6 0 6 + 0.4 0 4 mz = 0.6 0 6 + 0.4 0 4 * 0.5 0 5 = 0.8 08 35.4 41.0 mLT = = 0.5 CmLT = 0.6 + 0.4 mLT = 0.6 + 0.4 * ( 0.5) = 0.4 82 0 82.0

my =


Assume members are susceptible to torsional deformations.

y = 0.388 < 1.0, z = 0.668 < 1.0 N Ed 380 k yy = Cmy 1 + ( y 0.2) = 0.4 * 1 + (0.388 0.2 )* = 0.415 N 1956 b , y , Rd N Ed 380 = 0.8 * k zz = Cmz 1 + (2z 0.6) 1 (2 * 0.668 0.6) * + = 0.943 N b,z,Rd 1563
k yz = 0.6 k zz = 0.6 0.943 = 0.566

0 1z 0.1 N Ed k zy = 1 (C 0.25) N mLT b,z,Rd

0 1 0.668 0.1 0 668 380 = 1 = 0.892 (0.4 0.25 ) 1563

Ned My,Ed Mz,Ed Nb,y,Rd Nb,z,Rd Mb,Rd Mz,Rd kyy kyz kzy kzz (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) 380 82.0 82 0 35.4 35 4 1956 1563 175 83.8 83 8 0 0.415 415 0 0.566 566 0 0.892 892 0 0.943 943
M y , Ed M z , Ed N Ed 380 82.0 35.4 + k yy + k yz = + 0.415 * + 0.566 * = 0.628 1 N b , y , Rd M b , Rd M z , Rd 1956 175 83 8 83.8 M y , Ed M z , Ed N Ed 380 82.0 35.4 + k zy + k zz = + 0.892 + 0.943 = 1.06 > 1 N b , z , Rd M b , Rd M z , Rd 1563 175 83 8 83.8

Shear Buckling & Plate Girder


Plate Girder
9 Shear Sh buckling b kli 9 Initial Sizing 9 Web Design 9 Comparison p of BS 5950 and EC 3 9 Tension Field Action 9 Example Plate Girder


Plate Girder
3 plates, fillet welded to form I-section A

End post



Transverse T stiffeners

W b Web

A-A Fillet weld


Shear Buckling g of Plate Girder


Shear Buckling g Resistance

The resistance of the web to shear buckling should be checked h k d especially i ll f for welded ld d sections, ti th though h this thi is i unlikely lik l to affect standard hot-rolled sections. Shear buckling need not be considered provided:
hw tw 72

for unstiffened webs for stiffened webs

h t

w w


where =

235 fy

; = 1.0 (from Singapore National Annex)


Initial Sizing g
1) ) span p to depth p ratio: Recommended span-to-depth ratios for plate girders in buildings
Application p y pp beams with Simply-supported concrete deck (composite or noncomposite) Continuous beams with concrete deck Simply-supported p y pp crane g girders Span-to-depth ratio 12-20

15 20 15-20 10-15

Deeper girder is preferred for heavier loads and smaller deflections and a shallower girder is preferred for lighter loads.


Initial Sizing g
2) ) Flange g area An initial flange area may be established on the assumption that bending moment is carried by flanges alone: Af = Mmax/hwfy Wh Where, Af Mmax hw fy

is the area of each flange is the maximum bending moment is the height of the web is the flange yield strength


Initial Sizing g
3) ) flange g width The flange width bf will usually in the range h/5> bf > h/3 Where, h is the clear depth between flanges.

The wider width is preferred for shallower girders.


Initial Sizing g
4) ) Proportioning p g of flanges g The required q flange g area Af and flange g width bf are now known. Generally proportion flanges to remain non-slender. Class 3 slenderness limit (outstand flange): cf/tf < 14 Class 2 slenderness limit (outstand flange): cf/tf < 10 cf is i the h flange fl outstand d width id h tf is the flange thickness 05 = (235/fy)0.5


Initial Sizing g
4) ) Proportioning p g of flanges g An initial flange g area may y be established on the assumption p that bending moment is carried by flanges alone, then:
M Rd = A f fy


hw M Ed


A f = 2b f t f

M Ed M0 f yhw


Web Design g
5) ) Proportioning p g of web Web depth p is known. Generally y also p proportion p webs to remain non-slender. Class 3 slenderness limit (web in bending): cw/tw < 124 Class 2 slenderness limit (web in bending): cw/tw < 83 cw is the flange outstand width tw is i the h flange fl thickness hi k = (235/fy)0.5


Web Design g
6) Optimum depth Define terms:
= ratio of web depth/thickness = hw/tw Af =area of f one flange fl Wpl = plastic modulus based on the flanges only = Afhw=MRd/fy Af = Wpl/hw Aw = area of web = hwtw = hw2/ A = total area = Af+Aw=2 Wpl/hw+ hw2/

For an optimum p solution: dA

W pl h dA = -2 2 + 2 w = 0 dh w hw

dh w


hw = W pl

or hw = 3

M Ed

Web Design g
7) Minimum thickness of web To prevent the compression flange buckling in the plane of the web, the following criterion should be met:
hw E k f yf t AW A fc

The value of the factor k should be taken as follows: k=0 0.3, 3 where plastic hinge rotation is utilized k=0.4, where the plastic moment resistance is utilized k=0.55, 0.55, where the elastic moment resistance is utilized


Web Design g
Stocky webs: For unstiffened
hw 72 tw

Slender webs (beyond the above limits, for unstiffened or stiffened webs):

For o st stiffened e ed
hw 31 k tw

Failure by shear buckling

Vb , Rd = Vbw, Rd + Vbf , Rd

f yw hw t w
3 M 1

Failure by yielding
V pl , Rd = Av ( f y / 3 )



Web Design g
Where, Where Vbw,Rd is the design resistance contribution from the web Vbf,Rd is i th the design d i resistance i t contribution t ib ti from f the th flanges

Vbw, Rd = w

f yw hw t w 3 M 1
Reduction factor for the shear buckling

Vbf , Rd = w

b f t f f yf c M 1

M 1 Ed M f , Rd

For unstiffened webs, the flange contribution is negligible


Shear Buckling g Reduction Factor

F webs For b with ith transverse t stiffeners tiff at t supports t only; l Or for webs with intermediate transverse or longit dinal stiffeners or both; longitudinal The factor w should be obtained from Table 5.1 or Figure 5.2:


Shear Buckling g Reduction Factor


Figure 5.2: shear buckling factor w 1 Rigid end post 2 Non-rigid end post 3 Range of recommended


End Supports pp
Figure 5.1 shows various end supports for girders:

Figure 5.1: End supports


Web Slenderness
The web slenderness w may be taken as: a) transverse trans erse stiffeners at supports s pports only: onl :
w =
h 86.4t

b) transverse stiffeners at supports and intermediate transverse or longitudinal stiffeners or both:

w =
h 37.4t k

In which k is the minimum shear buckling coefficient for the web panel.
Shear buckling coefficient k: k = 5.34 + 4.00(hw/a)2 when a/hw 1 k = 5.34 5 34 + 4 4.00(h 00(hw/a)2 when a/hw 1 a = transverse stiffener spacing; hw = web height

Flange g Contribution
When the flange resistance is not completely utilized for moment (MEd < Mf,Rd), the flange contribution should be obtained as:
Vbf , Rd = w b f t f f yf c M 1

M 1 Ed M f , Rd


bf and bt are taken for the flange which provides the least axial resistance, and bf 15tf on each side of the web. Mf,Rd is the bending resistance of the section consisting of the effective area of the flanges only.
M f , Rd = M f ,k

2 1.6b f t f f yf c = a 0.25 + 2 th w f yw

c is the anchorage length of the tension field


Shear-Bending g Interaction
Shear-bending interaction for webs susceptible to shear buckling:

For MEd < Mf,Rd Equation (5.8) For MEd > Mf,Rd f Rd when VEd Vbw,Rd/2 then Mc,Rd = Mpl (or Mel) when h VEd > Vbw,Rd/2 then th moment t capacity it reduced d d according to Eq. 7.1. for info only


Web Design g - Procedure

Design procedure for slender webs: 1. Determine the optimum p depth p & minimum thickness of web 2. Calculate web slenderness w 3. Determine web buckling reduction factor w 4 Calculate web shear resistance Vbw,Rd 4. 5. For stiffened webs, add flange contribution Vbf,Rd (when MEd<M Mf,Rd) 6. Check Vb,Rd = Vbw,Rd+ Vbf,Rd > VEd


Comparison p of BS5950 and EC3

EC 3 Shear Sh buckling b kli check h k when h
hw > 72 tw hw > 31 k tw

BS 5950 Sh Shear buckling b kli check h k when h d/t > 70 for a rolled section d/t > 62 f for a weld ld section ti

For unstiffened For stiffened

Shear buckling resistance: (when MEd<Mf,Rd)

Vb , Rd = Vbw, Rd = w
Vb , Rd d

Shear buckling resistance: Vb = Vw = d t qw

qw is the shear buckling strength of the web, qw can be obtained from Table 21 of BS 5950

f yw hw t w 3 M 1

f yw hw t w
3 M 1

w f yw = hw t w 3 M1

Similar to qw

Comparison p of BS5950 and EC3

w is determined by Table 5.1 and Equation (5.6)

w =

hw 37.4t k


Assumed the stiffener spacing is equal to web depth, and Steel Grade S275,


a/hw = 1

k = 5.34 + 4.00(hw/a)


= 5.34 + 4.00(1) = 9.34

= 235 f = 235 275 = 0.924 y

w =

hw 37.4t k

hw 37.4t 9.34

1 hw 105.66 t

C Comparison i of f BS5950 and d EC3

= 1.0, from UK AN of EC3. Table 5.1 can be rewrote as:

Table 5.1 (new)

w Rigid end post (hw/t)<87.70 )<87 70 87.70(hw/t)<114.11 (hw/t)<114.11 ) 114 11 1 87.70/(hw/t) 1 3 /(0 (hw/t)/105.66) 1.37/(0.7+( )/10 66) Non-rigid end post 1 87.70/(hw/t) 8 0/(hw/t) 87.70/(


Comparison p of BS5950 and EC3

From Table 5.1 (new) & Table 21 of BS 5950, the figure can be obtained as follow
2 Stiff Stiffener spacing i ratio, ti a/d (a/h ( /hw) = 1 1, fy = 275N/mm 275N/


sh hear buck kling stre ength qw (N/mm2)


160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 50

g end host TFA EC3 rigid qw (2000) TFA EC3 non-rigid end post TFA qcr (1990 & 2000) No TFA 71 61 55 7 55.7 28
80 87.7

150 200 250 300

web depth-to-thickness ratio d/t (hw/t)


Tension Field Action


Tension Field Action


Tension Field Action

Buckling stage
Ultimate stage

Tension Compression


Example p - Plate Girder

A simply supported plate girder has a span of 18 m, and carries two concentrated loads on the top flange at the third points, consisting of 400kN permanent action and 300kN variable load. load In addition addition, it carries a uniformly distributed permanent load of 20kN/m, which includes an allowance for self weight and an imposed load of 10kN/m. The compression flange is fully restrained laterally. The girder is supported on a heavy stiffened bracket at each end. Th materials The t i l of fb both th web b and d fl flanges are Grade G d S275 steel. t l The web will be designed with rigid end post. post


Loads, , Shears & Moments

The factored loads are: Concentrated actions = (1.35 400) + (1.5 300) = 990kN Distributed action = (1.35 (1 35 20) + (1.5 (1 5 10) =42kN/m 42kN/m The actions and reactions are shown in Figure 5.27(a) and the shear force diagram in Figure 5.27(b). The moments are: MC= (1368 6) (42 6 3) = 7452kNm ME= (1368 6) (990 3) (42 9 4.5) =7641kNm The bending moment diagram is shown in Figure 5.27(c).

C A 6m

990kN E

990kN D

42kN/m B

6m Loading





1116kN 126kN

1.2m Shear force diagram (c)

1611kNm 7452kNm


Bending moment diagram

Girder Section

k=0.4 as plastic rotation is not utilized. If the flanges resist the bending moment, moment Aw=Acf. Assuming the thickness of the flange is larger than 16mm, then the yield strength fyf 265N/mm2. The critical hw/t ratio f=265N/mm is given by:

hw E AW 210000 k = 0.4 1 = 317 t f yf A fc 265 The e optimum opt u dept depth hw is sg given e by:
6 317 7642 10 hw = 3 =3 = 2090mm f yf 265 Then the thickness of web, tw, is given as

M Ed

2090 tw = = = 6.6mm 317

use tw = 8mm


Girder Section
Assuming the flange is Class 2. The maximum flange outstand c f = 10t f = 10 0.924 t f = 9.24t f Where, = 235 275 = 0.924 Use s=tw, so the flange width bf = 2cf+2s+tw=18.48tf+24mm, the fl flange area: Af = (18.48tf+24) tf F From another th equation ti

M max 7.641 109 Af = = = (18.48t f + 24 )t f = 13796mm 2 fy 2090 265 hw 1.0 M0


t f = 26.6mm b f = 515.6mm
use a 28500mm plate.

Girder Section
Overall depth: h = hw + 2t f = 2090 + 2 28 = 2146mm Use h=2000mm hw = h 2t f = 2000 2 28 = 1944mm Actual web slenderness:
hw 1944 = = 243 tw 8 Maximum hw/t ratio:
hw E =k t f yf Aw 210000 1944 8 = 0.4 = 321 > 243 Acf 265 500 28

The actual Th t l value l is i below b l the th allowable, ll bl and d is i therefore th f satisfactory.


Girder Section
Plastic moment of resistance of the flanges:

M pl , Rd

265 (h t f ) = 28 500 1972 = 7316kMm = Af M0 1.0



Web Design g
An arrangement for the stiffeners is set out as following. The design strength of web fyw is 275kN/m; the design strength of flange fyf is 265kN/m.
1200 1600 3 2000 3


Intermediate stiffener
stiffener arrangement


Web Design g
1) Panel I Web contribution Intermediate stiffener is 1.2m from the support, so a=1.2m.
a 1200 = = 0.62 < 1.0 hw 1944

F a/hw < 1.0, For 10

h k = 4 + 5.34 w = 18.01 a

hw 1944 31 31 = = 243 3> k = 0 .9 924 18 8 .0 01 = 121.6 tw 8 1 .0 1 .0

Verification of shear buckling is necessary. necessary


Web Design g
Determine the normalized web slenderness ratio w

w =
As w > 1.08

hw 1944 = = 1.657 37.4t k 37.4 0.924 8 18.01

1.37 w = = 0.58 0.7 + w

The shear resistance contribution from the web:
Vbw, Rd = w hw t w f yw = 0.58

3 M 1

275 1944 8 = 1432kN 3 1.0


Web Design g
Flange contribution
1.6b f t 2 f yf f c = a 0.25 + 2 t h f w w yw
2 1 . 6 500 28 265 = 1200 0.25 + = 325mm 2 8 1944 275

M Ed

1 .2 2 = 1368 1.2 42 = 1611kNm 2

M f , Rd = M pl , Rd = 7316 kNm
The shear resistance contribution from the flanges:
Vbf , Rd M bf t 2 f f yf Ed = 1 c M 1 M f , Rd

500 28 2 265 1611 2 = 1 = 304kN 325 1 7316


Web Design g
Verification for shear resistance

Vb , Rd = Vbw , Rd + Vbf , Rd

f yw hw t w 3 M 1
1 275 1944 8 10 3 3 M 1 2469kN

= 1432 + 304
= 1736

VEd = 1368kN < Vb , Rd = 1736 kN


Web Design g
2) Panel II Wen contribution
VEd = 1368 - 1.2 42 = 1318kN (at the edge of panel II, x=1.2m)

a = 1.6m, For a/hw < 1.0,

hw 1944 = = 1.22 a 1600

a = 0.82 < 1.0 hw

hw k = 4 + 5.34 = 11.88 a hw 1944 31 31 = = 243 > k = 0.924 11.88 = 98.7 8 1. 0 tw 1.0

Verification of shear buckling is necessary. necessary


Web Design g
Determine the normalized web slenderness ratio w
hw 1944 = = 2.04 w = 37.4t k 37.4 0.924 8 11.88

A As

w > 1.08

w =

1.37 = 0 .5 0.7 + w

The shear resistance contribution from the web: Vbw, Rd = w hw t w f yw

3 M 1

= 0.5

275 1944 8 = 1234kN 3 1 .0


Web Design g
Flange contribution
c = 325mm

M Ed

1.8 2 = 1368 1.8 42 = 3666kNm 2

The shear resistance contribution from the flanges:

Vbf , Rd M bf t 2 f f yf Ed = 1 c M 1 M f , Rd

500 28 2 265 3666 2 = 1 = 240kN 325 1 7316

Verification for shear resistance

Vb , Rd = Vbw , Rd + Vbf , Rd

f yw hw t w 3 M 1

= 1474

2469 kN

VEd = 1318 kN < Vb , Rd = 1474 kN

ok! k!


Web Design g
3) Panel III

VEd = 126kN (at the edge of panel III, x=6m)

M Ed = 7452 kNm kN > M f , Rd = 7316 kNm kN
So the contribution of flanges should not be accounted.

Vb , Rd = Vbw , Rd = 1110 kN > VEd = 126 kN

The girder is satisfactory for the stiffener arrangement assumed.


Stiffener Design g
1) Rigid end post The design will be made using twin stiffener end post, as shown following. The end post is designed to be rigid.
200 e 1200 a

19 944




146 tw=8


300 bend

Rigid end post


Stiffener Design g
The following criteria must be fulfill:
e 0.1hw = 0.1 1.944 m = 0.1944 m

Use e = 0.2m End plate dimensions:

Aend = 300 12 = 3600mm 2
2 hwt w 4 e 1944 8 2 4 200 2488mm 2

t end

= 300

12 (double sided)

bend t w 2 = 146 = 12.2 < 14 = 12.9 12 t end

The end post plate is Class 3, therefore fully effective.


Stiffener Design g
2) Intermediate stiffeners The axial a ial force from the tension field action can usually s all occur occ r in the first intermediate stiffener near support, where the shear force is the maximum. The axial force Nst,ten is given by:

N st ,ten = VEd

t w hw

f yw 3 M 1

VEd is determined at 0.5hw from the stiffener with the higher shear force.

VEd = 1368 - 42(1.2 - 0.5 1.944 ) = 1358 kN


Stiffener Design g
The parameter of plate slenderness w is calculated assuming the stiffener is removed, removed thus a=1200+1600=2800. =1200+1600=2800
hw 1944 = = 0.69 a 2800

a = 1.44 > 1.0 hw


For a/hw > 1.0,

h k = 5.34 + 4 w = 7.27 a hw 1944 w = = = 2.61 37.4t k 37.4 0.924 8 7.27

N st ,ten = 1358

1 1.9 944 8 275 75 = 995kN 2 2.61 3

The minimum stiffness requirement for all but two panels either side of the central stiffener is given by the case a < 2hw


Stiffener Design g
design on the least value of a:
3 3 hw t 1944 3 83 6 4 I s = 1.5 2 = 1.5 = 3 . 93 10 mm 1200 2 a

Use a 12mm thick plate, then the total breath of the stiffener lst is g given by: y
6 12 3 . 92 10 b=3 = 157.7 mm 12

Use lst=160mm.


Stiffener Design g
Strength check: Effective area:
l st 160 = = 13.3 > 14 = 12.9 t s 12 l st ,eff = 14t = 14 0.924 12 = 155 mm

Aeff ,st = 2 Ast + (30t w + t s )t w = 2 155 12 + (30 0.924 8 + 12 ) 8 = 5590mm 2

The axial force that can be carried by the stiffener NRd is given as fy 275 3 N Rd = Aeff = 5590 10 0 = 1537 537 kN ff , st t M0 1 .0

N Rd > N st ,ten = 995kN

And resistance NRd exceeds the values of NEd of all stiffeners.


Stiffener Design g
Buckling check: Effective length: l = 0.75h = 0.75 1944 = 1458mm Effective area second moment:
e w

I eff ,st =
ieff , st =

1 12 3 3 t s ( l st ,eff + t w ) = (2 155 + 8) = 32157432mm 4 12 12

I eff , st Aeff , st = 32157432 5590 = 75.8mm

ieff , st 1


1458 = 0.22 > 0.2 75.8 93.9 0.924

Use the buckling curve c, the imperfect factor =0.49 =0 49

= 0.5 1 + ( 0.2) + = 0.5(1 + 0.49 9(0.22 0.2 ) + 0.22 2 ) = 0.53


Stiffener Design g

+ 2

1 0.53 + 0.53 0.22

2 2

= 0.99

N b , Rd = N Rd = 0.99 1537 = 1521kN N b , Rd > N st ,ten = 995kN

Th stiffener The tiff is i satisfactory ti f t .


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