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Seminar report 2013

Are you tired of slow modem connections? Cellonics Incorporated has developed new technology that may end this and other communications problems forever. The new modulation and demodulation technology is called Cellonics. In general, this technology will allow for modem speeds that are 1,000 times faster than our present modems. The development is based on the way biological cells communicate with each other and nonlinear dynamical systems (NDS). Major telcos, which are telecommunications companies, will benefit from the incredible speed, simplicity, and robustness of this new technology, as well as individual users. In current technology, the ASCII uses a combination of ones and zeros to display a single letter of the alphabet (Cellonics, 2001). Then the data is sent over radio frequency cycle to its destination where it is then decoded. The original technology also utilizes carrier signals as a reference which uses hundreds of wave cycles before a decoder can decide on the bit value (Legard, 2001), whether the bit is a one or a zero, in order to translate that into a single character. The Cellonics technology came about after studying biological cell behaviour. The study showed that human cells respond to stimuli and generate waveforms that consist of a continuous line of pulses separated by periods of silence. The Cellonics technology found a way to mimic these pulse signals and apply them to the communications industry (Legard, 2001). The Cellonics element accepts slow analog waveforms as input and in return produces predictable, fast pulse output, thus encoding digital information and sending it over communication channels. Nonlinear Dynamical Systems (NDS) are the mathematical formulations required to simulate the cell responses and were used in building Cellonics. Because the technique is nonlinear, performance can exceed the norm, but at the same time, implementation is straightforward (Legard, 2001).

DEPT of Electronics and communication

MESITAM Chathannoor

Seminar report 2013


For the last 60 years, the way radio receivers are designed and built has undergone amazingly little change. Much of current approach could be attributed to EH Armstrong, the oft -credited Father of FM, who invented the super heterodyne method in 1918.He further developed it into a complete FM commercial system in 1933 for use in public-radio broadcasting. Today, more than 98% of receivers in radios, television and mobile phones use this method.The subsystem used in the superhet design consists of radio-frequency (RF)amplifiers mixers ,phase-lock loops ,filters, oscillators and other components ,which are all complex ,noisy ,and power hungry. Capturing a communications element from the air to retrieve its modulated signal is not easy ,and a system often needs to spend thousands of carrier cycles to recover just one bit of information .This process of demodulation is inefficient ,and newly emerging schemes result in complex chips difficult and expensive to manufacture.So it was necessary to invent a new demodulation circuit ,which do the job of conventional superheterodyne receiver but at a far lesser component count, faster and lower in power consumption and possessing greater signal robustness These requirements were met by designing a circuit which models the biological cell behavior as explained earlier. The technology for this, named CELLONICS ,was invented by scientists from CWC(Censer for Wireless communication) and Computational Science Department in Singapore.

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Seminar report 2013


In electronics, a superheterodyne receiver (often shortened to superhet) uses frequency mixing or heterodyning to convert a received signal to a fixed intermediate frequency (IF), which can be more conveniently processed than the original radio carrier frequency. Virtually all modern radio receivers use the superheterodyne principle

Fig1.1 super hetroyne reciever

Superheterodyne" is a contraction of "Supersonic Heterodyne", where "supersonic" indicates frequencies above the range of human hearing. The word heterodyne is derived from the Greek roots hetero- "different", and -dyne "power". In radio applications the term derives from the "heterodyne detector" pioneered by Canadian inventor Reginald Fessenden in 1905, describing his proposed method of producing an audible signal from the Morse Code transmissions of an Alexanderson alternator-type transmitter. With the spark gap transmitters then in use, the Morse Code signal consisted of short bursts of a heavily modulated carrier wave which could be clearly heard as a series of short chirps or buzzes in the receiver's headphones. However, the signal from an Alexanderson Alternator did not have any such inherent modulation and Morse Code from one of those would only be heard as a series of clicks or thumps. Fessenden's idea was to run two Alexanderson Alternators, one producing a carrier frequency 3 kHz higher than the other. In the receiver's detector the two carriers would

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Seminar report 2013

beat together to produce a 3 kHz tone thus in the headphones the morse signals would then be heard as a series of 3 kHz beeps. For this he coined the term "heterodyne" meaning "Generated by a Difference" (in frequency). The superheterodyne principle was devised in 1918 by U.S. Army Major Edwin Armstrong in France during World War I.[1][2] He invented this receiver as a means of overcoming the deficiencies of early vacuum tube triodes used as high-frequency amplifiers in radio direction finding equipment. Unlike simple radio communication, which only needs to make transmitted signals audible, direction-finders measure the received signal strength, which necessitates linear amplification of the actual carrier wave. In a triode radio-frequency (RF) amplifier, if both the plate (anode) and grid are connected to resonant circuits tuned to the same frequency, stray capacitive coupling between the grid and the plate will cause the amplifier to go into oscillation if the stage gain is much more than unity. In early designs, dozens (in some cases over 100) low-gain triode stages had to be connected in cascade to make workable equipment, which drew enormous amounts of power in operation and required a team of maintenance engineers. The strategic value was so high, however, that the British Admiralty felt the high cost was justified. Armstrong realized that if radio direction-finding (RDF) receivers could be operated at a higher frequency, this would allow better detection of enemy shipping. However, at that time, no practical "short wave" (defined then as any frequency above 500 kHz) amplifier existed, due to the limitations of existing triodes. It had been noticed some time before that if a regenerative receiver was allowed to go into oscillation, other receivers nearby would suddenly start picking up stations on frequencies different from those that the stations were actually transmitted on. Armstrong (and others) eventually deduced that this was caused by a "supersonic heterodyne" between the station's carrier frequency and the oscillator frequency. Thus if a station was transmitting on 300 kHz and the oscillating receiver was set to 400 kHz, the station would be heard not only at the original 300 kHz, but also at 100 kHz and 700 kHz. Armstrong realized that this was a potential solution to the "short wave" amplification problem, since the beat frequency still retained its original modulation, but on a lower carrier frequency. To monitor a frequency of 1500 kHz for example, he could set up an oscillator at, for example, 1560 kHz, which would produce a heterodyne difference frequency of 60 kHz, a frequency that could then be more conveniently amplified by the triodes of the day. He termed this the "Intermediate Frequency" often abbreviated to "IF".

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Seminar report 2013

In December 1919, Major E. H. Armstrong gave publicity to an indirect method of obtaining short-wave amplification, called the super-heterodyne. The idea is to reduce the incoming frequency which may be, say 1,500,000 cycles (200 meters), to some suitable super-audible frequency which can be amplified efficiently, then passing this current through a radio frequency amplifier and finally rectifying and carrying on to one or two stages of audio frequency amplification.[3] Early superheterodyne receivers used IFs as low as 20 kHz, often based on the self-resonance of iron-cored transformers. This made them extremely susceptible to image frequency interference, but at the time, the main objective was sensitivity rather than selectivity. Using this technique, a small number of triodes could be made to do the work that formerly required dozens of triodes. In the 1920s, commercial IF filters looked very similar to 1920s audio interstage coupling transformers, had very similar construction and were wired up in an almost identical manner, and so they were referred to as "IF Transformers". By the mid-1930s howevaer, superheterodynes were using much higher intermediate frequencies, (typically around 440 470 kHz), with tuned coils similar in construction to the aerial and oscillator coils. However, the name "IF Transformer" was retained and is still used today. Modern receivers typically use a mixture of ceramic resonator or SAW (surface-acoustic wave) resonators as well as traditional tuned-inductor IF transformers. Armstrong was able to rapidly put his ideas into practice, and the technique was rapidly adopted by the military. However, it was less popular when commercial radio broadcasting began in the 1920s, mostly due to the need for an extra tube (for the oscillator), the generally higher cost of the receiver, and the level of technical skill required to operate it. For early domestic radios, tuned radio frequency receivers ("TRF"), also called the Neutrodyne, were more popular because they were cheaper, easier for a non-technical owner to use, and less costly to operate. Armstrong eventually sold his superheterodyne patent to Westinghouse, who then sold it to RCA, the latter monopolizing the market for superheterodyne receivers until 1930.[4] By the 1930s, improvements in vacuum tube technology rapidly eroded the TRF receiver's cost advantages, and the explosion in the number of broadcasting stations created a demand for cheaper, higher-performance receivers. The development of the tetrode vacuum tube containing a screen grid led to a multi-element tube in which the mixer and oscillator functions could be combined, first used in the so-called autodyne mixer. This was rapidly followed by the introduction of tubes specifically designed
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for superheterodyne operation, most notably the pentagrid converter. By reducing the tube count, this further reduced the advantage of preceding receiver designs.

By the mid-1930s, commercial production of TRF receivers was largely replaced by superheterodyne receivers. The superheterodyne principle was eventually taken up for virtually all commercial radio and TV designs .The principle of operation of the superheterodyne receiver depends on the use of heterodyning or frequency mixing. The signal from the antenna is filtered sufficiently at least to reject the image frequency and possibly amplified. A local oscillator in the receiver produces a sine wave which mixes with that signal, shifting it to a specific intermediate frequency (IF), usually a lower frequency. The IF signal is itself filtered and amplified and possibly processed in additional ways. The demodulator uses the IF signal rather than the original radio frequency to recreate a copy of the original information (such as audio). To receive a radio signal, a suitable antenna is required. This is often built into a receiver, especially in the case of AM broadcast band radios. The output of the antenna may be very small, often only a few microvolts. The signal from the antenna is tuned and may be amplified in a so-called radio frequency (RF) amplifier, although this stage is often omitted. One or more tuned circuits at this stage block frequencies which are far removed from the intended reception frequency. In order to tune the receiver to a particular station, the frequency of the local oscillator is controlled by the tuning knob (for instance). Tuning of the local oscillator and the RF stage may use a variable capacitor, or varicap diode.[6] The tuning of one (or more) tuned circuits in the RF stage must track the tuning of the local oscillator

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Seminar report 2013


Fig4.1: Measured -cell Response The Cellonics technology is a revolutionary and unconventional approach based on the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems (NDS) and modelled after biological cellbehaviour. In essence, the term Cellonics is an euphemism for electronic cells. When used in the field of
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communications, the technology has the ability to encode, transmit and decode digital information powerfully over a variety of physical channels, be they cables or wirelessly through the air. There have been much research over the past decades to study inter-cell communications. Laboratory studies have recorded electrical waveforms that show burst of spikes separated by periods of silence

Fig 4.2.Leech cell response

For examples, Fig 1 and Fig 2 show the behaviour of the -cell and the Leech Nociceptor respectively. From these figures, we may observe that the slow waveforms2 trigger the fast pulse trains3 allowing the cells to convey information (as postulated by some researchers).Note that while the fast pulse trains are always the same, the slow time-varying stimulus analog waveforms can take many arbitrary shapes. The number of the pulse trains varies according to the parameters of the slow analog waveforms. Thus, if a circuit can be found that accept an analog input waveform and output a set of pulse trains with predictable number of pulses in each burst, we have a very powerful means of encoding digital information and communicating it over a variety of physical channels. Cellonics Inc. has invented and patented a number of circuits that mimic the above biological cell behaviour. The Cellonics circuits are incredibly simple with advantages of low-cost, low power consumption and smallness of size. They can and have been used in various applications such

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Seminar report 2013

as communications and electronic circuits (gated oscillator, sigma delta modulator, delta modulator, clock multipliers, etc). When applied in communications, the Cellonics technology is a fundamental modulation and demodulation technique. The Cellonics receivers are used as devices that generate pulses from the received analog signal and perform demodulation based on pulse counting and related algorithms. 1 The study of biological cell behaviour is only an inspiration to the invention of Cellonics circuits. The Cellonics technology is not related to any neural network communications or neurophomic electronics. 2 Slow waveforms: Analogue waveforms that vary slowly with time. These waveforms can be in any arbitrary shape. 3 Fast waveforms/fast pulse trains: Waveform in the shape of pulses that varies rapidly with time.

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There are two types of cellonic circuits 1 S curve circuits 2N curve circuits 5.1 S curve cellonics circuits Cellonics Inc. has developed and patented families of Cellonics circuits that are useful for various applications. One of these Cellonics circuits is an extremely simple circuit that exhibits the Scurve transfer characteristic. Fig 3a shows one of the possible circuit realizations. The circuit contains a negative impedance converter. Its iv transfer characteristic is shown in Fig 3b.Thetransfer characteristic consists of three different regions. The two lines at the top and bottom have positive slope, 1/RF and they represent the regions in which the Op-Amp is operating in the saturated (nonlinear) mode. In Fig 3b, the middle segment has a negative slope (negative resistance)

Fig 5.1 Cellonic Circuit

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Fig 5.2: Phase Space & I-V Characteristics Curve

and represents the region in which the Op-Amp is operating linearly. It is this negative resistance region that allows the Op-Amp to oscillate and produce pulses bounded by the positive and negative saturation voltages.

For ease of explanation4, we assume that the input signal is a triangular waveform. Here we have dVs/dt = (V0 depending on the slope of the triangular input waveform. Whenever the slope is positive, the Op-Amp is stable and outputs a constant saturation voltage. Thus a silent period is observed i.e. no spike is being produced. On the other hand, with properly selected circuit parameters whenever the slope of the triangular waveform is negative, the Op-Amp is unstable. In this region, the output is oscillating. The duration of each pulse is similar and the number of pulses generated depends on the length of time the slope remains negative. Thus by Controlling the duration of the negative slope, he number of pulses to be produced at the output of the Op-Amp can be controlled. The Cellonics circuit is robust against noise perturbations as long as the effective negative slope keeps the Op-Amp unstable, the noise will not have an effect on the pulse generation. The level of tolerance against the noise perturbations is carried out by proper selection of circuit parameters in the design. There are also many other families of Cellonics circuits.

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5.2 N curve circuits

By using the Principle of Duality, the N-curve families of Cellonics circuits can be derived. In this case, the realization of the circuits can be based on the OP-AMP or devices such as he tunnel diode, etc. The transfer function of a tunnel diode exhibits the N- curve transfer characteristic inherently, which is a dual of the S-curve family. By connecting an inductor and a tunnel diode in series, we can produce pulses that are separated by periods of silence. This family of circuits responds to the voltage level of the input signal. As an application example, a square wave signal is used in Fig 3d. In this case, the duration when the input signal is above a certain threshold voltage determines the duration that the circuit operates in the unstable region and consequently the number of pulses generated

Fig 5.3 Ncurve circuits Tunnel diodes Tunneling diodes (TDs) have been widely studied for the importance in achieving very high speed in wide-band devices and circuits that are beyond conventional transistor technology.A particularly useful form of a tunneling diode is the ResonantTunneling Diode (RTD). RTDs have been shown to achieve a maximum frequency of up to 2.2 THz as opposed to 215 GHz in conventional Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) transistors.The very high switching speeds provided by RTDs have allowed for a variety of applications in wide-band secure communications systems and high-resolution radar and imaging systems for low visibility A Tunnel Diode is s pn junction that exhibits negative resistance between two values of forward voltage

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The tunnel diode s basically a pn junction with heavy doping of p type and n type semiconductor materials .tunnel diode is doped 1000 times as heavily as a conventional diode Heavy doping results in large no of majority carriers. Because this large no of carriers, most are not used during initial recombination that produces depletion layer. It is very narrow. Depletion layer of tunnel diode is 100 times narrower. Operation of tunnel diode depend son the tunneling effect Tunneling The movement of valence electrons from the valence energy band to the conduction band with little or no applied forward voltage is called tunneling.

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Fig 5.4.Energy band diagram of tunnel diode

VI characteristics

Fig 5.5 VI Characteristics of Tunnel diode

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As the forward voltage is first increased, the tunnel diode is increased from zero, electrons from the n region tunnel through the potential barrier to the potential barrier to the p region. As the forward voltage increases the diode current also increases until the peak to peak is reached. Ip = 2.2 mA. Peak point voltage =0.07V As the voltage is increased beyond Vp the tunneling action starts decreasing and the diode current decreases as the forward voltage is increased until valley point V is reached at valley point voltage Vv= 0.7V between Vand P the diode exhibits negative resistance i.e., as the forward bias is increased , the current decreases. When operated in the negative region used as oscillator.

Tunnel diode is a type of sc diode which is capable of very fast and in microwave frequency range. It was the quantum mechanical effect which is known as tunneling. It is ideal for fast oscillators and receivers for its negative slope characteristics. But it cannot be used in large integrated circuits thats why its an applications are limited. When the voltage is first applied current stars flowing through it. The current increases with the increase of voltage. Once the voltage rises high enough suddenly the current again starts increasing and tunnel diode stars behaving like a normal diode. Because of this unusual behavior, it can be used in number of special applications started below. Oscillator circuits : tunnel diodes can be used as high frequency oscillators as the transition between the high electrical conductivity is very rapid. They can be used to create oscillation as high as 5Gz. Even they are capable of creativity oscillation up to 100 GHz in a appropriate digital circuits.Used in microwave circuits: normal diode transistors do not perform well in microwave operation. So, for microwave generators and amplifiers tunnel diode are. In microwave waves and satellite communication equipments they were used widely, but now a days their uses is decreasing rapidly as transistor for working in wave frequency area available in market Resistant to nuclear radiation : tunnel diodes are resistant to the effects of magnetic fields, high temperature and radioactivity. Thats why these can be used in modern military equipment. These are used in nuclear magnetic resource machine also. But the most important field of its use satellite communication equipments. Tunnel diode can make a very

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stable oscillator circuit when they are coupled to a tuned circuit or cavity, biased at the centre point of negative resistance region. Here is an example of tunnel diode oscillatory circuit. The tunnel diode is losing coupled to a tunable cavity. By using a short, antenna feed probe placed in the cavity off centre loose coupling is achieved. To increase the stability of oscillation and achieve o/p power over wider bandwidth loose coupling is used. The range of the output power produced is few hundred microwatts. This is useful for many microwave application. The physical position of the tuner determining the frequency of operation. If the frequency of operation is changed by this method, that is called mechanical tuning. Tunnel diode oscillators can be tuned electronically also. Tunnel diode oscillators which are meant to be operated at microwave frequencies, generally used some form of transmission lines as tunnel circuit. These oscillators are useful in application that requires a few millwatts of power, example- local oscillators for microwave super hectrodyne receiver.

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Fig 6.1: Digital Communication Functional Diagram The Cellonics technology can be used as a modulation/demodulation technique with the Cellonics Element embedded in the demodulator(Fig 4a). One of the most important features of the Cellonics demodulation technique is its powerful inherent Carrier-rate Decoding, which enables one information symbol to be carried in one RF carrier cycle. Convention systems require thousands of cycles to capture one symbol. Cellonics unique Carrier-rate Decoding offers throughput at maximum rate.

Fig 6.2: One symbol Per Cycle

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To further illustrate the Cellonics inherent Carrier-rate Decoding, an FSK- like signal is taken as an example5. As shown in Fig 4b, the information symbols are encoded in this FSKlike signal that is transmitted through the channel. At the receiver, the Cellonics circuit produces different sets of pulses with respect to the different frequencies of the signal. The information symbol can be recovered by simply counting the pulses i.e. f1 produces 2 spikes, f2 produces 3spikes, f3 produces 4 spikes etc.

Fig 6.3. Comparison with Various Modulation Schemes Fig 4c shows the different conventional modulation/demodulation schemes and the Cellonics approach. In the conventional communication systems, thousands of RF carrier cycles are required to reliably extract the information contained in a carrier signal. This is because the receiver requires time to synchronize with the carrier signal. With the Cellonics technology, information can be decoded in every transmitted cycle. Thus, this breakthrough promises very high-speed data transmission. Besides its application in decoding circuits, the Cellonics technology also offers simplicity in receiver architecture with its attributes of low cost, smallness in size and low power consumption. Its robustness in noisy environment also offers a system that has better performance and receiver sensitivity. Fig 4d shows a conventional Super heterodyne receiver which is complex in design and has many practical drawbacks. Some issues that need considerable attention include: device noise inter modulation, local oscillators/mixer isolation, Phase Lock Loop (PLL) switching time and noise immunity. Moreover, these subsystems consume considerable amount of power. A newer technique uses the Super homodyne approach with no IF stage (i.e. zero-IF). But these solutions are difficult to manufacture, have some tricky problems (e.g. DC offset) and still

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require power hungry subsystems as mentioned earlier. With the Cellonics technology, a very simple receiver architecture can be realized without oscillators, phase lock loops etc. This is a paradigm shift in design.

Fig 6.4: 4th Generation GSM Receiver vs. Cellonics Fig 4e shows a more detailed diagram of the 4thgeneration Super homodyne GSM receiver and the Cellonics receiver. It clearly shows the simplicity of the Cellonics receiver as no oscillators and crystals are required. To improve the spectral efficiency, multi-level

Fig 6.5: Other Performance Advantages modulation scheme is usually employed. Fig 4fcompares a conventional M-ary FSK receiver and a Cellonics receiver. Each increase in the modulation level requires a significant number of circuits to be added in the conventional receiver. For the Cellonics receiver, no additional circuit elements are required due to its inherent multi-level modulation property.
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This is achieved using different number of spikes per cycle to represent different sets of information symbols (Fig 4g below).

Fig 4.6: M-ary Receiver FSK vs Cellonics

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7.1. BER Performance in Narrowband An important performance measure of any modulation scheme is its bit-error rate (BER) performance in a noisy channel. Fig 5a shows the numerical simulation results of the Cellonics receiver in the AWGN channel. Also shown in the figure is the theoretical curve of the optimal Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) modulation scheme. From the figure, it is clear that the BE performance of the Cellonics modulation is able to match the theoretical optimal BPSK modulation scheme. This is achieved by using only 4Cellonics elements which are very simple (please refer to Fig 3a and Fig 3d). Figure 5b shows another set of results in the multi-path environment which show that the Cellonics

Fig 7.1:Cellonics Receiver Performance

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Fig 7.2: Performance in 2-path and AWGN Channel receiver has similar performance as the BPSK receiver but with much simpler receiver architecture. Furthermore, in practical terms, the Cellonics receiver will have less implementation losses when compared to a conventional receiver. 7.2. BER Performance in Ultra Wideband

Fig 7.3: Performance in Cellonics UWB

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Fig 7.4: Performance in Cellonics UWB UWB is a new radio system that occupies an ultra wide bandwidth. In UWB signaling, the transmission uses very short impulses of radio energy (less than a few nanoseconds in duration). This results in a spectrum that covers a wide range of radio frequencies. Consequently, the small amount of transmitted energy is spread over a wide frequency range resulting in very small energy per Hertz. It will cause little interference to the existing spectrum users. Typical correlator-based UWB receiver requires thousands of cycles and frames to acquire the signals and average out the noise. The Cellonics technology can be used as a receiver to detect the UWB signals. The BER performance of the Cellonics UWB system has been evaluated in both simulation and experiment. Fig 4c shows the simulated and experimental results. Using the On-Off Keying method, the experimental Cellonics performance curve is less than 1 dB from the theoretical best performance using the correlate approach. However, the Cellonics UWB system has superior throughput and is potentially hundreds to thousands times faster as it uses only one to few frames (e.g. 7frames) to decode one information symbol depending on the power efficiency requirements. Fig 4d shows its performance in a dense in-door multipath environment. The fading margin is only3 dB and indicates that it is suitable for indoor applications such as wireless local area networks.

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In the following discussions, the parameters used in the demonstration systems such as the distance of transmission and the data rates are merely for ease of prototyping purposes and are NOT the limitation of the Cellonics technology.

fig 8 .1: Wireline Cellonics Communication System

Fig 6a shows the block diagram of a proof-of concept demonstration system that transmits compact disc music at a data rate of 5.7 Mbps over a wired line. In this system, a CD-ROM player is used as a convenient signal source to provide the required bit stream. The digital data is modulated using a pulse width modulation scheme. These modulated data are then passed through a700-ft telephone wire line. At the receiver, the data is demodulated using the N-shaped Cellonics circuit, which in this case uses only two elements - an inductor in series with a tunnel diode. To recover the digital information, the decision device

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simply counts the pulses to determine if it is a logic 1 or 0. The recovered data is then output to an audio player for real time playback. Note: This demo highlights good long distance performance.

8.1. Narrowband communication system(wireless)

Fig 8.2 Wireless Cellonics Communication System Fig 6b shows the block diagram of another demonstration system which is a 26.7 Mbps file transfer system. The system consists of a transmitter and receiver; both sub-systems further comprise three modules: the PC/DSP module, baseband transceiver module and the RF transmit/receive module. The DSP module resides in a personal computer and provides a high-speed data transmission interface with the transmit/receive PC. The DSP transmits a data file residing on the PC serially to the baseband transmitter at a data rate of 26.7 Mbps. The baseband transmitter converts these data from the DSP into FSK-like waveforms. The RF receiver module down converts the received signal using an AM envelope detector. The received waveform is fed into the S-shaped Cellonics chip to recover the data. The recovered data are sent to the DSP storage on the receiver PC. The transmission has no error correction scheme and the off-line BER check has zero error most of the time. The

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demonstration system shows a high throughput of data transfer and is 3 times faster as compared to a commercial Radio LAN product. Note: This demo highlights better than current wireless LAN (11 Mbps) performance. 8.2. Ultra Wideband Audio System

Fig 8.3:Cellonics UWB Wireless Audio Radio System Fig 6c shows the block diagram of a UWB radio system. This system demonstrates the live transmission of compact disc music using UWB wireless technology. Digital data from two CD-ROM players is tapped at a rate of 11.4 Mbps. This data stream is fed into a UWB pulse generator and transmitted wirelessly. At the receiver end, the signal is detected and then fed to a Cellonics receiver to decode and the original music data is recovered/sent to an audio player for real-time playback.

8.3. Ultra Wideband Video System

Fig 8.4:Cellonics UWB Wireless Video Radio System

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Fig 6d shows the block diagram of a second UWB demonstration system that transmits realtime video images at a data rate of 12Mbps wirelessly to a video monitor. In this system, a simple web camera is used as the video capture source. The digital video information is fed into a pulse position modulation processing board (a Field Programmable Gate Array or FPGA board) via a USB connection before being frequency translated to a higher frequency band at a transmitter for sending over the air. The airborne signals are then detected by a UWB receiver and pulse position demodulated back into digital video information for display at a video monitor. In both instances, an ultra simple Cellonics Transmitter and a simple Celloncis receiver are used. The speed of the system is only limited by the Video cameras USB interface data rate . Note: This demo highlights future application and good noise immunity.

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The impact of Cellonics is such that it effects a fundamental change in the way digital communications have traditionally been done. As such, many communication devices will benefit from its incredible simplicity, speed and robustness. Devices built with the Cellonics technology will save on chip/PCB real estate, power and implementation time.

1. New Life to Communication Devices The strength of the Cellonics technology lies in its inherent Carrier-rate Decoding (i.e. extremely fast decoding rate), multilevel capability (spectral efficiency), simple circuitry, low power consumption and low cost. Some telecommunication application examples in wireless communication are cellular networks(2/3/4 G and beyond), W-LAN/Home networks ,LMDS, broadcasting, military radio, RF identification tags, low cost radar with fine range precision and sensor for automobiles. In wire line communication, some areas where the Cellonics technology is deployable are: high-speed modem cable modem, xDSL), LAN/Home networks, backbone telephony/data networks, power line communications and military applications. Beyond its application in telecommunication, the Cellonics technology is also applicable in the electronics circuits such as gated oscillators, delta modulators, sigmadelta modulators and clock multipliers, etc. 1:Savings on Chip/ PCB Real Estate Because of its simplicity, a receiver implemented with Cellonics can save as much as 4 times the chip real estate. (Comparison made with a zero-IF receiver designed with the same 0.8Mm BiCMOS process.) 2:Savings on Power Using the same design and comparison above, it was found that a Cellonics-based receiver consumed 3 times less power. This is possible because a Cellonics circuit is built with a

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few discrete components that are mostly passive and hence consume very little or negligible power. Cellonics returns a high 'power budget' back to a communication device. Designers can use this 'extra' power to 'finance' other power-needy features in a device such a color screen, GPS receiver, etc. Else, the device will simply end up having a longer battery life. (As in the case of mobile phones.)
3:Savings in Implementation Time In a receiver, the Cellonics circuit replaces many

traditional subsystems such as the amplifier, mixer, PLL, oscillator, filter, crystal quartz, etc. that are necessary in a common Super heterodyne and Super homodyne design. These parts in these subsystems can be costly, fragile and noisy. Aside from this, the subsystems need great expertise to be put together and fine-tuned. It is also difficult to miniaturize. With the simplicity and robustness of Cellonics, implementation time is swift without the sacrifice on performance.

4:Build or Rejuvenate your Products with Cellonics The incredible simplicity, low cost, low power consumption of Cellonics makes it ideal for use in your next generation of feature-rich products that need to be small in size and long on power reserve. Else, the technology is also ideal in giving your current products a new low- cost and power-saving receiver engine.

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Seminar report 2013


The inherent carrier decoding capacity of Cellonics receiver will find a place in high speed internet technology .It will substitute complex 4G and 5G receiver in mobile

communications.It can be used in satellite communications for its high data rate and simplified receiver architecture.Its ligt weight and low cost will find applications in aveoncs also.

DEPT of Electronics and communication


MESITAM Chathannoor

Seminar report 2013

The Cellonics communication method is one inspired by how biological cells signal. It is a fresh and novel look at how digital signals may be conveyed. In this digital day and age, it is timely; current digital communication designs are mostly derived from old analog signal methods. With the Cellonics method, much of the sub-systems in a traditional communication system are not required. Noise-generating and power-consuming systems such as voltagecontrolled oscillators, PLLs, mixers, power amplifiers, etc., are eliminated. To a communications engineer, this is unheard off. One just doesnt build a communication device without an oscillator, mixer Such is the revolutionary impact of Cellonics. Engineers will have to reform their thinking- that such a simple solution is possible.

DEPT of Electronics and communication


MESITAM Chathannoor

Seminar report 2013


Wikipedia Encyclopedia

DEPT of Electronics and communication


MESITAM Chathannoor

Seminar report 2013

DEPT of Electronics and communication


MESITAM Chathannoor

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