Math 2.0 Interest Group 07 22 2009 Meeting Chat Only

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Joined on July 22, 2009 at 8:58 PM

Maria H. Andersen: someone with an open mic is not using a headset

Maria H. Andersen: that's where the echo is coming from

kim caise: cal's mic is active

Cal Stanley: I'm not getting that echo

Moderator: Let us start!

Maria H. Andersen: @mariaD ... are you using a headset or speakers?

Maria H. Andersen: the echo is coming from @mariaD

Cal Stanley: OK its off now

Moderator: I am using a headset

Cal Stanley: I am too

kim caise: no the echo is gone

ColleenKing: no

Maria H. Andersen: better

john rosasco: you have to use earphones and a mic

Cal Stanley: must have been mine

ihor: i hear Maria's echo. Now its gone.

Cal Stanley: no echo

kim caise: the echo is gone

Maria H. Andersen: echo is gone now
ColleenKing: Audio is good

Moderator: good

eclecticechoes: all clear - no echo

Cal Stanley: OK Maria, D all up to you, I will come in when you place the ppt on

ihor: yes!

Maria H. Andersen: Maybe it would be best if we all use TEXT to share?

kim caise: kim caise, taught elem and middle school for 20 years

Moderator: Who are we and what are we doing in life about Math 2.0?

Cal Stanley: Ok John you are on

kim caise: working on my master's degree rightnow

kim caise: be sure to click off the mic to deactivate

mathfaery (Elizabeth): Elizabeth Hamman, College Math Professor at Cypress College

Moderator: Maria Droujkova in North Carolina, working on Math 2.0 studies right
now, site

Cal Stanley: John you need to deactivate your mic

ihor: can we just talk or is there something to turn on?

kim caise: we can

eclecticechoes: brb...son needs attn - working on Masters degree,

Cal Stanley: we can

Moderator: we can hear you Ihor

aforgrave: Middle school teacher, science and math background, teaching most
subjects to grade 7 students

aforgrave: We can hear you just fine

Chris Hazard: PhD student & entrepreneur working on time manipulation software for
serious gaming with pedagogical applications

Maria H. Andersen: Math Prof at Muskegon Community College, blogger at, twitter @busynessgirl, author, PhD student, studying
math instructors and the conditions & barriers that affect innovation, and some
other things

ihor: turned it off!

Moderator: Let's start Cal's presentation

Cal Stanley: I am a community College professor who is very interested in

Moderator: We can do it by sharing applications

Moderator: can you see it?

Moderator: What IS math 2.0?

Tammy Moore: I see it

ColleenKing: Colleen King: math teacher, grades 6-12; designer of online math

Maria H. Andersen: You all will think this is funny, but this is the first time
I've been in elluminate as a participant!

Moderator: lol Maria

Tammy Moore: Too funny, Maria

ColleenKing: @Chris Hazard What sort of serious gaming?
kim caise: mathplayground right?

Moderator: How do you search for math equations?

ColleenKing: @TimFahlberg Welcome!

kim caise: hi tim

kim caise: hi tammy

Tammy Moore: Hi Kim

Tim Fahlberg: Hi wonderful Colleen!

kim caise: never mind@colleenking, i misread your question

Maria H. Andersen: can search with natural language for general topics

Moderator: How do you search for particular math content, e.g. a picture depicting
3*5 (let alone more complex equation)

aforgrave: Will Wolfram Alpha help to make things work?

kim caise: i came across this site recently

ColleenKing: @TimFahlberg I got both. Did you get my replies?

john rosasco: question?

Graeme MacNeil: Hi Tim!

Chris Hazard: Searching for isomorphisms is also hard... e.g. 5a = 2b^2 + c vs 0
= 2b^2 + c - 5a

kim caise: hi @graeme!

ColleenKing: Hi Graeme!

Maria H. Andersen: @MariaD Found an image (first try) using and
typing "3x5"

Graeme MacNeil: Hi Colleen & Kim

Maria H. Andersen:

Moderator: what's search-cube?

Maria H. Andersen: alternative search engine

Maria H. Andersen: Can you give us a specific example of what you mean?

Moderator: Chris Hazard: Searching for isomorphisms is also hard... e.g. 5a = 2b^2
+ c vs 0 = 2b^2 + c - 5a

kim caise: pardon my ignorance, i am not sure what an isomorphism (sp?) is

Chris Hazard: isomorphism means the same "shape"

Chris Hazard: e.g., 5 a = 2 b is the same as 5/2 x = y

Maria H. Andersen: What kind of page would you be hoping to find when you look for
5a = 2b^2+c ?

aforgrave: I find it somewhat ironic that all the coding and logic that have gone
into making the Internet work will have come in no small part to the mathematics
training that folks received during their schooling, and yet the web doesn't
easily support working with math ...

kim caise: like that transitive property?

Chris Hazard: this is a good site for known solutions to equations that are
categorized (as opposed to searching), but is heavy on very advanced math:

Tammy Moore: I only have a short amount of time to particpate tonight, but I plan
on being able to attend the full session next Wednesday. I belive this group is a
fantastic idea. See you all next week.

Moderator: See you, Tammy

kim caise: bye tammy

Moderator: Thanks for coming

Maria H. Andersen: I repeat ... what kind of thing would we hope to find when
searching for a specific equation?

kim caise: see you saturday

Tammy Moore: see you next week for sure

ihor: Isn't this a bit too esoteric? I'm not really interested in this question
very much.

Maria H. Andersen: I've never gone looking for a specific equation ...

Moderator: I'd like to find web pages that relate to similar equations

Maria H. Andersen: unless I was trying to "cheat" my way through the problem

kim caise: yes we do maria

kim caise: it takes a bit to load

ihor: hourglass....

kim caise: it hasnt loaded yet

Kate Nowak 2: no gray screen/hourglass

Juan: hour glass

kim caise: you might want to close out app sharing and restart it

ihor: not even an animated hourglass...

kim caise: sometimes it hangs up in elluminate

Maria H. Andersen: When I'm searching for math stuff, I find it helpful to use
image searche engines like search-cube, cooliris, or bing images.

ihor: bing is very good for images.

Cal Stanley:

kim caise: bing is supposed to a search engine that will meet the needs of what
you have mentioned tonight

ihor: what do you do to grab the mike?

kim caise: you click on the mic icon in the bottom left

Moderator: You click the mike icon in the lower left corner, or click Ctrl-F2 to
grab the mike

kim caise: where or what?

ihor: This sounds more like math 1.0 not 2.0.

Maria H. Andersen: Because I know visually what kind of page I'm looking for.

ihor: A bit geekish for me.

ColleenKing: @ihor What would like to discuss?

Juan: Any chance of translating MS MathEquation Editor into something web-browser

ihor: who is talking?

ihor: Got it!

kim caise: the mic turns yellow across from their name in the participant window

Moderator: Maria Andersen (her mike is highlighted in participant list)

kim caise: you can change the layout by going to view at the top and selecting a
layout or resizing the windows

ihor: Ahhh ... now I see it.

ihor: How do you grab the mike?

kim caise: good point @maria andersen

Moderator: "Cheatability" of searching for particular equation

kim caise: @ihor click on the mic button in the bottom left

kim caise: or click Ctrl and F2

Juan: The TI-89 solves equations, quadratics and some more

kim caise: that will turn your mic on

Moderator: There is a sequences searchable database I use for that topic

Maria H. Andersen: Generally, though, equations have names. So we search for the

Maria H. Andersen: yes

Juan: Students who learn how to use their TI-89 can cheat easily there.

ihor: @ kim caise Thanks

Chris Hazard: also, this is an open source, free software algebra solver (like
Maple, etc.):

Maria H. Andersen: I have several blog posts about wolfram alpha.

Cal Stanley:

Cal Stanley: a wiki example

kim caise: i would think google image search is too broad
Chris Hazard: desktop

Juan: so far the best looking equations I have seen online are in pdf documents

kim caise: a desktop application


Chris Hazard: yes, I can see your screen

mathfaery (Elizabeth): I see the sequences

kim caise: yes we can maria

Cal Stanley: yes

Juan: yes

Maria H. Andersen: Okay, I just tried a clusty search on x^2+3x+6 and it was able
to determine that quadratics, expressions, and squares were all categories that
the equation fell in, so clusty might be a good search option

Maria H. Andersen:

Cal Stanley: notice the output is not how we would write it - no mathML here

john rosasco: i have a comment on wolfram

Maria H. Andersen: can't ... on satellite internet from home

Maria H. Andersen: why I don't talk much ... there's a lag

Cal Stanley: john go ahead anc grab the mike

Cal Stanley: yes go ahead

kim caise: sure go ahead and john

Maria H. Andersen: You're talking about Wolfram Demonstrations now I think, not
Wolfram Alpha

Maria H. Andersen: (but I could be wrong)

kim caise: post the link in here

Maria H. Andersen: he should be able to just share the link

Maria H. Andersen: About Wolfram Alpha:

Maria H. Andersen: and

Moderator: This is a good way to interact with one another's math, but not to

Maria H. Andersen: Wolfram Demonstrations (what John is talking about) requires
the user to download and install Mathematica Player

Juan: yes

Cal Stanley: yes

Moderator: yes

Maria H. Andersen: (which is free, but just know that it requires this rather
large download)

Juan: yes

Moderator: saddle!

jdyer: My issue with Wolfram Demonstrations has been the inability to put the
software on a jumpdrive -- it requires actual installation, something I cannot
always do.

Maria H. Andersen: I suspect that within a year they will all run on the web.

Juan: interesting

kim caise: i think you are right @maria
ColleenKing: Do casual website visitors take the time to download these
specialized players? This is one reason I've avoided using them.

Maria H. Andersen: We have it installed on every computer on campus and it is a
required download for the students in my online calculus classes.

Tim Fahlberg: Have you all discussed student and teacher use of GeoGebra before?

Moderator: People download Wolfram's in particular

kim caise: good question colleen. someone said it was a large download

ColleenKing: I know a math professor who wouldn't evenb download Flash a few years
ago to test one of my apps!

Maria H. Andersen: gotomeeting

ihor: @Tim Fahlberg we havent talked about Geogebra.

ColleenKing: @TimFahlberg No, Geogebra has not been discussed yet.

Maria H. Andersen: If you've never seen Wolfram Demonstrations, you might want to
check out the interactive materials in this map:

ColleenKing: @TimFahlberg The output is more user friendly.

Tim Fahlberg: Thanks

ColleenKing: @TimFahlberg Is Linda still working in this area?

Juan: It is pretty clear what the application can do.

Graeme MacNeil: Have to go - thanks

ihor: Linda has done some significant tutorials which Ive used to learn more about

Moderator: Thanks for visiting, Graeme

ColleenKing: @ihor I've used her tutorials quite a bit as well.

Cal Stanley:

Jennie Gibson: The Moderator can right click on a participant's name and give that
person moderator priviledges

Juan: yes?

ihor: @colleenKing: the topics were covering now I did in graduate a long time

Maria H. Andersen: Just discovered Wolfram Functions ... didn't know about this

kim caise: she was asking which one, @juan

Moderator: Everybody can share everything here, I think

Juan: the Wolfram demo with parameters for ODE

Maria H. Andersen: sorry, I'm not following why they can't do equations online?

Maria H. Andersen: or use a program like vyew that has a built-in equation editor

Kate Nowak 2: I was late & apologize if I'm being redundant, but I've had luck
with students using Sitmo Latex editor, and inserting equations as an image.

Maria H. Andersen: you mean like google docs

Moderator: Kate, can you link us an example or two?

Kate Nowak 2: yeah one sec

Juan: math equations are two-dimensional, instead of linear like text

Maria H. Andersen: what about a wiki that can take equations for writing the

Moderator: Randy, grab the mike if you want to talk - it's open
Kate Nowak 2: Here is a group review blog written by students:

Maria H. Andersen: i've mentioned that to the PM for wave (need for math)

kim caise: hasnt loaded yet


Juan: no

Maria H. Andersen: I'm seeing the website

Maria H. Andersen: Webtour is not compatible with all computer setups

Moderator: Are you seeing Kate's example on Precalc?

Juan: Here is a general question: what the dimension of math equations would be? I
mean, as objects for browser display. Assuming plain text has dimension 1, and
image files have dimension 2

kim caise: the web tour window will always open but you may not be able to view
the contents of the window if the plugins are not installed

Maria H. Andersen: Can we move on to graphs?

Maria H. Andersen: making graphs accessible?

Juan: Plain text has dimension one

Juan: can I grab the mike?

Moderator: go ahead!

Kate Nowak 2: like it only has length, not height?

kim caise: three dimensional and two dimensional objects?

Moderator: graphs next
Moderator: can't hear you Juan

kim caise: juan, the mic is activated but we are not hearing

kim caise: you

Cal Stanley: Maria A - graphs still need to be printed with a raised print

kim caise: there is an audio setup wizard under tools

Moderator: angela, go ahead and talk

kim caise: cal, what do you mean by raised print?

Maria H. Andersen: Assume you've seen the "function machine"

Maria H. Andersen: Thermoform Tactile sheets

Maria H. Andersen: Help for working with visually impaired students:

Maria H. Andersen: Jing

Maria H. Andersen: Much of the work in online courses is asynchronous

kim caise: is that what you meant by accessible @maria andersen?

Maria H. Andersen: We use Jing to share graphs and annotate them in discussion

Moderator: so desktop is fine for asynchronous?

Maria H. Andersen: no

Maria H. Andersen: not accessibility

Maria H. Andersen: sure, one sec

kim caise: jing is a way of taking a screenshot and annotating the screenshot

Kate Nowak 2: I've used Graphsketch, here is a tutorial I made in Jing.

Kate Nowak 2:

kim caise:

kim caise: yes we can

Kate Nowak 2: i don't know if the audio will come through

Kate Nowak 2: sounds like no

Maria H. Andersen: Tutorials for using Jing for math in discussion boards (these
can be used with students):

kim caise: no volume will come through

Moderator: is Kate's movie streaming?

Moderator: oh

Cal Stanley: Kate I think that equation editor you are using on the bottom left is
a great first start

Juan: my anti-virus update installer slowed down my whole machine, it's working
well now

Kate Nowak 2: it worked ok. it was annoying to keep having to insert an image for
every equation.

Cal Stanley: that product's output is an image, but it demonstrates the need for
what I've been talking about

Moderator: ok Juan, does your mike work now?

Juan: I guess

kim caise: fantastic tutorial
Kate Nowak 2: thanks

Maria H. Andersen: What we need is "embed" code for one of these graphing

kim caise: yes juan

Moderator: we can hear you Juan

mathfaery (Elizabeth): How would a graph be accessible in digital format?

mathfaery (Elizabeth): Besides just describing it?

Moderator: maybe like a 3d printer works?

Cal Stanley: a graph still needs to be printed

Maria H. Andersen: The hierarchy can be read to them properly using MathDaisy.

Cal Stanley: MathDaisy is new, and I have just ordered it to check it out - look
pretty good

Maria H. Andersen: Aren't there now braille devices that are made up of moving
"dots" that provide text in braille form (changing as the student reads with their

Kate Nowak 2: I think we are beyond sharing this with the group, but if anyone is
interested in the tutorial for inserting a latex equation from sitmo, here's the
tutorial for that:

Cal Stanley:

Cal Stanley: for MathDaisy

Maria H. Andersen: MathDaisy demonstration here:

Cal Stanley: DAISY Digital Accessible Information SYstem

john rosasco: would the integrals be more general like Lesbegue integrals?
ColleenKing: @KateNowakThank you. I'll check that out.

Maria H. Andersen: Slides 38-49 in this presentation (
demonstrate use of Jing to share equations and images in discussion boards
(asynchronous collaboration)

Maria H. Andersen: Although we've done it in IM too.

Randy: who uses a mac

Kate Nowak 2: Thanks Cal

Juan: Thank you very much for sharing.

Maria H. Andersen: One more resource, virtual magnifying glass (google it)

mathfaery (Elizabeth): Thanks all!

Randy: go to meeting is better

Randy: platform

ihor: its great!

john rosasco: fine

mathfaery (Elizabeth): It was easier to follow than Twitter

Angela Vierling-Claassen: good

ihor: Are they free?

Juan: I think it is good for sharing online resources

Cal Stanley: better than twitter (LOL)

kim caise: i have created a wiki devoted to web conferencing at
Moderator: Excellent resources

Maria H. Andersen: logging off ... nice hangin with you

kim caise: with just about every type of webconferencing platform that are free
and not free so free to check that out when you have time

Cal Stanley: good night everyone

Juan: Thanks again

ColleenKing: Thank you, Maria.

Angela Vierling-Claassen: thank you! gnight

kim caise: thanks again Maria, Cal and everyone!

Chris Hazard: good night

Kate Nowak 2: bye all thank you

john rosasco: bye

Moderator: good night

Juan: bye

Left on July 22, 2009 at 10:02 PM

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