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Happy Father’s Day!

First Baptist Church Naples
June 20 & 21, 2009
First Baptist Church Naples
Doing More Together
As I considered enrolling in Grand Canyon College (now
a University), I debated between accepting an academic
scholarship or a ministerial grant. The academic route would
have demanded better grades, but there were strings attached
to the other offer – if I ever ceased being a Southern Baptist, I
must pay back the full amount. I took the academic scholarship
and, fortunately, kept it. In those long-ago days, I was not sure
about the future of our denomination and what seemed to be a
liberal drift. I did not want to be “beholding.” I am grateful for “the conservative
resurgence” that enabled our denomination to return to its conservative, biblical
roots – the only such group in history to do so.
I am Baptist by choice. My Methodist father also became a Baptist and eventually
a deacon. I am not like those who have claimed to have been “born, bred, battered,
and bruised a Baptist.” I love the fact that though we are the largest Protestant
denomination in the U.S., we are not connected to a hierarchy. No other person or
group tells our autonomous churches what to do. We choose to band together as
brothers and sisters in the Body with biblical doctrine, clear-cut theological stances,
conservative convictions, and common commitment to share the gospel with the
world. We pitch in to “engage in good deeds to meet pressing needs” around the
world (Titus 3:14). We seek to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20)
in our “Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts
We believe that we can do more together than we can separately by giving a
percentage of our budget to the Cooperative Program. It exists for kingdom causes
of theological training, missions advance, godly living, and the impacting of our
culture in the area of ethics, morality, social justice, and religious liberty. Though
these times of recession have greatly stretched our Convention resources, we do
not give out of our abundance, but from God’s supply. The decline of the dollar
in the world’s financial markets is not too great for God to handle. Though our
missionaries are suffering and struggling, as are all institutions, we will continue
to be faithful in winning souls, planting churches, and making disciples.
As Janet and I attend the annual Convention in Louisville this week, I will
speak briefly at the Pastors’ Conference, and as an officer in the Pastors’ Wives
Association, she will be helping to plan and moderate the program. Our daughter
and son-in-law will lead the worship for them. Our ten messengers will be voting
according to their conscience. We expect the dawn of a new day and are thrilled
to be a part of something far greater than us or even our
great church.
Guest Reception
There is a guest reception in the Commons immediately following the Saturday night
and Sunday morning worship services. Come and meet Dr. Wicker.
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a t h e r,Wicker.
o u r S e n i o r P a s t o r, D r. H a y e s Wi c k e r.
Happy Fath Happy
e r ’ s DFather’s
ay, Dad Day,
! L oDad!
v e, A Love,
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Join us as we welcome the
United States Air Force
Marching Band
to First Baptist Church Naples

Friday, July 3
7:00-9:00 p.m. in the Worship Center
This will be a very special concert including a flag folding ceremony where the
13 folds of the flag are explained. You won’t want to miss that! Plus, the flag that
they are bringing has flown over the Capital Building.

Janet’s Summer
Reading Club
Ladies, once again this year, join us for a precious time of book discussion with
our Senior Pastor’s wife, Janet Wicker. This year promises to be even more
exciting and rewarding than last year. All books are available in our bookstore.
O u r F i r s t N i g h t i s Tu e s d a y, J u n e 3 0
at 7:00 p.m. in the Commons
“Shadow of the Almighty”
by Elisabeth Elliot
This book tells the gripping story of the life and testament of
Jim Elliot. This very personal account by the woman who would
become his wife reveals a missionary story that is truly a heroic
spiritual pilgrimage. Original writings from Jim Elliot himself are
included and give insight into the heart of a man who could pray,
“Give me not a long life, but a full one, like you, Lord Jesus.” It is considered a
modern Christian classic.

Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Worship Center,
Men’s Ministry and Women’s Ministry meet together
around tables organized by Bible and Life Group.

Workbooks are on sale in the Lighthouse Bookstore.

Calling all actors and writers!

If you have a talent either as an actor/actress or in writing scripts, or
maybe it is something you have always wanted to try, please let us know!
We are excited about beginning a new drama ministry in which we will
participate in worship services both on Saturday and Sunday, Living
Christmas Trees, and other ministries throughout FBCN. We would like
all ages to be involved and training will be provided. If you are interested
in becoming part of our team, please contact Keith in the music office at
596-8600 x229.
ROUTE 56 is an exciting new preteen ministry uniquely designed for 5th & 6th
grade students. We want to help them identify who they are in Christ and how
they fit into His Body, with a goal of helping them develop into Godly teenagers!
BIBLE & LIFE GROUPS: (beginning June 6/7)
Students will begin in a large group and then break off into age & gender
based classes for close fellowship and Bible study.
Saturdays at 7:30pm in ED222 Sundays at 11:00am in ED222
WEDNESDAY NIGHTS: (beginning June 10)
Students will begin in a large group for praise & worship, Bible study and
games and then break off into age & gender based groups.
Wednesdays at 6:30pm in DC121
Our Special Guest the
Weekend of July 4 & 5 is
Dr. Richard Land
President of the
Southern Baptist Convention’s
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

Princeton (A.B., magna cum laude) and Oxford (D.Phil.) educated,

Dr. Richard Land has served as president of the Southern Baptist
Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission since 1988.
Dr. Land has represented Southern Baptists and other Evangelicals’
concerns in the halls of Congress, before U.S. Presidents, and in
the media. In 2005, Dr. Land was featured in Time Magazine as one
of “The Twenty-Five Most Influential Evangelicals in America.”
As host of “For Faith and Family,” “For Faith & Family’s Insight,”
and “Richard Land LIVE!” (three nationally syndicated radio
programs), Dr. Land speaks passionately and authoritatively on
the social, ethical, and public policy issues facing our country. The
“For Faith & Family” Broadcast Ministry is heard by listeners each
week on over 600 radio stations across the country and throughout
the world on the Internet. Dr. Land’s latest book, The Divided
States of America? What Liberals and Conservatives are Missing
in the God-and-Country Shouting Match! is published by Thomas
Our worship choir and orchestra will be providing special
patriotic music in the Sunday, July 5th service.
Life Action
Revival Ministries
Critical Needs
Life Action just concluded their 38th season of ministry in local churches
around the country. They have concluded what has been the most fruitful
year ever as measured by impact and even financial provision through love
offerings. Fifty-three communities felt a measure of revival and subsequent
authentic Christianity. Hopefully, small movements of personal and corporate
revival and awakening were ignited. But, their passion of seeing our nation
touched by God escalated to almost unbearable levels. Just last week, two
Muslim nations expressed hesitancy about talks with President Obama because
of the “degradation” they see in America. Not coincidental, last week they
also received a White House press release proclaiming June LGBT (Lesbian,
Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender) month. Our country has fallen a long way, but
just think how much further toward destruction we would be as a nation if
it were not for the churches who are reaching millions with the power of
the gospel! Times of desperation are ripe for seasons of revival. Therefore,
Life Action has never been more excited about their mission and message!
However, they are still lacking a few key recruits for this next ministry
year. They are looking for young people who have hearts for the Lord, basic
character, servant’s hearts, teachable spirits, and specific skills applied to each
area of need. Would you please pray and see if the Lord impresses your heart
to suggest to them someone for the following positions:

1. A youth revivalist - This person could be single or married but without

children. He will travel with one of our teams and teach youth an average of
6 times per week.

2. Music Director - This is someone who can lead and train a team musically
both congregational worship and a variety of vocal venues.

3. Percussionist - This is for a quality, worshipful drummer.

4. Male Singers - They need quality vocalists who radiate/convey their love
for the Lord and engage easily with the audience.

These are very critical needs. It would require these individuals to arrive by the
end of July. As with all of their road team ministry and ministry staff, it would
also require raising a modest amount of financial support as a missionary.

Please feel free to contact Byron (Executive Director of Life Action Revival
Ministries), or his assistant, Cristi, personally by email for more information
at or
Summer Days at Your
Lighthouse Bookstore
Janet’s Summer Reading Club!
Wednesday Night’s
“Experiencing God” Study!
Father’s Day!

Bibles, books, music, home decor...

all at the bookstore,
and all at 10%, 15%, even 20% off!

For your shopping convenience,

the store is open Saturday, Sunday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday!
We are here and waiting to serve you.
Come see us soon!

Remember your bookstore is a ministry of FBCN.

All profits go to furthering God’s Word
in Southwest Florida and beyond.
Celebrate Father’s Day
by standing up for fatherhood!
Fathers have the high privilege and solemn duty to raise their children to know and love
God. While all parents desire that their grown children embrace their faith freely and
enthusiastically, when children are young, it falls to parents to make decisions regarding
their children’s religious upbringing, including:

 How often does your family attend church?

 What church have you chosen to attend?
 Can you teach your children that your religious views are absolutely true?

However, your freedom to determine the answers to these three questions will be
undermined if the United States Senate ratifies the UN Convention on the Rights of the
Child. For example:

 A Washington state court ruled that parents could not require their 13-year-
old son to attend church with them on Sunday morning, Sunday night, and
Wednesday night. The judge said that unless the family limited the boy’s
church attendance to Sunday morning, he would remove custody. This
Washington law (which has since changed) paralleled the UN children’s
 The Scottish government, in an official publication produced to help their
youth understand their rights under the UN treaty, says: “You have the right
to choose your own religion and beliefs.” The role of parents? They “help you
think about this.”
 The American Bar Association, a strong supporter of the UN Convention on
the Rights of the Child, acknowledges that religious schools that teach that
Jesus is the only way to God “fly in the face” of the treaty. Thus, any who teach
children that their religion is the truth are likewise in violation.

Under Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, all ratified treaties are superior to state
constitutions and laws. Hence, this treaty will override virtually all current American
laws on parents and children that conflict with it.

What can we do? Only a U.S. constitutional

amendment will stop international law from
interfering with parental rights. Over 90 members
of the U.S. House are co-sponsors of the Parental
Rights Amendment.

You can make a difference! Sign up as a

supporter of American parental rights at www.

Protecting Children by Empowering Parents • P.O. Box 1090 • Purcellville, VA 20132 • 540-751-1200 •

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC)

The Structure:
1. The CRC is a treaty that creates binding rules of law. It is no mere statement of
2. This treaty would automatically override almost all family law in America due to
Article VI of the United States Constitution.
3. Congress would have the power to directly legislate on all subjects necessary to
comply with the treaty. This would constitute the most massive shift of power from
the states to the federal government in American history.
4. American courts would have the power to directly enforce the self-executing
provisions of the treaty.
5. A committee of 18 experts from other nations, sitting in Geneva, has the authority
to issue official interpretations of the treaty which would be entitled to binding
weight in American courts and legislatures. This would effectively transfer ultimate
authority for all policies in this area to this foreign committee.

The Substance:
1. Parents would no longer be able to administer reasonable spankings to their
2. Children would have the ability to choose their own religion while parents would
only have the authority to give their children advice about religion.
3. The best interest of the child principle would give the government the ability to
override every decision made by every parent if a government worker disagreed
with the parent’s decision.
4. Children would have the right to reproductive health information and services,
including abortions, without parental knowledge or consent.
5. Religious schools that refuse to teach “alternative worldviews” and teach that theirs
is the only true religion “fly in the face of article 29” of the treaty, says the American
Bar Association.


The liberty of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their children is a
fundamental right.

Neither the United States nor any State shall infringe upon this right without
demonstrating that its governmental interest as applied to the person is of the highest
order and not otherwise served.

No treaty may be adopted nor shall any source of international law be employed to
supersede, modify, interpret, or apply to the rights guaranteed by this article.

Sign the petition at

Protecting Children by Empowering Parents
Important Announcements
Worshipful Atmosphere
It is our desire that Jesus be the focus in our worship services. Therefore, in
consideration of others desiring to worship with limited distraction, we ask each
person to do the following:
- Please turn your cell phone off or set to vibrate.
- Please remain in the worship center (except in the case of
emergency) once you have entered to worship.
- Should your child become unsettled or noisy during the
worship service, please take your little one to the Fellowship
Hallway or preschool ministry area in the Education
Building where you can comfortably watch the service
on a television monitor.
Thank you for helping us maintain a worshipful atmosphere for everyone!
Personal Contact Information Update
Has your email address changed recently? Have you just moved?
Did you change jobs or cell phone numbers? We would like to
update our records. Please send personal contact updates to or call 596-8600 x463.
Celebrating a 50th, 60th, or 70th Anniversary?
Please call Vada at 596-8600 x268 to give her the date of your 50th, 60th,
or 70th wedding anniversary to be announced in First Word.
Southern Gospel Music Alaskan Cruise
Join us for this Alaskan Cruise on May 21-28, 2010 with music
by our own Robin Noel Jewell and other southern gospel artists.
Prices start at $1,190 per person. Enjoy great
gospel music by night and the fantastic scenery
of Alaska by day. Alaska is known as the last American frontier. Come
explore with us. For more information, please call Robin at 253-5400 or
New Members/New Believers Class
Our New Members/New Believers Class will begin on July
12 and will meet on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. in Room DC113.
You will learn about where the Bible came from, the Bible’s
historical accuracy, how to grow as a Christian through Bible
study and prayer, the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, and spiritual gifts, fellowship,
and evangelism. This is a four week class and you may join any or all of the sessions.
Please call Linda at 596-8600 x280 for more information.
2009/2010 Budget Voting Results
By a 98% margin, the 2009/2010 budget has been
approved! Thank you, church members, for your
participation in this important vote.
Vacation Bible School has concluded, but this week in KidzTown
Worship, we will review the many wonderful things from God’s
Word that were learned. We will be using a “Let’s Make a Deal”
format as the children answer questions in a fun and lively manner.
There will be prizes! KidzTown Worship is exclusively for all
children from 1st through 3rd grades (2008-2009). It starts promptly at 6:00 p.m.
on Saturdays and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays and is located in DC120. Your child will
not want to miss this wonderful opportunity to worship the Lord “Kid Style.”
Family Death
If an immediate family member passes away, please call Vada at 596-8600
x268, and give her the information. This information will then be placed in
First Word the following weekend.
Summer Camp SOS
Camp sponsors are needed for middle and high school students who
are not able to afford to go to camp. If you are able to Sponsor One
Student, please call Ginny in the Student Ministry office at 449-4480.

Tithing Envelopes
Please be aware that the yellow tithing envelopes will now be mailed
to you every two months instead of every three months. When you
receive your next set of envelopes, you will notice a smaller number
because of this change. If you are currently not receiving yellow tithing envelopes in
the mail, please contact the Finance Office at 596-8600 x250 and we will assist you in
getting established.

Anna’s Tea
Our next Anna’s Tea is CANCELLED for Monday, June 22.

Senior Adult Luncheon
Come and join our PrimeTimers
on June 25 to celebrate the 4th of
July! Cost is $7.00 per person. Be
sure to wear your red, white, and
blue! Please note that we will be
meeting in the Student Center
for this inside picnic celebration
featuring hamburgers with fixings and making your own sundaes.
We will be showing the film “America, You’re Too Young to
Die.” See you there 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Absolute deadline to
purchase your tickets is the morning of June 22. Please call Vada
at 596-8600 x268 for details.
FBCN Employment Positions Available
First Baptist Church Naples is currently accepting applications (with
a July 1st start date) for a Ministry Assistant to the Associate Pastor
in Education. Qualifications for this position include strong computer
skills (Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook), great organizational skills,
multi-tasking is a must, and good people skills are essential as well. Qualified candidates
may go online to to retrieve an application to print, complete, sign, and
forward to Human Resources. You may also pick up an application at the church office
Monday-Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
FBCN is also accepting applications (this position is for immediate employment)
for a Membership Information Ministry Assistant. Qualifications for this position
include good computer and organizational skills (experience with a database is helpful).
Qualified candidates may go online to to retrieve an application to print,
complete, sign, and forward to Human Resources. You may also pick up an application
at the church office Monday-Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
First Baptist Church Naples is accepting applications for part-time Cafe Frontliners.
Qualified applicants should have excellent people skills, a heart for ministry, and
enjoy serving others. Must be available to work Wednesday evenings and weekends.
Applications may be downloaded from the FBCN website, or you can stop by the
church office from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Only complete
applications will be accepted.
First Baptist Academy is seeking a part-time Assistant Football Coach (prior
coaching experience desired) and a part-time Athletic Trainer. Please contact Billy
Sparacio at 596-8600 x652 or
Homebound Ministry
We are thankful to the Lord for those who visit and minister to our
homebound people, week by week, month by month. We refer to our
members as “C.I.A.” (Christians in Action). This is a vital ministry.
One day, we may be in that same situation and it means so much to
those who are visited that FBCN lovingly cares for them. Should you
have an interest in this ministry, please contact Pastor Roy Fisher at
596-8600 x265 for more information.
Holding on to H.O.P.E.
(Helping Others through Pregnancy Encouragement)
This new ministry offers Christ-centered support and
encouragement to married women who are struggling with
the pain of infertility challenges, including primary and
secondary infertility, pregnancy loss, early infant death, and adoption loss. This group
of women will meet monthly for a time of prayer, discussion, and encouragement
from God’s Word and other Christian supplemental materials. If you find yourself in
need of H.O.P.E., please join us on Thursday, July 2 in the Discipleship Center,
Room DC108 at 6:30 p.m.. For more information, please contact Sue Gonzalez at or call the Women’s Ministry office at 596-8600 x241.
Planning on Getting Married?
The Marriage Savers program will help you have a healthy marriage
and will enhance your relationship. It is a requirement here at FBCN
and involves a premarital inventory and a mentor couple who will meet with you for
six sessions. Please contact Pastor Roy Fisher at 596-8600 x265 for an appointment.
Upcoming Events
Saturday, June 20
6:00 p.m. Worship Service/Worship Center
6:00 p.m. KidzTown Children’s Worship/DC120
6:00 p.m. Hispanic Worship Service/Chapel
7:30 p.m. Bible and Life Groups/Various Rooms on Campus
Sunday, June 21
Happy Father’s Day!
8:15 a.m. Bible and Life Group for 60+/DC107
9:30 a.m. Worship Service/Worship Center
9:30 a.m. KidzTown Children’s Worship/DC120
10:00 a.m. Romanian Bible Study and Worship/Modulars 3 & 4
10:00 a.m. Vietnamese Bible Study and Worship/DC220
11:00 a.m. Bible and Life Groups for All Ages/Various Rooms on Campus
12:30 p.m. Hispanic Worship Service/Student Center
5:00 p.m. Romanian Baptist Mission/Modulars 3 & 4
Monday, June 22
7:00 p.m. Men’s Open Basketball/Gym
Tuesday, June 23
7:00 p.m. The Vine College & Career Service/Student Center
Wednesday, June 24
4:45 p.m. Wednesday Night Family Meal/Gym
6:20 p.m. Wacky Wednesdays Children’s Ministry/DC120
6:30 p.m. Combined Men’s & Women’s Ministries “Experiencing God”/WC
6:30 p.m. Middle School Ministry/Gym
6:30 p.m. High School Ministry/Student Center
6:30 p.m. Worship Choir Rehearsal/Choir Room
7:00 p.m. Hispanic Bible Study/Modulars 2, 3, and 4
8:00 p.m. Worship Orchestra Rehearsal/Worship Center
Thursday, June 25
11:30 a.m. PrimeTimers Senior Adult Luncheon/Student Center
6:00 p.m. Celebrate Recovery/Student Center
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery
program for overcoming hurts, habits, and hang-
ups. We meet weekly on Thursday nights at 6:00
p.m. in the Student Center. Celebrate Recovery
has groups for both men and women dealing with
alcohol/chemical dependency, codependency,
sexual addiction, and eating disorders. For more
information, please call Alicia at 596-8600 x264.
Last Weekend
Decisions For Christ Worship Attendance
Baptisms Membership by Letter June 13 & 14
Kaitlyn Gentry Austin Garcia Saturday Night Total 1,102
Joe McMonigle Lucas Garcia Sunday Morning 1,807
Donna Short Ricky Garcia
Everett Short Total 2,909
Toni Garcia
Enza Panipinto
Vince Panipinto

Financial Stewardship Bible & Life Attendance

2008-2009 Operating Revenues June 13 & 14
July 1, 2008 - June 14, 2009 Saturday Night 832
Budget Actual Variance Sunday 8:15 a.m. 15
$7,168,150 $7,152,942 -$15,208 Sunday 11:00 a.m. 962
Home Groups 100
Total 1,909

Next Week
Deacon of the Week Dr. Wicker on the Radio
June 22 - June 28 Dr. Wicker is on WSOR 90.9 FM at 8:00 p.m.
David Johnson & Roger Curran on Sunday evenings, and on Praise FM 89.5
If you need assistance, please call the church at 1:30 p.m. Sunday afternoons. You can also
hear Dr. Wicker every day at 1:00 p.m. on
deacon hotline at 800-732-9573. WJYO 91.5 FM.
For Spanish, call 601-6051.

Wednesday Family Meal

Baked Ham, Potatoes & Onions, Vegetable, Salad, Dinner Roll, and Dessert
Advance tickets may be purchased in the Lighthouse Cafe at any time for $4.50,
or $18 for a family of 5 or more. At the door it is $5.50 each, or $22 for a family.
The alternate meal is a choice of pizza or hamburger.

Bookstore Hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday & Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday 12:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Friday Closed
Saturday 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Sunday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Cafe’s Summer Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m./4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Friday Closed
Saturday 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Sunday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Sermon Notes
Did you miss last weekend’s worship service
and wish you had some way to view it?
Are you seasonal and wish you could be part of
our worship services while you are up north?
You are just one click away from being able to watch
all of our previous worship services
24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s easy!
Just go to...
and then simply click on the worship service you wish to watch (either the
previous Saturday night or Sunday morning). If you prefer to watch one
from previous weeks, just go to the tab on the left column that says "past
services" and then click the service you wish to view. It’s that simple!

Pastoral Staff
Dr. Hayes Wicker....................................................................................................... Senior Pastor
Miguel Cruz.....................................................................................Hispanic Congregation Pastor
Greg Davidson....................................................... ......Associate Pastor/Evangelism & Discipleship
Beverly Day................................................................................... Director of Preschool Ministry
Nathan Dooley.......................................................................Associate Pastor/High School Ministry
Dr. Roy Fisher................................................................................ Associate Pastor/Pastoral Care
Nathan Gaddis....................................................................................................Worship Associate
Steve Hayes....................................................................... Associate Pastor/Single Adult Ministry
Forrest Head...............................................................................................Senior Associate Pastor
Jim Hill........................................................................ Director of Single Parent Family Ministry
Lewis Howard......................................................................................Associate Pastor/Education
Shannon Moore............................................................................... Director of Women’s Ministry
Doug Pigg...................................................................Associate Pastor of Church Administration
Tom Rider..........................................................................Associate Pastor/School Administrator
Larry Rigley......................................................................... Associate Pastor/Children’s Ministry
Dr. Todd F. Stearns................................................................Associate Pastor/Worship and Music
Kevin Van Duser........................................................... Associate Pastor/Middle School Ministry

Church Office
3000 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34109
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Church Receptionist.......................................................................................................... 597-6057
Enter ext. # for direct connection...................................................................................... 596-8600
Lighthouse Bookstore....................................................................................................... 449-4488
First Baptist Academy Naples.......................................................................................... 597-2233
24-Hour Prayer Line........................................................................................... 597-PRAY (7729)
Church Email........................................................................................................

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