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Parking Solutions for Mumbai

Mumbai Environmental Social Network

Ashok Datar
Sept 14, 2009 email :

Time to Take Parking Seriously

Very high density of vehicles Impending arrival of Nano No demand mgmt measures in sight higher subsidies for diesel & gas mean a fuel shift and not reduction in cars Oil price rise offers window to revisit parking policy, we should not miss it

Are We Afraid & Clueless ?

Increasing mismatch between demand and supply of parking now a menace No clarity of role and responsibilities between mahapalika and traffic police No sense of urgency and seriousness Current pay and park operation is spineless and totally out of sync No change in tariff or fines for years!

Parking on Agenda? Never!

M V Asia Parking Strategy submitted in Feb 2006 costing Rs. 4.5 cr ignored. a hike in tariff rejected as middle class cant afford Parking considered an irritant not a worthy instrument to regulate traffic & manage congestion

Parking is a governance issue

Acute & sustained lack of governance in urban land use manifests in

extremely uneven rents, property prices & taxes, slums, hawkers, no green spaces Chaotic & free parking on road It is a part of landscape and we dont even notice the huge ironies

Drivers make parking discipline difficult

Two third of all cars are driven by drivers with a mobile phone . Drivers avoid parking hassles. Popular belief that if a driver is in the car, parking rules dont apply!

2 sides free parking in a narrow lane ideal for one side pay and park

Current parking anarchy parking right at the bus stop

Outside Khar Police Stn

Linking Rd , Bandra more lanes blocked by free parking

free 90 degree parking at Linking Rd

Parking Philosophy for Mumbai

Parking at public spaces is a privilege, not a right . It is a private use of public space Pricing is the best mechanism to ensure a balance between demand and supply. Regulated parking is the first step towards sustainable transportation in congested cities.

Acceptance of Parking Philosophy is a Pre Condition

we continue to allow explosive growth of cars when each vehicle requires 3 parking spaces. should prevent inevitable anarchy, gridlock & road rage if we continue to ignore parking Regulation of parking- the first step towards sustainable transport in a congested metro

Multi & Underground Parking is (a small) part of Solution

Inox- the first multi storied lot mostly empty in spite of free use of prime land but we take this as a primary solution ! such solution can provide 5000 spaces at a land giveaway worth several crores At best, this will be a minor solution UNLESS

Sensible Overall Parking Policy

We need pay and park on and off road in substantial number say, min 30,000 ? at fair prices , say Rs. 10 to Rs. 30/hr ?. To be operational in few months unified management, use of IT and emphasis on governance Commitment and effective communication of the objectives of parking policy

Unified Parking Authority

This is a first step with required police personnel becoming a part of this authority. Choice of locations and compliance can be integrated with supervision Use of database for drivers and number plates, ticket fixing and smart cards to encourage cashless transactions . This authority will provide service, regulation and run parking as a business

Solutions - Necessary & Possible

Convert a no of free permitted parking on and off road into pay and park A survey of sites meeting the specs can identify 1000 sites with 30,000 spaces involves pain to those accustomed to free parking to be minimized by low cost resident permits within such areas

Graded Tariff with Innovations

Tariff to vary with locations ( two classes) Two types of cars (beat middle class bogey) Use of IT for metering & smart prepaid cards with discounts to encourage cashless transactions to cut out malpractices Area night parking @ low tariff & badges

Run Parking as a Public Utility

There is more to parking than tariffs. Parking lots with a min 25 spaces at Rs. 10 to Rs. 30/hr will be viable. Pre paid smart cards with 20% disc and programmed meters at sites offer good incentive and reduce malpractices. All parking spaces should be individually marked,numbered & accounted

Logic of Graded Tariffs

Graded tariff are applicable for water and electricity and possible for parking To make increase in tariff acceptable Higher tariff for larger , expensive cars & lower for smaller , cheaper ones. Commercial, crowded locations to have higher & others to have lower tariffs.

Compliance of Parking Rules

In 2007 , 61 cranes made 303,000 cases-( 15 cases/day/crane) To collect Rs. 100 fine, we spend Rs. 200 towing charges ( 4.44 cr in 2007). Cranes cant capture many offenders. constable can fix 50 tickets/day to improve the compliance ratio & deterrence value. progressive fines for multiple offences, a much larger collection & effective deterrence

Better Governance & Management

Seriously administered parking will mean less congestion on roads and better discipline. this is a worthy initiative which can benefit even those who will be forced to adhere discipline and pay little more. This is a non inflationary measure to cope with high oil prices.

From Anarchy to Governance

This can be the first step towards improved urban governance. It will be completely self financed. It will improve the operations of BEST After regulating anarchic parking, next target can be regulating hawkers encourage carpooling thru discounts

Regulated High Quality Parking- I step in traffic mgmt

This is the area specific congestion charge- most direct and effective. Very effective in curbing private transport as it makes space and passengers available to buses The city needs to restore faith in itself by asking top 10% pop to follow discipline first.

Parking is the real problem but it is confidential- no discussion allowed


A menace & getting worse. No rage yet ..But Spreading like scabies on all roads and lane. But city is busy doling out fsi of 200 sqf ( worth Rs. 2 mil) for every flat of 700 sqf . If its not enough , allowing further 300 sqf fsi for providing a public parking space in vertical towers failed miserably so far. Regulation, marking, meters, smart cards , fair pricing at level out of focus for govt & motorists!

The sense and non sense in Parking

Est cars parked on road 350,000 ( of which 10,000 for scrapping but on road for months Parking spaces under pay n park 8000 annual revenue Rs. 11 cr ( tariff R. 10/hr and Rs 15/ 3hrs and so on ( avg Rs 4.50/hr) Vertical parking spaces so far -1200 ( mostly empty)investment Rs. 240 cr MV Asia report (2005) (@ Rs 5 cr) proposing a parking authority & raising tariff not read

FSI financed vertical public parking empty and ignored


Empty multi story parking at Nariman Point


Free double parking in shopping areas is most common practice


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