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Learn Times

Just as Disciplines can take a great deal of time to learn, so to do Abilities & Lores. Below are the Learning Times for raising Abilities & Lores.
Note: You may notice that it is a lot easier to learn Abilities than it is Lores. The reasoning behind this is Lores are considered highly specialized information, and as such the research necessary to go from one level of the Lore to the next progressively gets harder.

Abilities & Lores

Abilities Learn Times
1 2 3 4 5
1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 1 Mnth 2 Mnth

Lores Learn Times

1 2 3 4 5 1 Wk 2 Wk 3Mnth
6 Mnth

1 Yr

Learning Disciplines
All Disciplines take time to learn. A character cant simply jump up in power levels at an insane rate in only 2-3 months. The same goes for Rituals. Here's how it goes.

Learning Time for Disciplines

Discipline Levels
Basic Disciplines Intermediate Disciplines Advanced Disciplines Elder Disciplines Master Disciplines Ascendant Disciplines Methuselah Disciplines

Learning Times
2 weeks to learn 1 month to learn 2 months to learn 4 months to learn 6 months to learn 10 months to learn 25 months to learn

Anything over Methuselah is at ST discretion

14th & 15th Generation Learn Times

Discipline Levels
Basic Disciplines
Intermediate Disciplines

Learning Times
1 Month to learn 2 Months to learn

Advanced Disciplines


Learning Time for Rituals

In the case of Rituals, its handled similar to Disciplines. The student has to find a teacher for the Ritual they seek. Then it is handled like Disciplines, except the student does not need to ingest a trait of the teachers blood to learn Rituals.

Ritual Levels
Basic Ritual Intermediate Ritual Advanced Ritual Elder Ritual Master Ritual Ascendant Ritual Methuselah Ritual

Learning Times
1 week 1 month 3 Months 6 months 9 months 1 year 2 years

Anything over Methuselah is at St Discretion

The Following Rules have been taken from the Dark Epics rulebook but are listed here to help those who may not have that sourcebook considering much of its content is directed to those that run a LARP rather than those who participate in one. Teaching Disciplines: (As per "Dark Epics" rulebook page 75) All teachers must be active characters, and they may teach up to one level less than they posses of their in-clan Disciplines. For example, a vampire who possesses an intermediate level of his clan Discipline may teach basic levels. To Teach Advanced Necromancy or Thaumaturgy, the teacher must be a sixth or seventh generation vampire, and he must have the advanced level in at least two paths of the Discipline. A character who possesses the Advanced level in two paths may teach the advanced level in both paths, provided they are of the appropriate generation. Noticing Powers in Effect: (As per "Dark Epics" rulebook page 72) When a power is used unsuccessfully upon a character, that character can initiate a Static Mental Challenge to detect its use. (The difficulty equals the Mental Traits of the character using the power.) The Awareness Ability may be used to retest this challenge. If the Original character wins the Static Challenge, he might also recognize the power and/or who used it on him (At the Narrator's discretion). Some powers are also obvious in their effect/target/source and the narrator may rule that any of the pertinent information is available without testing.

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