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Stage 1 2013 Term 4 Writing Weeks 2-7 Procedures

Outcomes WS1.9 Plans, reviews and produces a small range of simple literary and factual texts for a variety of purposes on familiar topics for known readers. WS1.10 Produces texts using the basic grammatical features and punctuation conventions of the text type. Indicators Writes a simple statement or short text for different purposes Combines ideas in writing Reads own writing aloud and makes some corrections to clarify meaning Writes basic explanations Writes basic personal response in the form of a letter Contributes to joint construction of texts Uses Uses Uses Uses adjectives to provide more information about nouns different types of verbs most common punctuation capital letters in the beginning of sentences

WS1.14 Identifies the structure of own literary and factual texts and names a limited range of related grammatical features and conventions of written language

Recognises organisational structure of some literary and factual texts Recognises a sentence Identifies key words in own and others texts Understands the basic structure and grammar required for an explanation Understands the basic structure and grammar required for a personal response

Social Purpose: Procedures tell how to do something Students may give or receive instructions on how to carry out a task or play a game, or more complicated procedures involving several phases, directions for getting to a place and rules of behaviour.

Structure of a procedure Structure

Procedures are usually organised to include: the goal of the activity; any materials needed in achieving the goal; steps needed to accomplish the goal. Some procedures have optional stages such as explaining reasons for a step, providing alternative steps, giving cautions, or mentioning possible consequences. Directions, rules and spoken procedures will have a slightly different structure.

To find things that dissolve in water

Materials essence jelly crystals sand sugar salt water cups drink bottle Method 1. Put some of each material in a cup. 2. Add the material to a cup of water. 3. Watch carefully what happens.

Common grammatical patterns of a procedure include: the use of commands (imperative form of the verb), eg put, dont mix; the use of action verbs, eg turn, pick up, dont run; the use of precise vocabulary, eg whisk, lukewarm; the use of connectives to sequence the action in time, eg then, while; the use of adverbials to express details of time and place, manner, and so on.

Weeks 2-7 Procedures

This program provides an overview of the structure and grammatical features of procedures. Teachers have the flexibility to modify this to suit the individual needs of their class, and these changes are recorded on the weekly overview sheet. Lessons can be combined if necessary, or broken down further if required. Some lessons will take more than a day to complete. Less on

Learning Intention
To discuss the social purpose and structure of a procedure To jointly construct a procedure showing the sequence of events and materials needed To create a procedure in pairs -

Model and show examples of procedures which demonstrate structure. Discuss texts that may be procedures, and what job they perform. Jointly construct a classroom display which shows the structure of a procedure. Reflect on the structure of a procedure, and where we may find them. Complete a simple task as a group e.g. make fairy bread. Jointly discuss and list the materials and ingredients needed. List the steps taken during the activity in the order they occurred Reflect on each part to ensure all steps and materials are included. Reflect of the structure of a procedure. Students work in pairs to create a procedure based on a common daily -

Sample procedures (recipes, instructions) Cardboard/ paper SMART doc- blank procedure pro forma Materials to complete chosen procedure WORD doc- pairs procedure lesson

4 To individually construct a procedure using a proforma To review and identify time connectives in procedures To identify and understanding the purpose of commands and action verbs To jointly construct a procedure using time connectives and command verbs To order and edit a procedure 7 -

task. Reflect on the task described and ensure all materials and steps are accounted for. Discuss why different students may have different results (family differences in how tasks are completed) Review jointly constructed procedure from lesson 2. Complete a simple task as a group e.g. complete a simple classroom task. Brainstorm the materials needed and steps involved. Students individually create a procedure based on the task using the pro forma Discuss and review what time connectives are. Brainstorm known examples. Read a variety of sample procedures which include time connectives Brainstorm and create a chart or mind map of time connectives found in the texts or from prior knowledge. Review meaning of verbs, and discuss what commands are. Read a book or text to the class about a sense which displays a range of action verbs and commands Create a class chart from the book and background knowledge using the headings commands and Action Verbs Discuss the value of commands in a procedure and when they are or are not useful Review time connectives and command verbs. Re- examine known examples. Complete a task as a class, either a cooking or instructional activity Complete the second SMART doc pro forma for a procedure, highlighting commands and time connectives Review the structure of a procedure, use classroom display from lesson 1 if needed. Examine a simple procedure on a known topic that is incorrectly structured and sequenced. Reorder the text so the information follows the structure of a procedure and discuss what information belongs with each part of the structure (e.g. steps, materials, title) Review the joint construction and its structure completed in lesson 7. Discuss with students a number of everyday tasks or activities that they are familiar with. Provide students with a pro forma sheet which is set out to outline the

WORD docindividual procedure lesson 4 SMART doc- time connectives

SMART doccommands and action verbs

SMART doc- blank pro forma with reminder of commands and time connectives Incorrectly sequenced procedure (SMART doc)

To independently construct a procedure with no structure provided

- procedure from lesson 7 - Student pro forma sheet

structure of a procedure, but is not labelled. Students independently complete this based on a task mentioned, and must also label each part to identify the structure. *This can be an assessable work sample

Overview of work completed

1 2 3

Week completed

Register/Dates completed

Evaluation of teaching and learning activities

4 5 6 7 8 9

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