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YDS Okuma & Kelime Blteni 1

YDS Okuma & Kelime
Blteni 1

Water fights with elephants

People in Thailand celebrated the first day of their New Year. Local people and tourists painted drawings on
elephants and then they started water fights. People sprayed water on elephants and elephants sprayed
water on people. Some people enjoyed the celebration very much.
During the three day celebration, people also visit the temples and pour water on Buddha statues. This
celebration comes at an ideal time because in April it is the hottest month in Thailand. Temperatures can be
higher than 40C. So it is very nice to be cooled in such a cool way.

YDS Okuma & Kelime Blteni 1

Physical Fitness

The body is an amazing object; the more you ask of it, the more it can do. If you are inactive most of the
time, your body will quickly become tired when it should be active. But if you are active many times each
day or week, your body will get used to the hard work and it will become easier to do. Children who want to
play active games with their friends should exercise regularly so they have the energy to play as long as
they want.

Many young people want to be physically active because it helps them look and feel good. Activity burns
more calories than just sitting , so it is important for keeping a healthy weight . Exercise also makes your
muscles and bones stronger and keeps your body in a good condition .

Physical activity also helps people stay healthy. Exercise strengthens the immune system , and helps the
body fight off illness . Daily exercise also helps people sleep better. Active students dont complain about
being tired. They have a good nights sleep and have the energy to work hard and have fun every day.

YDS Okuma & Kelime Blteni 1

The Silk Road Ancient Trading Route Between Europe and Asia

The Silk Road is a name given to the many trade routes that connected Europe and the Mediterranean with the
Asian world. The route is over 6,500 km long and got its name because the early Chinese traded silk along it.
Although silk was the main trading item there were many other goods that travelled along the Silk Road between
Eastern Asia and Europe. In the course of time, medicine, perfumes, spices and livestock found their way
between continents.

The Chinese learned to make silk thousands of years ago. For a long time they were the only ones who knew
how to make this precious material. Only the emperor, his family and his highest advisers were allowed to wear
clothes made of silk. For a long time the Chinese guarded this secret very carefully.
The ancient Romans were the first Europeans who became aware of this wonderful material. Trading started,
often with Indians as middlemen who traded silk with the Chinese in exchange for gold and silver which they got
from the Romans.

Travelling along the route was dangerous. The hot desert, high mountains and sandstorms made travelling a
rough business. Most of the goods along the Silk Road were carried by caravans. Traders sometimes brought
goods from one destination on the Silk Road to another, from where the goods would be transported by
someone else. Over the centuries people settled along the ancient route and many cities emerged. Later on
there were fewer hardships to overcome, but by no means was it easy.
Religion, languages and diseases also spread along the Silk Road. Buddhism, which originated in India, spread
to China along this route. European traders probably brought the plague from Asia to Europe along the ancient

In the early Middle Ages traffic along the route decreased because of the decline of the Roman Empire. Trading
along the Silk Road and became stronger again between the 13th and 14th centuries, when the Mongols
controlled central Asia. During the Age of Exploration the Silk Road lost its importance because new sea routes
to Asia were discovered.

YDS Okuma & Kelime Blteni 1

1 celebrate kutlamak 52 burn yanmak,yakmak
2 first ilk,birinci 53 more daha
3 local yerel,blgesel 54 just sadece,henz,tam
4 tourist turist 55 important nemli, gerekli
5 paint boyamak 56 healthy salkl,gl
6 drawing izim,plan 57 weight arlk,yk
7 elephant fil 58 muscle kas,g
8 then
o zaman,yleyse,ondan
59 bone kemik
9 fight kavga,dv 60 strong gl,salam,demli
10 spray pskrtmek,fkrmak 61 condition durum,koul, hastalk
11 enjoy holanmak 62 physical fiziki,bedensel
12 celebration kutlama,len 63 stay kalmak,harcamak
13 during srasnda,esnasnda 64 strengthen glendirmek
14 also -de, -da,ayrca 65 immune system baklk sistemi
15 visit ziyaret etmek,gezmek 66 fight off mcadele etmek
16 temple tapnak 67 illness hastalk
17 statue heykel 68 daily gnlk
18 ideal uygun, ideal 69 sleep uyumak
19 because -d iin, nk 70 complain ikayet etmek
20 hot scak, ac 71 work almak,ilemek
21 temperature scaklk,s 72 hard glkle,iddetle
22 high yksek,ok,fazla 73 fun zevk,elence
23 so bu yzden 74 everyday her gn
24 nice iyi,ho,nazik 75 give vermek,sunmak
25 cool soutmak,serinletmek 76 trade ticaret,i
26 such byle, bu tr 77 route yol,yntem
27 way yol,yntem 78 connect
28 body beden,gvde,ceset 79 over
stnde, ile
29 amazing artc 80 trade
ticaret yapmak,takas
30 object nesne,cisim,eya 81 silk ipek
the more ... the
ne kadar ... o kadar 82 although -e ramen
32 inactive hareketsiz 83 main ana,asl,temel
33 quickly hzlca,abuk abuk 84 item madde,para
34 become olmak 85 goods mal,eya
35 tired yorgun,bitkin 86 travel seyahat etmek
36 when -d zaman 87 medicine ila,tp
37 active hareketli 88 perfume parfm
38 if eer, -se/sa 89 spice baharat,eni
39 get used to almaki alkn olmak 90 livestock iftlik hayvanlar
40 easy kolay 91 continent kta
41 play oynamak,almak 92 learn renmek,haber almak
42 friend arkada,dost 93 only bir tek, yalnzca
43 exercise altrma yapmak 94 precious deerli
44 regularly dzenli olarak,sk sk 95 material malzeme, madde
45 as long as -d srece 96 emperor imparator,hkmdar
46 young gen 97 family aile, soy
47 physically fiziki olarak 98 adviser danman
48 help yardm etmek,yarar olmak 99 allow
izin vermek,olanak
49 look bakmak,grnmek 100 wear giymek,ypranmak
50 feel hissetmek,duymak 101 guard korumak, nbet tutmak
51 good iyi,gzel,uygun 102 secret sr

YDS Okuma & Kelime Blteni 1

103 carefully dikkatlice
104 ancient eski
105 aware farknda
106 wonderful ahane, ok gzel
107 start balamak,altrmak
108 often sk sk,genellikle
109 in exchange for -e karlnda
110 gold altn
111 silver gm
112 dangerous tehlikeli
113 desert l
114 mountain da
115 sandstorm kum frtnas
116 rough przl,sert, yaklak
117 business i,iletme
118 carry tamak
119 trader tccar
120 sometimes bazen,ara sra
121 destination var yeri
122 transport tamak,nakletmek
123 century yzyl,asr
124 settle yerlemek
125 emerge ortaya kmak
126 later on daha sonra
127 few birka,az
128 hardship glk
129 overcome
130 by no means hibir ekilde
131 religion din,inan
132 language dil, lisan
133 disease hastalk,rahatszlk
134 spread yaymak,dalmak
135 originate balamak
136 probably muhtemelen
137 plague salgn hastalk
138 decrease azalmak,azaltmak
139 because of -den dolay
140 decline d,azalma
141 again tekrar, yeniden
142 control kontrol etmek,denetlemek
143 lose kaybetmek
144 importance nem
145 new yeni
146 discover kefetmek, bulmak

YDS Okuma & Kelime Blteni 1

103 carefully dikkatlice
104 ancient eski
105 aware farknda
106 wonderful ahane, ok gzel
107 start balamak,altrmak
108 often sk sk,genellikle
109 in exchange for -e karlnda
110 gold altn
111 silver gm
112 dangerous tehlikeli
113 desert l
114 mountain da
115 sandstorm kum frtnas
116 rough przl,sert, yaklak
117 business i,iletme
118 carry tamak
119 trader tccar
120 sometimes bazen,ara sra
121 destination var yeri
122 transport tamak,nakletmek
123 century yzyl,asr
124 settle yerlemek
125 emerge ortaya kmak
126 later on daha sonra
127 few birka,az
128 hardship glk
129 overcome
130 by no means hibir ekilde
131 religion din,inan
132 language dil, lisan
133 disease hastalk,rahatszlk
134 spread yaymak,dalmak
135 originate balamak
136 probably muhtemelen
137 plague salgn hastalk
138 decrease azalmak,azaltmak
139 because of -den dolay
140 decline d,azalma
141 again tekrar, yeniden
142 control kontrol etmek,denetlemek
143 lose kaybetmek
144 importance nem
145 new yeni
146 discover kefetmek, bulmak

YDS Okuma & Kelime Blteni 1

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