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Pinelake Student Ministry

Christ 5.0 - Small Group Lesson 11

Key Question
How can I begin an eternal life with Christ?

Biblical Truth
Eternal life begins through faith in Jesus Christ.

Ask students which of the following they would prefer:

 1 M&M or a lifetime supply of all M&M Mars candies

 A one-time gift card to your favorite store of $100 or $20 off every purchase at
your favorite store for the next 20 years
 A 1-day rental of a Corvette or a totally free new Toyota Sequioa

Have students explain the reasoning behind their choices. Say: “These were pretty easy
choices for most people because of the temporary nature of one option vs. the longer
term nature of the other. Today‟s lesson is also about a choice – the temporary things of
the world or the eternal life available through faith in Jesus Christ.”

Have your small group read John 3:1-21.

Use any of the questions below.

1. What things about today‟s Bible passage stand out to you?

Encourage small group members to discuss any observations they have.

2. What are specific things we can know about Nicodemus based on what John
wrote? What was his status in the community where he lived?

We know Nicodemus was a Pharisee, a highly respected group of Jewish

men who adhered strictly to the Old Testament laws. He was a member of
the Jewish ruling council. Jesus called Nicodemus “Israel’s teacher”, which
indicated how influential Nicodemus was. John 19:39 also says that after
Jesus’ death, Nicodemus provided “a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about
seventy-five pounds” for the anointing of Jesus’ body. Only the wealthy could
afford to do this.

3. Why do you think Nicodemus sought out Jesus? Why would he wait until the
night before talking with Jesus?

Pinelake Student Ministry
Christ 5.0 - Small Group Lesson 11

We can only speculate on either of these questions, but there are several
possibilities for Nicodemus seeking Jesus and for visiting Jesus at night. John
2:23 says that Jesus performed many miracles during the Passover Feast in
Jerusalem. Nicodemus could have been seeking Jesus out to find out more
about His miracles. Nicodemus could have even suspected that Jesus was
the Messiah. He could have visited Jesus at night because he was
embarrassed to be seen with Jesus. On the other hand, nighttime might
have been the best time for Nicodemus’ schedule, since he was an influential
and probably busy leader. We don’t know for sure, so we cannot really make
assumptions about Nicodemus’ motives.

4. How did Jesus explain the concept of spiritual birth to Nicodemus?

Jesus referred to spiritual birth as being “born again”. He described being

born of water and the Spirit.

5. What did Jesus mean by “born of water and the Spirit”?

There are different interpretations of this phrase. Some think that Jesus was
referring to baptism when he referenced birth “of water”. The most likely
explanation, though, is that Jesus was referring to physical birth (the onset of
birth is typically preceded by a flow of water) and to a spiritual birth. This
explanation makes sense especially in the context of Jesus’ statement that
“flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit”.

6. Why didn‟t Nicodemus understand what Jesus was saying to him?

Nicodemus seemed to be stuck in a hyper-literalistic mindset, where he

actually thought Jesus was referring to a person being physically born twice.
Despite being a religious leader, he couldn’t relate easily to Jesus’ discussion
of spiritual matters.

7. Read Numbers 21:4-9. What are the similarities between the account of the
bronze serpent and salvation available through Jesus?

In Numbers, the people were punished due to their rebellion against God.
Moses prayed to God and interceded for them so that they could be saved.
Moses took a symbol of the people’s punishment (the bronze snake) and
lifted it up on a pole. The people of Israel were saved from their punishment
by looking upon the bronze snake. Jesus taught that every person has
sinned against God and is deserving of punishment. Jesus Himself
interceded with God the Father for everyone who has ever lived. Jesus took
all of our sins on Himself when He was lifted up on the cross. Everyone who
looks on Jesus and believes in Him will be saved from the punishment that
their sins would have brought them.

Use any of the questions below.

1. What are ways you think that today‟s Bible passage applies for us today?

Pinelake Student Ministry
Christ 5.0 - Small Group Lesson 11

Encourage students to identify applications for today from the Bible passage.

2. Why do we tend to wait until certain times before we seek out Jesus?

We often only seek Jesus when times are tough. At other times, we seek
Jesus when we see clear evidence of His moving among us. Our goal should
be to always turn to Jesus, each and every day of our lives.

3. Are accomplishments in this world important to God?

God is not impressed with our worldly accomplishments. As of the time this
lesson was written, several famous people have died recently. They had
accomplishments impressive by worldly standards – fame, money, awards,
etc. However, their worldly accomplishments meant nothing as they stood
before God. Only their relationships with Jesus Christ mattered at that point.

4. What does it really mean to “believe” in Jesus?

To believe in Jesus is not simply an exercise of our mind. The New

Testament records several times where demons recognized that Jesus was
the Son of God. They demonstrated intellectual belief. However, they did not
act on their belief by following Him. True belief in Jesus involves our mind,
our heart, and our actions. A good illustration of true belief is the story of the
expert tightrope walker whose tightrope was stretched over Niagara Falls. To
fall from the tightrope would mean instant death. Balancing his long pole
lightly, he made his way across the tightrope. The man then asked the crowd
watching him, “How many of you believe I could carry you across on my
back?” Several in the crowd immediately raised their hands. He then asked,
“OK, who will let me carry them on my back across this rope?” Most of the
hands went down. Their belief was only intellectual. It wasn’t enough to act
on. True belief in Jesus is a kind of belief that we should act on.

5. What are ways that some people think will gain them eternal life (other than
believing in Jesus)?

Students will likely answer in several ways. Examples include: doing more
good than bad, being baptized, going to church, following Islam or another
religion, etc. Ask your group: “If there was another way to gain eternal life, do
you think Jesus would have gone through death on a cross?”

6. What are the main reasons people you know who are not Christians don‟t
believe in Jesus?

Allow students to share as many reasons as they can identify. Many of the
examples that will be listed will have pride as their root cause. Often, people
have so much pride that they cannot admit they are sinners in need of a
Savior. They think that they can earn salvation in their own way. Jesus was
clear, however, that belief in Him was the only way to gain eternal life.

7. How can you live your life differently based on the truth Jesus presented to

Pinelake Student Ministry
Christ 5.0 - Small Group Lesson 11

Students will probably vary in their responses. This is an opportune time for
small group leaders to mention that, for those who have not given their life to
Jesus, the most important thing they can do is to pray to accept Him and truly
believe in Him. For those who have done this, they can live their lives in a
way that clearly shows others that they really believe in Jesus.

Ask students to pray for specific people they know who have not chosen to believe in
Jesus. Pray that God would use each person in your small group to reach those who
still need a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.


Background Information for Small Group Leaders

(Biblical information for small group leaders to prepare for small group time. This is not intended to be
used necessarily for discussion during small group time.)

The focus passage for this week is John 3:1-21.

John 3:1–3 Nicodemus was a big shot in his day. He had a high society job as a
member of the Sanhedrin. He was also a well known teacher and member of the
Pharisees. After Jesus‟ death, he provided “a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-
five pounds” (John 19:39) for the anointing of Jesus‟ body. Only the wealthy could afford
to do this.

Why did Nicodemus come to Jesus at night? He may have been trying to avoid the
embarrassment of what his Pharisee friends might think. Or maybe the night would
better fit his schedule and purpose since there would be less chance for interruption.
Some scholars believe the darkness is symbolic of Nicodemus‟ lack of understanding
(vv. 19–21). Whatever the reason, Nicodemus came at night. Nicodemus began by
calling Jesus “Rabbi” or “Teacher.” This demonstrated great respect for Jesus,
considering Jesus had never been formally trained (John 7:15). Of course, this
compliment fell far short His true identity.

Jesus immediately addressed Nicodemus‟ spiritual problem. All his accomplishments

could not make him right with God. Jesus explained that to enter God‟s Kingdom a
person must be “born again.” All of the religious status that Nicodemus had worked to
acquire could not earn him eternal life. He must be spiritually reborn through God‟s
grace into the Kingdom of God (Rom. 6:23).

John 3:4–5 Nicodemus misunderstood Jesus‟ response. He thought Jesus was talking
about physical rebirth. Jesus restated and clarified His answer. Some have taken Jesus‟
words “born of water” to indicate the importance of baptism. While baptism is important,
it is more likely that Jesus used water to refer to physical birth; a person must be born
physically and spiritually.

John 3:6–8 Jesus explained the need for new birth using two illustrations. At your

Pinelake Student Ministry
Christ 5.0 - Small Group Lesson 11
physical birth, you became part of an earthly family. At your spiritual birth from above,
you become a member of God‟s family. Adam‟s sin passed down to us by birth and
gives us a sinful nature (1 Cor. 15:22). Fallen people can only give birth to fallen people.
Only the Holy Spirit can give spiritual life to our souls. One must be born again (from
above) to become part of God‟s family.

The second illustration helped Nicodemus understand the Spirit by way of the wind. The
use of the word pneuma is a word play, for it can mean both spirit and wind. Like the
wind, the Spirit cannot be seen or manipulated but is identified by the effects it brings.

John 3:9–11 Nicodemus must have enjoyed status among the rabbis of his day since
Jesus refers to him as Israel‟s teacher. His study of the Scriptures should have taught
him God‟s ability to change human lives. He should have known from God‟s Word that
only God gives a person a new heart and a right spirit (Ezek. 36:25–27). Nicodemus, the
earthly teacher, did not understand the message Jesus gave. Each had referred to the
other as “teacher.” The conversation demonstrated that Jesus is the only true Teacher
who can explain the deep mysteries of God.

Christ‟s truths expressed in His Word are certain. We can rest assured what He says is
absolute truth. When Jesus used the plural pronoun “we,” He was probably referring to
Himself and His disciples, who had received His instructions. Jesus‟ use of the plural
pronoun “you” refers to Nicodemus and the other Pharisees who had ignored Jesus‟
spiritual teaching.

John 3:12–15 Nicodemus was having difficulty understanding Jesus‟ teaching on the
new birth. Jesus used two earthly analogies to explain the new birth to Nicodemus. He
had already used physical birth and the wind to help Nicodemus understand spiritual
birth. How was Nicodemus going to understand the deep things of God, such as the
revelation of Jesus as the Son of God, if he could not understand the basics?

Jesus reminded Nicodemus of a familiar Old Testament story. God sent a plague of fiery
serpents on the disobedient Israelites during the exodus. Their poisonous bites resulted
in many deaths. Moses brought the people‟s contrite confession to God, and God
provided a divine antidote. God told Moses to set a bronze serpent atop a pole in the
camp. Whoever looked at the bronze serpent would live (Num. 21:5–9). In the same
way, Christ would be lifted up on the cross. Whoever looked to Him would gain spiritual
life. All humankind has been bitten and poisoned by deadly sin. But those who look to
Jesus by faith are given eternal life (Rom. 6:23).

John 3:16 This verse is often called the gospel in a nutshell. In one sentence, John
summed up God‟s plan for saving humankind. This verse reveals Christ as the source of
eternal life. This eternal life comes through faith in Jesus, and it describes more than just
duration of existence. It is also the quality of life in Christ. People have only two options:
believe in Jesus or perish. Perishing is the opposite of gaining eternal life in Christ.
Those who perish completely fail to fulfill God‟s purpose for life. As a result, they are
excluded from His fellowship forever. This offer of eternal life is made to the entire world.
No one is turned down based on race or culture or any earthly circumstance. The only
requirement is faith in Jesus.

John 3:17–21 Humankind is God‟s treasure. God displayed His love for His treasure by
sending Jesus not to condemn this sinful world but to be a sacrifice for its sins.

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Christ 5.0 - Small Group Lesson 11
Condemnation comes not by a lack of love or effort on God‟s part but by a lack of faith
on the part of the unbeliever.

The difference between belief and unbelief does not lie in guilt or innocence. It is in the
attitude individuals take toward light. Unbelievers avoid the light because it exposes their
sin. Believers bask in the light and enjoy fellowship with Jesus and with each other (1
John 1:5–9).

This passage teaches that salvation is by faith alone. It is important because Jesus
Himself emphasized the necessity of being born again through faith in order to
experience eternal life. He said, “„I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God
unless he is born again‟” (John 3:3, see also v. 5). Jesus stressed that the way to eternal
life is only through Himself, saying, “„God so loved the world that he gave his one and
only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (v. 16).
Belief in Jesus Christ is the only way to achieve salvation. Salvation is indeed by faith in
God‟s Son alone.

From this passage of Scripture we learn you don‟t gain eternal life through education,
status, reputation, money, or works. Nicodemus had them all. Only by being “born again”
do we gain eternal life. This new birth comes solely through faith in Jesus Christ (Eph.
2:8–9). How important is your list of accomplishments to you? Do you place confidence
in them to earn a position for you with God? How can you help your students trust only in

The Holy Spirit works from the inside out. Like the wind, the Spirit cannot be seen. But
His effects are evident when Christians begin to live like Christ. A Christian‟s life is a
visible witness to the lost world of an unseen God. You are the only “Jesus” some
people will ever see. How is the Holy Spirit making Himself evident in your life? Who are
some people who may not know Jesus but can see Him in you? Are you consistently
pointing them toward Jesus?

God is the Author of salvation. He extends it to everyone out of His great love for
humankind. Those who do not believe condemn themselves. Some years ago, a pop
star was reported to have dismissed the Mona Lisa as a “load of rubbish.” He did not tell
us anything about the Mona Lisa; he told us much about himself. The same is true in the
spiritual realm. The people who deprecate Christ or think Him unworthy of their
allegiance pass judgment on themselves, not on Christ. How has the gospel changed
your life? What does this reveal about your relationship with Him? How can you share
that story of your life with your students?

Portions of this material used with permission from Student Life Publishing.
© 2005 Student Life Publishing, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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