The Constitution of Lakewood Montessori Middle School Student Council

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The Constitution of Lakewood Montessori Middle School Student Council

Article I Name and Purpose of the Organization Section I: Name The name of the student government at Lakewood Montessori Middle School shall be the Lakewood Montessori Middle School Student Council Association. Section II: Purpose and Duties The purposes and duties of the Lakewood Montessori Middle School Student Council shall be to: 1. Promote the general welfare of the school 2. Develop attitudes and practices of good citizenship 3. Take an active role in the improvement plans for the school 4. Foster positive student/faculty relationships 5. Provide a forum for student expression 6. Assist with assemblies and school programs 7. Promote positive attitudes of scholarship through example 8. Provide activities that build school pride in students and faculty members 9. Initiate and execute activities for the betterment of the community. Article II Membership to the Student Council Section I: General Membership All students legally enrolled in Lakewood Montessori Middle School as sixth, seventh, or eighth grade shall be considered to have membership in the Student Council Association.

Section II: Executive Board The membership of the Executive Board shall consist of a President, Vice President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief of Staff, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Communications Officer, Editor of Publications, Student Life Commissioner, and Elections Commissioner. Section III: Executive Officers The officers shall, during their terms of office, be in the following grades: o Executive board positions must be held by a rising seventh or eight grader Section IV: Vacancies When a vacancy on the Executive Board occurs for any reason during the year, the Executive Board shall recommend the appointment of a new officer to the Council Adviser for final approval. If the vacancy is of a community representative, the community shall fill the position, within two (2) weeks of the date of vacancy. Section V: Ex Officio Membership Ex Officio Members shall be nonvoting of the Executive Board and shall include any student serving as an officer or board member of a national, state, or district student council organization; or from time to time any student whose exceptional leadership abilities would be significant benefit to the council. [Such membership is at the discretion of the Executive Board and with the approval by the Student Council Adviser]. Article III: Powers and Duties of the Officers of the Student Council

Section I: President The President shall have the following duties: Preside over all meetings of the Executive Board, appoint committee chairpersons, coordinate, and oversee the making of morning announcements, represent the council at public occasions and conventions, act as the council liaison to the principal and faculty, assist in regular and special assemblies, and carry out any other duties as directed by the Executive Board.
o Plan and conduct meetings with other officers o Coordinate the work of the council through the other officers and committees o Act as a facilitator of group discussion by summarizing, clarifying, etc. o Maintain frequent contact with faculty and administrators o Work closely with the student council adviser on all planning. o Be a spokesperson for the student council to the school, community, and civic organization meetings o Impartially select responsible to serve on essential committees to achieve council goals o Select evaluations of council activities, meetings, and goals. o Prepare evaluations of council activities, meet, and goals.

Section II: Vice President Assume the duties of the president in his/her absence conduct student council elections under the direction of the council adviser, acts a chairperson on committees, assist the Secretary to maintain Student Council message board, and carry out any other duties from time to time as requested by the Executive Board. In the event of absence, vice-president succession will take occur in the following order: 1. Chief Executive Officer 2. Chief of Staff 3. Secretary 4. Treasurer

5. 6. 7. 8.

Chief Communications Officer Editor of Publications Student Life Commissioner Elections Commissioner

The Vice President shall have the following duties:

o Be prepared to assume the presidents duties whenever necessary o Work closely with the president and have frequent, scheduled meetings. o Meet regularly with the chairs of all committees. o Coordinate the work of the committees and chair an important committee o Maintain a schedule of projects delegated to committees and a timeline of each committees work o Serve as an ex-offico member of each committee and attend meetings as much as possible o Work behind the scenes to help iron our differences between people

Section III: Chief Executive Officer The Chief Executive Officer shall have the following duties:
o Plan, implement, and evaluate our Student Council Action Plan o Coordinate the work of the council through the other officers and committees o Coordinate the work of the Programming committee to ensure that the council work towards the goals outlined by our Student Council Action Plan o Assess student council programming to ensure the work on the council meets the indicators necessary for National Council of Excellence Recognition o Coordinate the work of the committees and chair an important committee o Maintain a schedule of projects delegated to committees and a timeline of the National Council for Excellence Recognition

Section IV: Chief of Staff Section V: Secretary

Keep the minutes of all Executive Board Meetings and Officers meetings, provide a written agenda to all Executive Board members not less than 2 days prior to a scheduled business meeting, assist the Council Advisor with correspondence, maintain attendance records of meetings and activities, and assist the First Vice President with the Council message board. The Secretary shall have the following duties:
o Make up the master calendar of council meetings and schedule committee reports for the entire year o Establish a timeline for publishing the agenda. o Prepare the agenda for the president and vice president o Come well prepared to every meeting with such reference materials such as a copy of the constitution, and bylaws, minutes from previous meetings, lists of committees, and committee reports. o Take roll of attendees at meetings, wither written minutes or verbal, and keep records of who attended. o Type all required letters of the president and vice president. o Maintain certain that the administration and faculty receive a copy of minutes (via Website) o Maintain council files including minutes and agenda o Maintain contact information of people in which the student council works with regularly

Section VI: Treasurer The Treasurer shall have the following duties:
o Work closely with the student council president and adviser on planning o Work with the school financial officer to learn and follow acceptable procedures. o Authorize payment vouchers, review purchase orders, and give final approval before invoices are paid. o Review and evaluate budget requests for committee projects by their cost and potential benefits to the council/school and make recommendations for future activities. o Assist in preparing the budget, present proposed budget to

executive committee for approval, and help explain budgetary items

Section VII: Chief Communications Officer The Chief Communications Officer shall have the following duties:
o Release information periodically to the student body about council activities o Check releases for spelling and grammar o Work with the adviser on all materials being sent out to organizations outside school o Compile lists of addresses of the news media and their requirements for announcing school events o Obtain principals approval before releasing information to the news media o Keep the student body informed of event through bulletins, poster, announcements, Websites, fliers, etc

Section VIII: Editor of Publications The Editor of Publications shall have the following duties:
o Manages the publications content and quality; manages a staff of peers o Together with the staff, creates a theme and a plan for using the theme o Sits on the editorial board o Designs or oversees the cover design, end sheets and any theme-related spreads, including opening, closing and dividers o Conducts weekly staff meetings to review deadlines, as well as upcoming photo and copy coverage o Compiles the ladder diagram o Approves any changes to the ladder as coverage develops o Together with the managing editor, plans celebration days, special holiday activities and birthday celebrations o Checks and prepares all spreads for submission to Lifetouch o Establishes all deadlines, including mini-deadlines o Is actively involved in creating a book sales campaign

Section IX: Student Life Commissioner The Student Life Commissioner shall have the following

o Organize and involve students in prep rallies and assemblies o Brainstorm and incorporate other students ideas for rallies and assemblies o Act as the master of ceremony for rallies and assemblies or select another student, teacher, or administrator to do so. o Facilitate discussion and help members express ideas for the committee work o Make sure you have a clear understanding of the committees function and responsibility o Assist in analyzing the problem/job/activity and coming with solutions or options o Research information and resources for the committee o Arrange meeting agenda, meeting times, and work timelines o Work with the treasurer to stay within budget

Section X: Election Commissioner The Election Commissioner shall have the following duties:
o Election Commissioners work with the adviser and the administration with planning, implementation, and evaluation of the election process for student body and class officers. o Election Process includes but not limited to: o Nominations o Campaign Rules o Speeches o Election Procedure o Voting Procedures o Installation of Officers

Section XI: Representatives Shall act as liaisons between the Executive Board and the Student Body, attend all Executive Board meetings, actively participate on committees, actively participate in activities and projects sponsored by the Student Council Association. The Representatives shall have the following duties:
o Attend all student council general meetings o Report council actions to your group in accurate, informative, and interesting way. o Alert members to important events, activities, dates, and

o o o o o o o o

correspondence. Preside over town hall type of discussions with your constituents. Facilitate discussion and help constituents express their ideas. Take informal polls on how students feel about certain topics Take notes of your constituent meetings and present the ideas and motions to the council Encourage non-members of student council to work on committees Meet deadlines and achieve goals Work closely with the student council adviser on all planning Participate in student council-sponsored events

Section XII: Committee Chairperson The Committee Chairperson shall have the following duties:
o Facilitate discussion and help members express ideas for the committee work o Make sure you have a clear understanding of the committees function and responsibility o Assist in analyzing the problem/job/activity and coming with solutions or options o Research information and resources for the committee o Arrange meeting agenda, meeting times, and work timelines o Work with the treasurer to stay within budget o Keep the vice president appraised on committee progress o Participate in student council events o Encourage both quantity and quality of work o Cultivate an atmosphere in which ideas are reviewed by the merit rather tan on the status of the person who proposed the idea

Section XIII: Committee Members The Committee Members shall have the following duties:
o Make sure you have a clear understanding of the committees function and responsibility o Work closely with the committee chair on all planning o Assist in analyzing the problem/job/activity and coming with solutions or options

o Take responsibility for your part of the committees work o Participate n student council-sponsored activities o Be cooperative and helpful to everyone on the committee

Article IV: Elections and Eligibility for Office Section I: Election of the President, Vice President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief of Staff, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Communications Officer, Editor of Publications, Student Life Commissioner, and Elections Commissioner. Students will submit applications for the positions for which they wish to campaign. After the established application period is closed, the said students will meet with the newly elected community representatives and present a campaign speech group to the group. Following the speeches, ballots will be prepared for the community representatives to cast their votes. After the elections are held, new officers will be announced to the school population. The installation of the new officers will be held within two weeks of the announcement. Section II: Election of Team Representatives The Team Representatives from all grade levels shall be elected by the end of the sixth full week of school, on a date set forth by the Executive Officers. Section III: Eligibility for Office Executive Officers Any student who is enrolled as a student at Lakewood Montessori Middle School and is in the appropriate grade for the office desired may be considered eligible for candidacy. Community Representatives

Any student who is enrolled as a student at Lakewood Montessori Middle School may seek a position as Community Representatives. Article V Meetings Section I: Officers Meetings Executive Officer shall hold a minimum of two meetings per month, during the school year, and which precedes meetings as a whole.

Section II: Scheduled Meetings The Executive Board shall hold a minimum of bi-monthly meetings with one being for business purposes and another for leadership training. Section III: Meeting Calendar The administration, faculty, and staff of the school should be furnished with a published calendar that includes the dates of all scheduled meetings of the Executive Board before the first meeting of the year. Section IV: Called Meetings No meeting shall be called without a minimum of two days notice to the adviser. Section VI Attendance, Active Status, and Dismissal from the Executive Board Section I: Statement of Justification Inasmuch as the student council is a service-based organization, and can only properly carry out its projects and activities with a full and active membership, and Executive Board members are selected by their peers with the expectation of providing opportunities and activities

pursuant to the goals as set forth in the Constitution, and with this requiring a commitment to the organization, and to the students and staff of Lakewood Montessori Middle School, the following rules of attendance and activeness shall apply to all members of the Executive Board. Section II: Unexcused Absences from Meetings Any member of the Executive Board missing two (2) scheduled business without giving proper notice to the council adviser, shall be required to meet with the Executive Board and council adviser, and may be recommended for suspension or dismissal from the Executive Board based upon the outcomes of that meeting. This sections shall be inclusive of scheduled officers meetings as well. Section III: Minimum Requirements for Active Membership To be an active member of the Executive Board, Community Representatives and Officers shall be expected to: 1. Miss no more than on regular scheduled meeting without giving prior notice. 2. Serve on two active committees per semester, and not miss more than one scheduled committee meeting without giving proper notice. 3. Community Representatives must present a report to the homerooms in each respective community, and provide a written copy of the report to the secretary, verified by the community faculty. 4. Provide service at council-sponsored concession strands or other booths during sports seasons. Members participating on teams will be expected to compensate the time by service on extra committees or as determined by the Executive Board. 5. Provide service prior to, during, and after school dances sponsored by the Student Council. 6. Provide Service as needed from time to time as requested by the faculty or administration. Section 4: Dismissal from the Executive Board Dismissal will be considered when: infractions are severe or

habitual and other disciplinary measures fail. Student Council members may be dismissed from the Executive Board for any of the following infractions: 1. Violation of School policy that results in any form of suspension (in-school, Saturday school, out of school) 2. Failure to attend council sponsored activities or assist in projects 3. Failure to notify of absences to committee, council, or officer meetings as stated in Article VI, Section III. 4. Failure to maintain minimum grade standards. 5. Conduct which is deemed unacceptable and/or upon recommendation of the principal, adviser, or both. Section V: Due Process in Dismissals Any student who is considered for dismissal will meet with the Student Council Adviser and Principal for purpose of hearing the reasons for dismissal and to present a defense. Dismissal, probation, or dismissal of charges will then be determined. Students dismissed will not be eligible to hold office on the Executive Board the following year. Article VII Amendments Any Executive Board member may submit amendments to the Constitution during a regular business meeting. Consideration of the Amendments is in the following manner: 1. Proposed amendments are submitted to the Executive Board during a regular business meeting as new business. 2. A written copy of the proposal is given to each Community Representative, who will review it with their community constituents and teachers. 3. Following the community meetings, a two-thirds majority vote of the student body will be required for passage and adoption of the amendment. Article VIII Sources of Power and Veto


Section I: Source of Power The power of the Student Council Association is derived from the administration of Lakewood Montessori Middle School. The Principal shall have the right to permit or deny any action, activity, or project of the Student Council Association when such action, activity, or project is not in the best interest or reflective of the educational mission of the school environment and/or students. Section II: Veto Power of the Adviser The Student Council Adviser, acting as a designee of the principal, shall have the right to veto any action, activity, or project of the Executive Board when such action, activity, or project is not in the best interest or reflective of the educational mission of the school environment and/or students.

The Constitution of Lakewood Montessori Middle School is hereby ratified on this, the _____________ day of ___________. Principal: _____________________________________________ Student Council Advisor: _____________________________________________ Student Council President: _____________________________________________


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